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  1. #12071
    Can read but not post. motomachi's Avatar
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    Default Call the wrecker; another bloc party

    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    This means it is it to me.

    BTW, Just moved 40 BS Post. To The Crazy Thread.
    Yo neno call the wrecker or a good groomer!

    Translated version of
    Maliki confirmed during a meeting with tribal elders Anbar importance of the activation of the project of national reconciliation
    Preparation and submission : Nazim Yasin
    The Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki Saturday, the importance of activating the draft national reconciliation to emerge from the political and security crisis which has transformed Iraq into an arena for the elimination of accounts.
    Al-Maliki said during a meeting in Baghdad with a delegation of elders and heads of clans in the province of Anbar, said that Iraq "was intended to remain an arena for settling accounts and conspiracies woven around a black casts do not like charity," according to the source.
    Al-Maliki stressed in his speech during the meeting the importance of activating the draft national reconciliation as a boat to cross the real crisis "and not violence and force." as quoted by the Reuters news agency.
    Efforts to form a parliamentary bloc of moderate opponents of federalism
    (October 8th, 2006)[B] (Someone above posted the site above so I removed my post on the same article and posted PM Maliki's activity! So sorry! As I was checking my spelling and stuff, oh CharmedPiper, blew my drum stick away!)
    (Might want to bring a bottle of aspirin and some Pepito Bismark for the young ones, they might have overdone their celebration!)
    Last edited by motomachi; 08-10-2006 at 05:28 AM.

  2. #12072
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Al-Maliki, denouncing the alleged Iraq an arena for settling accounts

    The capitals of the world - "European", and agencies : enhanced Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki yesterday, the process of national reconciliation meeting with representatives of important tribal elders Anbar stressing that Iraq "intended to remain an arena for settling accounts and conspiracies woven around" · He added, "on our land battles and heats Falls blood is not in the best interest of us," and denounced · transforming the country into an arena for those of · battles, "and said that the draft national reconciliation is real, which could compound the crisis," we · In another significant breakthrough called on the leader of the Shiite bloc, the United Alliance Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, to the need to be "arms in the hands of the state alone" ·
    In a related development, the third started the Organization of the Islamic Conference have contacts with Islamic religious leaders in Iraq to prepare for the meeting of religious leaders to agree on a document denying the fighting between the communities, the question before the end of the month of Ramadan ·
    In Washington, disclosed yesterday that the Minister of Foreign Affairs James Baker, former chair of the Committee of the two big "to develop concepts and new ideas for the future" in Iraq ·
    The Emirates

  3. #12073
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    The Iraqi-Irish companies called AAA to contribute to the reconstruction of Iraq

    Amman / agencies

    The Association for the Iraqi trade Irish, based in Amman yesterday, Saturday, the regional companies to the Gulf to contribute to the reconstruction of Iraq.
    An official source in the General is seeking to provide contacts with the Irish and other European companies and service provision of loans and financial feasibility studies of projects and legal counseling service. " He added : The General is one of the major supporters of the Iraqi first Gulf Forum to be held in Bahrain in March will be attended by Gulf and Iraqi companies and the Iraqi government. The Association, founded in April 2005 in the membership of 112 businessmen and has already participating in the exhibition, the third of the reconstruction of Iraq.

  4. #12074
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Turkish security meeting in Ankara American Iraqi end of the week Ankara-MENA-held this week in Ankara a trilateral security meeting involving representatives from Turkey, the United States and Iraq to control the activity of the separatist Kurdistan Workers Party, banned.
    According to Turkish diplomatic sources, will the American General Joseph Ralston to Ankara on the 11th of October for meetings with the Turkish General Adeeb began and a number of other officials, before the trilateral meeting, , which will include the Iraqi representative, Major General Shirwan Alowaeli, which will be held on the 13th of October. The tripartite meeting to discuss the necessary measures to end the presence of elements of the organization in northern Iraq. The purge camp 'drunk near Mosul of these elements, in addition to the actions taken to follow up the movement of financial resources of the organization in Turkey and Europe. What the Iraqi side to be done to help eliminate the activity of elements of the organization '.

  5. #12075
    Senior Member PaulieThaGreat's Avatar
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    Default Omg!!

    OMG, I have the best idea! Lets all storm the Iraqi Government's Email address like I did! There email is [email protected]
    I emailed them saying they need to reval and how there country is worth so much more and how I am investing in there country by purchasing dinar!

  6. #12076
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Iraqi religious leaders meet in Mecca before the end of Ramadan to outlaw violence

    A committee of four representatives of the Shiites and Sunnis began preliminary meetings for the formulation of the draft agreement

    London RIYADH : Middle East »
    The Organization of the Islamic Conference held contacts with Islamic religious leaders in Iraq to prepare for the meeting of religious leaders to agree on a document denying feuds between Sunni and Shiite Muslims in Iraq. before the end of the month of Ramadan in Mecca.
    He said Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs of the Organization of the Islamic Conference Izzat Mufti, told the Agence France Presse said that the four representatives of the religious Shiite and Sunni Muslims started (yesterday) meetings in Mecca under the auspices of the Islamic Fiqh Academy to draft a charter or statement which will be presented to the meeting to manage AT Muslim religious Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq to be held before the end of Ramadan in Mecca ».

    He explained, "The purpose of the meeting was proposed by the conference and adopted by the Organization is working to outlaw fighting between Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq in order to avert the outbreak of civil war in this country». He stressed that this meeting will be Al religiously and it has nothing to do with political differences », Al adding that the meeting comes as an initiative of the Secretariat of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to help stop the killings and bombings in Iraq ».

    He pointed out that the Shiite Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, supported the convening of this meeting.

    On the other hand, he said Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki during a conference organized by the Iraqi Islamic Party to support clans Anbar yesterday in Baghdad, said that the country intended to remain an arena for settling accounts », He pointed out that the only way out of this crisis is to energize the draft national reconciliation initiative. He added, according to Al-Maliki statement is a must that you understand that our country is destined to remain an arena for settling accounts and conspiracies woven around a black casts do not like us to formulate good results conspiracy »but he did not mention the identity of these bodies. He continued, "The projects of national reconciliation is the boat to cross the real crisis, not violence and force. You know, the sons of the homeland, which passed through many decades in the acute and artificial floors loss equation of justice and balance ».

    The Al-Maliki said that the province of Anbar, which the terrorists plotted to hijack the warmth of the home and into an area of influence and camps and signs them live today magnificent epic. I do not want to open the file of talk about what caused the hands of terrorists and ignorant, and caused a mass militia. But only Bouaikm and crystallized positions from the right ».

    The Al-Maliki said that the draft national reconciliation is a boat like the real crisis and not violence and force ». Al-Maliki said that the Iraqi government and people of Anbar and for the establishment of security in the city, Al three basic demands »Maliki described as essential to establishing security in the city. He called Maliki to form a local government in Al Anbar, which must be expanded to include everyone through channels of understanding to be folded all of the clans. The parties and forces and national figures. And the need to adopt the principle of not excluding anyone and to keep the door open for those wishing to work in re-establishing the draft Anbar ».

    The Al-Maliki says that the second requirement is "release the necessary funds for the reconstruction campaign and services to compensate for the forbidding him to maintain because of the waves of terror and violence. Third, the process of building fast to the police and the national army selection of the elements of good faith in the political process ».

    The government, through the initiative of the Iraqi national reconciliation to activate the role of Iraqi tribes and work with them to contain the violence, especially in areas experiencing considerable tension and armed operations.

  7. #12077
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    Default October Suprise

    The Swamp - Chicago Tribune - Blogs.
    GOP Wary Of Fallout From Foley Scandal
    Washington Bureau Chief

    October 7 2006

    WASHINGTON -- The Mark Foley incident and its lengthy aftermath have the look and feel of this election's "October surprise," the unforeseen meteor with the potential to crash into the political world every two years and change everything.

    Since the Florida Republican resigned his congressional seat Sept. 29 after accounts surfaced about his steamy communications with House pages, the story has virtually obliterated any effort by House and Senate candidates to get noticed on any other issue.

    It's the classic October bombshell, and it's having unusual resonance because it's a fresh, understandable piece of evidence that proves a point voters have been making for years.

    "When we've done our focus groups, even before the Foley scandal, we kept hearing the same thing: People are very angry with incumbents," said Richard Bennett, president of American Research Group, a Manchester, N.H.-based national polling firm.

    "They don't think government is working, [and they think] that politicians are far too partisan," he said. "The Foley matter is the type of thing that adds to that feeling."

    Because Republicans control Congress and the White House, they not only get asked the tough questions about Foley, but they have the most to lose on Election Day. Democrats need a net gain of 15 House and six Senate seats to win majorities.

    "There was already a fair amount of unhappiness with Republicans," said Gary Jacobson, professor of political science at the University of California, San Diego, "and the more it looks like leadership was trying to cover up the Foley matter, the thicker it makes the cloud hanging over them."

    In such a turbulent atmosphere, it's in the Democrats' interest to keep the story prominent - and they are. The party's weekly radio address today is scheduled to be delivered by U.S. House candidate Patricia Wetterling of Minnesota, a longtime child-safety activist whose son was abducted 17 years ago and never found.

    Other candidates have called on House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., to step down - and suggested their opponents are culpable.

    "Rob Simmons and the Republican Party have lost all moral authority and can no longer be trusted with the charge of our nation when they cannot be trusted with the charge of our children," said Democrat Joe Courtney, who is seeking the seat now held by Simmons, R-2nd District.

    Simmons came out quickly with his statement of outrage. Two days after Foley resigned, he said, "If allegations against Congressman Mark Foley are true, then his actions are abhorrent. When it comes to those who attempt to sexually exploit children over the Internet, no individual - not even a member of Congress - is above the law. Mr. Foley must be held accountable for his inexcusable actions."

    Simmons also insisted that "if it is found that any member of Congress or staff willingly participated in a coverup of Mr. Foley's actions, that individual should resign immediately."

    Democrats want Simmons to go further and demand resignations, and they keep planning to remind the public about Foley and the scandal's aftermath. "The longer this drags on, the better it is for us," said Democratic pollster Celinda Lake.

    There is one danger in keeping Foley the centerpiece of the campaigns. It's only Oct. 7, and the election is still a month away - "a lifetime in politics," as Republican pollster Ed Goeas put it. And the history of October surprises is that they usually pop up and matter most near the end of a campaign, when one party has little time to react and respond.

    In 2000, Republican presidential nominee George W. Bush was maintaining a small but steady lead over Democrat Al Gore in most polls. Five days before the election, a Maine newspaper reported that Bush, who had won strong support as a man of high morals, had been charged with driving under the influence of alcohol in 1976.

    The report not only dominated the news for days, but Bush political guru Karl Rove later estimated it may have discouraged millions of conservative voters from casting ballots for Bush, who wound up losing the popular vote to Gore.

    The other last-minute change politicians often cite came in 1968. The Vietnam War dominated the year's political debate, and on Oct. 31, six days before the election, President Johnson ordered a complete halt to the 31/2-year-old bombing of North Vietnam, in hopes of restarting peace talks.

    Vice President Hubert Humphrey, who had already been gaining in the polls, had new momentum and nearly caught up to Richard Nixon on Election Day.

    Experts discount the idea that anything could come along at the end in 2006 to change the midterm election. The most obvious jolt would involve Iraq or terrorism, but few expect such a sudden shock.

    "Opinions have been frozen for two years," Jacobson said.

    If the voter mood on Iraq was to shift, the experts said, it would have probably happened last month, when the news was dominated by stories about intelligence reports warning that the Iraq war had unleashed and emboldened a new wave of terrorists. Or the disclosures in Bob Woodward's new book that the Bush administration was plagued by mistakes and disagreements as it waged war.

    Neither of these reports seemed to significantly move public opinion on Iraq. A Pew Research Center survey taken Sept. 21 to Oct. 4 found that "public views of the situation in Iraq have grown more negative," but it also found no change in opinion about whether U.S. forces should leave the country.

    Forty-seven percent favored "keeping military troops in Iraq until the situation has stabilized," while the same percentage thought "the U.S. should bring its troops home as soon as possible."

    Even if Bush suddenly announced an election-eve troop pullback, he may win over some war critics, but he would risk hurting Republicans. "He'd be totally contradicting everything he's been saying recently," said Alan I. Abramowitz, professor of political science at Emory University in Atlanta.

    Bush foes are fully expecting some sort of election-eve surprise linked to the war on terror, perhaps action against Iran or North Korea. Former Sen. Gary Hart, in a late September column, offered a complete scenario, writing that sometime this month, "the president will speak on national television."

    "He will say this: `Iran is determined to develop nuclear weapons; if this happens, the entire region will go nuclear; our diplomatic efforts to prevent this have failed; Iran is offering a haven to known [al-Qaida] leaders; the fate of our ally Israel is at stake; Iran persists in supporting terrorism, including in Iraq; and sanctions will have no effect (and besides, they are for sissies).' He will not say: `... and besides, we need the oil.'"

    Then there's the talk that the most extreme October surprises could involve a cataclysmic event, such as an Osama bin Laden capture or a domestic terrorist attack.

    But even something that incredible, said Jacobson, may not wind up a net plus for either party. "Some would rally around the president," he said, "and others would ask why he hadn't done more."
    The funny thing is that these fools dont see the "October Suprise" the GOP has coming in Iraq . . .they're never gonna know what hit them

  8. #12078
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    about time this Shiite was wrapped up....

  9. #12079
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    Default America ponders cutting Iraq in three

    The Sunday Times October 08, 2006
    America ponders cutting Iraq in three - Sunday Times - Times Online

    America ponders cutting Iraq in three
    Sarah Baxter, Washington

    AN independent commission set up by Congress with the approval of President George W Bush may recommend carving up Iraq into three highly autonomous regions, according to well informed sources.

    The Iraq Study Group, co-chaired by James Baker, the former US secretary of state, is preparing to report after next month’s congressional elections amid signs that sectarian violence and attacks on coalition forces are spiralling out of control. The conflict is claiming the lives of 100 civilians a day and bombings have reached record levels.

    The Baker commission has grown increasingly interested in the idea of splitting the Shi’ite, Sunni and Kurdish regions of Iraq as the only alternative to what Baker calls “cutting and running” or “staying the course”.

    “The Kurds already effectively have their own area,” said a source close to the group. “The federalisation of Iraq is going to take place one way or another. The challenge for the Iraqis is how to work that through.”

    The commission is considered to represent a last chance for fresh thinking on Iraq, where mass kidnappings are increasing and even the police are suspected of being responsible for a growing number of atrocities.

    Baker, 76, an old Bush family friend who was secretary of state during the first Gulf war in 1991, said last week that he met the president frequently to discuss “policy and personnel”.

    His group will not advise “partition”, but is believed to favour a division of the country that will devolve power and security to the regions, leaving a skeletal national government in Baghdad in charge of foreign affairs, border protection and the distribution of oil revenue.

    The Iraqi government will be encouraged to hold a constitutional conference paving the way for greater devolution. Iran and Syria will be urged to back a regional settlement that could be brokered at an international conference.

    Baker, a leading exponent of shuttle diplomacy, has already met representatives of the Syrian government and is planning to see the Iranian ambassador to the United Nations in New York. “My view is you don’t just talk to your friends,” he said last week. “You need to talk to your enemies in order to move forward diplomatically towards peace.”

    His group has yet to reach a final conclusion, but there is a growing consensus that America can neither pour more soldiers into Iraq nor suffer mounting casualties without any sign of progress. It is thought to support embedding more high-quality American military advisers in the Iraqi security forces rather than maintaining high troop levels in the country indefinitely.

    Frustrated by the failure of a recent so-called “battle of Baghdad” to stem violence in the capital, Zalmay Khalilzad, the US ambassador to Iraq, said last week that the unity government of Nouri al-Maliki, the prime minister, had only two months left to get a grip. Rumours abound that the much-admired ambassador could depart by Christmas.

    Khalilzad’s warning was reinforced by John Warner, Republican chairman of the Senate armed services committee, on his return from a visit to Baghdad. “In two to three months’ time, if this thing hasn’t come to fruition and this government (is not) able to function, I think it’s a responsibility of our government internally to determine: is there a change of course we should take?” Warner said.

    Bush and Condoleezza Rice, the secretary of state, have resisted the break-up of Iraq on the grounds that it could lead to more violence, but are thought to be reconsidering. “They have finally noticed that the country is being partitioned by civil war and ethnic cleansing is already a daily event,” said Leslie Gelb, former president of the Council on Foreign Relations.

    Gelb is the co-author with Senator Joseph Biden, a leading Democrat, of a plan to divide Iraq. “There was almost no support for our idea until very recently, when all the other ideas being advocated failed,” Gelb said.

    In Baghdad last week Rice indicated that time was running out for the Iraqi government to resolve the division of oil wealth and changes to the constitution.

    Many Kurds are already hoping for their own national state, while the Shi’ite Islamist leader Abdul Aziz al-Hakim is pressing for regional autonomy. The Sunnis are opposed to a carve-up of Iraq, which would further deprive them of the national power they enjoyed under Saddam Hussein and could leave them with a barren tranche of the country bereft of oil revenue.

    Many Middle East experts are horrified by the difficulty of dividing the nation. “Fifty-three per cent of the population of Iraq live in four cities and three of them are mixed,” said Anthony Cordesman of the Washington-based Centre for Strategic and International Studies, who fears a bloody outcome.

    Baghdad is a particular jumble, although ethnic cleansing is already dividing the population along the Tigris River, with Shi’ites to the east and Sunnis to the west of the city.

    America may have passed the point where it can determine Iraq’s future, according to Cordesman: “The internal politics of Iraq have taken on a momentum of their own.”

    Gelb is under no illusions about the prospects of success. “Everything is a long shot at this point,” he said.
    NOtice how they want to wait until AFTER the Mid-term elections next month to hear the recommendations of this report. Tighten the screws on Maliki and hold the big stick in your hands until he acts

  10. #12080
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    Default Libs spin machine at warp speed....

    Quote Originally Posted by ozizoz View Post
    The funny thing is that these fools dont see the "October Suprise" the GOP has coming in Iraq . . .they're never gonna know what hit them
    As a lifelong conservative, I've observed liberals Dems in Washington for decades and their response will be obvious to me. If the dinar revals / reverts to a significant amount (say .10usd or higher) the libs will spin this as Bush waging this war for profit, 'blood money' for the lives of our military men and women...etc. The Dems spin machine will be running at warp speed and fully supported by every major media venue in the world. Yes Oz, the libs are fools but they are vicious, vindictive fools who want only to regain the political power reins in Washington. If the libs are victorious in 2006 and 2008, they will reinstate their policy of oblivious neglect from that which truly threatens our very existence.

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