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  1. #12281
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    Quote Originally Posted by One Oar View Post
    Anyone have a link handy for final FIL reading/vote?


    **I'm not sure how far back that article is, or what thread.
    I found it

    For those interested: Parliament-Investment :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq

    Yea, I answered my own question

  2. #12282
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Al-Maliki : Iraqi land has turned into an arena for settling accounts
    Rumsfeld ignores officials in the government and repeat the same mistakes of the Vietnam War.

    London and Washington, Baghdad and news agencies

    Iraqi cry when the body of one of his relatives in Baghdad
    The British newspaper The Sunday Times revealed yesterday that Washington was considering dividing Iraq into three regions each of which enjoys autonomy, at the time when Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki that the land of Iraq turned into an arena for settling accounts, The only way out of this crisis is to energize the draft national reconciliation initiative.

    The paper quoted sources it described as a highly informed saying that the Iraq Independent study group appointed by the Congress with the consent of the American President George W. Bush may recommend to divide Iraq into three zones.

    The newspaper reported that the committee, which is the U.S. agencies and the Foreign Minister James Baker, former presidents attending the one to provide a report to Congress after the elections next month amid signs that the sectarian violence and attacks against coalition forces out of control. The newspaper said that the number of dead up to 100 civilians a day, As the number of explosions record numbers.

    The newspaper pointed out that the Baker increased interest in the idea of dividing Iraq into three parts : Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish.

    The newspaper said that the Kurds to enjoy the actual governance in their areas, and turn Iraq into a federal system is based inevitably, He added that the challenge for the Iraqis is that the mechanism of its implementation. The sources emphasized that the committee would not recommend the dismantling of Iraq. But it is believed they prefer division of this country allow the transfer of authority and security to the regions, while maintaining the structure of a national government in Baghdad, the Foreign Affairs and Border Protection and the distribution of oil wealth.

    The Iraqi government will hold a constitutional conference to pave the way for the transfer of more powers to the regions, We will also urged Iran and Syria to support regional peace can be negotiated through an international conference.

    The newspaper said that Baker already met with some representatives of the Syrian government, He intends to meet with Iranian Ambassador in New York next week, pointing out that he said last week : my appreciation is that we not limit ourselves to our friends in conversation only, but we have to talk to our enemies, to move towards peace diplomatically.

    The same newspaper reported that the specter of Vietnam prevailed over the invasion of Iraq. She said that the time had come for change in Iraq. Referring to the statements of President George Bush last year that disturbing about the Vietnam War is that it was a political war.

    Bush had said that the lesson of this is to exclude the presence of politicians making military decisions.

    The newspaper said that this is exactly what is happening in Iraq and resulted in the current chaos there. It added that the American loss in Vietnam due mainly to the approach taken by the American Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara and then, who personally military campaign, just as do the current American Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld in Iraq.

    It confirmed that Rumsfeld froze the roles of others in the Bush administration, refusing to even respond to their phone calls, but it does not give little value to the leaders of Staff, who accused them of being not offering new.

    She pointed out that Rumsfeld did Ka McNamara was keen to remain suppressed bad news for the President, As stated in the book, Bob Woodward, a state of denial, which is published by the newspaper through a series of pages on a daily basis.

    For his part, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki that the land of Iraq turned into an arena for settling accounts, The only way out of this crisis is to energize the draft national reconciliation initiative.

    Al-Maliki said during a conference organized by the Iraqi Islamic Party to support clans Anbar in Baghdad with a delegation of elders and heads of clans in the province of Anbar, said that the government and people to maintain three basic demands of the security of the first formation of a local government include everyone, The second release of funds needed for reconstruction campaign, and the third is rapidly building of the police and army.

  3. #12283
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    The government of Kurdistan issued a number of decisions

    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Union : The official spokesman for the government of the Kurdistan region in a press conference held by the Cabinet on yesterday, Sunday, that the territorial government issued a number of decisions. He said that the territorial government decided to form a committee to re-examine the redundant staff in the State services and distribution to other departments that need them and reorganize the structure of government departments, It also decided to transfer the staffing Directorate General of Antiquities in all its departments of the Ministry of Culture to the Ministry of Tourism, as well as the transfer of tables Directorate General of Sport and Youth of the Ministry of Culture to the Ministry of Sports and Youth in the territorial government. He also announced that the government had decided to exchange allocations to trade with serious health professions in the Kurdistan region and according to categories (August c) that the disposal of the category (a) hundred thousand Iraqi dinars and category (b) seventy-five thousand Iraqi dinars and the category (c) Fifty thousand Iraqi dinars.

    As he pointed out in his press conference that the territorial government decided to add the amount of 15 billion Iraqi dinars to the reconstruction of Kirkuk as a third phase of the reconstruction of the city. referring to the approval by the Council of Ministers to accept the resignation of Mr. Khalid Mohammad Amin Sofi Kaemmegam Raniyah district and request it.
    As the official spokesman of the government of the province that the government had decided to form a coordinating committee of representatives of the Kurdistan government in Baghdad to facilitate the Public Committee for the Defense of the victims of the Anfal and the participation of lawyers and citizens of the Kurdistan region in the Supreme Court competent to try deposed Iraqi president.
    He added : "The government also decided to appoint Falah Mustafa Bakr, head of external relations in the State Cabinet Minister as well as the opening of an office of the government of Kurdistan in Baghdad under the chairmanship of Mr. Delshad Miran degree Minister and Deputy Salah Gomaa, a Deputy Minister. He also noted that the Council of Ministers of the territorial government decided to form a committee to study the Companies Act Wa the trade agencies in the province.
    Equals $10,200,000.00 Hummmm, The Dallas Cowboys are and the City that they are building their New Football Stadium in will cost around $700,000,000.00 just to play sports in. My point is, there must be a r/v coming.....pretty......darn......quick. 15 billion dinars at this rate to rebuild a city. Come on, we are not that stupid.
    Last edited by neno; 09-10-2006 at 02:03 AM.

  4. #12284
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    Equals $10,200,000.00 Hummmm, The Dallas Cowboys are and the City that they are building their New Football Stadium in will cost around $700,000,000.00 just to play sports in. My point is, there must be a r/v coming.....pretty......darn......quick. 15 billion dinars at this rate to rebuild a city. Come on, we are not that stupid.

    Yes I agree totally they have to do something to raise capital to build their infrastructure. The comparision you gave is one easy way to see they need more value. So let's get this thing done. Come on the 12th.
    "SAYS" $1.26 here we come!!!!

  5. #12285
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    Quote Originally Posted by spice12 View Post
    why don't you give DD your post from a couple of days ago that runs it all down. I liked that list you made.
    OH I wish I knew were it was at in the thread. It was Friday afternoon, but will try and find it.

    Grandma Chris

  6. #12286
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    Cool What it says.

    Quote Originally Posted by One Oar View Post
    I found it

    For those interested: Parliament-Investment :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq

    Yea, I answered my own question

    Voices of Iraq: Parliament-Investment
    كتب: saleem في يوم الأربعاء, 04 أكتوبر, 2006 - 02:45 PM BT

    Iraqi parliament to vote on draft investment law on October 12
    By Kawther Abdul-Amir
    Baghdad, Oct 4, (VOI) – Iraqi parliament 42nd session was adjourned to Thursday after delaying a vote on a draft investment law till October 12.
    The parliament in its 42nd session "discussed a draft investment law while a vote on the draft will take place on October 12," said Parliament speaker deputy Khalid al-'Atiah.
    Thursday's session is scheduled to continue a discussion of the draft investment law and a draft provinces law, he added.
    The draft investment law received reservations by some parliamentarians as to the concessions and taxes exemptions given to a non-Iraqi investor.
    The draft law gives an investor a ten-year-exemption of taxes and 50 years of unpaid rental of land plot where the economic facility would be built.
    Some Iraqi law makers see 30 years of unpaid rental is more satisfactory.


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    Default Found It!!!!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by spice12 View Post
    why don't you give DD your post from a couple of days ago that runs it all down. I liked that list you made.
    Good Golly I found it: Here is last weeks recap as of Friday afternoon:


    Monday they read "something" and was going to read it in 4 day - that's today friday.

    Our congress folks show up for visit.

    We have a holiday monday Columbus Day Oct. 9th banks closed.

    "something" is to pass by October 12 but maybe on October 10th. Because they have this thing with the number "10" going on right now.

    Iraq plans to pay 10,000 dinar Gift for October 23 holiday.

    Chase Banks will sale and buy Dinar as of two weeks ago: September 22.

    Rice showes up for a surprise visit to do some

    Elections here is first of November and Republican's have some nasty egg on face, so GW really needs Iraq to get r DONE ASAP.

    Plus lets not forget the post were a Good surprise was to come out in the middle of October to help Congress/Senate people so that's around October 15th.

    Ok have I missed anything??? SO WHAT DATE DO WE PICK?

    Can someone do a recap for the week-end post?

  8. #12288
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    Originally posted by Karinc:

    One thing I don't understand (well, one thing among many ) is the talk about "buying up their country for pennies".
    I WANT this reval, and I DO hope you are all right, but why "buy up the country"?
    If, say, a factory is worth 1 million dollars then the equivalent of that would be 1472 million dinars, right? So then the presumptive buyer would have to pay that many dinars, making it cost one million dollars anyway - I mean, he would have to pay the equivalent of one million USD regardless of the exchange rate, wouldn't he?
    The answer to your question is that the plant in Iraq isn't worth 1 million dollars. A manufacturing plant in Iraq could be totally identical to a manufacturing plant in the U.S., but the difference is that it would not cost the same amount to build it due to the difference in costs to build the structure (assuming it isn't too high tech). If the materials to build it can be obtained locally in Iraq, they will cost less to obtain, as well as they will cost less to put together due to cheaper labor (unless American/European contractors are being used). Thus, the same factory can be built for less American dollars due to the favorable exchange rate. And thus the factory could be bought for pennies in Iraq versus dollars in America.

    What I think is confusing you is the value of the plant. The items that can be produced in both plants would be the same if they are identical plants witht the same skilled workforce. Thus, the plants would be capable of putting out the same value, but in fact the Iraqi plant would be more profitable due to lower costs. That is why all of our manufacturing jobs are going overseas. Cheaper labor and cheaper infrastructure costs, while yielding the same return on the products. If the dinar stays low, the investment will pour in like it has in China, India, etc. Does Iraq want investment? Yes, but they most likely don't want sweatshops, nor do they want to give away their country by being bought out cheaply.

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    Voices of Iraq: Iraq-Currency
    Posted by: nadioshka on Sunday, October 08, 2006 - 02:10 PM

    Iraqi central bank sells $74 million to meet high demand
    Baghdad, Oct 8, (VOI) – Demand for dollars jumped some $25 million at the Iraqi Central Bank daily auction on Sunday to $74.365 million from $49.575 million in Thursday session.
    The central bank said in its daily statement it covered all bids which were $33.105 million in cash and $41.260 million in foreign transfers.
    The dollar exchange rate was 1,473 dinars, unchanged from Thursday.
    Ali al-Yassery, owner of an exchange office, told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI) said the higher demand for dollars came as Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of the month of fasting in the Muslim world, was approaching and people need U.S. currency to shop for the Eid.
    It was also due to the security deterioration which prompts Iraqis to escape the country and buy hard currency, Yassery said.
    A third reason he gave for he higher demand was the central bank weekend on Friday and Saturday.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    Eid-Grant :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq

    i suspect they are only spending this much money on the bonus'. but to give it out in cheques with the card would indicate they can then revalue previous to the date printed on the check. which would benefit both the citizens AND the cbi. the money is already taken out of the budget at the lower rate and wont impact like revaluing and THEN handing it out which would come out of the funding at the revalued rate instead.

    i think we can apply this ideology to the student bonus' as well.

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