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  1. #12101
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    The re-drafting of the Constitution held its first meeting today

    The Hussein Alvluji deputy consensus that the Commission review and rewrite articles of the Constitution had held its first meeting today. He told Alvluji (morning) : The Committee's first meeting will be the selection of the Chairman of the Committee and Deputy attended the meeting which numbering (27) members. He added that the Accord Front objections to the people who run the committee writing the constitution,

    Noting that the front view of the necessity of choosing the President and Vice-new members to give greater opportunity for others to discriminate gaps and errors, as well as functioning smoothly without difficulties in understanding. He continued Alvluji The meeting of the Council of Deputies, which will be held today will be devoted mostly to the completion of the discussion of investment law and the law of the formation of regions as well as other things that might be raised by members. Alvluji and stressed the need for the Council presidency, in accordance with the rules of procedure of Parliament to inform members of the Council's agenda 48 hours before, but this issue has not been the case so far.

  2. #12102
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    Economic : Is there a gap between the banks and the real economy in the Arab states?

    In the light of the reports of the World Bank
    Adnan al-Kinani
    The World Bank Vice-President for the Middle East and North Africa (Christian Portman) on the vital task entrusted to the sectors of Arab capital in the management of oil revenues leap inject resources in the productive channels promote economic growth.

    On the other hand, economists and experts prepared the analytical study warned of what it called (disconnection) between the banks that dominate the Arab sectors of the capital, and between the private sector companies and institutions that are the real economy, on the other hand.
    The study, carried the title (the Arab capital in a new era of oil), as highlighted on (Arab financial systems) and the readiness to contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development for the Middle East and North Africa.
    She also noted that the revenues of oil exports standard and strong economic growth places financial systems of the region to the challenge of pumping liquidity in the real economy to push towards achieving strong growth in a sustainable and equitable manner.
    The study highlighted the disparity in the conditions of the Arab capital, for example, pointing out that the financial systems in the Gulf Cooperation Council are dealing with greater efficiency in the transfer of financial resources to the real economy, as the volume of lending to the private sector and the growing role of money markets, bonds and the growing linkage of national financial markets world financial system, as well as some of the council sought to shift to the regional financial centers.
    But she, on the other hand, that many sectors of Arab money's still on, despite the rise in lending activity to the private sector Finally, suffer from serious structural problems, such as the high cost of its banking operations and risk management systems are weak and the poor quality of assets, the study indicated that these constraints limited the ability of the sectors of the capital in the performance of its role in promoting growth in the current stage and can turn to the risks in the event slowed the pace of growth in the future.
    The experts noted that the World Bank oil boom financial started at the beginning of 2003 promised a rapid growth in both bank deposits and medicine on borrowing by the private sector, as the volume of deposits with Arab banks by 15% annually in the period from 2002 to 2005, bank deposits recorded the largest increase in the Gulf too high (30) of one billion dollars annually, three times the growth rate in the previous four years.
    But the volume of deposits received by banks of other oil-density large, namely Iraq, Syria and Yemen as well as Iran have increased faster than banks on the Gulf despite the increase in the volume recorded in the last three months of the $ 45 billion in the Arab countries, most of the remaining oil e The volume of bank deposits in the same period the rate of $ 11 billion annually, down very slightly compared to the period from 1998 to 2001.
    The World Bank has recently issued a report saying that one of the most prominent results of the oil boom reinforced the average growth of domestic output in the Middle East and North Africa to 6% in 2005 that contributed to the average the past three years to 6.2%, compared to the average annual growth in the late 1990s as prices crashed crude oil to the worst levels of 3.2% and the price of the fiscal discipline of the exporters of oil and its quest to convert oil wealth depleted to the long-term sources of income.
    According to the analytical study that showed that low-cost bank deposits, as well as increased lending to the property sector consumption and low rates of bad loans contributed to the rise in the profitability of banks, particularly in the Gulf countries.
    According to World Bank estimates profits rose more hundred Arab Bank (in terms of volume) and exclusively banks, especially the Gulf (Saudi Arabia, UAE) about 80% of these profits.
    The study presented in the preliminary results indicated that most countries of the Middle East and North Africa with a few investments with a high level of financial intermediation and a solid base of the banking assets and the future active in lending to the private sector and concluded that the relations between the observation of Finance and Development indicate that a State Arab ownership of a supportive climate for new investments, economic growth and create job opportunities at the corporate level.
    But the World Bank cautioned that the analysis and ratings conducted by the investment climates in the countries of the region gave (strong indicators) note that bank financing is not only a climate of only a small percentage of private sector companies, He pointed out that many of these companies, especially the smaller ones, said that the availability of funding sources and cost of banking are one of the biggest challenges that hinder the growth of activity.
    Finally, we can say that the limited coverage offered by the banks in financing the private sector is a general phenomenon in the region. as companies are forced to rely on the profits derived to cover 75% of its supply, while banks provide only 12% but stress that the imams (break the link between banks and the real economy) is the responsibility of banks and companies in the same time.

  3. #12103
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    Council of Ministers-the Ministry of Finance is responsible exclusively for the negotiation and signing of the sovereign loans

    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    The Republic of Iraq
    Council of Ministers-the governmental communications
    Media Relations
    A press statement / Press Release
    Sunday, 10-8-2006

    The official spokesman of the Iraqi government : the Ministry of Finance is responsible exclusively for the negotiation and signing of the sovereign credit of the Republic of Iraq

    His official spokesman of the Iraqi government, Dr. Skinner on that the Ministry of Finance is responsible exclusively for the negotiation and signing of the sovereign credit of the Republic of Iraq.

    He added, in recognition of what was said in the press conference that followed the meeting of the Council of Ministers last Thursday, The Ministry of Planning is the sole entity with the authority to negotiate and sign on grants and international aid.

  4. #12104
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    Economic : Is that the report of Transparency International on Iraq equitable?

    In the economic symposium
    Baghdad-Yasser incumbent
    A very important topic raised three economic symposium organized by the Central Committee for economic reform in the Ministry of Industry and Minerals on transparency and their role in the process of economic reform. The most hideous research, which is marked (transparency and their role in economic reform)

    By Shawki, a researcher Raad Mansour economic expert at the Ministry of debate and controversy and the rivalry between economists and money in Iraq specialized professors academics and technocrats as well as the appearance required by Iraqi businessmen to contribute to these discussions, which resulted in the important recommendations can be adopted, after approval in the the future.
    So, at the same draw economic advisor in the Ministry Professor Yaqub Shonia need to hang on the subject of Iraq in the area of the sequence (financial corruption) by the report of the Transparency International wondered about the criteria values in Iraq, based on any grounds.
    Where This proposal was supported by experts and specialists and participants in the symposium will be to ask this institution for information about standards and then re-evaluation.
    Jacob, who headed the symposium, after welcoming the participants in this production important objectives of the seminar outlined the economic program and the progress that had been made and the new plans, presented to the conferees fail to provide their research, pointing out that the ministry adopted five symposia casual nine new hubs to expand participation in the preparation of research.
    The symposium brought together all of the expert at the Ministry of Industry and Minerals Afif al-director and Professor Dr. Ali Al Maqbali from the University of Baghdad and the absence of research due to the interruption of the second TRACKER roads. The president submitted at the beginning of the symposium pointed out that whenever little transparency highlights them the concept of corruption. Noting that Iraq has maintained its rank at the top of most corrupt countries of the world during the years 2003 - 2004 - 2005, according to a report of the effects of global transparency controversy about this issue and was wide attention, prompting the sponsor of the symposium to call for the institution as I approached.
    Review of the experiment ago
    Research by the economist Shawqi Mansour summed up the discussion by reference introduction showed a need for economic reform without providing a definition of transparency Agreed, Turning tends to policy, which was followed by the fall and talked about the experience of the pre-2003, which lacked transparency and was vague on the extent described.
    Professor, Dr. Ali Al TRACKER research praised the efforts made by the researcher, but he stressed that the title of a large research and content included very large. He said that an attempt was confined to the researcher had prevailed in previous years wondering now requires that the need to turn the pages of the past and we must now do what has been accomplished during four years ago. Inquire about the reform steps of verification and transparency stages that have been made and reiterated that the researcher was an attempt to address a short period of time passed.
    He suggested some of the foundations of a mechanism of transparency, saying that a clear economic policy is one of the most important principles of transparency and involvement of the community in drawing up this policy on civil society organizations interested in economic affairs. Identification of the Department of the economic situation. Develop alternatives. He stressed that transparency now exercise caution and the need to develop economic policy.
    Democracy is the important link
    After opening the debate Director of the symposium was the first speaker on behalf of businessman Antoine, who praised such symposiums meaningful and sustained democracy, which is counting connecting important to the achievement of economic reform and transparency, the government and all the means within the framework of achieving the required reform.
    Antoine recalled investment law, which it is hoped that soon after its approval by parliament after the discussion and said that such a law, prepared under the radomes of the government without the participation of the private sector is on such a law and said important that we do not go back, but the government must give the institutions of civil society El Ma'an Yeh adequate opportunity to contribute to the preparation of draft laws on economic reform as long as the trend is the growth of a market economy. It called on the Ministry of Industry and Minerals to break bottlenecks between the public and private sectors, pointing out that transparency will contribute to convince the public the steps taken by the government in the new reshuffle.
    Strategic partnership
    The second speaker is Dr. Abbas Abu Altman President Baghdad Economic Forum, where he said : transparency. Everything we do must be visible on the accuracy of the community that a new term in our society, but long term. He pointed out that the issue of transparency and reform had been resolved in the developed countries more than 100 years.
    Abu Altman believes that the themes of transparency and economic reform and investment tools, privatization and governance needs to provide policies for the problem and how to solve any means the best solution in the allocation or strategic partnership. He reiterated that transparency is revealing corruption and contradict him. All require laws to guarantee the course of the work is good.
    The lessons of the past
    D III spokesman. Abdul Hakim, an economic expert. He said that a clear-cut strategy of Iraqi industry, for example, is on the reform of its facilities. After that Tnevzalsiasat according to the economic strategic outlook and then we come to assess and review the results.
    Hakim is another perspective to discuss TRACKER runs in the opinion when he said : that the last school, we must learn from it. Since the reform and development based on what was achieved in the past to get the positive aspects required However, he agreed with the TRACKER, that the search was confined to the previous period. It would have been better to provide answers on how to reform and renewal, however, reiterated that the past is important and can not be ignored and turn pages, according to the source.
    Inaccurate information
    Fourth spokesman Inspector General in the Ministry of Industry and Minerals Salem Paul blamed on the global transparency, which he described as accusatory to develop Iraq ranked first in corruption promised to conclusions based on information from businessmen living outside the country and is not able to estimate distance from the arena, was a for more worthy of the organization collect data and information from the inside.
    The last female singer represented speakers represented the Central Bank of Iraq Najla Sabri, which asserted that the issue of research is very important because transparency means of economic reform has been implemented in the most important facility in Iraq is the Iraqi Central Bank and intensive courses and a new system was designed for this important facility in the area of transparency and Sich Head 2007 holistic application of the transparency of the citizen to keep the obscurities and angles budget, and others.
    She reiterated that transparency is the establishment of data available to the public to contribute to the discussion and statement of opinion on economic policy decisions in future.
    We have dominated the atmosphere symposium controversial depth and extensive discussion and debate especially important in the development of Iraq in a low transparency in the implementation of the indicators according to the report by Transparency world about Iraq as the first country in financial corruption.
    As a researcher with the view of the Inspector General that corruption is pervasive and can not be justified by the promise was businessmen abroad correct
    On corruption, however, that the controversy resolved invitation Yaqub Shonia economic advisor to reconcile the views need to ask Transparency International on the criteria used in the performance of the division of Iraq and the reaction after us and the standards when that will speak louder than words and we will see whether the classification of the Iraq's invasion and occupation of Kuwait just fair but not happen Be one to think that Iraq is plagued by corruption.
    Thus gained modest symposium which bore the title great and important, the flavor of particular importance was transparency and openness and frankness in a new spirit.
    It remains to be seen that the Central Committee for economic reform in the Ministry of Industry and Minerals has been prepared and addresses of new subjects related to economic reform and axes are the necessities in the pre-qualification process of economic reform, options appropriate economic reform of the Iraqi economy, the role of a strategic partner to contribute to projects covered by the reform.
    Also identified topics on the economic rehabilitation of facilities services sector, the role of consulting offices in the marketing of projects under privatization role of scientific knowledge, economic reform and oversight role in the implementation of economic reform, The appropriate applications of privatization in the world of the reality of Iraq. Invited to participate in research and studies of this particular contribution to finding the best ways to achieve economic reform required.

  5. #12105
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    Voices of Iraq : Parliament-immunity-lifting
    Kawthar wrote : On Sunday, 08 October 2006 11:50 AM-BT
    Parliament agrees to lift the immunity of paper Jubari
    From the hushed Abdulamir
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    The House of Representatives approved today, Sunday, the Iraqi decision of the Supreme Judiciary Council to lift the parliamentary immunity of Mashaan al-Jabouri Member of Parliament for Reconciliation and Liberation Bloc.
    Said Mahmoud Almshahadani President of the Parliament and the Council agreed to lift the immunity of Al-Jabouri b (141) members, mostly Kurds.
    Deputy accused of involvement paper al cause financial corruption related to the construction of a building for keeping forces installations.
    To block editor and deputy editor of three seats.
    U p

  6. #12106
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    Thumbs up


    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Almshahadani meet Saleh and discussed with him the economic situation that the country is going through

    He met with the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Mahmoud Almshahadani yesterday, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Barham Salih.

    It was during the meeting discussing the economic situation prevailing in the country and ways to move the Iraqi economy and promotion.

    The meeting focused on the investment and general budget for 2007 and the International Decade for the support of Iraq.
    And the importance of the investment law for the transformation of the Iraqi economy to a free economy and encourage investors and companies and foreign capital to invest in Iraq, expressing hope in the bill passed by the House of Representatives at the earliest.

    Saleh emphasized the government's approval of the new peace grades aimed at raising the standard of living of its staff and grant approval to pay for the whole Iraqi people on the blessed month of Ramadan and the Eid al-Fitr and raise draft resolutions to the House for approval and adoption of the necessary financial allocations. Radio Tigris

  7. #12107
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    Voices of Iraq : Parliament-Eid Al Fitr - grant
    Kawthar wrote : On Sunday, 08 October 2006 10:42 AM-BT
    Parliament agreed to grant 10 thousand dinars for each citizen the occasion of Eid Al Fitr.
    From the hushed Abdulamir
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    The Iraqi Parliament voted at its fourth session today, Thursday, and the unanimous decision of the Council of Ministers b allocate 300 billion Iraqi dinars (10) by thousands of dinars each person the occasion of Eid al-Fitr.
    And the decision of the Council of Ministers intercepted a number of members of Parliament before the vote, as deputy Qassem Dawoud said "I think that there is a large segment of the needy so I think it is necessary Ithoel this amount to the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in order to use it."
    However, the objection has not prevented members vote in favor of the resolution.
    A spokesman for the Iraqi government to Skinner on Thursday that the Council of Ministers will approve payment of the grant by 10 thousand Iraqi dinars every citizen occasion of the Eid al-Fitr holiday.
    He explained that the amount payable in the form of checks with the card gives Altmonier and disposal of the banks.
    The price of the dollar in 1474 IQD

    is it just stating this or is this mean no rv???
    Last edited by Hope Full; 08-10-2006 at 12:03 PM.

  8. #12108
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    The name of God the Merciful
    ((His Excellency the Minister of the Interior received the American ambassador and a delegation "from Congress))
    Yesterday, His Excellency Mr. Jawad who is the Minister of the Interior in his office, the Ambassador of the United States of American Zalmay Khalilzad and a delegation "from the American Congress and was meeting to review developments in the security file, and the efforts of the Iraqi security forces in the fight against crime and the elimination of terrorism as the Dam minister to the efforts of the government designed to unify the ranks of the Iraqi people and strengthen the national unity among its citizens and pointed to the Minister the readiness of Iraqi security forces to take over the security file after the development attained by these forces on the level of rehabilitation and training was also discussed a number "of issues of common concern and discussed ways of strengthening them for the serum Hah two friendly nations.
    For his part, Ambassador of the United States of America and the delegation accompanying him were keen government of the United States to establish a strong relationship of friendship with the Iraqi government and development at all levels and fields.

  9. #12109
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    The Republic of Iraq
    Council of Ministers-the governmental communications
    Media Relations
    A press statement / Press Release
    Sunday, 10-8-2006

    The cost of 8,2 billion dinars

    Service projects in Fallujah and Karbala

    Completed technical and engineering capabilities of Iraqi cooperation with the Corps engineers Gulf station rehabilitation project north of the Karkh water treatment in the Kazimiyah district of Baghdad.

    The completion of the project, which amounted to a cost of two billion and five hundred million dinars on the 25th of last month, The project serves 70% of consumers of potable water in Baghdad.

    In the same context, a project of reconstructing a sewer pumping Fallujah in Anbar, at a cost of 5, seven billion dinars, which planned to be completed in the middle of next year, The project will convert waste water from the five systems to the channel, which serves over 140 thousand citizens of Fallujah residents.

  10. #12110
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 08-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    The Republic of Iraq
    Council of Ministers-the governmental communications
    Media Relations
    A press statement / Press Release
    Sunday, 10-8-2006

    Minister of State for Civil Society Affairs congratulates the collective far Alaizidien

    The Minister of State for civil society just Mr. Assadi, a telegram of congratulations to the brothers Alaizidien and civil society organizations Alaezideh occasion of Eid Community Following is the text of the telegram :

    The occasion of the Eid's collective Aizidien, It gives me great pleasure to present the nicest compliments and congratulations to His Highness the Crown Prince and improve your Eminence, Mr. Baba Sheikh and spiritual Alaizidi members of the Council and to all our brothers and sisters Alaizidien and to all civil society organizations Alaezideh, We take this opportunity to congratulate the happy and congratulate the people of religion Alaezdeh in Iraq and the world. and that calls for the unity of the Iraqi people of all stripes and social classes, We wish them Shinafiyah and Muwaffaqiyah, good fortune, in the performance of decrees feast in peace, and pray to the Almighty that Barry makes Ayamkm holidays and the joys, The reign of peace and security should be firmly relations of fraternity and love among all religions and sects of Iraqi society.
    فقكم God, and every year you great shape.

    Mr. Adel Asadi
    Minister of State for civil society

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