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  1. #12271
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    New reconciliation conference held in Baghdad soon with the participation of

    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    New reconciliation conference held in Baghdad soon with the participation of representatives of the Al resistance »

    After the rejection of a strong political presence in the event held in Arbil against the backdrop of the crisis flag

    Baghdad : Al-Salem Al-Rahma
    Baghdad is expected soon to host a conference of the new political parties and political entities, in the framework of the national reconciliation, launched by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. Political sources told Al-Sharq Al-Awsat »that the representatives who dubbed as" honorable resistance »will participate in this conference. He said Sheik Khalaf Al-Alyan, a member of the Iraqi Accord Front told Al-Sharq Al-Awsat », There are people, represents the noble Iraqi resistance will participate in the conference, according to informed sources in the national Almassalh », noting that the success of the conference depends on the participation of all parties and activate the final decisions to come out.
    He said Unadim Kana, a member of the supreme body of reconciliation and member of the political body, the political forces agreed to hold a conference in Baghdad. following the refusal of a group of parties to participate in the conference if convened in Arbil, because of the decision of President Masoud Barzani of Kurdistan. prevent the current Iraqi flag was raised in the province.

    He said we were told Al-Sharq Al-Awsat », that the committees began working in the adoption of the Comprehensive Statistics of the UN High Commissioner for the elections, to determine the number of political parties and political currents, which will participate in the conference. He pointed out that lack of time led to the postponement of some political dialogues with the opposition parties, until the conference. He said that more than 250 political parties and movements will attend the conference, the third conference of national reconciliation. And we pointed out that a number of former Baathists participate in the conference. He said "there is no (Vito) to any political exception Altkverein Ultra and the Baathists, those who want to return to the principle of the single party system ».
    Middle East

  2. #12272
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    Will it be the 10th - 12th or 15th!!!!!!!!!!!

    I will take all three to play it safe!

    The 10th would make sense! To do it before the signing!

    I also like the 15th which is the 3 year anniversary!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #12273
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    The committee chaired by the cost of the Congress will submit its recommendations soon

    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Baker did not rule out the recommendation to divide Iraq into three regions to resolve the security problem

    The committee chaired by the cost of the Congress will submit its recommendations to President Bush shortly

    Washington : Munir Maori
    The American Secretary of State James Baker, former, that the Action Committee headed by commissioned by the American Congress, The approval of President George W. Bush will announce soon the new recommendations to save Iraq from a devastating civil war, which can be extended for other countries in the region. but he did not confirm, did not rule out that the Committee recommend to the division of Iraq, saying the station ABC American, learned that the committee did not complete its work not yet reached a final report ».
    Baker declined to disclose the proposed recommendations, but the newspaper Al British Sunday Times », stated yesterday that the proposal of moving towards dividing Iraq into three regions with a high autonomy, Each province is responsible for maintaining security within the scope, to perform the central government in Baghdad responsibility for foreign policy, border control and distribution of oil wealth.

    The newspaper's correspondent in Washington, the source close to the work of the Committee was preparing to announce its report after the Congressional elections next month, amid the escalation of sectarian violence in Iraq and the exit of the attacks on coalition forces out of control.

    The source said the same, that the Baker appreciated the idea of dividing Iraq into Kurdish territory in the south and the Sunni in the center and Kurds in the north. Alternatively, a single rather difficult for other options, namely to withdraw from Iraq or the survival of the situation as it is. He said James Baker, in an interview with television station made by the ABC, that the Commission will announce its recommendations on the content, only after that provide those recommendations to President Bush, but he emphasized that it would not recommend the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq. because the withdrawal will only mean the outbreak of civil war and had extensive intervention by many parties, including Iran, Syria and Turkey. Perhaps friends in the Gulf region, each party may act at whim. Baker said he did not participate in the Committee referred to, that if President Bush did not agree to his participation did not go to Iraq, He pointed out that the administration know that the Commission is working actively to reach recommendations of a widely accepted among Republicans and Democrats alike. Participants in the chairmanship of the Committee of the Democratic former president Lee Hamilton of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the American House.

    Baker said in his speech. he hoped to hear the administration to the Committee's recommendations and to find the recommendations in support of the Republican and Democratic parties. He emphasized that the choices that she will exceed the Al options available currently, They survive without change or withdraw from Iraq, as demanded by some other ideas, and those ideas will be announced today at the same place where President Bush and not before ». In response to a question about the preference of some members of the Committee to provide greater autonomy for the regions of Iraq, Baker said Al Yes, there is a tendency prefer this viewpoint to withdraw, But there are experts in the Iraqi affair caution that such a trend in itself may lead to the outbreak of civil war and large, because the big Iraqi cities, multi-ethnic and sectarian ». He said : Baker learned that there are no borders between Sunnis and Shiites and Kurds in cities such as Baghdad, Basra, Mosul and Kirkuk, There are no borders between Sunni and Shiite areas in Iraq ». But Baker stressed that the idea has not rejected this proposal yet, not rejected other proposals, adding "we simply did not get to the final recommendations of our report after». It should be noted that James Baker (76 years old), an old friend of the Bush family, was the minister of Foreign Affairs during the Gulf war in 1991, It was reported recently that President Bush met several times recently to discuss American policy in Iraq.

    According to the Times newspaper Al », the Commission Baker devised a new method of putting their ideas, which is not to use the term for dividing the country, and replaced by the words, the transfer of authority and security to the Territories and to maintain the structure of national government in Baghdad will be responsible for foreign affairs and border protection and the distribution of oil wealth.

    It is expected to be encouraging the Iraqi government to hold a constitutional conference to pave the way for the transfer of greater powers to the regions, We will also urged Syria and Iraq, to support the territorial settlement, possibly to be negotiated at an international conference. The same sources stated that Baker has already met with representatives of the Syrian government and planning to meet with Iranian ambassador to the United Nations in New York City, He had said a week ago that it is not enough to talk with friends, but we must dialogue with the enemies in order to move towards a diplomat. It should be noted that the American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said during her recent visit to Baghdad. that time was running out and the Iraqi government to reach a solution to the distribution of wealth and constitutional changes.

    And many of the Kurds aspire to create an independent state in northern Iraq. while the Shiites in southern Iraq to achieve self-rule and broad powers, at a time when Sunni Arabs opposed to the division of Iraq in any way.

    Middle East

  4. #12274
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    New reconciliation conference held in Baghdad soon with the participation of

    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    New reconciliation conference held in Baghdad soon with the participation of representatives of the Al resistance »

    After the rejection of a strong political presence in the event held in Arbil against the backdrop of the crisis flag

    Baghdad : Al-Salem Al-Rahma
    Baghdad is expected soon to host a conference of the new political parties and political entities, in the framework of the national reconciliation, launched by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. Political sources told Al-Sharq Al-Awsat »that the representatives who dubbed as" honorable resistance »will participate in this conference. He said Sheik Khalaf Al-Alyan, a member of the Iraqi Accord Front told Al-Sharq Al-Awsat », There are people, represents the noble Iraqi resistance will participate in the conference, according to informed sources in the national Almassalh », noting that the success of the conference depends on the participation of all parties and activate the final decisions to come out.
    He said Unadim Kana, a member of the supreme body of reconciliation and member of the political body, the political forces agreed to hold a conference in Baghdad. following the refusal of a group of parties to participate in the conference if convened in Arbil, because of the decision of President Masoud Barzani of Kurdistan. prevent the current Iraqi flag was raised in the province.

    He said we were told Al-Sharq Al-Awsat », that the committees began working in the adoption of the Comprehensive Statistics of the UN High Commissioner for the elections, to determine the number of political parties and political currents, which will participate in the conference. He pointed out that lack of time led to the postponement of some political dialogues with the opposition parties, until the conference. He said that more than 250 political parties and movements will attend the conference, the third conference of national reconciliation. And we pointed out that a number of former Baathists participate in the conference. He said "there is no (Vito) to any political exception Altkverein Ultra and the Baathists, those who want to return to the principle of the single party system ».
    Middle East

  5. #12275
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    Adoption of the draft Al Magistrate »between Iraq and Shiagh in Jeddah

    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Adoption of the draft Al Magistrate »between Iraq and Shiagh in Jeddah and declared the end of Ramadan in Mecca

    The Organization of the Islamic Conference set on 27 and 28 Ramadan date for the holding of a meeting of religious leaders

    Jeddah : Majid Kinani RIYADH : Turkish Neigh
    The Organization of the Islamic Conference that the meeting between the Magistrate, to be held between the Shiites of Iraq and will be enacted before the end of the current month of Ramadan in Mecca, she said yesterday completed the drafting of the code of agreement between the Shiites of Iraq, enacted in Jeddah by the participants in the preparatory meetings of the Shiites and Sunnites of Iraq.
    The Islamic Conference Organization on the 27th and the 28th of Ramadan, the date for the convening of a meeting of senior Muslim scholars Iraq and its religious authorities, the drafts on the draft document designed to defuse the current crisis raging among the Sunni and Shiite communities. For his part, the ambassador attributed the Mufti Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, in exclusive statements to Al-Sharq Al-Awsat »that the conferees reached an agreement was printed yesterday night».

    He added that Al Mufti has been meeting with the participation of Sheikh Muhammad Ali Taskhiri of Iran's senior scientists, Dr Mohammad Salim Al-Awa Secretary-General of the World Association of Muslim Scholars, which participates as an adviser to the Secretary-General of the Organization of the Islamic Under the auspices of the Secretary-General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference ».

    The Ambassador Ezzat learned that the topic sponsored by the Organization of the Islamic Conference, and suggested to hold the vicinity of the Temple, to be rid of the secretariat of the Charter ». He added, "This meeting comes within the framework of the meeting of religious and not political or internationally, under the umbrella of Islamic fiqh complex, which is represented by the Organization of the Islamic Conference».

    And on the meeting, which is expected to be attended by senior leaders of the Shiites and the Sunnis in Iraq, Ambassador Ezzat said four representatives of the religious Shiite and Sunni Muslims, with the meetings in Jeddah, under the supervision of the Islamic Fiqh Academy, for the formulation of the draft charter, which will be presented to a meeting of religious leaders of Sunni and Shiite Muslims in Iraq, and that will be held before the end of Ramadan in Mecca ». After 12 hours of preparatory meetings held over two days, emerging meetings draft a document called "The document Mecca» on reconciliation in Iraq between the Shiites and Sunnis. The preparatory meetings, chaired by Ambassador Izzat Mufti said that the atmosphere of optimism that dominated, Secretary-General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, who was standing behind this initiative. After 48 hours of silence the names of participants in these preparatory meetings, the Organization of the Islamic Conference yesterday. The participants are : Sheikh Jalal Al-Din small, and Sheikh Dr. Salah Abdul-Razzaq, Sheikh Dr. Abdul Sattar Abdul Jabbar Abbas, Sheikh Mahmoud Sumaida'ie.
    Middle East

  6. #12276
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    Hello all,

    I have been on vacation for 2 weeks and I was wondering if someone can tell me whats been going on with the dinar and how close we may be to an R/V? When I left we were up to Part 3 on the dinar news thread and now we are at Part 5. Thats a whole lotta readin' to catch up on, so can a deprived dinaraholic newshound get some help from her fellow dinar buddies as to what is happening in a nutshell? Pleassssssse??????


  7. #12277
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    Talking Read Suzie's article on page 30 in this thread

    That pretty much sums it up for now. They are at least talking of revaling, also the rate seems to be close to Jordan. Consider yourself caught up now.

  8. #12278
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    Raghad get a loan to buy a car family!

    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Jordanian Islamic Bank
    Raghad get a loan to buy a car family!
    Oman UBI : Jordanian newspaper said that the daughter of the ousted Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, who lives in Amman with her children got a loan to buy a car family.
    The newspaper said today »Arabs learned that Raghad (37 years old) daughter region of Saddam submitted a request to one of the Islamic banks in Oman to get a loan to buy a car with the family members.
    It added that the bank's board, which did not reveal his identity, agreed to grant Raghad value of the loan required, and reached 50 thousand Jordanian dinars, or the equivalent of 70 thousand dollars.
    The bank official visit Raghad at her home in the high Abdon (west Amman) carrying value of the loan check. as it signed the official papers for obtaining the loan.
    Maintains Raghad and her sister Rana and their children in Oman since July 2003 after months of the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq.
    Jordan said that hosting the daughters of Saddam for humanitarian reasons.
    Raghad and examines four sons in a high school in Amman. as seen his son Iraqi President often getting in the supermarket in the capital.
    Iraq, because »hospitality Al royal family. Raghad and examines four sons in a high school in Amman. as seen his son Iraqi President often getting in the supermarket in the capital.
    Kuwaiti homeland

  9. #12279
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    why don't you give DD your post from a couple of days ago that runs it all down. I liked that list you made.

  10. #12280
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    Lightbulb Cool Idea

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    Eid-Grant :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq

    i suspect they are only spending this much money on the bonus'. but to give it out in cheques with the card would indicate they can then revalue previous to the date printed on the check. which would benefit both the citizens AND the cbi. the money is already taken out of the budget at the lower rate and wont impact like revaluing and THEN handing it out which would come out of the funding at the revalued rate instead.

    i think we can apply this ideology to the student bonus' as well.

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