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  1. #12141
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    Quote Originally Posted by View Post

    Yes, so many meetings, so much pressure, and yes, elections in U.S. means Whitehouse wants something to crow about, and this is why Rice was sent, and now we see meetings after meetings, and this is the result of the private ultimate time frame to get it done, no more bickering, and this is what we all want.

    Thinking back over all this data we have seen, look at it this way. Dividing into three sections was never mentioned before Barzani started the issue on flag of Iraq. Remember all the resistance in Baghdad? Wow, a firestorm was started, then in days, a reversal, why? The whole point here is that the Kurds have proven that economic success was possible even under the control of Saddam, so it only makes sense that seperation into regions IS the right strategy, so I endorse it knowing a little bit about how Iraqi's think.

    We have read opinions on all issues, but what we now see are concessions and they have all been coming from Kurds. Interesting, and why wouldn't Maliki listen to Barzani's clan? They have proven they know how to run a country, for this is how they look at it, and they have made no effort to hide the fact that they want nothing to do with Baghdad and the band of i*d*i*o*t*s in parliament. Why do you think the FIL was drafted by the Kurd's, and adopted before Baghdad even started talking about it. It is so obvious that the only smart economics experts are Kurds, so Maliki better listen, and Rice has so much as said the same thing.

    I simply read between the lines having researched this for what seems like a lifetime, and the conclusion I see is to divide up the regions into three, all under one constitution, but give the people of the main sects a home where there will be no killing, end of story. With Shiites and Sunni killing each other daily, and little chance this will ever stop totally, it is time to make the divisions for safety reasons, to insure a reasonable peace, and this is why we are hearing it being seriously considered now. Baghdad is starting to see the light, and now that the division of oil profits is assured, it will be done.

    Simply put, people will be able to move within their own sectarian region and will still share in oil revenues, which was the only reason this stand off between the two has gone on so long. Hell, anyone with half a brain can see what it was always about, oil money. The insurgents knew this, and that is why they fueled the fire, but why didn't Baghdad know it? Back to the brain dead who were put in these minister and cabinet positions just to ratify constitution, now it is time to clean out all these illiterates and get on with what will work, division, under one consitution, simple.

    For those is U.S., we can look at it in terms of South and North, the same crap went on from the start, and still goes on for many, so what we have is a solution of choice, most people who live in the south would never think to move to north, and many in north think the same of the south, so why would the government force what is not natural? This is the same thing going on in Iraq, you cannot force people to live with those they hate, so divide them, and the problem is solved. Let the people live where they want, not where the gov. wants.

    As in U.S., we want to keep the gov. out of our personal lives, and if you don't want to believe this, then put it up for national vote and you will see the light. The same is true in Iraq, now that the have democracy, then put it up for vote on the division issue. I assure you, the vote will be to divide, and then the Shiite, Sunni and Kurds can get on with rebuilding the economy. Now that we hear this in reports, it was always the sticking point, so yes, I now think the revalue will happen, so we are all at the right place at the right time, so be thankful for all the efforts of the great people on this forum who have brought all the pieces of this puzzle in clear view. Sure has been an intersting journey, and an even better destination. (g) Just my opinion.

    Good luck to all, Mike
    I have a few points that I would be interested in hearing your opinion on.
    Recently I read that the separation plan had been shelved until 2008 to allow cooler heads to prevail, do you think it is possible that it is just Baker's report that has put it back into the spotlight?
    In the past the Kurds used the Swiss dinar and I wonder at the possibility of a currency reprint if a separation occurs now, so each sect would have their own currency.
    There are Shiite and Sunni in the same house as well as many mixed marriages, how do you feel a separation would effect a situation like that?

  2. #12142
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    > Armed groups in Iraq announce truce, 5000 officers support reconciliation
    October 08, 2006 A close source to armed groups announced that intensive
    negotiations were held to find unified positions toward reconciliation project
    and vow document.
    > He said that some of those groups announced stopping military operations,
    expressing good faith to accept conditions of initiative and principles of
    Ramadhan document.
    > Meanwhile senior officer at previous Iraqi army said that about five thousand
    officers made gentlemen's agreement to support the project of Prime Minister

  3. #12143
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hope Full View Post
    Voices of Iraq : Parliament-Eid Al Fitr - grant
    Kawthar wrote : On Sunday, 08 October 2006 10:42 AM-BT
    Parliament agreed to grant 10 thousand dinars for each citizen the occasion of Eid Al Fitr.
    From the hushed Abdulamir
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    The Iraqi Parliament voted at its fourth session today, Thursday, and the unanimous decision of the Council of Ministers b allocate 300 billion Iraqi dinars (10) by thousands of dinars each person the occasion of Eid al-Fitr.
    And the decision of the Council of Ministers intercepted a number of members of Parliament before the vote, as deputy Qassem Dawoud said "I think that there is a large segment of the needy so I think it is necessary Ithoel this amount to the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in order to use it."
    However, the objection has not prevented members vote in favor of the resolution.
    A spokesman for the Iraqi government to Skinner on Thursday that the Council of Ministers will approve payment of the grant by 10 thousand Iraqi dinars every citizen occasion of the Eid al-Fitr holiday.
    He explained that the amount payable in the form of checks with the card gives Altmonier and disposal of the banks.
    The price of the dollar in 1474 IQD

    is it just stating this or is this mean no rv???
    I'm hoping it means that this is the exchange rate when they distribute it on Eid al-Fitr, so they can reval they day AFTER

  4. #12144
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    Najaf Refinery to be Opened Today
    > October 08, 2006
    > Oil minister Hussein al Shihrastani would open today Najaf refinery with a
    capacity of 10 thousand barrels to produce oil productions as gas oil, kerosene,
    oil, and the sub-assistant of benzene manufacturing.
    > The spokesman of the oil ministry Asim Jihad said that, the technique &
    engineering stuff of oil Productions Company carried out establishing of Najaf
    refinery completely earlier at the current year, adding that the current
    productions would participate in repairing residents' needs.
    > He emphasized that the next period would witnessing producing of 30 thousand
    barrels daily, pointing that Najaf refinery was the second carried out refinery
    after Samawa refinery which opened last year.(Source)AlSabah

  5. #12145
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hope Full View Post
    - - - -
    A spokesman for the Iraqi government to Skinner on Thursday that the Council of Ministers will approve payment of the grant by 10 thousand Iraqi dinars every citizen occasion of the Eid al-Fitr holiday.
    He explained that the amount payable in the form of checks with the card gives Altmonier and disposal of the banks.
    The price of the dollar in 1474 IQD

    is it just stating this or is this mean no rv???
    Quote Originally Posted by zipper View Post
    I'm hoping it means that this is the exchange rate when they distribute it on Eid al-Fitr, so they can reval they day AFTER
    It seems to me that they better do any RV before anybody has a chance to spend this gift OR wait a long time after it is given or risk a lot of well deserved anger from anybody who might spend it before the RV.

  6. #12146
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    Iraqi Investors are in 2nd place in Jordan October 08, 2006 Iraqi investors
    came in second in the list of investors in registered companies in Jordan since
    the beginning of this year till the end of its third quarter. In terms of the
    volume of registered capitals, their contribution amounted to 106 million, while
    Kuwaiti contribution sharply retreated to 29.3 million dinars compared to 161.3
    million dinars to the same period of last year. Emirates investments in
    registered companies also retreated to 97 million dinars, compared with 136.9
    million dinars to the same period of last year. While Egyptian investments
    achieved an increase amounted to 13.1 million dinars compared to 7.5 million
    dinars with the same period of last year.
    > The volume of investment in Jordanian registered companies during the last
    nine months of the current year amounted to 940, 26 million Jordanian dinars
    (about 1.33 billion dollars), compared with (480, 4) million dinars in the same
    period of 2005, at an increase of 95.7%.
    > General supervisor of the companies, Mahmmoud Al-Abbabanh, said that 7021 new
    companies with the capital of 940.3 million dinars had been registered since the
    beginning of this year till the end of last September compared with 6227
    companies with the capital of 480.4 million dinars had been registered at the
    same period of last year.
    > Most new investments focused on the services sector amounted to 448 million
    dinars, and then agriculture amounted to 252.9 million dinars, industries
    amounted to 117.5 million dinars, followed by trade and reached 105.9 million
    dinars then contracting to 15.6 million dinars.
    > Al-Abbabanh explained that the new public shareholding companies accounted for
    the highest proportion of the total capital of the new registered companies, as
    the number recorded since the beginning of this year 2006 to 38 public
    shareholding companies with a total capital of485.6 million dinars compared to
    12 public shareholding companies with a total capital of 80.7 million dinars
    registered at the same period of last year. It was followed by limited liability
    companies with the capital of 191.5 million dinars compared with 156.4 million
    dinars to the same period of last year.
    > Al-Abbabanh said that during the month of September, 600 new companies
    registered with a capital amounted to 77.2 million dinars compared to 685
    companies with the capital of 124.5 million dinars registered at the same period
    of last year.(Source)AlSharq AlAwsat

  7. #12147
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    Default Iraqi Investments Club

    Quote Originally Posted by Lunar View Post
    I have a few points that I would be interested in hearing your opinion on.
    Recently I read that the separation plan had been shelved until 2008 to allow cooler heads to prevail, do you think it is possible that it is just Baker's report that has put it back into the spotlight?
    In the past the Kurds used the Swiss dinar and I wonder at the possibility of a currency reprint if a separation occurs now, so each sect would have their own currency.
    There are Shiite and Sunni in the same house as well as many mixed marriages, how do you feel a separation would effect a situation like that?
    Good points,

    Here is how I see it. We know action is needed now, no more dickering about, this was clear, so whatever was stated even a week ago just went out the window, so it is not shelved until 2008, it is a now issue and has to be resolved NOW.

    Yes, the Kurd's has so called Swiss dinar which was worth 150 times more than the Saddam dinar, so we know what the Kurd's want, and so far, whatever they want, they seem to be getting, and eventually this will come to pass with revalue too.

    As far as seperation, I am not saying this is mandated, it is a freedom of choice issue. Yes, there are many Shiite and Sunni who do work and live in same neighborhoods, so some may choose to stay where they are, but the more important issue is the killing will stop just by affording the choice to move within a dominant Shiite or Sunni area. It is all about those who feel seperation is safer, and those who do not hate based on sect can remain together if they choose. No reprint is needed since it is still all under one constitution and currency, so not an issue as I see it.

    Good luck to all, Mike

  8. #12148
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    Quote Originally Posted by Par77 View Post
    Thanks, Mike. How would this be any different then America having 50 different states? Each has it's own govenor, legislature, laws, etc. But under one flag and one President. The states manage their own territory and send representatives to congress. We are the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA but divided into 50 states that manage themselves and are acountable to Washington. I don't see the difference with Iraqi...wouldn't that still be democaratic?
    It would be very states with blacks in one, asians in another, latinos in another and whites in another. Segregation by religion or race is never successful under one umbrella. It is the combination that makes America successful.

  9. #12149
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    Default Debit cards?

    Quote Originally Posted by clueless View Post
    It seems to me that they better do any RV before anybody has a chance to spend this gift OR wait a long time after it is given or risk a lot of well deserved anger from anybody who might spend it before the RV.
    If they gave them Debit cards, If thats possible in Iraq, They could give them out before the revalue and have them not be valid till a certain date, say after the revalue.

  10. #12150
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    Default Iraqi Investments Club

    Quote Originally Posted by clueless View Post
    i am afraid there is one potenially big difference. this proposed spit in iraq is also largely based on culture and religion. it may well be the best short term solution but IMO it will allow the underlying problems to continue and even get worse.

    history seems to show that segregation / apartitide does not work.
    Good point,

    I would agree in most other cases, but not with Iraq which is so unique a situation that we have never seen anything close to this in history before. When the majority of killing is being done between sects at this point, and the insurgency was trying to exploit this human flaw of hate, it is obvious separation must be afforded as an option to stop this useless killing.

    Again, it is a matter of choice, so those who cannot stand their neighbors have the option to move to an all Shiite or Sunni region if that is what it takes for them to live in peace. Remember, in all other comparisons it was always over money, just as it has been since the beginning of time. In other cases it was access to water, fertile soil, and of course, oil, so as you look to compare, we see something totally different in Iraq now that the shared oil wealth issue is finalized.

    Freedom of choice is what we are talking about without fear of loss of money, as in oil, agricultural or water. As long as these are shared, and freedom of choice is available, the economy will prosper, the people will prosper, and so will the country of Iraq. This will put an end to most of the major problems as I see it.

    Good luck to all, Mike

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