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  1. #11861
    Banned Lakeway's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bubbajr View Post
    I have been reading for a few days now and I am a true believer this is where I want to be. I have left the IIF because of rudeness and bashing and visiousness. This is the best information rail way I have seen. I am sorry I don't have the capabilities as a lot of the others. I am bad on a computer, and I cannot post like all of you. Ya see I have antiquated equiptment and being on dail-up really stinks. On giving dates on when it may R/V between the 15th and the 19th. But if I know them they will throw a curve ball at me and I just struck

    Welcome Bubba. Enjoy yourself.

  2. #11862
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    Question Wow!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by mrquattro View Post
    If anyone is looking for a Chase branch in the east valley of PHX metro area, then I could verify that Chase is trading in Dinar. I just purchased 500K dinar at $383.80 or at a rate of .00076760. I asked what the buy would be and the teller could not give me a definate answer except that it is at the now rate. Whatever that means. ame's currency exchange rate shows

    Friday, October 6, 2006
    1 Iraqi Dinar = 0.0007085 US Dollar
    1 US Dollar (USD) = 1411.38 Iraqi Dinar (IQD)

    So, there is a spread obviously. Any comments?

    BTW, the branch I bought from was located on Germann and Gilbert Rd, in Chandler, AZ. AND the teller told me this speculating on currency was a scam. I didnt feel like arguing with her at all. I just said it is for some friends in Iraq.

    That is really strange! Why would she say that! After she just sold it to you! Nice employee hah! Well now that you bought these dinars! Oh by the way it's all a big scam!!!!!!! What's up with that!!!!!!!!!
    Well obviously she is not educated. Or the banking management told them that! Whether they think or know that really. Or to keep the employees from speculating!

  3. #11863
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    Thumbs up Latest Dinar News. Part 5.

    Ok this will start Part 5 with the same rules for posting here. Part 4 has been left in the sticky for reference. Continue the quest for the reval with rules followed. Have a Great Future.

    1. This is the link to see all threads pretaining to the Dinar Forum, just incase someone doesn't understand how to Navigate thru the forum.

    2. This will be where all Rumors and Predictions will go from now on. Not here in the News Thread. This is located at the top section in the Dinar Forum.

    3. Latest On the Dinar Threads Part's 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 are locked and made into a sticky for references. This is Latest on the Dinar News Part 4. Please Post all articles and Try to stay on the topic.

    4. Anything you want to discuss other than the Latest News, please do it in here. "Crazy Thread part 3" It is a Sticky Thread Also.

    5. I dont ever want to Ban anyone. So Please "Agree to Disagree" and Leave It At That.

    6. If for some reason there is a Personal Attack are Rude Remarks to a Member you will be ither Banned are Sanctioned for a period not less than 30 Days to Permenant.

    7. Fellow Members, I want this more than anyone else. If we can reseach and share with others in a mature fashion, RC will not have no Problems. If you feel there is trouble in the forum, please PM Myself are Admin, Co-Admin, or anyone of the other Mods. there is just 5 of us and almost 20,000 members. Please be Patient as Mods are looking out at all times. Just dont be "Stupid" and lower yourself to commence in the Child Play.

    8. I have agreement with some naysayers to debate in their thread. So visit them from time to time so that it will stay there. And we will have nomore Banning.

    Thats It Gang. Lets "Rock this Baby'. Oh yeah Thank someone with the Feature RC has so there is not a bunch of Thank You Post. Have Fun!!

    PS. Subject to Change at anytime, by Admin or Mod's.
    Last edited by neno; 13-10-2006 at 11:25 PM.

  4. #11864
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    Cool Part 5

    Thread is ready now. Read the Rules and Lets get this Baby done done in this Part 5.

  5. #11865
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    Hopefully this will be the last thread, thx neno.

  6. #11866
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    Default "A Republic If You Can Keep It" (lest we forget)

    Here is a good article reminding us of some of the trying times America had in it's infancy. It is a long but easy read and is a refreshing change of pace from the many disjointed translations that are so difficult to read. Can you see any parallels? This might not be the right place for this post so MODS do with it whatever you think is best.

    God Bless

    A Republic, If You Can Keep It - National Constitution Center

    A Republic, If You Can Keep It
    By Richard R. Beeman, Ph.D.

    While today we marvel at the extraordinary accomplishment of our Founding Fathers, their own reaction to the US Constitution when it was presented to them for their signatures was considerably less enthusiastic. Benjamin Franklin, ever the optimist even at the age of 81, gave what was for him a remarkably restrained assessment in his final speech before the Constitutional Convention: "…when you assemble a number of men to have the advantage of their joint wisdom, you inevitably assemble with those men, all their prejudices, their passions, their errors of opinion, their local interests, and their selfish views." He thought it impossible to expect a "perfect production" from such a gathering, but he believed that the Constitution they had just drafted, "with all its faults," was better than any alternative that was likely to emerge.

    Nearly all of the delegates harbored objections, but persuaded by Franklin's logic, they put aside their misgivings and affixed their signatures to it. Their over-riding concern was the tendency in nearly all parts of the young country toward disorder and disintegration. Americans had used the doctrine of popular sovereignty--"democracy"--as the rationale for their successful rebellion against English authority in 1776. But they had not yet worked out fully the question that has plagued all nations aspiring to democratic government ever since: how to implement principles of popular majority rule while at the same time preserving stable governments that protect the rights and liberties of all citizens.

    Few believed that a new federal constitution alone would be sufficient to create a unified nation out of a collection of independent republics spread out over a vast physical space, extraordinarily diverse in their economic interests, regional loyalties, and ethnic and religious attachments. And there would be new signs of disorder after 1787 that would remind Americans what an incomplete and unstable national structure they had created: settlers in western Pennsylvania rebelled in 1794 because of taxes on their locally distilled whiskey; in western North Carolina there were abortive attempts to create an independent republic of "Franklin" which would ally itself with Spain to insure its independence from the United States; there was continued conflict with Indians across the whole western frontier and increased fear of slave unrest, particularly when news of the slave-led revolution in Haiti reached American shores.

    But as fragile as America's federal edifice was at the time of the founding, there was much in the culture and environment that contributed to a national consensus and cohesion: a common language; a solid belief in the principles of English common law and constitutionalism; a widespread commitment (albeit in diverse forms) to the Protestant religion; a shared revolutionary experience; and, perhaps most important, an economic environment which promised most free, white Americans if not great wealth, at least an independent sufficiency.

    The American statesmen who succeeded those of the founding generation served their country with a self-conscious sense that the challenges of maintaining a democratic union were every bit as great after 1787 as they were before. Some aspects of their nation-building program--their continuing toleration of slavery and genocidal policies toward American Indians--are fit objects of national shame, not honor. But statesmen of succeeding generations--Lincoln foremost among them--would continue the quest for a "more perfect union."

    Such has been our success in building a powerful and cohesive democratic nation-state in post-Civil War America that most Americans today assume that principles of democracy and national harmony somehow naturally go hand-in-hand. But as we look around the rest of the world in the post-Soviet era, we find ample evidence that democratic revolutions do not inevitably lead to national harmony or universal justice. We see that the expression of the "popular will" can create a cacophony of discordant voices, leaving many baffled about the true meaning of majority rule. In far too many places around the world today, the expression of the "popular will" is nothing more than the unleashing of primordial forces of tribal and religious identity which further confound the goal of building stable and consensual governments. (the article continues)

  7. #11867
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    Default Hello I think I found some info !

    Some one in the last part was asking about when C. Rise was heading back.
    I found an article in the Internation Hearld Tribune, that Rice was to leave Irbil but was delayed Friday.
    She had to wait( poor thing) about 2 hours for a replacement plane do to mechinal problems. She is to go to Turkey, where as another plane is to take her to London. Where she is to have a meeting with the fForeign Ministers from Britian, France,Germany Russia and China.

    Sorry for any miss spelled words, I hate computers.

    I also just read in the same article, the U.S. and the other International backers want a quick action on a law that will straemline the complicated oil sector, attract foriegn investment and provide for the equitable distribution of the oil profits across Iraq.

  8. #11868
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    Three foundations for stability : reconciliation, security and economic development

    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Three foundations for stability : reconciliation, security and economic development
    Infection of sectarian and ethnic inflicted talks Rice
    Irbil Baghdad home, and agencies :
    Reflected the sectarian and ethnic quotas in ruling Iraq on the talks, the American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice with the leaders of Iraqi political class divided itself, two days after the announcement of the Ramadan, signed by the leaders of the political blocs, Shiites, Sunnis, They pledged to work to stop the sectarian fighting that is tearing apart their country. With criticized Senator prominent American leaders for their failure to improve the conditions of their country.
    Conducted by the American minister visiting Iraq at a time when public opinion polls show that Iraq is still the major concern for voters Americans. her talks with Iraqi leaders, according to Tekasimathm ethnic, sectarian, the government first, and then the leaders of the year, and after Shiite leaders, after traveling to the north to Kurdistan to meet with Kurdish leaders.
    In Irbil, Condoleezza Rice met with the President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani Kurds, a number of officials to discuss the developments on the Iraqi arenas and Kurdistan.
    The met in the American embassy in Baghdad, the leaders of the Sunni Arabs, such as Vice President Tariq Al-Hashmi and Deputy Prime Minister Abdul Salam Alzobai and Parliament Speaker Mahmoud Almshahadani and Accord Front parliamentary leader Adnan Al-Dulaimi.
    They then returned and met with leaders of the Shiites, such as Vice President Adel Abdel Mahdi, the leader of the parliamentary coalition common Abdel-Aziz al-Hakim, before dinner with President Jalal Talabani.

    The oil in Kurdistan

    If the dilemma of sectarian fighting represented the cornerstone of Rice's talks in Baghdad. the oil and wealth-sharing was the focus of discussions in Irbil with Massoud Barzani and other leaders.
    The aim of the talks to convince the leaders of the province support the law provides for the sharing of oil wealth among all Iraqis and invite them to cooperate with Sunnis and Shiites in particular in relation to the issue of large oil revolution controversial.
    Rice said during a joint press conference with Barzani »had good talks on the national reconciliation process and the vision of an Iraq united, democratic, peaceful and stable peace with its neighbors Al.
    Washington fears that the Iraqi Kurds declare independence, which would accelerate the fragmentation of Iraq and anger Turkey, which was facing problems with its minority Kurds.
    It is to raise the Kurdish and American flags during a press conference and the absence of the Iraqi flag, which is Barzani Banzalh from government departments in the province.
    For his part, Barzani said that Kurdistan »Kay other nation entitled to self-determination, adding that Al» Kurdistan Parliament approved the federal system within the framework of a democratic Iraq Al.
    And Rice told reporters who Irafqunha »believe that the oil loves to be a resource for all Iraqis. It must be of benefit to all Al.
    She said before arriving in the territory »that the only vision that we gave to the Iraqis and to share them with us, mostly, I think, is that the oil must be a unifying factor and not make the country less alone Al.
    This was affirmed by the Barzani said in support »equitable distribution of the proceeds of Iraqi oil to Al. He added that »our views very similar Al.
    The Prime Minister of the Territory Najirfan Barzani accused late last month, the Ministry of Oil in Baghdad »sabotage Al Kurds efforts to develop their resources in this sector.
    The talks with Barzani mistake after Iraq last week, the first step towards the adoption of a bill in Parliament endorses the principle of federalism demanded by the Kurds and the majority Shiites and leaders oppose the Sunni Arabs fear that the introduction of the division.
    And supervised Iraqi Kurds to their governorates three autonomous since 1991, they have oil resources. And the nine Shiite provinces in the country is also rich in oil.
    Barzani often refers to the right of the Kurdish region to secede from Iraq if the failure of the American project for the establishment of democratic federalism in central Iraq. The Barzanis of the militia leaders who seized the northern mountainous region of the control of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein after the Gulf war in .1991
    The Kurdish region, which went out of control of the central government in Baghdad for 15 years or witnessing acts of violence that swept other parts of Iraq since the American invasion of the country in 2003, has flourished. But schemes Kurdish land located on the northern Iraqi oilfields around Kirkuk is a point of potential conflict.
    Kurdish leaders and puts into account the adoption of land on the neighboring countries in contact with the outside world and their ally, the United States opposed to the idea of independence and Aidhaalmaaradh explicit part of Turkey, Syria, Iran and the three by the minority Kurdish aspirations of a troubled
    The Chairman of the American diplomatic pointed out that the sectarian violence in Iraq constitutes a strategic threat. Rice stressed during meetings with Iraqi leaders on the three pillars »of stability and reconciliation, security and economic development, Al.
    For his part, A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Shawn Mccormak that the American delegation »noted personalities change on the part of the Sunni Arabs, they do not feel that the United States has promised but extremists, assisted with those of Iran or fundamentalists year, who they perceive as the cause of the problems and not the United States. That is a positive change for Al.
    Al-Maliki, Rice met twice built b »Al confirmed his excellent leadership that the United States will remain committed friend» Iraq's Al.
    But Republican Senator John Warner, Chairman of the Armed Forces Committee in the Congress, he said that the Iraqi government has to face difficulties in taking decisions, and that it is unable to provide basic services for citizens in certain areas of the country. He said American Senator who visited Iraq before the period that the status of these areas has decreased drastically. firing the blame on the Iraqi leadership »who failed to improve conditions" as he said, He warned that the United States might lose the battle for control of the growing violence in Baghdad. He expressed his belief that perhaps will be to the American administration to review its options if the situation does not improve in Iraq over the next few months.


    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #11869
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    Barham Ahmed Salih reveals the decision to restructure the company

    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Barham Ahmed Salih reveals the decision to restructure the National Oil Company and confirms :

    The government of Kurdistan and the Kurdish leadership are determined to convert the oil into a unifying factor and a blessing shared by all Iraqis

    The relationship between the Kurdistan region and the federal government concerning the issue of oil some questions and the rivalry between the political and media officials in the federal government and the government of the Kurdistan region of Iraq. In order to eliminate the confusion and to shed light on this relationship, Dr. Barham Ahmed Salih Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the Committee on petroleum and energy to the newspaper, saying : "We are committed to the Constitution and the articles contained in it about the national wealth, A tentative agreement on the need to participate in oil imports, to be deposited in a national fund in the capital Baghdad. "

    And how about the distribution of these imports in a fair and transparent manner and the mechanism used to the population, governors said Dr. Saleh "in the distribution of such imports in a fair and transparent manner, we must take into account the ratio and the fact that exposure to each province or territory" and said "it was not oil wealth to raise living standards and payment process the development of the country forward, but was a way of the conduct of war and misguided policies of the former regime, We want to build a new national oil and administered by the supreme body of the oil include representatives of all parts of Iraq. "
    And about the relationship between the government of the Kurdistan province and the federal government on the subject of oil, Dr. Barham Salih said that "the Constitution is the foundation and good and I have the basic lines approved by the territorial government." Barham Salih stressed that the mechanism through which the conclusion of contracts would be resolved in order to maximize oil imports as has been the discovery of oil wells in Kurdistan has been exploited by the former regime for political reasons and must overcome this node and proceed to the investment policy, including oil lead to the distribution Elad told of the country's wealth to the citizens. "
    Regarding contracts, which had been signed by the government of Kurdistan before the fall of Saddam Hussein, Dr. Barham said, "The decisions of the government of the province, including court decisions and contracts are current and valid on the basis of articles 137, 141 of the Constitution and that there were outstanding problematic Fsnhatkm to the Constitution to solve it, including removal of a strong relationship between the territorial government and the federal government. "
    And about whether the oil will become a curse and the fragmentation and differentiation, Dr. Barham Salih, the territorial government and the Kurdish leadership are determined to convert the oil into a unifying factor and a blessing shared by all Iraqis. " And on the new oil law, Dr. Barham for the Russian newspaper saying : "The new law on oil monotype philosophy and Iraq's oil policy and the law to end this policy of central bureaucracy in the management of oil leading to the development of this vital sector At the same time prevents the return to the central strict, in order to prevent the return of dictatorship and tyranny in Iraq second." He said a n the new law provides adequate grounds for investment in the oil sector and attract foreign investments, he hoped to raise the ceiling of oil production to more than four million barrels per day by 2010 and to the approximately six million by the year 2016, Barham Salih pointed out that a decision was reached to the restructuring of the National Oil Company, as with the formation of a holding oil companies in different regions of Iraq, according to the need and that the Oil Ministry is the convenor of the implementation and follow-up oil policy. "
    The Iraqi

    franny, were almost there!!

  10. #11870
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    Definately sounds like coorbirating information. About them getting ready for something to happen. And being nudged alittle by C. Rice.
    "SAYS" $1.26 here we come!!!!

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