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  1. #12061
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    Quote Originally Posted by boogirl View Post
    Another great book to read is, "The second coming of Babylon"

    The Bible says that Babylon will be rebuilt and become the economic center of the world. Even now the ruins of the ancient city - just sixty miles south of Baghdad, Iraq - are quietly stirring. What does it mean for America? For Israel? For every person alive today? Are we living in the last days of earth as we know it? Find out, from Bible prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock. . . 1. How the focus of the world will shift back to Babylon 2. How Antichrist will make Babylon his capital 3. How the kingdoms of earth will fade as Babylon rises 4. How the false powers of Antichrist will grow 5. How prophecy will be fulfilled - and Babylon finally destroyed! The Second Coming of Babylon: What Bible Prophecy Says About...: Books: Mark Hitchcock
    We are very, very close. Christ's second coming is just right around the corner. People get ready. Jesus is coming.

  2. #12062
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    Default 10-20

    Quote Originally Posted by goldraker View Post
    Just wait, give it 10 to 20 years!!!!!!!!!!
    10-20 years youll be dead by then from holding your breath or doing too much breathing.
    Your body CAN heal itself! UNLEASH THE POWER
    The Most Powerful Anti-oxidants on earth XanGotm
    Count the $$$ figures !!!

  3. #12063
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    Quote Originally Posted by goldraker View Post
    Just wait, give it 10 to 20 years!!!!!!!!!!
    So exactly why do you think that the r/v will not happen for 10 to 20 years?

  4. #12064
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  5. #12065
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    Quote Originally Posted by readytogo View Post
    We are very, very close. Christ's second coming is just right around the corner. People get ready. Jesus is coming.
    Hopefully Neno will move all of this second coming commentary OUT of the news thread...LOL...move it to the pre/post tribulation rapture/Hal Lindsay Late Great Planet Earth/Left Behind Series thread for discussion. It is interesting stuff though, just does not belong here.

  6. #12066
    Senior Investor snottynose's Avatar
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    Hey barngramp!! WE are about to be very wealthy!!!!!

    sarah!!! GO DINAR GO!!!!!!

  7. #12067
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    When it comes to the future of Iraq, there is no shortage of naysayers....As I described in The Last Days, The Exekiel Option, and most recently The Coper Scroll, Iraq is about to see a political and economic renaissance unparalleled in the history of the world. The people of Iraq are about to experience a level of personal and national wealth and power they have never dreamed possible.

    What about us people! Dont try to tell us that we are going to be rich one day and then Christ is going to return and we are going to all be dead. Lets not mix politics, religions, and money. Me and RosieKaPosie like our dinar straight up or on the rocks. Neno please move your own post to the other forum. LOL By the way ITS MY BIRTHDAY, ITS MY BIRTHDAY! HAVE A DRINK! LETS NOT BE SO GLOOM AND DOOM. IF CHRIST DOES HAVE A SECOND COMING MAYBE HE CAN HELP US FEED SOME PEOPLE AROUND THIS EARTH. BUT THE EARTH AND CIVILIZATION AINT GOING NOWHERE. The final frontier is of the mind. We are all GOD! I AM and I say the earth stays! tic turn of events, much as those who said the Berlin wall would never come down and the Soviet empire would never colapse found themselves scratching their heads in disbelief just a few years later.


    "Where is there another city as great as this?" (Revelation 18:18)THE MIND OF EVERYONE
    Your body CAN heal itself! UNLEASH THE POWER
    The Most Powerful Anti-oxidants on earth XanGotm
    Count the $$$ figures !!!

  8. #12068
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    Just to let you know<arvest bank in, FT smith,AR, said although they currently do not exchange the dinar ,they would once it goes on the world market.IT will take 2 weeks to do a wire transfer and all they will charge is a flat 20$ for the transfer.The bank manager was very eager to hear more about the dinar!!!!My guess is that his wheels are turning.

    SARAH!!! GO DINAR GO!!!!!!

  9. #12069
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Expansion of trade exchange in Basra. Seven billion dinars revenues outlet Safwan border month

    Basra / long
    Despite the many marine outlets in Basra, which is the conduit for easy import and export operations. However, the outlet Safwan border recorded a rise in the volume of trade exchange lesson.
    Khalid Zeidi general manager outlet Safwan border attributed to the large expansion in the size of government and private transactions with the neighboring countries, especially the service ministries.
    Most of the exchanges within the framework of the rehabilitation of the infrastructure of the country, pointing out that the imported materials are exempt from registration Alkamrki eg, construction and electric power generators and water stations along the importation of cars productivity and service.
    The Zeidi rates of import rose to 300 trucks daily. the increased revenues performing to three million dinars per day for non-exempt materials from customs duties, up to seven billion dinars per month deposited in the accounts of the Ministry of Finance.
    It called on the Chairman of the Economic Development Commission in the Basra governorate Mr. activist Muhsin Safwan Directorate of Customs to facilitate and not to obstruct the entry procedures sterilization of medical materials and spare parts of water donated by humanitarian actors from the neighboring countries.
    It is hoped to establish a group of Iranian companies a comprehensive trade exhibition is the first of its kind in Basra mid-November next. A source authorized in the Basra governorate said the exhibition is aimed to attract investment and capital to the city through the adoption of direct meetings between Iranian investors and traders and consumers Iraqis.

  10. #12070
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    Efforts to form a parliamentary bloc of moderate opponents of federalism

    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Efforts to form a parliamentary bloc of moderate opponents of federalism ... Anbar tribes pledge support for the draft National Reconciliation
    Baghdad-Amri as the life-08 / 10 / 06 / /

    In a new step to activate the initiative of national reconciliation and pledged tribal elders and members of the Anbar governorate in their conference yesterday to fight all forms of sectarianism and terrorism and forced displacement, They support the draft national reconciliation, launched by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, The Covenant Charter, which was signed by the Iraqi political entities to stop the bloodshed in Iraq.

    The participants confirmed they strive to "purge the province of Anbar, from all forms of violence, terrorism and sabotage and return to the warmth of Iraq to be of assistance to the central government, and to create the appropriate environment for the local authority in the province for the exercise of its functions, including a positive impact on consolidating the prestige of the State ».

    The conference, which was held in the Green Zone yesterday, the presence of the Prime Minister and a number of members of his government, comprehensive recommendations of the 16 points included Al composition of the joint coordination, members of the preservation of tribal chieftains and representatives from the Ministries of Defense and Interior, working on the follow-up to the security situation in the province. The participation of tribal chieftains in the security, economic and financial committees of the Conference of activating the role of the tribes in support of the security agencies including the army, police, secure the border outlets and cooperation between the official bodies in the province. and coordination with the Ministries of Defense and Interior prelude to the opening of outlets like other Western outlets northern and eastern border and the safety of the transport of oil and foodstuffs across ».
    Also included Al decisions reopen direct dialogue between the Iraqi government and the parties to the national resistance as a key factor for the establishment of security in the province. The actions taken to facilitate the completion of the police, and the opening of the volunteer in secure locations and the introduction of a large number of clan members in the security, The claim American forces withdraw from the Anbar province after the completion of building the army and the police, in addition to allowing the clan elders bear arms and arm element of the 50 members of each clan representing clan protection against armed groups ».

    For their part, called clan elders, especially in monitoring the amount of the budget in 2007 to compensate the owners of the houses and buildings damaged as a result of military actions that took place in the general maintenance, They also asked the government to give the final installment of compensation Fallujah.

    He said Khalaf Al-Alyan, MP from <Accord Front »Conference positive steps on the road to building bridges of confidence between the government and the tribes in the western region», who said they had released Al much in the war, which began more than two months ago against the terrorist organizations in Anbar », He learned that the government is responsive to demand the introduction of the sons of Anbar in the security is good evidence to prove the good faith of the government about the issue ».

    But Sheikh Ali Khalifa, Chairman of the Senate clans Anbar in the national reconciliation, criticized the speed with which the conference was conducted. He told Al-Hayat »said" the reconciliation asked the prime minister to delay the conference and make it more inclusive by inviting tribal figures exist outside the country », pointing to" apologize for some tribal leaders not attending to differences on the items and the demands raised by the clan leaders ».

    The Unadim Kana, a member of the political committee of the supreme body of national reconciliation, that the political parties had not agreed on the venue of the Conference of the political parties and entities, It is the third conference of national reconciliation conferences, but most likely be held in Baghdad after it refused most of the political parties held in Kurdistan impact of the political crisis generated by the decision by President Massoud Barzani of the Kurdistan Iraqi flag lowering of official institutions in the region of Kurdistan in the north of the country.

    On the other hand, it was pointed Abdallah, member of the Legal and Constitutional Committee of the candidate about Al Accord Front »to" no intention to form a political grouping, or the parliamentary bloc comprising a group of MPs from all political blocs in parliament to get out even though it is far from unified sectarian and ethnic polarization »The source told Al-Hayat» said, "This vision was not yet final although the atmosphere d movements of the seriousness of the opponents of federalism in the parliament to form »denied reports circulated about the nomination of Deputy Zafer Al-Ani, , who resigned from the chairmanship of the Non protest the approval of the Speaker to read the law of the formation of regions, for the presidency of the bloc.

    From his part, leader of "Al» Accord Front Adnan Al-Dulaimi forming a parliamentary bloc opposition Al invitation to balkanize blocs »He described this attempt as Al whim» doomed to failure. Regarding the possibility of the meeting of the constitutional amendments tomorrow, in spite of the unresolved nominate three members who represent the minority in Parliament, Al-Dulaimi said that the amendment of the constitution could hold its first meeting tomorrow in the case by the Parliament's members, who had been nominated by the political blocs, who amount to 24, He said that the main problem lies not in the meeting but in the selection of its president, especially as the Accord Front had made a formal request to the Speaker to preside over one of its members of this Committee », pointing to" the nomination of Deputies, Iyad al-Samarra'i, Salim Abdullah for the post, leaving their selection to the Presidency of Parliament ».

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