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  1. #11881
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrquattro View Post
    What was one of susies sayings? I dont give a "rat's patooty"! I understand it is not your rumor, but I give that rumor little value right now.
    he is saying its going to be very high like me. then he goes on to say nothin is that high.
    hes just jealous that i can be stoned outta my gourd, with brain damage no less, and be more intelligent than he can.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 07-10-2006 at 04:56 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #11882
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    Can you stand one from me? Tonight, I just figured out how to copy and post from other sources...

    The Executive Director of Iraqi Stock Exchange, Taha Ahmed Abdulsalam revealed that a committee, consisting of the Iraqi Securities and Stock Exchange Staff completed the draft of securities law in Iraq, after consulting with a number of international experts, like the American Stock Exchange staff to make the Iraqi law specifications within the International frame, a fact and not only a slogan.

    He pointed out that the draft is "complete" in the form that meets with the requirements of modern investment, electronic circulation, outside link, stock exchanges, the Arab and regional economies.
    Electronic trading

    Implementing electronic trading expected to begin early next year. Abdulsalam said that this system has important results in strengthening its ability to activate the potentials of investors and shareholders to benefit from its advantages. It will provide the possibility of opening the Iraqi bourse rooms in Kurdistan region as well as the central and southern governorates. He pointed out that the market has a plan that would include the possibility of registering non-Iraqi companies in the Iraqi Stock Exchange and Iraqi companies in Arab Stock Exchange.

    Abdulsalam returned to Baghdad after an observation trip in Amman with a delegation from the bourse presided by Head of Trustees Talib Tabatabai. There, he observed the phases of implementing the electronic system by an international company. He considered the issuance of the new investment law which allows non-Iraqis to trade on the Stock Exchange as well as applying and using electronic systems, encourages and stimulates non-Iraqi circulation in the Iraqi market. This means the rise of market value of the shares due to the high demand and the increase of investors' incomes in the market as well as their wealth.

    The executive director of the market said that the manual circulation adopted at the Stock Exchange, holding two sessions a week for two hours each and the continuing process of changing ownership from seller to buyer that takes two or four weeks, all prevent the buying investor from selling until after this period, while the electronic circulation allows the agents to trade through their offices in Baghdad and elsewhere. The Exchange could also be done during ten sessions within five days a week, divided into a morning session and an evening one, for two hours each. He pointed out that the investor who buys the shares in the morning session can sell them in the evening and visa versa.

    He anticipated that the number of executed contracts, now 350, will increase hundreds of times after adopting the electronic system. This means achieving high fluidity of the circulated shares by perhaps up to 100%.

    Source: Dar Al-Hayat

  3. #11883
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cigarman View Post
    Gbush is full of sh@t, I was just wondering how they knew each other, that's all. We definetly don't want a change of government at this juncture.
    gbush posted over at ad when i was posting over there. he is a co-worker of clays in the health food store peddlin laxatives.

    think he needs some of his own product...

    franny, were almost there!!

  4. #11884
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    No. 4025 4 Shaaban 142 7 E - 28 June 2006 M

    (To open the pages of this number, please installation program Project proposals under Acrobat )

    Decision No. (4) accept the resignation of the Minister of Transport, Mr. Karim Mehdi Saleh Al-Ahram
    Decision No. (5) Al-Ahram
    Resolution No. (7) of 2006 issued by the Ministry of Finance Al-Ahram

    Presidential decree No. ( 52 ) The appointment of the judges of the type IV Al-Ahram

    Amendment instructions compensate the martyrs and the injured as a result of terrorist acts (No. 3) for 2005 Al-Ahram
    Instructions leave practice of the National Labor laboratory analysis sick No. (2) of the 2006 Al-Ahram
    The cancellation of the Notary in the session by the Ministry of Justice Al-Ahram
    Statement No. (1) of 2006 issued by the Ministry of Culture Al-Ahram
    Statement No. (2) for 2006 issued by the Ministry of Culture Al-Ahram
    Data issued by the Central Hahaz metrology and quality control
    Statement No. 0 (96 7 ) Al-Ahram

    Statement No. 0 (968) Al-Ahram

    Statement No. 0 (969) Al-Ahram

    Statement No. 0 (971) Al-Ahram
    Translated version of

    that is the 'official gazette'. when laws become official they are published there. it seems as if theyve reached a decision on #7 which was the one dealing with the minister of finance.

    can we get a translation on the pdf document that is listed there with #7??
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 07-10-2006 at 05:12 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  5. #11885
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Welcome to Rafidayn: The Iraqi information service
    Rice : Barzani and support the establishment of a democratic Iraq that would guarantee the rights of everyone

    Arbil - 6-10 : Head of Iraq's Kurdistan region Massoud Barzani and the U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, they had agreed during their meeting today, Friday, the establishment of a democratic Iraq that guarantees the rights of all nationalities and parties.

    The Barzani, during a joint press conference held with Rice in Irbil noon today, they discussed "many of the issues relating to the war on Iraq, the question of national reconciliation."

    He added, "we have emphasized the continuing cooperation for the implementation of the project which we started together, the establishment of a federal democratic Iraq devoid of terror and terrorists. "

    Arrived, the American Secretary of State to Irbil this morning, met upon arrival with Massoud Barzani, head of the government Najirfan Barzani's Kurdistan and a number of officials in the government of the province.

    Rice accompanied her assistant for the Middle East Affairs David Welch, the American ambassador in Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad.

    In response to a question regarding the right of self-determination for the Kurdish people, Barzani replied, "We Kkrd us the right to self-determination as all the peoples of the world, But the Kurdistan Parliament decided to stay within the framework of a democratic and federal Iraq. "

    Asked about his view on the distribution of Iraq's oil wealth, Barzani said : "We are with the distribution of oil imports just to all Iraqis, as stated in the Constitution."

    For its part, Rice stressed her country's support for the establishment of "a democratic Iraq that guarantees the rights of all nationalities and parties."

    She said, "We are working towards a democratic government in Iraq. And not only the formation of the territory in a democratic Kurdistan, Articles in the Constitution and to ensure that. and everyone understand that this province, which has a history of self. "

    Rice added "project, which is based in Baghdad, refers to the establishment of a unified Iraq protects the rights

    All the parties. It is not only the Kurdish people, and the interest of the Kurdish people to respect the neighboring states of Iraqi sovereignty, The more stable situation in Baghdad whenever rights reserved. "

    Rice praised the Kurdish American relations, pointing out that it "back to the period before the liberation of Iraq, when the United States to protect Kurdistan from the former Iraqi regime. "

    In response to a question about the presence of the headquarters of the Kurdistan Workers Party, in the Kurdistan region of Iraq.

    The position of the United States which, the Secretary of State, "we discussed the issue with Barzani, the PKK and there have been developments in this case. our Rosen General Special Envoy by the United States, will return after a period of the follow-up on this matter. "

    Rice added, "all must play their role in this matter, or whether the Iraqi Kurds or Turkey, We are pleased that the offices (PKK) closed in all parts of Iraq. "

    Rice emphasized that the United States "will not allow the use of Iraqi territory for terrorist acts against neighboring countries." She said, "undoubtedly must not be used Iraqi territory for terrorist acts against any neighboring state."

    The minister expressed her happiness to visit America for the territory of Kurdistan, which is the second of them, and said

    "Happy to be in Iraq's Kurdistan region. , Which is undergoing remarkable. "

    Welcome to AlRafidayn: The Iraqi information service

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  6. #11886
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    Saleh : Address opposition was a coup
    2:00:00 2006 GMT Saturday, October 7
    Mohamed Al-Khameri

    If confirmed they won the Hasboa to all without exception
    Saleh : Address opposition was a coup and we will begin with a new page

    Mohamed Al-Khamri from Sanaa : President Ali Abdullah Saleh, that would be fostered by the political discourse of the opposition parties Yemeni belonging to the Coalition joint meeting, which he described as a coup was under the umbrella of democracy He pointed out that he would start a new page with those parties, especially the "joint meeting" and the opposition parties in general. Saleh added in his speech this evening, "even those who called for a popular revolution them open a new page. because the home and kept more precious than any individual or group, whatever its form, " We need the concerted efforts of all national and political post-election fever and curtain them.

    He added benefit has been completed and is a wonderful national presidential elections and local elections held on the 20th of last September, The celebration democratically wonderful cherished by all citizens at home and abroad. We resolve to carry forward the implementation of the presidential election and local levels, The formation of a national committee of the various stakeholders to develop the schedule and map for the implementation of the electoral program and the scheduling of all the contents of this program and, God willing, will soon announce the details.

    He renewed his call for the concerted efforts of all citizens without exception, whether in power or in the opposition, The curtain on political discourse and election fever, which occurred in the last month and the opening of a new page. He said : "We wish This call by the opposition, which, if won, and won a majority of seats in local council elections, I do not think it will come to this was tolerance and bringing down the curtain on the past, but we are accountable to it all.

    He welcomed the investment brine, Arab and foreign, He pointed out that he would submit all facilities to the investors in order to create job opportunities for unemployed and attract labor to absorb unemployment in the Yemeni people.

    The ruling party confirms what was published posted on the formation of a government coming

    On the other hand, Al Ilaf sources said that Prime Minister Abdulkadir Bagamal received during the past week, a large stream of phone calls and met with a number of incumbent ministers to inquire about their fate after the next government restructuring next posted a news item published report that he would be late this year. He also received some influential and close officials in the ruling party aspiring to enter the ministry as the next Secretary-General of the popular "Governor" to the candidacy application, that has made it continues with the Republican Palace and know the details of the next stage and the timing of the next cabinet.

    The sources added that Ba-Jammal returned empty hands of the Republican Palace, which has not been given any precise information on what the restructuring next or timing as part of the agenda of the reforms led by President Ali Abdullah Saleh personally and started to announce this evening at an Iftar dinner which was attended by leaders from all the provinces State a the Yemeni, there was only one of the leaders charged that the ruling party to send news of restructuring the next government.

    Almetmri However, the source, who refused to reveal his identity, and here is the news that many of the quarters of internet sites and opposition newspapers as how to be a responsible and reveal the name or rank and function, he said that the law does not need to President Ali Abdallah Saleh to change the current government, ruled out any cabinet reshuffle, it was not currently on the current government for a few months.

    However, the source Almetmri leaving the door half open when he said in the statement published by the official internet sites and passed by the ruling party (if there is any cabinet reshuffle, it will be the beginning of next year!) The news was posted said that restructuring will be the end of the current year. , which was considered by observers explicit confirmation of the existence of the ruling party and not restructuring exile also promoted him.

    The information was obtained by Ilaf said that President Ali Abdullah Saleh would cost the current Prime Minister Abdul-Qader Ba-Jammal to form the next government. pointing out that his party Sitferg after imposed late last year by President Saleh, who commented agreed with the presidency of the ruling party endorsement Bajamal as the party's secretary-general.

    The sources added that the new ministry, which expected to be announced late this year, will include new faces enter the ministry for the first time, despite its strong influence in joints, different state, pointing out that President Saleh adopted a new strategy of reform, including a trust them and working with him now as advisers "without advisory positions" after that tested the use of its certificates and academics for years and who failed to perform the tasks assigned to them "quote source."
    The sources said that the test of partisan loyalty, the General People "to the Governor" will for the first time in the shares of the new ministers until he proves his ability to reform conditions and the elimination of corruption, Thus the government will be formed from the General Popular Congress Party alone without using any expertise or cadres from outside as happened with the current cabinet, which had been used by Minister of "brothers" in the formation of experience in the field of economy and finance, He pointed out that the exemption will be more than 80% of the incumbent ministers from office and the appointment of two women is expected to retain one of the assets currently Bhaqiptha leave with the other.

    The President Ali Abdullah Saleh issued a republican decree surprise in the February 10 "February" last number (8) of the 2006 spent a government reshuffle in the government of Abdul-Qader Ba-Jammal, the Prime Minister Secretary of the General People's Congress, "Governor" was escalation Dr. Rashad Mohammed Al Deputy Prime Minister, in addition to his former position as Minister of the Interior, and the part Hassan Ahmed, member of the Shura Council and the Ministry of Information after it left more than 10 years. With added to the tasks of Dr. Abu Bakr Al-Qurbi, the Minister of Foreign Affairs task of the new Ministry of Expatriates, which have been integrated with Foreign Affairs.

    As has been appointed Abdul Karim Arhabi, Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, Dr. Mohamed Mjor minister of electricity, Dr. Adnan Al-Jafari, Minister of Legal Affairs, With remained Khalid Abdullah Alroichan Minister of Culture after it had been separated from tourism and the appointment of Nabil Al-Faqeeh and former undersecretary of the ministry and minister to them. The appointment of Brigadier General Nasser Mohammad Ahmad Ali, minister of defense, replacing Major-General Abdullah Ali Aleiwa who has been appointed advisor to the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Dr. Jalal poor and minister of agriculture and irrigation, succeeding engineer Hassan Sweden.

    It was re - Dr. Abdul-Karim Rassa Minister of Public Health and Population after leaving the ministry in the past to succeed Dr Mohamed Anami, who has demonstrated in his failed miserably. As has been appointed "the old Muslim Brotherhood," Dr. Saif Mahiob Al-Asali, Minister of Finance, succeeding the man Alawi Saleh Salami who has been appointed a member of the Shura Council, Astronomical and the great little Engineer Mahmoud Ibrahim, Minister of Fisheries, Dr. Ghazi Shaev Alagbri minister of justice, Dr. Saleh Ali surveyors who was president of the University of Sanaa and minister of higher education and scientific research, Engineer Omar Abdullah Alkerschmi minister of public works, roads, Abdel-Rahman Fadl Al-Iryani, Minister of Water and Environment, replacing Mohamed Lutf Al-Eryani, Khalid Mahfouz Bahaj minister of oil and minerals, Dr. Ahmad Rashad lead and Minister for the House of Representatives and the Shura Council, Dr. Mohamed Yahya Al Shuaibi, and the Minister of State, Secretary of the capital Sanaa.

    The appointment of Dr. nation Razzaq Ali Hamad as Minister of Social Affairs and Employment, Dr. Khadija Ahmed Alhesime Minister for Human Rights, succeeding Aleem Alsoussoh which is scheduled to receive its new assistance of the Secretary General of the United Nations during the coming period.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 07-10-2006 at 05:30 AM.

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  7. #11887
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    [ÔÈßÉ ÇáÒæÑÇÁ ÇáÃÚáÇãí&# 201; - ÇáÒæÈÚí: áæ ÚÑÝ ÃåÇáí ÇáÃäÈÇÑ æÏíÇáì ãä íÏÚã ÇáÊäÙíãÇ&# 202; ÇáÛÑíÈÉ Ýí ãÏäåã áÖÍßæÇ
    Alzobai : if he knew the people of Anbar, Diyala supports organizations in strange towns to Dhakwa
    Source : long
    07 / 10 / 06
    Deputy Prime Minister peace Alzobai Dumeniek Ascuarith British ambassador in Baghdad, and adopted during the meeting was to discuss the latest developments in the security situation in the capital Baghdad, in addition to the two governorates of Anbar, Diyala.
    He listened to the Deputy Prime Minister to the point of view of the British government towards what is going on in the cities hot and progress of the draft national reconciliation and the document launched by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki signed by the heads of the political blocs.
    He reviewed items Alzobai security reality in the cities where there is tension in the capital Baghdad and the position of the government and the political currents of the militias after the signing of the covenant document also focused on what happens in the provinces of Anbar, Diyala, said : The situation in Anbar has been improving and moving in the right direction after it joined the tribes to maintain their fight against the expulsion of aliens, and the final results will be promising, God, He added, In Diyala, the situation is still witnessing some of the complexities and needs to be a serious and strong intervention in order to activate the role of security leaders and laggards and not exclude them Alkvoein Letters had been sent repeatedly to the people in these two provinces, but I told them if you know of an eccentric supporting organizations in your towns for Dhaktm much. He concluded Alzobai to say that what is important to us that mental picture carried by security commanders in the multinational force that the people of the two provinces mentioned are nurtured and anti-terrorism to the political process must be changed.
    Meanwhile, the British ambassador that the covenant document may help at this stage, but what is important is to know the signatories to the continuing activities of militias would create problems for them in the absence of support on the ground, especially given that the document, Iraqi forces right to deal with each of the force outside the law and carrying weapons openly.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 07-10-2006 at 07:08 AM.

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  8. #11888
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    Abdel Mahdi discuss developments in the political process with a delegation of the Congress of the United States

    He received the Special Envoy of the United Nations in Baghdad
    Yesterday Mr. Adel Abdel Mahdi, first deputy head of the Syrian Special Envoy of the Maine General of the United Nations in Baghdad, Mr. Ashraf Qazi, was discussed during the meeting, the political and security developments and tour Mr. Abdul-Mahdi, in a number of Gulf states of the outcome of these visits and the results of the talks positive

    He also met with Mr. Adel Abdel Mahdi, the first deputy president of the American Senate, but Senator Frist and Senator Mar miles Tiener were discussed during the meeting, the political process in Iraq and developments in terms of both security and the project of reconciliation and national dialogue and the recent meeting of the bloc Elsie Aceh of the signing of the era to stop the bloodshed in Iraq. For his part, Abdul Mahdi, the Iraqi people have achieved in a very short period of major achievements in the face of a terrorist and was able to establish a modern democratic nation with a constitution and an elected House of Representatives and a permanent government. Abdel-Mahdi and added that the situation in Iraq should be viewed from inside Iraq Crown o through the media which is trying to wage a lot of facts and robs the considerable achievements of the Iraqi people and is focused only on the negative aspects, which mostly appear in civilized countries. The sovereignty that the economic situation was on the rise and stability and the standard of living of the Iraqi people is beginning to improve after a the openness of the market economy at the same time affirming support for the Iraqi government headed by Maliki in all areas For his part, the delegation of the Congress of the United States full support for the draft national reconciliation as the Iraqi government, and the readiness of the United States to provide all the support and backing of the Iraqi forces so that they can take charge only Moore and the entire security file.
    ÌÑíÏÉ ÇáÚÏÇáÉ ÇáÚÑÇÞí&#201 ; - ÚÈÏ ÇáãåÏí íÈÍË ÊØæÑÇÊ ÇáÚãáíÉ ÇáÓíÇÓí&#201 ; ãÚ æÝÏ ÇáßæäÛÑ&#211 ; ÇáÇãÑíß&#237 ;
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 07-10-2006 at 07:08 AM.

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  9. #11889
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    ÌÑíÏÉ ÇáÚÏÇáÉ ÇáÚÑÇÞí&#201 ; - ÇáãÌáÓ ÇáÓíÇÓí íäÇÞÔ ÇáÊØæÑÇ&#202 ; ÇáÇãäíÉ æÇáÚáÇÞÇ&# 202; ãÚ Ïæá ÇáÌæÇÑ
    The Council discussed the political developments and security relations with neighboring countries

    Baghdad / justice :
    The Minister of Trade and Industry Tunisian his country's readiness to participate in the reconstruction of Iraq. According to a statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received a copy of Justice that Iraq's Ambassador in Tunis Ghazi Taher Khalid met yesterday and the Minister of Trade and Traditional Industries Munther Zenaidi. "

    He added : "The ambassador asked during the meeting of the Tunisian minister urged companies to participate in tenders announced by the Iraqi Ministry of Trade and other ministries," stating : "The embassy is ready to provide possible facilities which would facilitate the process of participation."
    The statement pointed out : "It is necessary to revive the Iraqi-Tunisian joint and revitalization to discuss common issues, such as the rights of Tunisian companies damaged during the former regime." And : "Iraq will take part in the international exhibition Tunisia in the coming session.


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  10. #11890
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    Tunisia is ready to participate in reconstruction of Iraq

    Baghdad / justice :
    The Minister of Trade and Industry Tunisian his country's readiness to participate in the reconstruction of Iraq. According to a statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received a copy of Justice that Iraq's Ambassador in Tunis Ghazi Taher Khalid met yesterday and the Minister of Trade and Traditional Industries Munther Zenaidi. "

    He added : "The ambassador asked during the meeting of the Tunisian minister urged companies to participate in tenders announced by the Iraqi Ministry of Trade and other ministries," stating : "The embassy is ready to provide possible facilities which would facilitate the process of participation."
    The statement pointed out : "It is necessary to revive the Iraqi-Tunisian joint and revitalization to discuss common issues, such as the rights of Tunisian companies damaged during the former regime." And : "Iraq will take part in the international exhibition Tunisia in the coming session.
    جريدة العدالة العراقية - تونس تبدي استعدادها للمشاركة في اعمار العراق

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