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    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    An Iraqi oil official criticizes policy committed to the ministry
    Basra (southern Iraq) - Abdul Wahid taste of life-09 / 10 / 06 / /

    NDP official in the South Oil Company (based in Basra) failure Iraqi oil industry to "strict policy» implemented by the Ministry of Oil and Al on the import of fuels from abroad and neglect of the national industry ».

    He described Samir Almksousi spokesman for the company, in a statement to Al-Hayat », monitoring government sums of money to import fuel as an "floundering weaker domestic industries and wasting public funds and Al» half of the amount earmarked for this purpose in one year is enough to build refineries giant », The bridge is an important part of the country's fuel needs. He pointed to the existence of such offers global undertake such projects which the company implemented a liquidator in a period not exceeding a half years, while Iraq is importing fuel for three years.

    Almksousi and stressed the need to take advantage of the local cadres in such projects, He pointed out that a technical team from the South Oil Company to build a refinery wet in a record time not exceeding three months. He and his company plans to put up a number of projects of this type Al However, all our attempts to come up against the formidable routine in the ministry has led to failure », Ministers called Al re-evaluating the work and potential of the oil sector and the adoption of the policy of constructive support activity ».


    He warned Almksousi aggravated smuggling operations, He pointed to "the spread of corruption in the Oil Ministry in the form intersects with religious values and national contributed to the spread of this phenomenon». He explained, "The main problem in the mechanism adopted in the orders issued by the ministry in this regard are still under controls adopted by the old regime». He called to "enact laws and new controls more stringent» taking into account the general interest of the Iraqi people. not as it is now a reservation narrow interests and personal ».

    The spokesman denied the South Oil Company recorded cases of smuggling crude oil. He held the bodies of the ministries of interior and defense responsibility for the control of land and water routes inside the country or from the border, He pointed out that the production of crude oil from the south of 2.1 million barrels per day from 1.7 million barrels for export and 400 thousand barrels needed to cover the southern refineries in Basra, Nasiriyah, Amarah and Samawah.

  2. #12262
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    Anyone have a link handy for final FIL reading/vote?


    **I'm not sure how far back that article is, or what thread.
    Last edited by One Oar; 09-10-2006 at 01:16 AM.

  3. #12263
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    The government of Kurdistan issued a number of decisions

    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Union : The official spokesman for the government of the Kurdistan region in a press conference held by the Cabinet on yesterday, Sunday, that the territorial government issued a number of decisions. He said that the territorial government decided to form a committee to re-examine the redundant staff in the State services and distribution to other departments that need them and reorganize the structure of government departments, It also decided to transfer the staffing Directorate General of Antiquities in all its departments of the Ministry of Culture to the Ministry of Tourism, as well as the transfer of tables Directorate General of Sport and Youth of the Ministry of Culture to the Ministry of Sports and Youth in the territorial government. He also announced that the government had decided to exchange allocations to trade with serious health professions in the Kurdistan region and according to categories (August c) that the disposal of the category (a) hundred thousand Iraqi dinars and category (b) seventy-five thousand Iraqi dinars and the category (c) Fifty thousand Iraqi dinars.

    As he pointed out in his press conference that the territorial government decided to add the amount of 15 billion Iraqi dinars to the reconstruction of Kirkuk as a third phase of the reconstruction of the city. referring to the approval by the Council of Ministers to accept the resignation of Mr. Khalid Mohammad Amin Sofi Kaemmegam Raniyah district and request it.
    As the official spokesman of the government of the province that the government had decided to form a coordinating committee of representatives of the Kurdistan government in Baghdad to facilitate the Public Committee for the Defense of the victims of the Anfal and the participation of lawyers and citizens of the Kurdistan region in the Supreme Court competent to try deposed Iraqi president.
    He added : "The government also decided to appoint Falah Mustafa Bakr, head of external relations in the State Cabinet Minister as well as the opening of an office of the government of Kurdistan in Baghdad under the chairmanship of Mr. Delshad Miran degree Minister and Deputy Salah Gomaa, a Deputy Minister. He also noted that the Council of Ministers of the territorial government decided to form a committee to study the Companies Act Wa the trade agencies in the province.

  4. #12264
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Kirkuk governor appreciates the efforts that have contributed to the success of the process (the key to safety)

    European / agencies : eighth Kirkuk governor Rahman Mustafa efforts that have contributed to the success of the key safety in the city of Kirkuk, after the striking success of the operation, carried out by the army and police forces in cooperation with the multinational forces imposing curfew and besieging the whole of the city entrances to the bridge and direct campaign weakened down broad included all neighborhoods and areas of the city of Kirkuk. Kirkuk Governor said, "The decision which we have curfews in the city of Kirkuk was a decision had been taken some time ago, especially after the end of the digging the trench security on the outskirts of Kirkuk, and to enhance security and stability in showing that we discussed the implementation of the plan for curfews to the general areas of Kirkuk for a certain period of time through which searches all the pain a spokesman in Kirkuk to reach the hotbeds of terrorism and elimination as well as the withdrawal of unauthorized weapons to eradicate the phenomenon of arms in the city. The procedure was very successful as has been the arrest of dozens of suspects and the investigation is underway, as well as the confiscation of amounts of weapons and materiel. "

    Meanwhile, Lt. Col. Khalil Alzobai relations director of the Second Brigade of the Iraqi army that the key to safety, which took place in different areas within the city of Kirkuk and carried out by the Iraqi army and police cooperation with the multinational forces successfully ended on Saturday evening, He pointed out that the arrest of 184 people, from among the wanted suspect, in addition to the arrest of a woman terrorist, and five foreign terrorists carrying Syrian and Palestinian nationalities.
    He added that Alzobai been seized 432 pieces of guns and 100 stores and 20 Kalashnikov gun and masks of chemical weapons and 13 vehicles, including a military vehicle in addition to large quantities of arms, ammunition and explosives. Alzobai announced that approximately 16 thousand from elements of the army and the Iraqi police who participated in this process, The process began at dawn yesterday and the first six of the afternoon the same day.
    Completing the Iraqi security forces in Kirkuk process of wide-ranging security amid the continuous curfew since Friday night, and to take control of the situation and prevent armed attacks and assassinations that have escalated over the past few days.

    In addition, multinational forces said they seized yesterday, Sunday, 14 cache of weapons and bombs and publications during the fighting in Baghdad. The statement of the multiple caches that were seized during a process designed to combat Al Qaeda cells in a triangle Shakrih southwest of Baghdad.
    He added that the caches containing anti-tank and anti-personnel rockets and head of the bombing and missile material for the manufacture of explosives and a stick of dynamite, 30 explosive devices and partially incomplete three missiles ready for detonation.
    Also seized in bomb shelters rounds 82 mm and 22 mm firing RPG, 44 of an explosive device and three RPG launchers, three AK-47s and Rchachti guns and various bomb-making materials.
    Soldiers also found a large amount of material for the manufacture of explosives, documents and anti-armor bullets in bomb shelters.
    For its part, The general command of the armed forces yesterday, Sunday, the arrest of 96 suspects during security operations in various regions of Iraq the day before yesterday.
    The leadership said in a statement issued yesterday that he had been "arrested 14 suspects in Baghdad unequivocally, categorically 4 in Mosul, 12 in Ramadi, categorically, 64 in the definitive Salahuddin, Diyala, Kirkuk and two in the definitive Furat. "

  5. #12265
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    Minority candidates in the pending amendment of the constitution ahead

    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Baghdad / commoners hailed
    Sheikh Humam Hamudi member of the Committee on the amendment of the constitution of the United Iraqi Alliance bloc that the holding of the first meeting of the Commission on the amendment of the constitution depends on the nomination of minority representatives. He added Hammoudi told (long) that there was a problem in the appointment of the names of the representatives of Turkomans and Assyrians Very able in the amendment. He pointed out that between two specific names but there is a problem in the choice, there are several observations from several blocks on the Turkmen candidate in the House of Representatives is (Saad Eddin Arkji). As is the case for a candidate Very able Assyria (Unadim Kana). Pointing out that the Committee is awaiting the presidency of the parliament to resolve the issue.
    For his part, Hamid Majid Moussa, a member of the Committee on the amendment of the constitution for Iraqi bloc, it is difficult to set a date for convening the first meeting. He added Moussa told (long), some blocks unprepared for the meeting they discuss how to deal with what is likely to put forward proposals to amend the Constitution. Pointing out that the large blocs in the House of Representatives and create their now to enter into a round of negotiations in this regard. Moussa pointed out that the presidency of the House of Representatives following the designation of representatives of minority Very able Assyrians and Turkmen, Alaezideh.
    It said Abbas Bayati member of the Committee on the amendment of the constitution of the United Iraqi Alliance bloc that the committee assigned to consider amending some articles of the constitution will nominate members of this week. Al-Bayati added : the Commission, pending the completion of its members through action on selected by the governing body of the Parliament, where there is now one of the two vice Turkomen is Saad Eddin Arkji. And the other is for Christians, Unadim Kana, and the two nominated to this position by Kathama. He said : after the completion of the Committee members will be works of art through a program of the work of the Committee, He pointed out that the Commission is now under advisement the fact that the ceiling timetable set them high, with a year to finish its work, after it has been interpreted legally from four months to one year.

  6. #12266
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    Cool Funny

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    yeah, what he
    thats what i meant.
    Quote Originally Posted by eosirl2 View Post
    Golden rule in calculating the rates, if it is USD before the decimal moves, it is still USD after the decimal moves.

    Any reference to .68 or .00068 etc this is USD not dinar.

    Any reference to 1472 or 1.47 etc this is Dinar not USD.

    As these rate are inverses of each other, this cause the confusion.
    Yeah, me too.

  7. #12267
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Director general of the distribution of petroleum products (long) : dumping fuel stations products contribute to a decline in the crisis flared and three million liters of white oil in Baghdad in the winter

    Baghdad / long
    The director general of the distribution of petroleum products Karim Hatab quantities of gasoline-consuming capital of Baghdad is on the increase as was provided about five million liters of petrol a day before the term was increased to six million, and the queue of cars at fuel stations in spite of the increasing emphasis on the absence of a real crisis, but is fabricated.
    He added cream in a dialogue with the (range) that the company increased the quantities of gasoline to abort Mahattat predators and opportunists and the beneficiaries of that crisis from the (Aljulkan) and the smugglers. At the direction of the ministry down to the street to deal with this problem after the weak performance of control stations as well as the distribution payment largest possible quantity of petrol outlets several of them (refinery Kirkuk and Kut and Basra), praising that he was dumping gasoline stations and provided for in these stations are more than basic requirements despite a the work carried out by opportunists making queues sustained only that the ministry is working hard to remove them during the next two days.
    The Director General said that petrol, which is to Baghdad is a local product in addition to the imported product that normally only be informal session that the liquidator was exposed to acts of sabotage led to his suspension for a period (16 days) for the non-arrival of crude oil, when he stopped working on the second maneuver from the south and the efforts of the operations room was strenuous where were monitored since the portable loading and unloading stations, while the mobilization of fuel.
    The cream of the existence of exceptions as a result of a crisis are usually shipped tanks loaded with gasoline from the South to a storehouse in both Baghdad (Karkh and Rusafa) and said : our work on the portable tank from the south directly to the stations instead of going to the warehouse and we have tubes connected from the port (Khor Al-Zubair) to the Karkh warehouse where petrol pumps daily rate (3.5 million liters), and are transported through the tanks and transport tanks and the private sector will be distributed to fuel stations. In the days of the crisis was more than that figure.
    The cream that the crisis did not spread to other governorates, and subsided only in the capital Baghdad, came as support from the rest of the northern and southern provinces and the center of (Basra, Kirkuk and Wasit).
    Stocks and Baghdad was relying on imported and domestic products of the refinery, and we have good stocks refineries in Baiji but the security situation does not allow transfer at the present time.
    In response to a question about the impact of curfews Yugoslavia and for three days, which contributed to clear up the crisis in Yugoslavia, while the curfew for the last two days to create a new crisis.
    He said : The curfew was unexpected and surprised it has not Nsthsal security clearances from the Ministry of Defense and Interior movement of portable tanker No citizens so Furthermore, the Al-Dawra refinery, which has two weeks ago was Ejehzna b (2 million liters) of petrol and this loss, which contributed to the crisis. we do not put the blame on the Ministry of Electricity and suffer more from the suffering of the Ministry of Oil However, the reality of the situation in the case of electricity cease fire refineries, warehouses and loading arms and to stop the giant pumps, as well as increasing demand for fuel.
    A cream that the position of stocks (article kerosine) in the southern governorates best of the capital Baghdad and other governorates Furat best of the capital Baghdad, However, the biggest problem is that Baghdad is where the (article kerosine) The importer, which do not exceed in all cases (500 thousand liters) or local product from the refinery, which is relied upon, which is not free of breaks, as well as continuing to rely on what is the Baiji refinery, but the road between Baiji and Baghdad is not a believer and not rush Allen Aklin to transfer this product to Baghdad was born a real need in the product (kerosine) in Baghdad.
    And the cream that bad contracts with Iran for a kerosene can be dispensed with and contracting with other countries and take advantage of the House, not the border with Iran through the same (transit).
    Explaining that there are quick fixes through the importation of the substance and kerosene will be the beginning of this week, around 1 million liters of kerosene and resulting from the Al-Dawra refinery limits (two million liters) of the three million liters, we believe that sufficient capital Baghdad and put an end to the crisis of kerosene during this winter.

  8. #12268
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Nasiriyah / Hussein Karim Group
    The number of members of the Dhi Qar to the formation of a committee to follow up the rate of cash to maintain, The number of members suggested during the meeting that was held recently in the formation of a committee, consisting of three members of the committees of integrity, technical and legal follow-up to exchange cash, while Vice-President of the Council called Abdul Karim Ekeli, who chaired the meeting set a special meeting to discuss the exchange terminal doors.
    A number of Council members have complained of non-payment of amounts of cash equally and in particular the amounts allocated for the purchase of gasoline and sustain cars Council members.
    While تذمره One member was not allowed to examine the books of accounts of the Council. For his part, Vice-President of the Council that the books of accounts are available to all members for review and the right of members found when they want.

  9. #12269
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    Shahrastani : the establishment of the biggest refinery in Iraq during the months

    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    During the inauguration of the oil refinery Najaf. Shahrastani : the establishment of the biggest refinery in Iraq in the next few months

    Najaf / Amer Alokaishi
    Dr. Hussein Shahrastani, Minister of Petroleum oil refinery in Najaf, a large ceremony held at the site of the refinery. Where gave a speech in which he said : The opening of the liquidator is a gift to the people of Najaf occasion of the holy month of Ramadan and that the city deserves more of the draft awakening and the beginning of this liquidator other large projects will be implemented, He added : there will be daily efforts in this liquidator for the addition of a second production capacity
    (10000) barrels per day and we hope to implement it before the expiration of the current year. Shahrastani then announced the creation of the largest liquidator in Iraq during the next few months between the provinces of Najaf and Karbala, produces all petroleum products production capacity (140, 000) barrels per day and a cost of one billion dollars. It also announced a number of other projects, including the completion of reservoirs liquidator Najaf and the implementation of a major oil depot in the city of Karbala on the road to Karbala - Najaf. Turning to the oil fields located in the triangle (Najaf-Kefl - Haidrih) and said : This region is very important, the ministry will develop a large investment of this wealth. He concluded by saying : Shahrastani those refineries will be able to collect and project engineers and specialized labor in the provinces of Najaf and Karbala and keep anyone from those groups unemployed, but we may need to labor-of these governorates.
    Later, he delivered Adviser to the Prime Minister for Oil Dr. Ibrahim Bahr Al-Oloum, a speech in which he said : recall the Oil Ministry need to work actively to complete the triangle refineries Central Euphrates provinces-the refineries (Najaf - Karbala - F) - On this day we celebrate the completion of the first part of the task, He added : What should be the formation of building these projects, the production capacity of the three refineries hit (210000) barrels per day.
    Then, the governor of Najaf, a speech in which he stressed the low rates of unemployment in the governorate of Najaf in addition to the large rise in imports of the province. He then declared the Abu tirelessly for the near completion of a number of important projects in the governorate of Najaf international airport and three large bridges and building large grain mills, in addition to the establishment of modern international banking network.
    It is worth mentioning that the foundation stone of the liquidator of Najaf had been placed in a time when Dr. Mohammed Bahr Al-Uloom presidency of the ruling Musvein with two other refinery Koysanjak in Sulaymaniyah and Irbil liquidator. Space has been allocated for Bmsfi Najaf hitting (709) allocated dunums (389), without which the repository, (320) without the liquidator was then ownership of agricultural land located within this area. Then he started to work a fence of the liquidator and the warehouse was to begin construction of the foundations of the unity of liquidation.
    The liquidator is now a production capacity of Najaf (10000) barrels per day and produces four oil derivatives is Albanzin card (600) barrels per day and kerosene and gas oil card (1800) barrels per day of oil each and Black cards (4800) barrels per day. For his part, Al-Sharif Zeid manager of the refinery that the most important future actions to be implemented at the refinery is to raise the capacity of the refinery (30000) barrels per day or more and will create a unit to improve gasoline and the desalination and water treatment.

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    Leaders of Iraqi groups meet in Mecca Wednesday

    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Baghdad-Mustafa Hamza :
    Begin the day after tomorrow, Wednesday, in Mecca, the religious leaders and العراقيه• convening of this conference comes within the framework of national reconciliation initiative launched by Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, which has received the support of religious scholars in Iraq from both propositions, as they also enjoyed the blessing of Iraq's neighboring countries held between recently, other ministerial meetings to discuss the situation in Iraq and their impact on المنطقه• In the context of the desire to put an end to sectarian violence, The holding of this meeting, which contributed to the preparations for his many quarters inside and outside Iraq, including the Jordanian monarch, King Abdullah II, which has a few months to hold a meeting in Amman of senior clerics from the Sunni and Shiite, in addition to Turkey, both through the Secretariat of the Organization of the Islamic Conference or the personal efforts being made by the Turkish Prime Minister Rajab اردوجان• were conducted in the context of the preparation for this conference, many of the preliminary meetings between Aloaqvin Sunni and Shiite in Iraq, in order to gather the religious leaders of the Iraqi men first line of the religious authorities, especially the likes of al-Sistani, have deployed or Najafi or hospitality, , or religious leaders and prominent politicians like Abdul Aziz al-Hakim or Muqtada al-Sadr from the Shiite • As part of the year, others count on the presence of the Association of Muslim Scholars, represented by its Secretary-General Harith al-Dhari, head of the Office of the stay Sunni Ahmad Abd al-Ghafur al-Samarra'i, Mufti Sheikh Jamal Aldban Iraqi or Islamic preacher father Ktor Ahmed al-Kobaisi, and other prominent members of the Iraqi Islamic Party, or the likes of Tariq Hashemi Mohsen Abdel-Hamid, the people of Iraq, such as Dr. Adnan الدليمي• that the success of the conference may not depend on the personal presence as they depend on the representation by proxy, The conferences clerics are not politicians such as conferences are limited to the powers granted to those who attend, or is in the conference as it is blessed and pledge بذلك• the direct reason for this is that the Iraqi religious leaders are now facing a big challenge, it is the safety valve for the possibility of the country sliding into civil war, the reluctance on their legitimate duties set forth in accordance with the provisions of Sharia face to face accountability and responsibility together • are therefore seeking to exploit any opportunity to express their dissatisfaction with what is happening, but some of the involved to the extent of attacking political leaders on the basis that many of these leaders would not have come to power without the blessing of these leaders have • From this point, the religious leaders in Iraq will be addressed toward Mecca in search of the solution to the impasse is growing and the most important for these leaders that this impasse is threatening largely leadership style to be followed and the extent of its ability to control the street • clerics in Iraq will face the most difficult challenge in Mecca Rmzithm not only spiritual, but they face their most difficult challenge to the actual center of people •
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