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    Serious information on the meeting, Rice Accord Front.
    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-10-2006

    Serious information on the meeting, Rice Accord Front claim the American administration to launch a strong Mahdi Army and Pzlmai tribute to correct the relationship between Washington and in Iraq


    Talking Western media sources in Baghdad. the report "vexatious" very serious prepared Accord Front to instigate urged American forces to speed up military operations against the Al-Mahdi Army and the Sadri trend, The other Shiite parties, The sources said that the report submitted to the Accord Front and the American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during her recent visit to Baghdad and a meeting with leaders of this front. According to these sources Western media which claimed that it had acquired information from American diplomats working in Baghdad. Adnan Al-Dulaimi, the head of Peace Accord Front Rice this report, which contained a detailed account of what he alleged Dulaimi massacres committed by the Mahdi Army and the Sadri movement and the Badr Organization against year in Iraq, particularly in Baghdad. The Accord Front claimed in its report, which was submitted to Rice that thousands of the year killed or abducted by members of the Mahdi Army, He asked the American government to ensure real protection for Sunnis in Iraq!

    These sources confirmed Western media, the leader of the Accord Front and the accompanying delegation who met with Rice pledged that their front will justify the maximum coordination with the United States politically in Iraq to prevent domination by the Shiites. prevention Mausafh penetrating Iranian Shiites through him " Adnan Al-Dulaimi and the "development of the full potential of Accord Front of intelligence information and military capabilities to coordinate with the American forces to inflict a fatal blow and final Mahdi Army and the Badr forces." The sources said that American Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad had supported the demands of the delegation Accord Front during his meeting with Rice at the headquarters of the embassy mother Irkih the end of last week, but Dulaimi had urged Rice to be achieved, he asked Alsverzelmai, which he described as "a man who has succeeded in correcting the relationship between the American administration and Sunnis in Iraq" and praised by many.

    It is noteworthy that Al-Dulaimi is the head Accord Front, which includes three Sunni organizations is the people of Iraq, headed by Adnan Al-Dulaimi also, The Islamic Party headed by Vice President Tareq Hashemi, the Front national dialogue, occupies Accord Front 44 seats in the House of Representatives.

    Al-Dulaimi claimed in the meeting with Rice, that one of his guards, who arrested the American forces recently relating to the Base, But however that he apologizes if the evidence that they are connected with Al Qaeda, alleging that the information is a ruse that prompted American forces to storm the house.

    It is noteworthy that the American forces had stormed the house of Adnan Al-Dulaimi on September 29, The second man arrested in their security apparatus and Khudr Farhan and seven others and seized a car bomb in his house, after tilth made by the arrested terrorists were detained while trying to plant car bombs in Baghdad. She pointed to the information they receive their orders from the person who works in the personal security of Dlimi. The American forces arrested the son of Al-Dulaimi also, but quickly released after contacts with the American embassy Dulaimi.

    The leaders of the Accord Front expressed their gratitude for the promises they received from Rice to follow up the contents of their responsibilities seriously and firmly.

    Source : Net Nahrin
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 09-10-2006 at 09:37 AM.

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  2. #12352
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    MNF-30 confiscate Baghdad cache

    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-10-2006
    Corps multinational forces-Iraq
    Press statement

    The Office of Public Affairs-Camp Victory

    For immediate deployment

    Date : October 8, 2006

    No. press statement : 20061008-11
    MND-B 30 Soldiers seize weapons, munitions caches

    Soldiers Multinational Division-Baghdad confiscated 30 weapons cache and ammunition

    BAGHDAD : Sadrjnod of Multinational Division-Baghdad, the 4th battalion, the 31 infantry brigade, the brigade combat II, Task mountains ten Mamjmoua 30 cache of weapons this week in the south of the city of Baghdad.

    As was mentioned earlier, soldiers from the 4th battalion, the 31 infantry regiment confiscated 14 weapons cache on Wednesday and Saturday, soldiers seized 16 additional weapons cache in the southern city of Baghdad.

    The caches contained large quantities of assault rifles, automatic weapons, ammunition and various types of explosives and materials used for the production of explosives.

    Most funeral found within these caches is the four bombs for combat aircraft believed that the weight is the 500-pound bomb. The ammunition is believed to have been earmarked for the manufacture of an explosive large to be used for the city of Baghdad.

    Other articles included Walt found 86 90-mm rocket shells and 107-mm rocket shells and two pieces of fertilizers containing explosive T. manufactured locally and two 120-mm mortar shells, and the remote control variety.

    Atthorali weapons were heavy machine gun type 12.5 mm and 20 boxes filled with ammunition and a machine-gun and anti-aircraft mm 14.5 mm.

    Soldiers also discovered a rocket launcher with 34 RPG grenades and Uri guns with ammunition. Terrorist suspects have been arrested in the caches.

    The weapons were found during the process fisherman fought for depriving terrorists of any shelter within the brigade operations.

    The first image cache

    Baghdad-fired rocket-propelled grenades, machine guns and Soeich Kalashnikov weapons and ammunition between enemy weapons caches in one session, which had been confiscated by soldiers of the 4th battalion, the 31 infantry regiment, the Second Brigade combat team, 10th mountain of the Multinational Forces-Iraq.

    (Picture was purchase by the first soldier David Hoffman, camera Multinational Division-Baghdad)

    A second cache

    Baghdad-fired rocket-propelled grenades, machine guns and Soeich Kalashnikov weapons and ammunition between enemy weapons caches in one session, which had been confiscated by soldiers of the 4th battalion, the 31 infantry regiment, the Second Brigade combat team, 10th mountain of the Multinational Forces-Iraq.

    (Picture was purchase by the first soldier David Hoffman, camera Multinational Division-Baghdad)

    We would like to inform you that the liaison group for the purpose of detecting the media to help you all queries on interviews with officials and the coordination going on in the lives flights inside Iraq in addition to your news and information on which Tenscheronha.

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  3. #12353
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    Lifting the immunity of the head of the reconciliation and liberation

    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Baghdad-News Agencies : Iraqi Parliament voted yesterday in a step unprecedented in favor of lifting the diplomatic immunity of the Vice Sunni warrant issued for his arrest in charges فساد• After hectic discussion and approved 141 members of Parliament on this measure to lift the immunity of MP Mashaan al-Jabouri, who heads the small bloc in the parliament consisting of 275 seats • This could pave measure the way for further action against officials suspected of involvement in crimes فساد• said Parliament Speaker Mahmoud Almshahadani he supported lifting the immunity of the target in order to be able to return to Parliament if it appears that he is innocent until he could be brought to justice if ادين• and continued amid the applause of members of Parliament sharply that the a there will be no obstacles to the Iraqi people and is also imperative that there is a possibility of even the appearance of the President of the country before العداله• The judge Medhat Al-Mahmoud, head of the Supreme Judiciary Council in Iraq, the request to lift the immunity of the target in a note in which he said that "Central Investigating Court demanding the lifting of the immunity of the accused paper Rcad guarantor Aljbo Ri member of the House of Representatives for the purpose of implementing the arrest warrant against him according to the Iraqi Penal Code for misappropriation of funds to feed batches protection of oil belonging to the Ministry of Defense, "and includes • Reconciliation and Liberation Bloc, headed by al-Jabouri (Sunni) two other members in the House of Representatives, but he did not attend parliament sessions since the start of the session early 2006

    The Emirates

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  4. #12354
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    Mashaan al-Jabouri Sunni MP loses parliamentary immunity

    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Mashaan al-Jabouri Sunni MP loses parliamentary immunity

    In an unprecedented step, and because of accusations of corruption and charged him with Mali

    Baghdad : Haidar Najm
    In an unprecedented step, the Council of the Iraqi parliament lift the immunity of one of its members (year), who is president of a small bloc within the Council, , which consists of 275 members, is accused by the public integrity issues and charges of administrative and financial corruption. The members of the Iraqi Parliament voted yesterday by 141 members, of the total 180 members present, the decision of the Supreme Judiciary Council's proposal to lift the parliamentary immunity of MP Sunni Mashaan al-Jabouri, the head of the reconciliation and national liberation three seats, which did not attend any meeting of the parliament since its inception. The accused, according to the decision of the Supreme Judiciary Council.
    Read the chairman of the parliament Mahmoud Almshahadani text of the resolution, which was raised by the Supreme Council of the Judiciary, yesterday during the meeting, also said that the Central Investigating Court lifted the immunity of MP Mashaan al-Jabouri guarantor member of the House of Representatives based on Article 113 of the Iraqi Penal Code, result pocketing sums feed batches protection of oil, which groups 10 9 11 of the Ministry of Defense. The Almshahadani The decision was signed by the President of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary, the judge Medhat Al-Mahmoud, He described this decision Balahd himself, saying : "I that this resolution is more to my decision, because the accused is a member of Parliament, and so when we take such a decision, we take the pain, but it remains legally a decision we take, therefore, we call upon Member brothers to rise above such things ». The Speaker of Parliament, after the vote on the resolution, to lift the immunity of the target does not mean the withdrawal of confidence from it, it is meant to him to prove his innocence are needed before the investigative judge, when it is brought before the investigation. He emphasized that in case proved his innocence will belong to the position in the House of Representatives.

    Some deputies have talked about this decision, stating that it had been necessary for the resolution of this issue for some time, to the non-recurrence of such incidents. A judge Wael Abdel Latif, a member of the House of Representatives of the Iraqi national list, chaired by former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, in statements to the press, for a long discussion among members of parliament between supporters and opponents of the request, made by the High Criminal Court. Abdul Latif said : "I do not have to be important principle in this issue is a constitutional independence of the judiciary, Otherwise, the parliament makes the same authority over the judiciary ». He pointed out that some of the members of the House interpreted this decision as a political decision, not criminally, It is the opposite of the truth matter and the request made by the High Criminal Court, , which contains a set of charges against Deputy Mashaan al-Jabouri's. The Judge Abdul Latif, said that all measures taken by the Criminal Court, is the legal proceedings there is no announcement.

    On the other hand, the MP Hassan al-Shamri on the mass of the United Iraqi Alliance (Shiite), the Supreme Judiciary Council that he wanted to say, The decision is to arrest al-Jabouri, as a result of its failure to do any act or method would reduce the sentence. He added Shamari, a member of the legal committee in the Parliament, with the flag that the takeover comes under the door of bribery, It kind of crimes, which ranged between governance (5-15) years imprisonment.

    For his part, Deputy Chairman of the morning Alsaidi Integrity Commission in the parliament to lift the parliamentary immunity of the target after he said. Al-Jabouri said that the issue is the long and old dating back to the National Assembly earlier, and not at the present time, and interspersed with serious accusations concerning the capture of the target on the amount of 110 billion dinars a month, according to reports of the public integrity in Iraq ».
    Middle East

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  5. #12355
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    New reconciliation conference held in Baghdad soon with the participation of representatives of the Al resistance

    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    New reconciliation conference held in Baghdad soon with the participation of representatives of the Al resistance »

    After the rejection of a strong political presence in the event held in Arbil against the backdrop of the crisis flag

    Baghdad : Al-Salem Al-Rahma
    Baghdad is expected soon to host a conference of the new political parties and political entities, in the framework of the national reconciliation, launched by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. Political sources told Al-Sharq Al-Awsat »that the representatives who dubbed as" honorable resistance »will participate in this conference. He said Sheik Khalaf Al-Alyan, a member of the Iraqi Accord Front told Al-Sharq Al-Awsat », There are people, represents the noble Iraqi resistance will participate in the conference, according to informed sources in the national Almassalh », noting that the success of the conference depends on the participation of all parties and activate the final decisions to come out.
    He said Unadim Kana, a member of the supreme body of reconciliation and member of the political body, the political forces agreed to hold a conference in Baghdad. following the refusal of a group of parties to participate in the conference if convened in Arbil, because of the decision of President Masoud Barzani of Kurdistan. prevent the current Iraqi flag was raised in the province.

    He said we were told Al-Sharq Al-Awsat », that the committees began working in the adoption of the Comprehensive Statistics of the UN High Commissioner for the elections, to determine the number of political parties and political currents, which will participate in the conference. He pointed out that lack of time led to the postponement of some political dialogues with the opposition parties, until the conference. He said that more than 250 political parties and movements will attend the conference, the third conference of national reconciliation. And we pointed out that a number of former Baathists participate in the conference. He said "there is no (Vito) to any political exception Altkverein Ultra and the Baathists, those who want to return to the principle of the single party system ».
    Middle East

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  6. #12356
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    Contacts between Jordan and Iraq to settle their dispute Financial

    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Contacts between Jordan and Iraq to settle their dispute Financial
    Amman-Salah sad life-09 / 10 / 06 / /

    Sources in the Ministry of Finance Jordanian Contacts are underway between Jordan and Iraq on financial issues pending between the two countries including the money owed to Jordanian exporters to the previous Iraqi government.

    They said that the technical committee was formed from both sides to consider all the aspects of the financial portfolio between Jordan and Iraq. pointing out that the dossier had been discussed during the visit, which was carried out by the Prime Minister, Dr known Bakhit to Baghdad earlier in August (August) last year.

    Includes file financial Jordanian debts owed to Iraq since the days of the former Iraqi regime of $ 1.3 billion accumulated over more than two decades, It started debts estimated at about 50 million dollars during the Iraqi-Iranian war, which ended in 1988. but increased after it bought the Jordanian government, the private sector's debts owed by the Iraqi government in 1991, Mahe and went to him after that Jordan has, after the imposition of international sanctions on Iraq in 1990 and until the fall of the former regime. to ensure imports from outside Iraq through a special account in the Central Bank of Jordan.

    It is known that Jordan was the sole outlet for Iraq with the outside world over the 13 years during which Iraq was under international embargo imposed on it following its invasion of Kuwait in 1990.

    The file also other financial benefits to the private sector resulting from the Jordanian dealings with the private and public sectors outside the framework of the then Iraqi trade protocol between the two countries. , as well as outside the framework of the oil-for-food agreement, which was signed by Iraq with the United Nations in 1996. And these benefits are estimated at about 450 million Jordanian dinars.

    The file also includes Iraqi assets in Jordanian banks were the previous Iraqi government deposited in Jordanian banks in the form of guarantees for the commodities exported by the Jordanian company to Iraq. Following the fall of the former Iraqi regime at the hands of the American coalition against Iraq in 2003 Jordan took a decision to impound these stocks are estimated at 650 million dinars to guarantee the rights of Jordanian merchants. The deployment of this amount, about 40 million dinars are human fixed for about 500 merchants and industrial Jordanian merchants Iraqis.

    The trade relations between the Jordanian-Iraqi done through a trade protocol signed by the countries annually and includes goods needed by Iraq from Jordan over the full year in the oil-for-granted to Jordan from Iraq at preferential prices. But traders were Jordanians enter into commercial agreements with the Iraqi government or with their counterparts in Iraq outside the framework of this agreement, while others were doing to Iraq goods not covered by the international embargo that was imposed on Iraq in the days of the previous regime. and in the framework of the oil-for-food and medicine.

    The sources confirmed that Iraq has asked Jordan to the list of the names of traders and industrialists Iraqis who had their rights to different parties, including the previous Iraqi government, , and another list of the names of traders and industrialists who got their dues from frozen Iraqi assets. It added that the Iraqi Ministry of Trade is preparing a range of processing applications for receivables material for some traders and Jordanian businessmen.

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  7. #12357
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    Federal Court : implementation of the rule of articles 118 ,142 concurrently

    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    The House of Representatives waive the immunity of paper Jubari

    Union : the House allocated its beginning yesterday, Sunday, 8 / 10 / 2006 to recall the Martyr Mohamed Sknawi member of the House from the list of the Kurdistan Alliance who died in Baghdad on the 5th of this month where he gave a speech in Parliament Speaker strongly condemned the terrorist act and asked you who will be the beneficiary of the killing of the vice-president? He urged members of the House of Representatives to exercise caution in their movements and attention to personal security aspect. The Dr. Fouad Massoum head the list of the Kurdistan Alliance speech called for the formation of a committee to follow-up criminal investigation of the incident, supported by the representatives of all the political blocs who threw speeches denouncing the assassination of MP Mohamed Sankawi, d warned. Fouad Massoum of the consequences of the escalation of the criminal operations against the Kurds living in Baghdad, recently called for severing the hands of criminals and those who want security and the lives of citizens Kurds in Baghdad and other Iraqi governorates.

    This has been the funeral of the late martyr Mohammed Sankawi and his driver in Sulaymaniyah presence of a large number of officials in the government of Kurdistan and Kurdish members of parliament. He sent the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and Kurdistan President of the Parliament of the telegrams of condolence to both the House and the Iraqi bloc, the Kurdistan Alliance and the Islamic Group, with the martyr in this terrible calamity.
    After the decrees consolation returned to the House resume its regular meeting of the fourth session, where a vote was taken on the gift allocated by the Council of Ministers Iraqi everyone without exception and of (ten thousand dinars) each individual Iraqi as the ration card.
    Amid much controversy between the number of members of Parliament were to lift the parliamentary immunity of MP Mr. Mashaan al-Jabouri, at the request of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary is known that Mr. Attitude accused of appropriating funds to feed batches protect oil (9, 10, 16) and more than one billion Iraqi dinars.
    This is the first time that the resort where the House of Representatives to lift the immunity of one of its members to be brought to justice because of the issue of financial corruption charges.
    And the House also heard the opinion of the Federal High Court on the controversy that was based on articles 118 and 142 to determine the priority of one article, where the Court concluded that the controversy reference ((find federal court after the debate there was no correlation between the provision of Article (118) and the provision of Article (142) of the Constitution and the rule of one of the articles did not work intersects with the provision of other different theme and each of their sentences and the duty of the parliament to implement the text of the Constitution.
    As the text of each of the above articles had identified the work started their sentences Btabirin differ in language and agree on the text of the article where he spent (118) to be implemented from the date of the first sitting of the parliament and spent the text of the article (142 First) to be implemented starting from the beginning of the work of the Council since assuming his duties laid down by the constitution. Unlike the time of completion of the decision by each of them. It provided the Court concludes that the launch of a simultaneous articles in priority to one or the other)). It ended the parliament also discussed the draft laws on investment and operational procedures for the formation of regions in the second reading to them, It is hoped presentation of the vote in the next meetings during the current week is not facing any political problems. This was to form a committee member for a hearing yesterday, where in the past has not been able to set up due to the lack of quorum and referring to eight members.

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  8. #12358
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    The government of Kurdistan issued a number of decisions

    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Union : The official spokesman for the government of the Kurdistan region in a press conference held by the Cabinet on yesterday, Sunday, that the territorial government issued a number of decisions. He said that the territorial government decided to form a committee to re-examine the redundant staff in the State services and distribution to other departments that need them and reorganize the structure of government departments, It also decided to transfer the staffing Directorate General of Antiquities in all its departments of the Ministry of Culture to the Ministry of Tourism, as well as the transfer of tables Directorate General of Sport and Youth of the Ministry of Culture to the Ministry of Sports and Youth in the territorial government. He also announced that the government had decided to exchange allocations to trade with serious health professions in the Kurdistan region and according to categories (August c) that the disposal of the category (a) hundred thousand Iraqi dinars and category (b) seventy-five thousand Iraqi dinars and the category (c) Fifty thousand Iraqi dinars.

    As he pointed out in his press conference that the territorial government decided to add the amount of 15 billion Iraqi dinars to the reconstruction of Kirkuk as a third phase of the reconstruction of the city. referring to the approval by the Council of Ministers to accept the resignation of Mr. Khalid Mohammad Amin Sofi Kaemmegam Raniyah district and request it.
    As the official spokesman of the government of the province that the government had decided to form a coordinating committee of representatives of the Kurdistan government in Baghdad to facilitate the Public Committee for the Defense of the victims of the Anfal and the participation of lawyers and citizens of the Kurdistan region in the Supreme Court competent to try deposed Iraqi president.
    He added : "The government also decided to appoint Falah Mustafa Bakr, head of external relations in the State Cabinet Minister as well as the opening of an office of the government of Kurdistan in Baghdad under the chairmanship of Mr. Delshad Miran degree Minister and Deputy Salah Gomaa, a Deputy Minister. He also noted that the Council of Ministers of the territorial government decided to form a committee to study the Companies Act Wa the trade agencies in the province.

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  9. #12359
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    Iraqi Presidency
    Vice President Tariq Al-Hashmi receives Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ashraf Qazi

    October 9, 2006

    Research Vice President Tariq Al-Hashmi an update on the situation in the country. in particular efforts to stop the bloodshed in Iraq and to control security in the capital Baghdad, and that during his reception, on yesterday, Sunday, 10-8-2006 in the private library in Baghdad, the representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq Ashraf Qazi.
    The sovereignty and, during the meeting, the need for the Iraqi security forces and multinational duties for a speedy end to the rampant terrorism in the country.
    It was an exchange of views on the outcome of the visit of the American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to Baghdad a few days ago.

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  10. #12360
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    Iraqi Presidency
    President Talabani condemns the assassination of Lieutenant-General Amer Al Hashimi, the Vice-President of the Republic is due

    October 9, 2006

    Ezzi President Jalal Talabani, Vice President Tariq Al-Hashmi death of his brother, and Dan this heinous crime and asked the competent organs to take immediate action to arrest the perpetrators and detect those who stand behind them, and following is the text of the statement issued by the President in this regard :
    "Committed dark forces hostile to Iraq heinous crime assassinating Lieutenant General Amer Al Hashimi's brother His Excellency the Vice-President of the Republic brother Tariq Hashmi.
    That sin which increases the gravity that it is committed in the holy month of Ramadan and after the enactment of the prohibition of Iraqi blood, it aims to disrupt the efforts of national reconciliation and fueling feuds between brothers and obstruct the efforts of the government and political leaders to contain the violence and eliminate the dangers of fanaticism, and lay the foundations of security and stability in Iraq.
    We strongly condemn this heinous crime and demand that the competent organs to take immediate action to arrest the perpetrators and detect those who stand behind them, to receive their fair punishment, just to be an example to others.
    And we call on all political parties to express condemnation of the crime and thwarting nefarious intentions of the perpetrators to oppose attempts to raise the band, fighting, and to adhere to a unity and synergy in the face of the enemies of Iraq.
    And as we attribute brother Tariq Hashemi time of this great tragedy, we know that blights not weaken the resolve of believers, asking God and that the bulk of them are inspired by other family members and dignified patience and fortitude, and to have mercy on his soul and Shahid stayed in eternal peace.

    And I am God and to God we return

    Jalal Talabani
    President of the Republic of Iraq "

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