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    Kurdistan Region Government opens office in Baghdad
    [15:33 , 09 Oct 2006]
    Khalid Salih spokesman for the Kurdistan Regional Government.File Photo...
    Baghdad, Kurdistan (Aswataliraq)
    By Abdul-Hameed Zibari

    PNA-Undersecretary Salah Jum'a, Khalid Salih, spokesman for the Kurdistan Regional Government said.

    "The government also decided to set up a committee within Iraq's Kurdistan Government office at Baghdad to coordinate issues related to the performance of defense lawyers and prosecution witnesses at Anfal genocide trial case," Salih said.

    The spokesman did not give further details about the main work of the Iraq's Kurdistan government office in Baghdad.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  2. #12392
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    Iraq's finance minister previosuly unveiled a draft 2007 budget totalling $33 billion a lower figure than desired by fellow cabinet members who want more spending to stimulate the economy. this draft has been subject to intense debate within the government of Maliki, who has promised to strengthen the economy and create jobs to stem a descent into civil war. Deputy Prime Minister Salih said he was pushing to see more money pumped into the economy in 2007 and that Jabor was being overcautious in his revenue projections
    Jabor admitted differences among cabinet members over the budget, which along with a bill to attract investment into the oil sector, will be showcased to international institutions under a UN-backed plan to win economic support for the next five years, end of October.
    there were 2 opinions but they managed in the end to reach some middle ground
    ME newspaper
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 09-10-2006 at 09:39 PM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #12393
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    Shehrastani announces the intention to build a one billion USD refinery

    The Minister of Oil Dr. Hussein al-Shehrasstani has announced his ministry's intention to establish new oil refinery between al-Najaf and Kerbala provinces over the next year with productive capacity reaches to 140,000 barrels per day and cost of one billion USD.

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    Default hope this does not mean problems

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    Ex-secretary Baker readies Iraq policy By BARRY SCHWEID, AP Diplomatic Writer
    2 hours, 1 minute ago

    WASHINGTON - Former Secretary of State James A. Baker III, a longtime Republican strategist, is preparing recommendations that President George W. Bush reconsider his "stay-the-course" strategy in Iraq.


    Referring to a bipartisan commission he co-chairs, Baker said, "We are taking a look at other alternatives."

    With his remarks Sunday on the ABC News Program "This Week," Baker joined a growing list of prominent Republicans critical of Bush's Iraq strategy in the weeks leading to congressional elections on Nov. 7.

    But he agrees in part with the administration. Baker said, "if we picked up and left right now" Iraq would be plunged into "the biggest civil war you've ever seen," with Turkey, Iran, Syria and other neighboring countries getting involved.

    As secretary of state, Baker was a close adviser to Bush's father, President George H.W. Bush, before and during the first Gulf war in 1991, which forced Iraq to reverse its annexation of Kuwait but did not march to Baghdad to unseat President Saddam Hussein.

    Baker and other Bush advisers recommended against extending the war until Saddam was out of power. "As much as Saddam's neighbors wanted to see him gone, they feared Iraq would fragment in ways that would play into the hands of Islamic fundamentalists in Iran," Baker said.

    Today in Iraq, "The risk is certainly there, the same risk," Baker said.

    He said proposals a bipartisan group he co-chairs with Democratic former Rep. Lee Hamilton is preparing probably would be ready and made public when Congress returns after the Nov. 7 congressional elections. He said the findings would not be released before the elections to avoid miring them in electoral politics.

    Bush has asserted he intends to "stay the course" In Iraq, despite mounting casualties and failure of Iraqi security forces to suppress the violence.

    Baker did not disclose specific proposals that might be adopted by the joint commission. He said "our commission believes there are alternatives" between staying the course and a precipitous troop evacuation.

    On a related topic, the former secretary of state questioned the administration's policy of not talking to Iran or Syria.

    He noted he made 15 trips to Damascus as secretary of state. Syria eventually joined the U.S.-organized coalition that drove the Iraqis from Kuwait.

    "I don't think you restrict your conversations to your friends," he said.

    "It's got to be hard-nosed," Baker said. "It's got to be determined. You don't give away anything. But in my view it is not appeasement to talk to your enemies."
    Behold the turtle-he makes progress only when he sticks his neck out

  5. #12395
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    WASHINGTON - Former Secretary of State James A. Baker III, a longtime Republican strategist, is preparing recommendations that President George W. Bush reconsider his "stay-the-course" strategy in Iraq. [QUOTE]

    Sure wish he would stay a "Former" until this RV's they he can try and mess it up then

    With everything I have been reading I don't think Iraq will go for it - any thoughts???

    Plus - do they not read all the good news we read here coming out of Iraq?

  6. #12396
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    Don't worry guys when this revals tomorrow or at the latest sometime this week...they will see how the Iraqi issues change...and they will see the New Iraq...

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Baker asked Bush to change his policy in Iraq **
    The proposal before the American Administration to resolve the Iraqi issue within 90 days **

    Washington Mercy Abu Touk
    Request James Baker, who heads a commission established by Congress and ratified by the American President George W. Bush on Iraq from the American administration to change its policy in Iraq within 90 days, at the time of the Senator John Biden Vice-Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in Congress, in an interview with CNN that the administration has no strategy for winning in Iraq. With Condoleezza Rice requested from the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki disarm militias and not to ignore criticism of the policy on Iraq.
    This is the first statement from the Baker who occupied the post of Foreign Minister in President George W. Bush's father after a visit to Iraq about two months ago in the framework of the mission entrusted to it by Congress to the search for solutions to the crisis confronting Iraq and the absence of stability, where he met Iraqi President Jalal Talabani and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and a number of prominent on the list of consensus, including Iraqi Vice President Tariq Al-Hashmi, who heads the Iraqi Islamic Party.
    He said Baker of the American television network ABC that there are alternatives between the intransigent attitude of the government to continue the same approach in Iraq and the supporters of immediate withdrawal of American forces from that country. noting warnings by himself before the invasion of Iraq in 3002.
    Baker committed silence during the joint press conference he held with senior Iraqi officials did not make any talk about his visit Baghdad since the termination of which lasted for three days.
    And Baker's statements came one month before the legislative elections, where the American shift the Iraq issue to one of the issues of the conflict between the Democratic and Republican parties in order to win votes.
    Not sympathetic Baker, who guided the file off more than half of Iraq's debts with the Paris Club commissioned by Bush in any way with the Democrats. It was among the names to be handled by the U.S. civil administrator of Iraq after the toppling of the former Iraqi regime but refused to task.
    And Baker's statements came at a time when intensifying violence in Iraq has increased the number of victims of the American army in the last ten days of the current month to 72 deaths of six soldiers killed during the weekend. The Baker has warned the current administration before the invasion of Iraq, the risk of destabilizing the Middle East and the size of the effort required. He expressed regret for ignoring advice. Headed by Baker and former Democratic Parliamentary Lee Hamilton of the independent commission established on the initiative of Congress endorsed by President George W. Bush to provide a realistic assessment of the situation and frank in Iraq to assist in the development of American policy in this country.
    In an indication of the resentment of Republicans, but Senator John Warner, Chairman of the Armed Forces Committee in the Senate, which was one of the strongest proponents of the war in Iraq. his tone following a recent visit to that country.
    , Said that the United States should consider a change in direction if not retreating violence in Iraq in the next ninety days.
    He added Senator Warner in the position that surprised the White House think it is our responsibility to determine whether the necessary change direction in Iraq and we think of all the options at this stage.
    In recognition of the magnitude of the problem, The American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Thursday Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in Baghdad to accelerate its efforts to disarm the militias and end the violence.

    Administration lacks the strategically part, The Democratic senator Joe Biden Vice-Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in an interview with the American television network CNN that the administration has no strategy for winning in Iraq. He refused Biden reiterated the basic argument for President Bush, who says that the war in Iraq is a war against terrorism. He could kill every jihad in the world and there will be a civil war in Iraq.
    And these calls came one month before the legislative elections, while opinion polls indicate that Iraq is the first case in the interests of the Americans.
    Can Republicans who loses Thazham sexual scandal involving one of their deputies, the majority in the Congress.
    The Center for Bio poll, the independent Institute in Washington that Iraq has become the central issue for the mid-presidential term elections, pointing to the latest poll at the national level, also revealed that 58% of Americans believe that the military operations in Iraq was being abused.
    The Institute said that the situation in Iraq today is more discontent among the people, more than at any time since the start of the war. The killing of more than 2700 American soldiers in Iraq were killed and more than twenty thousand wounded since the US-British invasion of the country in March »Al March 2003.
    According to figures published by the Washington Post newspaper that 776 American military wounded in September last September », the largest number of injuries on record since the fall of Fallujah in November
    Second Al »November 4002, which reflects the difficulty in the battles to contain the rebel movement.

    »Newspaper Azzaman

  7. #12397
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    The first meeting of a Turkish-American Iraqis to fight PKK

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    The first meeting of a Turkish-Iraqi-American anti - PKK **
    Ankara asked for a postponement of the referendum on Kirkuk 01 years **

    Ankara Ibrahim Bozi
    Sources from the Turkish Foreign Ministry said that the first meeting of the three Turkish and Iraqi and American anti - PKK held in the Turkish capital of Ankara today, after Baghdad Coordinator appointed to the task last week. At the time the report demanded by the Turkish Parliament Takhel referendum on Kirkuk enshrined in the Iraqi constitution for 01 years, will chair the meeting, General Coordinator Turkish Adib Bashir, who will meet his counterpart Iraqi Shirwan Alowaeli Security Minister Iraqi and American Joseph Ralston. The conferees will discuss what Iraq could do in order to put an end to terrorist acts carried out by rebels of the Kurdistan Workers and would refer the Turkish side in the meeting that the anti-terrorist actions of the separatists Kurdistan Workers will continue in future with the assurance that the declaration of a cease-fire does not mean anything with continuing attacks and bombings by the rebels secessionist organization mentioned. It is noteworthy that the Turkish coordinator Adib Bashir would ask the Iraqi side to close Makhmour camp in northern Iraq where PKK gunmen hosts currently.
    On the other hand, ended the Turkish parliamentary delegation which recently visited Kirkuk report on his previous visit to the north of Ar pw. The news agency Anatolia reported that the Attorney - Torkham Jomz report submitted to the President of the National Assembly Bulent Aring for evaluation, The copies also to Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul, to the presidency of the General Staff and heads of political parties. The report contained evidence about the inability of northern Iraq to secede from the Department of Baghdad, despite the clear desire to establish an independent state in the Kurdish leaders. The report explained that the deficit : a lack of territory to the industrial facilities and a lack of independent institutions. Therefore, the administration of the province is trying to maintain good relations with neighboring countries. It strives to improve the economic and working for the control of the oil province of Kirkuk in addition to seeking to increase the share of the province from the rest of Iraqi oil. The report shows fears of the danger of Turkish control of Iraq's Kurdistan region to Kirkuk oil, which ensures its future economically it easy to secede from Iraq and the establishment of an independent state.
    The report called for the need not to hold the referendum on the fate of Kirkuk in the coming year, as stipulated in the new Iraqi constitution. because "this would lead to the cause of Iraq's Kurdistan province of Kirkuk in case an organization of the referendum in light of the current circumstances," as stated in the report which refers to the resettlement of 600 thousand displaced Kurds inside the city has been recruitment from outside Kirkuk. The report warned of the possible eruption of civil war in the event of the territory caused the city to the north and the impossibility of accepting the rest of the city's population of Turkmen and Arabs to that situation.
    It is noteworthy that Turkey seeks to postpone the referendum ten years pending the normalization of the situation in the city, which has become the focus of everyone's designs for the oil richness and different ethnic fabric of the population. The Council of the Turkish nation in this respect that Turkey's right to use military force to protect the Turkmen minority in Kirkuk in the event of a civil war erupted in the city after Iraq's Kurdistan Province enroll.

    »Azzaman newspaper Al

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    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    American forces defeat the militia attack to topple Diwaniyah **
    Colonels killed in the police and burnt five trucks **

    Diwaniyah Baghdad time winner Jawad
    The American army said that American and Iraqi forces killed 03 armed militia elements yesterday that governs the city of Diwaniyah in the south of Iraq. The army of people to commit their homes under curfew Open starting two, but the ban lifted yesterday morning after the explosions shook the thick of automatic weapons and revive the city center for more than five hours.
    The army said that the type of Abrams tanks, or one of any two severely damaged in the fighting that broke out after the militia launched an attack with machine guns and missiles on American and Iraqi forces were on a mission to arrest the goal of great importance. He added that the ten groups of armed militia attacked the American forces that were destroyed six totals. And in the southern neighborhoods of Diwaniyah is a stronghold of the Mahdi Army militia loyal to Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, who represents his movement is an important element in the national unity government led by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. While the controlled elements of the Badr Corps of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution, headed by Abdul Aziz Hakim, the other parts of Diwaniyah and had already occurred between the two conflicting sides of the city at the beginning of Ramadan bloody clashes. An official at the al-Mahdi army refused to reveal his name of any involvement in the fighting and militia were blamed on the armed defectors. He said that al-Sadr had issued orders to Al-Mahdi army not to attack one, including the Americans. Another official denied the Mahdi Army News reported the killing of 03 people and said that only three people were injured, medical sources said that four civilians were wounded while three men and a woman. The American Army major presence in the area since the murder of 02 Iraqi soldiers were killed in a battle with militia in the city on August 82 last August ».
    Draft Maliki against militias
    He pledged to Maliki, who is under increasing pressure from Washington to take tough action against the militias, which put the blame for most acts of violence fueled sectarian strife. But critics charged that Maliki does not have the political will to resolve these militias because many of them linked to parties within the government. Encountered and the American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice a strong warning to Iraqi leaders in Baghdad this week, calling them to end political inaction and dealing with Iraq's many problems, ranging from escalating violence and rampant corruption. To that Iraqi security sources announced the killing of ten people, including Aqidan police, and injured yesterday, Sunday, in acts of violence in the capital and other areas. The sources confirmed finding the body of Colonel Thamer Salman in central Baghdad neighborhood credit, infected gunshot wounds. The police announced the death of one of its members and wounding another addition to the other person when a mortar shell landed near their patrol in the Waziriyah district of Baghdad. On the other hand, A source in the police Musayyib »09 km south of Baghdad, said one person was killed and two others fall mortar shell was fired at a house in the area Albehbehan. In Mosul, Major Ahmed Mohammed of the police killing of Colonel Yahya Hamid, director of the police Rabia, the border crossing with Syria in the north-west of Iraq, an explosive device targeted his convoy in Umm wood, near Rabia. »In Tikrit, 081 km north of Baghdad," To kill four people were killed and two others wounded by an explosive device in their car on the road near Al-hand, the birthplace of ousted president Saddam Hussein, according to a joint coordination office in the governorate of Salah al-Din
    The assassination of a member of the banned Baath
    . In Nasiriyah, said Colonel Abbas became director of the police district Rifai in Dhi Qar, and the major cities of Nasiriyah, that gunmen assassinated Zarh matter as a former member of the dissolved Baath Party, where he was a member of the Division, North Central »Rifai Al Nasiriyah. In Ishaqi »001 km north of Baghdad", the police announced combustion three trucks carrying oil derivatives, and the fourth movement of goods to the American Army. In a country »07 km north of Baghdad," adding a police source said that the truck driver was killed by an explosive device in his truck carrying goods to the American Army. To that police found the body of unidentified aircraft in the area of Jarf al-Sakhr, south of Baghdad found shot, In trying to withdraw the police to the shooting, which led to the injury of one of them injured.

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    Talabani : I did not meet the leadership of the Kurdistan Workers Party

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Istanbul Ibrahim Bozi
    Commenting Iraqi President Jalal al-Talbani in a meeting attended by Friday evening one satellite to the Turkish statement made during his previous visit to the United States of America pointed to the possibility of supporting the Kurdish opposition in Turkey if Ankara intervened in the internal affairs of Iraq. Regarding this statement, which raised a storm in media circles, political and diplomatic Turkish al-Talbani said in his television : Yes, we have spoken such things. But I stated that Turkey will not intervene in the Iraqi affair in any way, and would respect the independence of Iraq. I also said that we continue to benefit from the support of Mr. Erdogan us. He denied al-Talbani in a meeting that might have said something of a Almaacoch the Kurdish movement in Turkey, stressing his support for the government and not for the opposition in Turkey.
    The Ankara visit him on suspicion of the leaders of the banned Kurdistan Workers Party, denied that he had met with them personally and shoes : some friends tried to persuade them to cease fire. And we have told them that it is necessary not to use arms in the coming period.
    Talabani stressed that it was not possible to reach a solution to the Kurdish issue in Turkey only through the Turkish nation. Talabani stressed that Massoud Barzani, head of the self-rule province of Kurdistan in Iraq does not allow the freedom of movement of the PKK in the region.

    »Azzaman newspaper Al

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    Default Iraqi religious leaders to ban inter-Islamic fighting

    Not sure if this has been posted....

    Published: 10/7/2006

    RIYADH - Iraqi Sunni and Shiite religious leaders are planning to sign in Saudi Arabia a declaration that forbids inter-Islamic fighting, the Organisation of the Islamic Conference said Saturday.
    "Four representatives of Sunni and Shiite Muslim parties started Saturday a preparatory meeting in the (Muslim holy city of) Mecca... to draft the convenant," the OIC's undersecretary for political affairs Izzat Mufti told AFP.

    He said that the document will be discussed during a meeting of Iraqi religious leaders, which will take place in Mecca before the end of the Muslim fast of Ramadan later this month.

    "This meeting aims to ban the fighting between Sunni and Shiite Muslims in order to avoid a civil war" in the war-torn country, he said, adding that it is an OIC initiative "to help in ending the killings and bombings in Iraq."

    Mufti said that Iraq's revered Shiite cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani is strongly in favour of holding the meeting, but he did not disclose names of the Iraqi figures who will be attending.

    Sunni Arabs, once dominant under ex-president Saddam Hussein, are believed to be the backbone of the insurgency against the Shiite-dominated US-supported government.

    Iraqi religious leaders to ban inter-Islamic fighting


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