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    جريدة الصباح - Armed groups announce truce,5000 officers support reconciliation
    English : Armed groups announce truce,5000 officers support reconciliation

    Baghdad, Oct.. 7, P.. 1
    A source close to armed groups announced that intensive negotiations were held to find unified position towards reconciliation project and vow document.
    He said that some of those groups announced stopping military operations, expressing good faith to accept conditions of initiative and principles of Ramadhan document.
    Meanwhile senior officer at previous Iraqi army said that about five thousand officers made gentlemen's agreement to support the project of Prime Minister Maliki.

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #11962
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    جريدة الصباح - Decline of smuggling operations in Basra
    English : Decline of smuggling operations in petrol

    Petrol, pp. 7, P.. 1
    Head of Custom Court in petrol stressed decline of fuel smuggling crimes greatly from border point of Shat el Arab, after rising in military operations while twenty six trucks filled with smuggled chickens would confiscate recently.
    He went on saying that decline refers to carrying out those operations by units in Fourth Borders Guard Command.

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  3. #11963
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    جريدة الصباح - أطفـال الشــوارع في العــــراق .. المشاكــل .. الحلول
    Strategic prospects : Street children in Iraq. Problems. Solutions

    Hassan Abdel-Radi

    Of all forms of cruelty, neglect and exploitation and to prevent the involvement of children under the age of 15 in any hostilities.
    Since early and the majority of the world signed the Convention, and joined by Iraq in March 1994 in an era when the Iraqi society is suffering economic sanctions. The approach taken by revenge, the former regime against the people of Iraq after the uprising in March 1991. Iraq made the signing of this Convention is not relevant practical value on the ground there were large numbers of children are severely deprived of all facets of the comprehensive health care, educational, social, This easy fall prey to homelessness, begging and Alanharfat behavioral, previous policies have contributed to consecrate these phenomena and exploited and utilized politically, and the responsibility for the emergence of the siege and then demand the abolition of the economic sanctions as the main reason for the loss of children and the displacement and death of many of them.
    Street children. Tariffs
    Perhaps this more comprehensive description of the designation of homeless children, beggars, as they include the University of naming both categories. They are thus in the literature of childhood global organizations and concerned organizations, The Organization of UNICEF street children are divided into two, namely : children working in the streets throughout the daylight hours the families who have returned in the evening, The other group are the children who have been severed their ties with their families and the street is the only source of income and survival.
    The WHO classified street children into four sections :
    - Children living in the streets
    - Children who have left their families, who had on the street or in hotels or shelters or abandoned places
    - Children shelters or orphanages and those at risk of becoming homeless.
    - Children who are vulnerable and their families forced by circumstances to spend nights outside the home.
    The definition of street children in the Juvenile Welfare Act No. 76 of the Iraqi 1983, as amended Article 24 "under the title" the vagrant in this way :
    First : a small event or homeless if :
    A-found begging in public places
    B-March, acting, dyeing shoes or selling cigarettes or any other profession exposed to the delinquency, and was below the age of 15 years.
    C-did not have a place of residence or a certain public places homeless.
    D-did not have a legitimate means of livelihood and has no guardian or educator.
    E-left the house and guardian or place in which it was developed without lawful excuse.
    Second : a small homeless in March if any profession or work with non-relatives.
    Thus, all agree that the literature on the merits of the case, a child who take shelter from the street and their only source of food and gain values and customs, and differ in the details and classifications.
    Begging in Iraqi society
    It is known that Iraqi society maintained for long periods at high levels of the values that some religious origin and the origin of some of the other social customary clan linked to the composition of the society, Hence, the phenomenon of begging has been located in a narrow range until the last quarter century, With the outbreak of wars and conclude become the value system of society prone to violent upheavals permeability constants, Hence, we can understand the causes of high incidence of this phenomenon in the Iraqi society. In the view of some researchers that the phenomenon of begging for Atrtbatt one factor, but is a result of the causes and factors associated with overlapping and accumulated on the psychological status of the child, On the other hand, the political situation, economic, social, environmental, Hence, this view tends to divide into two types : begging
    1-begging played by professional people and not driven by economic need.
    2-begging, which is under the pressure of the need for a short time, perhaps several times, or only once, when the demise of the need.
    Recall the Arab Human Development Report for 2002 issued by the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development Program of the United Nations Development Program "that the level of extreme material poverty in the Arab countries is the lowest in the world. remains of every five citizens live on less than two dollars a day and Americans, according to estimates from the World Bank's Middle East and North Africa "It seems that the authors of this report had not been apprised of the true figures of the rates going into Iraq in that period is between two dollars and three dollars a month for staff father and, , which forced many segments of Iraqi society to dishonoring the hard work and difficult and sometimes selling goods which were marginal gateway to the world of begging and vagrancy, many of whom, I have one field studies that of the total 829 street children have been brought together there were 397 children and 432 have children begging practice of selling goods marginal, Other studies indicate that 67% of child beggars are school drop-outs who grew in number to one million children, UNICEF organization which prompted the warning from the rapid deployment and worrying to this phenomenon, It stated that the problem of street children in Iraq, especially in major cities such as Baghdad and Mosul has become a very troubling phenomenon.
    The beginnings of the phenomenon of begging in Iraq and the causes
    A study by Dr. Mahmoud thundering that 93,33% of child beggars begging started since 1991 and ماتلاه, the sense that the phenomenon is coupled with the spread of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council on Iraq following the entry into Kuwait. but is the result directly in the context of a number of social phenomena and the results produced conditions resulting from escaped z penalties. However, that was not the only reason, it produced the first Gulf war and the results of the other two had a very strong influence on the emergence and spread of the phenomenon of begging among Iraqis. Vanchgal parents in the fronts or killed or their families and stay long years under family or bodily injury Aunfsi disabled as a result of the war, all of these conditions were the direct cause of family disintegration and the absence of the father "in whole or in part" and the low level of living for Iraqi families because of the absence of any kind of guarantees or compensation for those affected by war, as well as brothers in prison or who, ... these factors contributed to pay Iraqi families to accept the new conditions would not agree to in normal circumstances, For instance, is imperative for the eldest son or adult male children out of their schools and the search for work to support their families, and infect matter of males to females in families that do not have children or older males do not have the males never, friends provide a living is the first priority for each family got here dislocating value, it did not accept the work of a son or daughter is forced to accept this under the pressure of the need for daily food, He then left school tied to these, in some cases, and the almost complete absence of influence of the religious value system or customary, admission is taking begging profession is on the table, meaning that in the absence of a father, In the absence of rigid social system's ability to support the needy "They are all members of this system almost" lost "social system clan example," authority "in the prevention of the individual / family" of the descent to the level of "begging". not only is the presence of the law-firm honor clan.
    The ease with which discriminate profession "begging" and return the material was provided by another cause of the spread and continuity, then turn to trade black traded by many not only from the material they need, but out of profits for the easy, as Rich fools.
    Begging. Black trade
    Researchers believe that begging phenomena that accompanied societies since ancient times Musdrrzq is easy for those persons who ايرغبون to any job or assume the responsibilities that, what leads them to produce a variety of means and methods to generate the sympathy of the people and providing them with money and gifts in kind, what encouraged them to continue to practice this profession easy profitable.
    According to press reports that the number of beggars has been steadily increasing, and all of these beggars were deprived themselves or deprived conditions of the lowest levels of education and education has praised some begging and by the profession and vocation which makes its living, Even if improved financial position, it will not leave this profession, and reminds one of the eyewitnesses said that he saw one of the beggars who knew live, It falls to a bank in Baghdad and asked employee of the bank to add an amount of money to his store The witness said that he saw this man begging again in the place assigned the same, The reports indicate that the methods of begging, begging many, ranging from simple and innovative, Some wear his hands to show if disabled and unable to work, and there are those who bring children to capture the sympathy of the people by, There are some women wore their faces, in order to Ayarafhen one, According to one of the bus drivers that Almetsule that stands in one of the streets of Baghdad and covered me is a young man disguised as a girl.
    It is noted Mr. Abdullah Al-Alami Media Advisor of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs that trade begging run companies and mafiosi seeking to obtain funds illegally, including the recruitment of children poor, the homeless and some girls to work as beggars on the streets and traffic intersections, He pointed out that this phenomenon began to exacerbate the foreshadowing many of the risks
    The dangers of social and cultural life of begging and homelessness
    For every social phenomenon extensions represent the results of future growth and development of the phenomenon amid favorable conditions conducive Iraq's invasion and occupation of Kuwait, according to the situation. And begging and vagrancy, street children, as they are commonly term future criminals if not the reformist turn to repatriate these children, rehabilitate and reintegrate them in society once again to become building elements emphasizing instead of being time bombs that threaten the security and safety of its entire community.
    The life of displacement and mixing whom Balmanhrven from their peers or adults and their continued attempts to forget them through substance abuse, The quest to obtain money to purchase these materials and the continuation of their lives and the absence of moral and educational barriers on the social composition, all these things make them candidates for the most heinous crimes, which could begin as small misdemeanors and then evolve into major crimes have become groups of them to work in the area of organized crime or collective, This means that the formation of gangs of armed robbery, kidnapping or murder, drug smuggling and counterfeit currency as well as the dangers that lie in the social and moral deviations homosexuality, moral decay and sexual exploitation of children by adults.
    Such behaviors are a major threat to the security of the present and resigning is why the institutions of this society organizations and non-governmental organizations working to save these children from sliding into the abyss of vice and crime, what constitutes community to save the integrity and security.
    Reminds one of the global studies that the National Council to please the child in the Indian city of Bangalore adopt a program for street children aged between 5 and 15 years of age, They often Amaoui of them illiterate and living on the streets and working in waste collection of garbage and sell them to feed themselves. The program included quotas in vocational training, literacy, Among the "124" children were subjected to this program, only 13 children - respondents, while others responded and learned professions furniture industry and the manufacture of games and got to learn reading and writing.
    We in the Middle East in general and in Iraq in particular, we lack this kind of program because of the absence of a culture of reform in the past. serving as the Juvenile Welfare Act introduced a small event or if control of vagrancy events to the competent courts and the summoning guardian to ensure that the amount of "250" thousand dinars meet in the event of an uncontrollable once again been reserved or small for a month and placed in a residential care for the qualifying events. However, the official stance in the former was not, This was confirmed by the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs of the former regime, which confirmed that it is not possible to apply paragraphs legal to prevent children from work. And transports researcher Majid Zeidan Rubaie certificate to the director of a social welfare accusing the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in the former as laptop nothing about the suffering of orphaned children in the Unit, It described the case as other emerging thieves and individuals homosexual desperate and without hope, Dara and that there were social welfare of orphans and sell them specifically premature dollars to individuals and different.
    However, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs current adopts a broad collection of street children to protect them from the psychological phenomena and the deviations and fall prey to crime, To rid the streets of the phenomenon of homelessness and begging, which paint a picture of the poor social and economic conditions of the country and trying to re-integrate these children in the surrounding social and school of thinking, and focus to return to school and raising their parents need to accept mechanisms for rehabilitation and reintegration because of the benefits to the child and his family and the community in general.
    To address the phenomenon of street children must be divided on the first two works to address the situation of displaced children, who are drawn from the streets and rehabilitation, through subjection to the programs and courses can raise the level of education or the low originally because of the absence of such a move would open their minds to the future, as well as training to master one of professions and trades that would ensure them a steady income source comes from Sharif is the work, addicts and subjecting them to abuse of narcotic substances and Kalthner Alsekotin and hashish and others to a special program to push them to refrain from abuse of these materials and make them aware about their detrimental effects of health, psychological and social alternatives and provide them hobbies are dear to the exercise of different kinds of mathematics. and raise morale and study psychological problems lingering in them through social workers and psychologists to resolve their problems with their families and their families, which might be the reason for their displacement.
    It is not boasting to say that the ministry today is the holding of seminars to discuss the problems of street children and the scientific identified by a number of specialists who not only introduced the theoretical aspects of the problem, but gone to the trouble and run the risk of field experience with street children in very serious circumstances, also, these symposia and research attempting to stimulate the roles of institutions, which should play a greater role in this area such as the Ministries of Justice, Interior, Education, Health and Aloaqvin Shiite and Sunni, research centers, universities, civil society organizations and others because of the solidarity of all those who deal with a phenomenon of street children n yield clear results in the shortest time, which show a clear positive effects on the social and economic reconstruction of the country.

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  4. #11964
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    The Cabinet-console
    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-10-2006 |
    The Republic of Iraq
    Council of Ministers-the governmental communications

    Media Relations
    A press statement / Press Release
    Saturday, 10-7-2006

    Telecom Service received more distressing news of the martyrdom of MP Mohammad Reza Mohammad member of the House from the list of Iraqi Kurdistan Alliance, this tragic incident and make scant its Director General and staff of the martyr and to his colleagues in the House of Representatives and to all the Iraqi people and our deepest condolences, asking God Almighty to inspire all love him patience and fortitude to live and Shahid MP Mohammad Reza Mohammad in Jinan dwell on everything that Kadeer.

    Telecom Service
    Media Relations
    A press statement / Press Release
    Saturday, 10-7-2006

    Telecom Service received more distressing news of the martyrdom of MP Mohammad Reza Mohammad member of the House from the list of Iraqi Kurdistan Alliance, this tragic incident and make scant its Director General and staff of the martyr and to his colleagues in the House of Representatives and to all the Iraqi people and our deepest condolences, asking God Almighty to inspire all love him patience and fortitude to live and Shahid MP Mohammad Reza Mohammad in Jinan dwell on everything that Kadeer.

    Telecom Service

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  5. #11965
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    Cool Good Morning from Texas. Nice Read Below.

    Baghdad Time: 02:13pm, 10/07/2006 ~ market is closed | $1 USD = 1472.63 IQD ^

    10/07/2006 | LawkSalih.Com | cache ^

    Oil: Australian companies to vie for Iraq drill rights

    Posted on Thursday, October 05 @ 19:15:05 PDT
    Topic: Oil
    On October the 18th Iraq's Oil Minister
    , Dr Hussein Shahristani, will visit Australia to receive an honorary doctorate in engineering from Melbourne's Monash University.

    While he's here he'll meet representatives of the Australian energy industry who'd like to get a chance to drill in Iraq.
    Iraq's proven oil reserves are the second largest after Saudi Arabia.

    Iraqi oil also happens to be the cheapest in the world to produce.

    The financial gains to be made are huge but no one knows when the country might be safe enough for foreign companies, or which companies might get the contracts.

    This report from Emma Alberici:

    EMMA ALBERICI: In 1997 Russia's Lukoil signed a multi billion dollar contract with Saddam Hussein

    The Company was to have sole foreign rights to West Qurna, one of Iraq's biggest oil fields in the south of the country.

    United Nations sanctions meant work on that project and those won by the Chinese and the French never started and now in post-war Iraq those agreements are in legal limbo.

    Lukoil spokesman Vladimir Semakov:

    VLADIMIR SEMAKOV: We're very hopeful that the first foreign company to start drilling in Iraq will be Russian Lukoil.

    EMMA ALBERICI: How profitable do you expect the West Qurna project to be?

    VLADIMIR SEMAKOV: It may be very very profitable. You see, as per our estimations, the proven reserves are estimated at 6 billion barrels of crude oil, the production costs in this particular project are much lower.

    They were estimated at $1 to $1.50 per barrel or even lower, as compared for example to some fields in Russia, we might say that nowadays, it is $3 to $4 per barrel.

    EMMA ALBERICI: Negotiations between the new Iraqi government and the Russians have improved since Lukoil agreed to share the project's profits with American oil and gas giant Conocophillips.

    VLADIMIR SEMAKOV: Of course we understand that American companies now and the American government has great influence in Iraq at present time. So, Conocophillips may help us to at least start our project and it may help us in negotiations with Iraqi Government and the representatives of the Iraqi oil ministry.

    EMMA ALBERICI: There were great hopes for the Iraqi oil industry post the war but there are two main stumbling blocks for those keen get their hands on the Country's black gold.

    Most significantly is the politics. The Iraqi constitution passed in August last year defines oil as the property of all Iraqi people. But beyond stating that the revenues are to be distributed "fairly" between the Federal and regional governments, the constitution doesn't go into specifics.

    Bill Farren Price is the Deputy Editor of the Middle East Economic Survey, a Cyprus based energy and political newsletter.

    BILL FARREN PRICE: We have to see whether Bagdad can assert its control over the whole country in terms of oil development and investment, or whether we're going to see some sort of break up where regional governments do the negotiating and the central government is sidelined to some extent.

    EMMA ALBARICI: Security looms as the other big hurdle for the world's big oil companies.

    In the past three years, the insurgency has staged relentless attacks on the country's oil fields, pipelines and refineries.

    The Iraqi oil industry is in such a shambles it can't produce enough crude oil and refined products to satisfy domestic demand let alone export to the world.

    So despite the financial lure, Bill Farren Price says foreign oil company staff remain too scared to enter the country.

    BILL FARREN PRICE: Security deteriorated to the point where it was just not feasible for international oil companies even to send their people into the country, they couldn't get the insurance coverage, for example.

    EMMA ALBARICI: The big oil companies of the US and the UK have largely been shut out of Iraq for more than 30 years. Is there anything to suggest their passage will now be assured?

    BILL FARREN PRICE: I think Iraq is keen to see investment from international oil companies from across the spectrum.

    There's no question that the super majors, Shell, BP for example, have already laid the groundwork for building their relationship with Iraq through oil fields studies that they've carried out through Kirkuk and Rumalia oil field and also training programs. They've taken Iraqi petroleum engineers and trained them outside the country.

    EMMA ALBARICI: Australia's oil and gas companies are now awaiting a visit by the Iraqi Oil Minister, Doctor Hussain al Shahristani.

    He'll be in Australia in a fortnight to meet with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and to accept an honorary doctorate in engineering from Melbourne's Monash University

    Source: ABC News

  6. #11966
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    Zebari : increase Iraqi diplomatic representation abroad
    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs opened 15 diplomatic missions abroad by the end of this year, followed by another 15 missions next year. He said Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari in his speech that opened the session of diplomacy (25) of the Foreign Service Institute, "The Ministry is on the verge of positive changes, including the widespread increase in the Iraqi diplomatic representation abroad." He pointed out that "the opening of such courses would be for all the Iraqis with all their sectarian and factional and in a form that satisfies everyone." Zebari also added that "the ministry is working to create new ones diplomacy to strengthen relations with countries of the world service of the common démocratique Iraq."
    The Baghdad newspaper
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 07-10-2006 at 12:06 PM.

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  7. #11967
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    العراق للجميع :: وكالة الأخبار العراقية :: :: المالكي يخيّر الأحزاب بين التخلص من مليشياتها او الخروج من العملية السياسية
    Maliki choice between the parties get rid of the militias or exit from the political process
    News were added on 10-7-2006, 11:2

    ... Maliki choice between the parties get rid of the militias or exit from the political process

    Rice warns of Kurdish secession and calls for all oil

    Arabs today


    Warned the American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, the leaders of the Kurdistan region of Iraq yesterday in a bid to control oil resources Territory, The Iraqis did not raise fears of a possible separation of the province from the rest of the country.

    Rice's visit to Arbil sudden American and clear message to the Kurdish leaders, according to many observers, not to try to dominate the oil resources in the region, particularly the territorial government entered into various contracts with foreign oil companies to invest in the oil sector of Kurdistan Province. And not to raise fears of Iraqis whose capital secession of Kurdistan from the rest of the country.

    Rice said this particular journalists who Irafqunha "We believe that oil should be a resource for all Iraqis and should benefit everyone." She before arrival to the territory "that the only vision that we gave to the Iraqis and to share them with us, mostly, I think, is that the oil must be a unifying factor and not make Albla d less alone. "

    The Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Najirfan Barzani has threatened to rupture and control of the oil resources if the Iraqi government does not implement its commitments towards the financial and administrative region of Kurdistan.

    In Baghdad said Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki that the political parties choose between Awalkhroj get rid of the militias of the political process.

    Rice was considered during her meeting with Iraqi officials that the sectarian violence in Iraq constitutes a "strategic threat". Rice warnings coincided with the announcement of the Commander of the American forces in Iraq, General George Phen that the next six months would be "critical" for the future of Iraq "and everyone knows that."

    In New York organization Human Rights Watch that deal with human rights, that the "revenge of the house" Shiite armed Palestinian refugees threatened to kill him in Baghdad in the event did not leave Iraq within 72 hours. She published and distributed to the refugees "Just go and fight in your occupation."

    For its part, Iraqi police said they found 30 bodies unidentified ال¯ during the past 24 hours in Baghdad. It seems all the effects of torture.

    Copyright © copies

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  8. #11968
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    Cool Rule #4

    4. Anything you want to discuss other than the Latest News, please do it in here. "Crazy Thread part 2" It is a Sticky Thread Also.

    I have moved 6 pages of chatting.
    Last edited by neno; 07-10-2006 at 10:31 PM.

  9. #11969
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    Al-Maliki received a warning from the Congress and three American demands urgent need for the Iraqi government
    News were added on 10-7-2006, 8:43

    ... Al-Maliki received a warning from the Congress and three American demands urgent need for the Iraqi government

    Bahrain's Akhbar al-Khalij

    Baghdad / d. Hamid Abdullah

    Carrying members of the American Congress ultimatum to Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki need to take serious steps to implement the initiative of national reconciliation and the urgency to cancel the decision of abolishing the Baath Party and dialogue with the armed groups to provide a minimum level of security management can bet that President Bush it to take it out of the impasse , which it has found itself!

    Sources close to Al-Maliki that the members of Congress who visited Baghdad a surprise visit during which he did not declare Maliki told that there are three pressing demands of the American administration, the Iraqi government should be implemented expeditiously namely : First : direct dismantling of the militias and lift protection from Shiite militias and abandoned without restriction or condition II : increasing the number of volunteers year in the Iraqi army and police to create a state of budgetary sphere of sectarianism in these organs. Third : stop all operations exclusion career and calling on the parliament to vote on the urgent decision to rescind the eradication of the Baath passed by the civil administrator Paul Bremer. The sources said the congressional delegation also told Maliki that the American Administration and Congress Simhlan Iraqi government until the end of this year to bring about a tangible change reflected in the performance, including on the security situation and service that you all sorts of American support will depend, however, determine the types of this support! But observers in Baghdad believe that it is intended to support financial and military support connecting the announcement that the American ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad had laws that prohibit American support for the police found involved in torture at odds with the regulations of Human Rights, which is what the occupation authorities to make sure that the security services and evil Taha, the Iraqi practice torture against Iraqi detainees at large! For his part, Al-Maliki met with the President of the Anbar province, and asked him to support the government in return for the formation of military forces in charge of the protection of Anbar composed of elements, most of the city's residents! Maliki urged the President and the members of the Al-Anbar governorate to chase members of al-Qaeda in Iraq, stressing that the demands of all the people of Ramadi forthcoming if the government proved that they were serious in what he described as the expulsion of foreigners from the Anbar desert, and cities! It is noteworthy that the information leaked to the Iraqi government that the strong political plans for a coup against the government of al-Maliki support of the American forces such as occurred in Vietnam in 1963 whereby the execution of the Prime Minister and his brother knowledge of the Americans and supporting them.
    Translated version of

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    ÇáÚÑÇÞ ááÌãíÚ :: æßÇáÉ ÇáÃÎÈÇÑ ÇáÚÑÇÞí&#201 ; :: :: Ýí ÌæáÉ ÚäæÇäåÇ ÅíÑÇä æÏÇÑÝæÑ æáÈäÇä æÇáÚÑÇÞ æÝáÓØíä ÑÇíÓ ÊÚæÏ ÎáÇá 10 ÃíÇã á\"ÇÓÊßãÇ&#2 25; ÇáãåãÉ\"
    Tour title in Iran, Darfur, Lebanon, Iraq and Palestine Rice back within 10 days for \ "to complete the task \" News were added on 10-7-2006, 8:45

    ... Tour title in Iran, Darfur, Lebanon, Iraq and Palestine
    Rice back in 10 days to "complete the task"
    Washington-Hanan Badri :
    Gulf Emirian
    Senior diplomatic sources told "Gulf" that the American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will return to the region in a new round "in the near future", She pointed out that Rice took this decision before the end of a visit yesterday.

    The sources said that Rice was informed Arab leaders that it intends to carry out a new round, possibly within ten days in order to complete the task, which they appear to be unfinished. She pointed out that Rice wants to obtain "Arab" responses to the arguments regarding the American position of Iran and support the Sunni Arabs in Iraq and persuade the government of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir to accept the deployment of international forces in Darfur. besides supporting the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and the new government, the alternative to the "Hamas" and the provision of financial support to Lebanon.

    The sources pointed out that the American administration is eager to improve the image of the United States in the short period before the elections next term of Congress. , which is likely to lose the majority of Republicans, according to the latest polls.

    Al-Khaleej "that Washington wants a clear Arab anti-Iranian influence and nominate" Shiite threat ", which arrived in occupied Palestine through" Hamas and Lebanon through Hizballah, It also calls for Saudi Arabia in particular and the other Gulf States to support the Sunni Arabs in Iraq, and pushing them towards effective participation in the political process in the occupied country, and Wade's efforts to join the Iranian nuclear program before it evolved into dangerous, and breaking the Treaty Tehran, Damascus.

    "Al-Khaleej reported that the Arab states rejected Rice or ambassadors to send troops to Iraq.

    As for the Lebanese file Rice requested from the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, especially pumping more investments and deposits in Lebanon to support the economy and support the lira and the financing requests arming the Lebanese army.

    The sources said that the Arab countries concerned informed Rice that disarming Hezbollah issue of internal echoes, The momentum to the peace process in the region must be a priority.

    According to the information available to the "Gulf" has informed the Arab Foreign Ministers Nazierthm America during a meeting in Cairo that the American failure to activate the peace process that led to the escalation of tension in the region. the upsurge of terrorism and extremism. However, Rice informed Arab counterparts that Washington is not ready at this time to move the Syrian track, "Israeli", and skeptical that the Palestinian sides, "Israeli" ready for the resumption of settlement negotiations.

    Rice strongly adhered to convince Arabs that President al-Bashir to accept international forces in Darfur immediately, diplomatic sources said that Rice asked the officials to convey a message Arabs final warning to the Sudanese President, these diplomats described as tantamount to a threat. They pointed out that Rice specifically used the term "Bashir did it not to survive." Rice also stressed that the Arab counterparts that Washington does not want to send troops to Darfur, leaving the task of the Europeans, no objection expanded African force including Arab and Islamic forces to it.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 07-10-2006 at 12:00 PM.

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