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  1. #12191
    Senior Member doublescorpio's Avatar
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    Default Omg

    Quote Originally Posted by cigarman View Post
    Double, your right, I was just playing.. You calculator is right.
    I am not kidding I have been sitting here for 10 minutes running the numbers thinking I was and *****!!!

  2. #12192
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    Quote Originally Posted by yardbird View Post
    My apologies "whatever", I thought you were being cute. Didn't realize you were serious.
    I thought I was being cute too!! No more martini's at brunch for me!!
    " May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the armpits of any infidels who stand in the way of the $1.48 reval of our blessed Dinar."--Some Iraqi guy

  3. #12193
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigslick116 View Post
    My appalogies, I ran my mouth before I read the entire artical. I know there will NOT BE A ZERO LOP first hand I just thought that artical was rehashing old news. Again I should have known better.
    Are you holding out on us????

  4. #12194
    Senior Member Elfwizard's Avatar
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    3-expansion in the issuance of banknotes

    I like that statement, doesn't say re-isue, says Expansion of thenotes, ADD MORE NOTES.

    I like it!

  5. #12195
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    "raising three zeroes" could mean r/v by changing three decimal places, putting it at the $1.47 or so figure some have mentioned before.

  6. #12196
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    Ok, Although we all would love to see a revalue of more then .04, this amount honestly makes the most sense.
    let's break it down for a second,
    000678 times 6000% is .04068

    if you had 1,000,000 IQD it would equal = $40,680 USD on a $800 investment
    10,000,000 IQD it would equal = $406,800 USD on $8k investment
    I don't know any other investment that can give you this kind of return.
    Last edited by archangel; 08-10-2006 at 10:09 PM.

  7. #12197
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    You mean a 7 to 8 thousand dollar investment on 10 mil.

  8. #12198
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    Cool I told you I was no Expert...

    But hearing you put it this way. I see the Picture in a clearer way. I always understood that the Kurds could run the Country them selves. I see now that the Oil will be divided among them all no matter if it is a divided Nation. So if this is the way that they need it and all is happy with the division and the Oil Share, I say,"Lets get It On". Thanks Mike.

    Quote Originally Posted by View Post

    Yes, so many meetings, so much pressure, and yes, elections in U.S. means Whitehouse wants something to crow about, and this is why Rice was sent, and now we see meetings after meetings, and this is the result of the private ultimate time frame to get it done, no more bickering, and this is what we all want.

    Thinking back over all this data we have seen, look at it this way. Dividing into three sections was never mentioned before Barzani started the issue on flag of Iraq. Remember all the resistance in Baghdad? Wow, a firestorm was started, then in days, a reversal, why? The whole point here is that the Kurds have proven that economic success was possible even under the control of Saddam, so it only makes sense that seperation into regions IS the right strategy, so I endorse it knowing a little bit about how Iraqi's think.

    We have read opinions on all issues, but what we now see are concessions and they have all been coming from Kurds. Interesting, and why wouldn't Maliki listen to Barzani's clan? They have proven they know how to run a country, for this is how they look at it, and they have made no effort to hide the fact that they want nothing to do with Baghdad and the band of i*d*i*o*t*s in parliament. Why do you think the FIL was drafted by the Kurd's, and adopted before Baghdad even started talking about it. It is so obvious that the only smart economics experts are Kurds, so Maliki better listen, and Rice has so much as said the same thing.

    I simply read between the lines having researched this for what seems like a lifetime, and the conclusion I see is to divide up the regions into three, all under one constitution, but give the people of the main sects a home where there will be no killing, end of story. With Shiites and Sunni killing each other daily, and little chance this will ever stop totally, it is time to make the divisions for safety reasons, to insure a reasonable peace, and this is why we are hearing it being seriously considered now. Baghdad is starting to see the light, and now that the division of oil profits is assured, it will be done.

    Simply put, people will be able to move within their own sectarian region and will still share in oil revenues, which was the only reason this stand off between the two has gone on so long. Hell, anyone with half a brain can see what it was always about, oil money. The insurgents knew this, and that is why they fueled the fire, but why didn't Baghdad know it? Back to the brain dead who were put in these minister and cabinet positions just to ratify constitution, now it is time to clean out all these illiterates and get on with what will work, division, under one consitution, simple.

    For those is U.S., we can look at it in terms of South and North, the same crap went on from the start, and still goes on for many, so what we have is a solution of choice, most people who live in the south would never think to move to north, and many in north think the same of the south, so why would the government force what is not natural? This is the same thing going on in Iraq, you cannot force people to live with those they hate, so divide them, and the problem is solved. Let the people live where they want, not where the gov. wants.

    As in U.S., we want to keep the gov. out of our personal lives, and if you don't want to believe this, then put it up for national vote and you will see the light. The same is true in Iraq, now that the have democracy, then put it up for vote on the division issue. I assure you, the vote will be to divide, and then the Shiite, Sunni and Kurds can get on with rebuilding the economy. Now that we hear this in reports, it was always the sticking point, so yes, I now think the revalue will happen, so we are all at the right place at the right time, so be thankful for all the efforts of the great people on this forum who have brought all the pieces of this puzzle in clear view. Sure has been an intersting journey, and an even better destination. (g) Just my opinion.

    Good luck to all, Mike

  9. #12199
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    Quote Originally Posted by archangel View Post
    Ok, Although we all would love to see a revalue of more then .04, this amount honestly makes the most sense.
    let's break it down for a second,
    000678 times 6000% is .04068

    if you had 1,000,000 IQD it would equal = $40,680 USD on a $800 investment
    10,000,000 IQD it would equal = $406,800 USD on $18k investment
    I don't know any other investment that can give you this kind of return.
    Although I agree completely with your figures, remember what was said about bringing the dinar back to previous levels, or at the level of neighboring countries.

  10. #12200
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    Exclamation We were so high yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!

    We were all so high yesterday! Now today they went and popped our balloon! This could be moral suasion or also called mis-information. Allowed by the IMF to keep speculation down! Which is what they would have to do. If in fact they do not revalue now. Cause once the banks open a definite run could occur!!!!!!!!!!

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