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  1. #12341
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    جريدة الصباح - مجالس المحافظات
    Opening District councils :

    Peasant Torch
    October 9, 2006
    The provincial assemblies formed after the fall of the totalitarian system, as commensurate with the concept and work contexts decentralized management that restrict the work and services provided to the inhabitants of the governorates, according to the Election and the people are practicing conservation as stipulated in the resolution 71. These councils, which are an experiment aimed at the interests of a democratic people and their service.
    May gave the results of expediency, which was formed which after three years of magma? How does the people of the governorates of this experiment? The seriousness and performance in the draft change? These questions answered by our poll yesterday, I, , which covered about one thousand people of different ages and cultural and scientific collections dispersed between the three provinces of Babil, Najaf and Karbala.
    The importance of this issue, I will recall the most important data contained therein, 90% of citizens polled supported the abolition of the provincial assemblies!. 54% confirmed that they did not participate in the forthcoming elections if they were held to select new members for the preservation, With 97% of them pointed out that they were not satisfied with the performance of the provincial assemblies. while 7% of them considered that the results were not clear because of the size of large accumulations left by the former regime and the need for provinces to the revolution and reconstruction money to alter reality, the old, With 2% said they do not know anything about what or submitted by the provincial assemblies because they are still as it is.
    This poll, although it is confined to the three provinces and read by Maevker thousand Iraqi citizens only, but it gives the basic references, the first is the set of questions that should be answered by the members of these boards and what people's view of them. The two became clear that the people interact with the data democratic process despite the objections against evidenced by the figures.

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #12342
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    Wait till Neno reads all this LOL

    Adster, OSW, cigarman, and all the rest. What a great way to start the day !

  3. #12343
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    جريدة الصباح - الصناعة والمعادن تدعو لضبط الحدود
    Economic Industry and Minerals : calls to control border
    Baghdad morning
    The official source at the Ministry of Industry and Minerals and the government bodies responsible for border control to protect Iraqi industrialists through the imposition of duties on goods entering Iraq, and are subject to screening procedures qualitative. The source said the Agency's Iraqi National News / Nina / : ((to the Iraqi market dumping by non-known Productivity reputation internationally and cheap goods that do not comply with the specifications and without any qualitative examination at a time when taxes and duties on raw materials used in industry contributed to weakening the Iraqi industrialists in the country.) )
    The source added : ((that the ministry is the management of industrial policy in Iraq and are in the process of converting their companies over the next five years to the private sector ((pointing out : )) that the Ministry's plan in cooperation and coordination with the Ministry of Planning and donor countries aimed at expanding the Industrial Development Fund and support material to be in the form of loans, aircraft each Iraqi Industrialists and the benefits of simple to contribute to support small and medium-sized industries in Iraq)).

    franny, were almost there!!

  4. #12344
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    جريدة الصباح - تجار الأجهزة الكهربائيـة المنزلية: الكثير من المواد ذات مواصفات سيئة
    Economic Merchants : electric appliances : much of the material specifications bad

    Baghdad Haider spring
    The large trade openness made in Iraq after the fall of the former regime and the accompanying opening up the loose to ease the entry of commercial goods and commodities across Iraq's borders ... As rates declined carve Alkamrki on goods entering addition to the decline in tax benefits led to a marked decrease in the prices of most of those articles, Accompanied by a large turnout of citizens to purchase, helped by the recovery of the economic situation, especially where employees are paid monthly rates rose Makant times before the fall of the previous regime.
    Among these goods that have characterized the markets of Baghdad that the new types of electrical appliances, and various forms of origin. And often Matkon moderate prices so that the general public can buy. He says Abbas Al-Saadi (merchant materials household appliances). The border is wide open before the Iraqi traders, with the decline in rates carve Alkamrki as well as taxation on incoming materials have led to flood the market with a lot of these devices of various types and origin and the moderation in prices but due to the cancellation of customs deductions. He adds Saadi. One fact must be recognized at the Mamujud of electrical appliances to fill the shops and commercial markets, It is that many of these computers are very low specifications, and the origin and sometimes incorrect Ataatmez any guarantee of mediocrity kinds. But Mamujud in the local market of locally manufactured electrical equipment (importer) surpassed many Islamic and comparison between them. The Al-Saadi, the intensity of demand for the purchase of different types of devices, especially these days, and the approaching Eid al-Fitr holiday. If the latter view of the poor quality of services and the opening of the border which has caused a fall in prices. the Hashim Yusuf (importer of electric appliances) believes in the absence of a calibration and quality control of the border crossings is very serious, . Where has this absence of some feeble who have only the most profit on the import of various types of electric appliances and related specifications bad species depressed, thus, exploiting the simplicity of the Iraqi citizen, and his lack of such devices in addition to the exploitation of loose border, which allowed the introduction of anything without accountability for the quality of imported materials and Menacheha ... He says Youssef. Since the fall of the former regime, the Iraqi market fashionable, and there is a growing demand of citizens to purchase ... Moreover, demand what she did many of the state's departments after renovating their buildings, which suffered the destruction. where are the other she came back to buy many of those appliances are born boom largest market for electrical appliances. Yusuf and confirms that the overall prices of electrical insulin and mines presented not a burden on the people, and the growing demand only proof of this ... He says : all prices are more appropriate and is sold Alstlait where various kinds of price not exceeding 100 thousand dinars, in addition to television and washing, air-conditioners, water coolers and generators and many other organs simple Kmsgelat sound mixers, and a laundry with low prices ...
    Abdel Basset al-Ani another dealer for electrical materials emphasized that many of the electrical appliances entering Iraq can not be sold in some neighboring markets. . And we can to instill some countries originally due to lack of efficiency and there are many materials and electrical appliances manufactured in the labs are not recognized in some countries, such as China, Therefore, the Iraqi market is the lack of oversight by the popular market for those materials and goods (adulterated), and adds Ani ... These are the reasons for the moderation in the prices of such materials, ... The Iraqi citizen to Ai'i Maistrih and sees Wegger forms and bright colors of the goods without knowing Brdaetha and futility, confining her ... The Ani flood the market with Iraqi many of these articles is a great loss for the Iraqi economy, and called on those concerned to act quickly to deter such one-(suspicious) and stand them all the honor and persons who import materials not good and depressed specifications.
    Citizens on their part called on the Ministry of Trade and across the company's general markets central to intervene to solve the crisis of confidence between the citizen developments, and shops and imported goods where there is currently sold in the markets ...
    They demanded to do the role of the central market because they import materials specifications and Almenashie good ... He says Mohamed Johe teacher ... Telling us to purchase only those shops ... Despite the prior knowledge that a substantial part of what sold copies, and not carrying any good specifications ...
    He adds Johe all prices of these materials are appropriate and mines presented not burden us, and you buy most Hajiati home shortly for cheap prices of most of these devices. This is what drives us to buy because of (cheap prices).
    With felt Madiha Youssef employee. That the central markets opened its doors again in front of the people because what is sold in these markets are the same specifications and Menashie original, because citizens have great confidence including sold in those markets, in addition to prices that are appropriate and good articles and say ...
    Although the overall prices of materials and household appliances cheap, but our confidence in those articles began to decline because of the many faults which, however, are we going compelled to buy because indispensable to, and sold in the commercial market is almost a type and one source close and prices.

    franny, were almost there!!

  5. #12345
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    جريدة الصباح - انخفاض معدل إنتاج التمور في كربلاء
    Economic : Reduced rate of production dates in Karbala

    Karbala morning
    The Directorate of Agriculture Karbala : (production dates of this year dropped from the previous years). He said Majid Hamid gesture, Associate Director of Agriculture : (The rate of production climber reached between 50-75 kg while the production in 1998-120-123 kilograms). His gesture : (that the number of palm trees in Karbala was about 2 Nakhleh, The preservation of the most important production areas in Iraq dates). He attributed the decline in production to : (injury Bhashrti red and Humera and non-combat palm trees with insecticide in the past two years). The city of Karbala is the most important producer of dates Alzhdi exported to the Arab Gulf states, India, Pakistan and South and East Asia.

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #12346
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    جريدة الصباح - الصناعة والمعادن تعد دليلاًُ خاصاً بالصناعة الوطنية العراقية
    Economic : Industry and Minerals is a special industry Iraqi national

    Baghdad morning
    The Ministry of Industry and Minerals are in the process of preparing a guide national industry in Iraq as an industrial task of coordinating the work of all concerned the industrial sector and activate and promote performance of this sector continues to the Ibn Sina Company affiliated to the ministry, the implementation of projects of water purification for all governmental bodies Wa for the private sector. The official source in the ministry said in a press statement that the committee responsible for preparing the guide had completed all the studies and the basic needs for this project, which would prevent crossings career also took this evidence and document highlights the significant industrial activity Statute of all industrial sectors (public - and private-mixed), as well as institutions and formations on the national industry.
    The source added that the duration of this Guide is the date six months because this project will be ready after the creation of all stages of completion, the source indicated that the document was no longer for more than thirty years and there was no issue combines the activities of the ministry and the possibilities are also close to all the companies and strategies of the Ministry of Industry and for metals, and prepared to cope with the changes that are taking place in the country.
    Corporate activity
    The other source said that the Ibn Sina Company entered into a contract with the Karbala Cement Plant provides processing, and installed the system challenging the removal of water and the total amount of 225 million dinars, adding that the rate of achievement which reached 90%, as well as signing another contract with the Cement Plant in Najaf and the total amount of 77 million and a half million dinars for the same purpose .
    He pointed out that the company is about to sign a contract with the Ministry of Water Resources for drinking water system installed at 45 million dinars, pointing out that the company had processed production quantities of sulfuric acid and acid hcl article and article Haibo Sodium Chlorate in favor of the two-Mansour and mechanical industries and the company currently sells Dade economic feasibility of a number of investment projects is the (draft phosphate salts production / project and the production of silicon / and production of pharmaceutical / and the draft water treatment / production project, and alum / rehabilitation project and pilot systems / rehabilitation project and the buildings.

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #12347
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    جريدة الصباح - دراسة إنشاء أول مطار مدني في واسط
    Economic Study : establishment of the first civilian airport in Wasit

    Kut morning
    The form of the Wasit governorate of a special commission to study the establishment of the first civilian airport in the province. He said Nizar Hajami Vice President of the Board : (to the problem by the Council, will surveys and inventories, especially on the former military airport omens (60 km south of Kut) It was decided the potential to benefit from its business and the possibility of transforming it into a civilian airport After obtaining the approval of the Council of Ministers for the purpose of use in air transport between the nearby provinces of Wasit and neighboring countries. , as well as facilitate the transfer of pilgrims and visitors to holy sites).
    He added : (Some installations airport, covering a total of 30000 thousand dunums in good condition, as the helicopters took off runway with a length of more than 3 meters, a few used previously, The current airport needs to build some rooms for administrative work, security and functional requirements as well as rest and wait for passengers).

    franny, were almost there!!

  8. #12348
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    ÌÑíÏÉ ÇáÕÈÇÍ - ÇáÇÞÊÕÇ&#207 ; ÇáÚÑÇÞí æÇÓÊÑÇÊí&# 204;íÇÊ æÃÓÇáíÈ ÇáÎÕÎÕÉ - 1 -
    Economic : Iraqi economy and the strategies and methods of privatization-1 -

    D. Falah behind spring *
    * Faculty of Economics
    The government of Iraq today faces the task of selecting a privatization method that is commensurate with the circumstances of the Iraqi economy, In light of the multiplicity and diversity of experiences in the field of privatization. The selection process will depend on a number of criteria including : the nature of the government's economic philosophy, The volume of privatized companies, the ability of the market to absorb the companies put up for sale, as well as the development of regulatory and legislative environment. This article, and try to highlight the most important of these strategies and techniques, and how to choose what suits them the Iraqi economy. First / privatization strategies :-tests, most of the world about two antagonists are : -
    1-organic development strategy : - finds that the owners share of the private sector in GDP could grow gradually with the emergence of new private companies, in the meantime, are liquidated or sale of public sector companies. To create the climate that allows the private sector access to the sites developed in the hierarchy of the economic structure, through promoting the establishment of companies and the removal of barriers to entry and establishment of new projects, The application of tax policy and the policy of encouraging credit. They also emphasized the importance of a tight budgets and the strict implementation of accounting rules and bankruptcy laws. In order to reach what they termed the process of natural selection. This strategy is based on objective considerations, "socio-economic" approach to the application of a free economy; and to create the conditions for the advancement of the middle class and to enable it to the possession of the property, which was dominated by the state previously.
    2-privatization strategy : quick-and calls for speedy disposal of government ownership, by adopting the forms as soon as possible to free distribution. It stresses the importance of those seize the opportunity to implement a rapid privatization, extended a fatal blow to the government bureaucracy, when the turbulent and incapable of resistance. In order to broaden the base of ownership on the basis of the equal distribution of government assets for all citizens.
    Building on the normative considerations "ethical". The opponents of this strategy, this type of distribution-of-ownership does not last for long. in case of the concentration of income and wealth, are quick to turn property into the hands of high-income groups, This means that the sale of government assets at prices that are fair, it may not necessarily lead to a redistribution of wealth or income. In general it can be said that the strategy of organic development has proven to outdo the biggest arguments underpinning take into account considerations of economic efficiency.
    Secondly / privatization methods : - The privatization methods and mechanisms common to the following :
    1-selling public sector units :-This method is most prevalent in the world, and carried out various forms, the sale may be only partially ordered part of the capital established for the sale, and can be completely put the company all at once. Take the sale of several forms including :
    - A public subscription in the stock market : - where the division of capital into shares, and put them up for those wishing to purchase. and after setting a minimum share sale may not be less than with the grant wishing to purchase a chance to auction it, In other cases are left to the market to determine the price of shares in the so-called price prospecting system.
    B-direct sale to the private sector : - where the government to negotiate directly with the investor or the number of investors willing to buy units through tenders or auctions and tenders to find the appropriate rate that satisfies both parties, with commitment to the laws of the State in this regard, what is known as the sale to an anchor investor or strategic.
    C-transfer employees of the company to shareholders :-by allowing them to purchase shares of the companies, often used in these cases the State to provide facilities for workers is to reduce the share price or value of shares allowed to pay in installments over several years. sometimes Governments resort to this method in some vital projects. The government ownership of the company in whole or in part for workers according to the philosophy of privatization
    D-swap external debt : - States may resort town to swap its foreign debt, or part thereof against the assets of the public sector, obtained by investors who bought those debts
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 09-10-2006 at 09:26 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #12349
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    Alaizidion-Christmas (achieve)
    Books : nakr06 on Monday, 09 October 2006 8:03 AM-BT
    Alaizidion celebrating (came as), and look forward to a greater representation in Parliament
    The Khadr Domli
    Dohuk - (Voices of Iraq)
    Iraqis celebrated Alaizidion far (came) or collective Eid this year amid the presence of a number of distinguished adherents of the religion Alaezideh outside Iraq, particularly from Russia, where it is the people of this community a great addition to Germany, Turkey, Syria, Armenia and Georgia.
    The Eid (came as), which begins on the 6th of October and will continue until October 13th it is one of the four major holidays celebrated by the community during the year Alaezideh They (the New Year festival) and (Id forties summer), (Id fasting), in addition to the spring festivals and seasonal festivals.

    Voices of Iraq: Eid-Grant
    كتب: nadioshka في يوم الأحد, 08 أكتوبر, 2006 - 02:42 PM BT

    Iraqis to get $203 million for the Eid

    By Kawthar Abdul-Amir
    Baghdad, Oct 8, (VOI) – The Iraqi parliament agreed on Sunday to allocate 300 billion Iraqi dinars ($203 million) as grants for the Eid.
    Each Iraqi citizen would thus get 10,000 Iraqi dinars ($6.8) on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of the month of fasting.
    The money would be distributed out in cheques with the ration cards and cashed at banks
    Last edited by Hope Full; 09-10-2006 at 09:35 AM. Reason: Bolded some items

  10. #12350
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Translated version of
    09-10 The Americh moving toward the proposal to divide Iraq into three
    09-10 Poisoning 1200 members of the army and police base in Nu'maniyah
    09-10 In Diyala cities : every hour victim
    09-10 An Iraqi oil official criticizes policy committed to the ministry
    09-10 Contacts between Jordan and Iraq to settle their dispute Financial
    09-10 Army generals accused of involvement in government figures
    two stories pulled at sotaliraq

    franny, were almost there!!

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