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  1. #11721
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    Lightbulb Germany verses Iraq!!!!!!!!!

    Deutsche Mark
    Date Value of US dollar
    in mark
    21 June 1948 3.33
    18 September 1949 4.20
    6 March 1961 4
    29 October 1969 3.67

    Wow and they had no physical resouces!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Who knows about this????????

    Please cut to the chase.............

  2. #11722
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    Quote Originally Posted by ramplead View Post
    How about the 12th? My birthday!!!!!
    You would not get any complaints out of ME!!!
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    I am JustPraying and I am also a Dreamer!

    Do a good deed for someone that you don't know each day!

  3. #11723
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiko View Post
    I don't think it will be big news everywhere. I also don't think it will be brought as a revalue but something as "...their economy is started and we americans will see the benfits the next coming years".

    It is not good as it would be brought as a big victory while so many american soldiers and innocent people have died.

    I think quiet news and move on!
    Agree 100%, if you ask the average non-republican american, whether they are going to swing their vote and go republican based a revaluation of the Iraqi dinar...the first thing out of their mouth is going to be "Dinar????" They are going to want to know when it will allow the troops come home, how much less money are we going to have to spend in Iraq, etc. The effects of the dinar revalue will definately have positive effects in the country...possibly saving it from collapse, however, don't assume that everyone in the US even has a basic understanding of economics and exchange rate regime. You can also bet that any positive spin on this news will be countered by the left....Depending on how the dinar is going to be backed....if the US is going to back a large reval with a $$$ commitment, you can bet that some leftist is going to exploit that.

    That's why I don't think a reval is going to be a large campaign banner. Of course, I believe this and the FIL will be the seeds of the economic recovery and ultimate salvation of the country.

    Go Iraq!

  4. #11724
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    I don´t know if the FIL will be enacted when it is passed?


    If it is so i think the R/v is due next weekand hopefully HIGH!!!!

  5. #11725
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    Quote Originally Posted by Justpraying View Post
    You would not get any complaints out of ME!!!
    Actually, I'd be happy for it to be any day in October!!

  6. #11726
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Guys, we have to remember which I mentioned before that when the FIL is passed and announced (hopefully after they do it on the 12th) there may well be an enactment period, ie they may say on the 12th, 'it's passed but won't come into effect for a month or two'. The r/v will come before it's enacted.

    Now some believe it's already been passed......that being the case, come next Thursday/Friday they may well announce it being passed and enacted at the same point. Thart happens they'd have to r/v there and then to avoid being bought out for pennies.

    There is also a possibility they will NOT announce a r/v (out of country) and the change will just be made overnight......Just a thought.

    The next 2 weeks are gonna be the best to date IMO.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  7. #11727
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    OK I give up on any news from Iraq today - EVERYTHING that has todays DATE is from Wednesday or later. OLD NEWS WHY???

    What happened that they don't want anybody to know about? hmmmm

  8. #11728
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    Okay guys...since it looks like somebody has a "gag order" on the press...let's be constructive...My husband just spent 14 months in Iraq with the Army as a company 1 sgt. He was stationed in Tikrit "Big Sunni Area"...He said that when he was out on patrols and talking to civilians (he had 2 interpreters with him) that they would tell him that suicide bombers usually got paid $100 USD to carry out a suicide attack...most usually did it for the money for their families. His opinion is that the one sure way to immediately drastically reduce the violence is to make it "more profitable to stay alive than carry out a suicide mission" hence...if their currency is valuable and they realize how valuable then fighting for their country and countrymen profits all Iraqi's and they can see the light at the end of the tunnel and their families will not only be able to afford the basic necessities but will prosper for generations to come. He also said that the insurgants are usually do not carry out the suicide bomb....THEY RECRUIT a local who is desperate. Eliminate the desperation and your insurgant has a tough time recruiting and hopefully will go home...Remember most Iraqi's are very poor so an outsider most likely is providing the $100 USD...what a vicious cycle.....COME ON IRAQI GOVERNMENT REVAL AND SAVE YOUR PEOPLE!!!

  9. #11729
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Guys, we have to remember which I mentioned before that when the FIL is passed and announced (hopefully after they do it on the 12th) there may well be an enactment period, ie they may say on the 12th, 'it's passed but won't come into effect for a month or two'. The r/v will come before it's enacted.

    Now some believe it's already been passed......that being the case, come next Thursday/Friday they may well announce it being passed and enacted at the same point. Thart happens they'd have to r/v there and then to avoid being bought out for pennies.

    There is also a possibility they will NOT announce a r/v (out of country) and the change will just be made overnight......Just a thought.

    The next 2 weeks are gonna be the best to date IMO.
    That is what I personally believe. My reasoning? They have been actively discussing oil deals with neighboring countries and China. The deals may not be signed yet but they have been talking. How can they be doing this without a law in place? If I was China, I would not want to discuss a multi-billion dollar venture with someone who has no right talking to me about it. JMO

  10. #11730
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Taking the country by surprise, Erhard went on the air on a Sunday night in June 1948. First, he announced that each German would be given forty Deutschmarks (replacing the old Reichsmarks). This would be followed by a second installment of twenty Deutschmarks. Credits and debts would be converted into the new currency at the rate of ten to one, and people would have to prove how they came by sums that exceeded 5,000 Reichsmarks.
    Erhard knew that his currency reform would be doomed if the new money, like its predecessor, faced bare store shelves and empty warehouses. To prevent this, Erhard announced the second -- and by far more important -- part of his program: most of Germany's wage and price controls would be dropped. First, controls would end on a wide range of consumer goods. Within six months, controls on food would be dropped. Erhard gained support for his measures by billing them as a patriotic move designed to replace a "foreign" economic system that had been imposed on Germany. The German people were astonished to hear that all these changes would commence the next morning.3 Almost immediately, the German economy sprang to life. The unemployed went back to work, food reappeared on store shelves, and the legendary productivity of the German people was unleashed. Within two years, industrial output trebled. By the early 1960s, Germany was the third greatest economic power in the world. And all of this occurred while West Germany was assimilating hundreds of thousands of East German refugees.
    it was ALL done within ONE NIGHT in germany.
    they will revalue BEFORE they hand out that 10000 dinar so ppl dont spend it before appreciation.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 06-10-2006 at 08:09 PM.

    franny, were almost there!!

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