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    جريدة الصباح - التضخم في ازدياد وبات مرهقاً لكاهل المواطن والمطلوب كبح جماحه
    Economic : Inflation is on the rise and has become onerous burden to the citizens and to be slowed

    Participants in the symposium on the Iraqi Center for Economic Reform of the (morning)
    Baghdad-Haider spring
    Participants in the symposium, which was brought by the Iraqi Center for Economic Reform of the phenomenon of inflation and the role of financial and economic policies on the need to take the responsibility of the State address this dangerous phenomenon and reduction, particularly since the height ratios reached alarming figures amounted to 70% in the month of August last year. Participants stressed the importance of moving the process of comprehensive economic reform, because inflation is one of the reasons behind the Iraqi economy and faltering. Indicating that there is no cure for inflation only through the processing and activation of all productive sectors, whether industrial or agricultural or service. Therefore, the activation of these sectors is one of the solutions to the problem of inflation, which should be disregarded.
    They pointed out that the state of inflation began strains Iraqi citizens and Iraqi family and the diminution of well-being and prosperity of society.
    He attributed the causes of inflation participants to the deteriorating security situation fundamentally, as well as an abundance of cash offset the scarcity of the goods and services as well as the rise in fuel prices.
    (Morning) attended the symposium and met with Dr. Skinner director of the symposium, which emphasized the importance of setting up such symposiums that address content in the case of the Iraqi economy, which is suffering from an imbalance points clear in some of her. He pointed out that striving by the state for a general address for economic reform and restructuring the economy. He said Skinner : inflation is becoming a very high pace so that the burdens the Iraqi citizen. And the amounts that are of no value to them because of the continuing waves of price hikes and the rise in prices and this symposium highlighting the most important problems that can outline the economic take into account that in order to combat serious and urgent problem for this phenomenon Among address the general economic reform and restructuring, which wants to father He initiated by the ministry concerned and the competent organs. Thus, seminars are very important and encourages the Iraqi state and the government. We wish of all economic actors in the country to begin such seminars so the government can be taken into account.
    Added Skinner : inflation has multiple causes and want to govern these reasons so that Airtva projected levels and planned for it will collapse economically affected by the Iraqi citizen.
    And the treatments of this phenomenon, Skinner said : there is a committee in the Ministry of Planning assess the situation and make recommendations to address the serious economic deal is part of the general economic each Iraqi economy.
    Dr. Papan and Planning Minister told (morning) that the figures of the state of serious inflation is a state of ill Iraqi economy and the deterioration of the situation in the productive sectors should be addressed as soon as confirming that a cure for inflation only improvement in the Iraqi economy and the overall improvement of productive sectors and address the problems Tea Nee them.
    In a speech delivered by Dr Baban during the seminar in which he confirmed that inflation is not the result of one factor, but it is an indicator of poor Iraqi economy a whole. If the state of the economy should not be a virile inflation and inflation if it is limited and Papan added : I hope that everyone consider inflation of Mendhar holistic sense to look at through the reality of the economy and not by the fact that monetary policy only monitors the amount of money and the money supply, interest rates and credit policy, and so on.
    Politics cash inhabiting disease and Ataaljeh When we discount rate or Nkhfedah follow the policy of strict or lenient credit, we will try calming the disease and Anaaljeh. And the disease is in the productive sectors and the state of the economy in general and if the productive sectors remained unchanged do not expect a decrease in the course of inflation or decline it. If evolved these sectors and recovering agricultural sector and the industrial and service when it begins to revolve the wheel of economy and inflation will retreat ...
    Papan pointed out that the credit policy will play an important role in the treatment of inflation and this issue must be known to all, We do not expect that the Central Bank reduced rates when credit or picks will succeed in controlling the phenomenon of inflation problem is not confined to the private credit and Avi issue of balance between the quantity of money and money supply, but only in the productive sectors, In the Iraqi productivity. This is the other dimension of the issue, the "productivity" of the individual back Therefore, the unemployment closely related to inflation.
    For his part, Dr. Kamal Basri, undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance and head of the Iraqi Center for Economic Reform to the symposium discussed the apparent serious inflation that has afflicted Iraq and tried Aijadaspap inflation and to work on them as much as possible. Basri said : all speakers at the symposium emphasized that the "phenomenon" of inflation came from the presence and abundance of cash with the scarcity of the goods and services. The abundance of liquidity in the cash came from this year's budget allocated amounts of cash many of the salaries and wages increased about 90% from what it was last year ... This pumping major financial market. While the goods and services in the market started less for a variety of reasons, including security and why this factor making markets confused. In addition to the transit of goods from the border outlets became very agitated because of the security factor also.
    Also, the lack of fuel contributed to the reduction of existing goods in the local market. In addition to an abundance of cash to the individuals caused a rise in the prices of the deal, we believe that the security situation is essential for each case.
    He added : optical With regard to fuel we need to provide for that worker will help to eliminate the crisis (inflation) and the importance of the elimination of the scarcity of developments which have the potential to create a black market and causing high altitude in prices.
    He stressed the work to encourage the State to end the monopoly of the Ministry of Oil import and sale of oil derivatives, and need to give space to the private sector to fill the existing gap.
    He stressed the need for the optical link the issue of reforming the state oil derivatives in a series of actions it is not enough to make the step and leave the rest of the steps ... The prices of oil derivatives, reform is necessary and correct, but must be accompanied by an integrated program to protect the poor ... We also need to support the services of water, electricity, transportation and others, Without this reform be extracted and integrated and affect the economic welfare of the citizens.
    Basri said that the existing rates are alarmingly high inflation, so it has become necessary to state that the linking production spending. If the conditions the same, I believe that the inflation rate in the next month will hold high ...
    The phenomenon of inflation exist economies that are trying progress
    Abdullah Albandar Director in the Economic and Finance Ministry member of the Iraqi Center for Economic Reform said that the seminar was held on the basis of recommendations emerge as lecturers and participants are professionals ... The decisions will be closer to reality ... He said : Albandar the phenomenon of serious inflation in the economy and therefore need to treatments and intervention economic planners to try one way or another to mitigate inflating ...
    In order to tackle inflation, we must look for the reasons and if we can get at the root that we can put the treatments. May be useful here fiscal policy or monetary policy may be more useful and this depends on the type of phenomenon and the existing rate of inflation.
    He added Albandar : that the rate of inflation hit last August, 76%, a figure that seriously ... The ratio of inflation between the seventh and eighth month last by fluctuating between 26-20% and this is very dangerous, if the rate of inflation without a high rates of economic growth, this would constitute a problem.
    Real production reduces the rates of inflation
    Thaer Alvili-adviser to the Ministry of Construction and Housing said that the indicators of the huge rise will continue unless there is a real production. He said : Alvili production now depends as five million employees in the Iraqi state does not produce anything, Perhaps 10% producers as well as the factories idle. I hope in the new investment law will do what the production of these plants. If approved this law should also help in the operation of a labor, especially in the real estate sector.
    The labs will begin to growth and then we can say we have been able to reduce the economic recession and the result would reduce inflation.
    Policy makers should curb inflation
    Dr. Mahdi Ilaq head of the Central Agency for Statistics and Information Technology in the Ministry of Planning pointed out that the figures that have been circulated in the symposium reflect the real suffering of the citizens so that the substantial increase that took place in the level of salaries and wages in the public sector was almost finished their positive impact due Artva p levels of inflation ... He said : Ilaq in this symposium focused on inflation from the point of view of consumers and policy makers believe that they should pay attention to the treatment and curb inflation, but the situation will be to prepare citizens who are below the poverty line.
    Rent, food and fuel are at the center of inflation
    The appearance of Dr. Mohamed Saleh, director general of the Economic Iraqi Central Bank explained that the three elements in the Iraqi economy at the center, where rents are inflation rate of inflation rose up to 41%. food rose in July to 23% and the fuel is also up to 19% and the rest ratios are 14%, Saleh said : the Iraqi economy is suffering from structural defects due to the domination of the oil sector and some other sectors. The essential point that the draft reform of the State generate vibrations on the old traditions (the support), as everyone knows, the direct and indirect constitute 80% of national income in Iraq, this strange phenomenon in the world ... Therefore, any response to this support generates Thus imbalances In my opinion, would not be a solution to this matter but to solve the problem of unemployment and build the priority projects that could absorb unemployment and generate economic activity and housing projects which they constitute 20% of the Iraqi work force. Saleh added : under these circumstances, if control over prices of oil derivatives has been working on ration cards for a certain period Antdm distribution then the market would be reassured much ...
    In addition to the necessity that there be some growth and monetary reforms to control the money supply that accompany inflation
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 10-10-2006 at 08:20 AM.

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  2. #12482
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    جريدة الصباح - النفط تحدد شروط وآليات التعامل مع شركات القطاع الخاص
    Economic Oil : defining the conditions and mechanisms for dealing with private sector companies

    Baghdad Tarek Al-Araji
    The Oil Ministry issued instructions for the conditions and mechanisms for dealing with the private sector companies that would import oil derivatives, and according to the new investment law expected to pass early next week.
    He said the official spokesman of the Ministry of Oil Assem Jihad told reporters that the instructions included the 20th paragraph of the fact that the company is an importer of oil products in Iraq registered with the Ministry of Trade and abide by the instructions and controls of the companies in Iraq.
    He added that instructions stressed that the corporation has imported or bought with distribution outlets and storage specifications acceptable to the Ministry of Oil, as well as providing insurance amount determined by the ad hoc committee to ensure the fulfillment of the company's contract conditions.
    The Jihad quantities Ststordha companies determined by the relevant departments in the Ministry of Oil under the marketing possibilities and الخزنيه of the company, which in turn will determine the specifications of products imported by the companies, pointing out that he would not be allowed to cross the border derivatives imported Iraqi did not prove compliance Altaak his subject to the terms of metrology and quality control currently in force, which issued the future.
    The spokesman pledged that the company within one year from the date of its contract to provide or contract for the storage of adequate technical capacity of not less than one-Khazneh rate for a period of one month for the company.
    He said the ministry not to allow the stations and outlets for the sale of the commercial sale of petroleum products official, imported or manufactured for the Ministry of Oil and corporations, unlike this company will be held accountable in accordance with the law and the right of the ministry and the State inspection examination at the sites selling products, as well as monitor the performance of this It is the right outlets investigation fundamentalist according to the law, and official controls.
    Jihad said the company clearly writing the prices of their products in outlets own, pointing out that it is the right of the same company set the price for the sale of imported products and that of the station and outlets distinctive colors that distinguish them from other stations, as directed by the technical department also be clearly marked and distinctive as a show for the commercial sale.

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  3. #12483
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    جريدة الصباح - شــركات تركية ترغب في المساهمة بإعادة الإعمار في المناطق الآمنة
    Economic : Turkish companies willing to contribute to reconstruction in the safe areas

    The southern provinces ready to receive her for the implementation of projects
    A number of the southern governorates willingness to receive Turkish companies wishing to invest in these governorates and contribute to the implementation of projects of reconstruction that will be witnessed. Adviser, said the Iraqi economy Abdalarza international Mohamed Al-Maliki : The center as the focal point with the Turkish companies had visited a number of southern provinces, including Dhi Qar, Samawah, Diwaniyah, during talks held by officials on the desire of the Turkish companies working in these governorates, which enjoy security by encouraging the attraction of foreign investment.
    He told Al-Malki (morning) that the delegation presented a detailed explanation of the nature of work and the results of his visit to Turkey and the opening of branches of him there. and the willingness of the Turkish and other foreign companies to work within the safe areas indicating willingness of humanitarian organizations to provide various services to those areas, pointing out that the center was welcomed by officials and support him in this endeavor and the extent of their willingness to accommodate companies, and organizations to work in their areas and invite them to those companies and organizations to visit the provinces to see the needs and to ensure the implementation proceed as planned projects in the governorates of the reality of prejudice service and productive alike.
    So, at the same adviser said the Iraqi economy, international status. The center conducted a visit to the Iraqi Reinsurance Company and the Iraqi Ministry of Finance has been discussion on the possibility of securing the work and projects to be implemented in those provinces where the Turkish companies would like in this area.
    And, the general manager of the company that Said Abbas Merza was prepared in cooperation with the company and the insurance companies other Iraqi public and private provision of services to insurance companies coming to the provinces to encourage them safe, He expressed the readiness of companies to ensure that the foreign companies and all the Arab wishing to invest in Iraq.
    Al-Maliki said in his talk on the outcome of the visit of the Iraqi economy, international status to the southern governorates that the delegation briefed on the size of the damage wrought by the dead - and-buried and areas of great devastation in infrastructure and mass graves.
    Al-Maliki and the transfer of the population of those provinces desire to support all the services can be provided by States and organizations wishing to provide assistance in reconstruction, He pointed to the praise expressed by the people of the south to the great support offered by the government which launched granting provincial reconstruction who expressed the hope to speed up the legislation of the new investment law.
    Adviser, said the Iraqi economy has also : It is the intention of the Center to visit similar to the western region to discuss the possibility offered by the Turkish companies and provide all that is possible to serve those areas.
    He concluded by pointing out that the delegation had met with the Director of the Office to assist non-governmental organizations in the Ministry of State for civil society and briefed him on the activities of the Center which has been welcomed and praise and support from the ministry of service of the Iraqi society.

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  4. #12484
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    جريدة الصباح - الكهرباء تباشر بناء محطات ووحدات توليدية لتعزيز انتاج الطاقة
    The first political Electricity : start building stations and obstetric units to enhance energy production

    Baghdad-Tariq Al-Araji
    Started tables and the Ministry of Electricity and coordination with the Ministry of Industry to build a number of power stations in the regions of the country and the rehabilitation of electrical units currently held. The ministry said that the improvement in the processing of the citizens of power arising from the return of a number of power transmission lines to work after exposure to the subversive operations more than a week ago and the introduction of a number of obstetric units after maintenance operations it.
    He said Dr. Kareem Wahid and the Minister of Electricity During a press conference held yesterday, Monday, that : The technical and engineering capabilities of the ministry, in coordination with the Ministry of Industry and tables through the involvement of (22) affiliated company specialized production escalated from intensifying its work to implement the ministry's plan to secure energy and electric transmission and distribution according to specific timetables.
    He added that the ministry started after obtaining approvals, the Council of Ministers building a number of power stations in different regions of the country, including the activation of the contract with the Chinese to build the largest power plant on the Tigris River in Wasit governorate capacity is expected to reach 12320 Mika watts to be completed during the month (34) and linked to a transfer lines high pressure with each of Amarah, Nasiriyah and Baghdad and costing 722 million dollars, as the Chinese company will start work during the next few.
    He pointed out that the single male and female will start in the coming weeks to build a Najaf, which provides 250 watts after Mika started rehabilitating stations Najaf and Hillah, modern, as well as its initiative in the establishment of a north Baghdad, freedom and the establishment of 150 diesel units will be distributed in Baghdad and the provinces of Salahuddin Hillah, Karbala, Najaf, Wasit to provide an electrical supply them alluding to direct operations in the building to provide a full range of 320 watts Mika and the amount of 440 million dollars.
    He explained that the annual plan for this year also provides for the development of power transmission lines to set up a coherent network of electric power through the establishment of secondary and building lines, which include the creation of secondary stations in the provinces, As will be the construction of the Kirkuk-Baghdad-Baiji modern-based modern to create a strong network qualified to link Iraq with both Syria and Turkey. He indicated that the draft of the link with Iran through the southern region would start after the clearance between the two countries, a result of previous wars and that this will help to provide 250 watts Mika before the summer season pain before.
    He indicated that next summer will see an improvement in the processing of citizens with electricity through the delivery of this plan. The minister said that next year will also see the establishment of a number of projects, after the allocation of $ 2 billion for the completion of these projects and will work to develop the capabilities of the stations and construction of new units and rehabilitation of the electricity network in the uncle M. country, and according to the ten-year plan.
    He noted that among the projects for which contracts will be concluded next year to establish electrical station in Sadr City, to provide 250 megawatts as a first phase to reach 500 megawatts in the second phase and the establishment of two units in Diwaniyah and two other Toleditin in Missan and the completion of a project to establish and diesel units in Samarra, and the signing of contracts n for the establishment of two units in Baiji and (4) other gas units, as well as seeking to activate the contract in the past to build a power station and at (4) units will work with the ministry to set up two first stage after securing funds for this project.
    The new Dr. Kareem Wahid and the Minister of Electricity pledged that Iraq would merely of power mid-2009 explaining that the sabotage operations that led to the delayed implementation of the ministry's plan for this year in the advancement of electricity as the volume of production now Limits (5500) megawatts and it is hoped that up to six thousand during the the next two months. He pointed out that the improvement in the processing of citizens with electricity in recent days due to the rehabilitation of a number of high-voltage lines to transfer power after targeted in subversive operations more than a week ago while the target line Baiji - Kirkuk yesterday to the separation of the electric grid for the northern region in full and reversing a negative impact on the processing of citizens in the north of Baghdad electric appealing to citizens in heated areas reporting subversive elements and protect the size of the technical work on the rehabilitation, especially as the electricity grid is beneficial for the Iraqi people.
    In reply to questions (morning), the minister said that the endorsement of the investment law will help to involve investors in the building of power stations.
    And on the contract with a Turkish company for the rehabilitation of the electricity network in the Waziriyah district of the minister pointed out that the contract entered into prior to 2003 and has been referred to the Cabinet for a decision and there are discussions revealed that the activation of a Jordanian company also contracted before 2003 on the development of the electricity network in the amount of hung ( 34) million dollars and is expected to be activated during the next few.
    He said the ministry is working to provide standby power stations in the whole country especially since the campaign rehabilitation units and electric power stations of the year will lead to a scarcity of the ministry will work to be imported from abroad in case of any emergency circumstances.

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    Iraq : Sources suggest postponing the date of the convening of a conference of political forces

    Hey susie what is this talking about??

  6. #12486
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    جريدة الصباح - إطلاق القرض العقاري وتأمين المواد الانشائية بأسعار مدعومة
    The first political Launch : Mortgage insurance and construction materials at subsidized prices

    Financial monitors billion dollars to support the unemployed and the Lebanese who want to build housing between 20 - 30 million dinars.
    Baghdad-Mahdi Karim Al-Reli and trust-the Samurai
    The Ministry of Finance announced that it will monitor the amount of one billion dollars to support the unemployed through social protection network started promoting transactions with real estate loans to assist the citizens to build houses for them. In the meantime, the Ministry of Commerce announced that it commenced processing also willing construction material imported at subsidized prices.
    This comes in line with the orientations of the government-Maliki to ease the burdens imposed by the circumstances, the citizens, which could be regarded unemployment and the housing crisis of the most important problems facing the population. The government began to draft social protection to prevent hazards from families who complains want, He says politicians and citizens that the situation in these families resulting from the lack of employment opportunities which could plunge the sons.
    A source at the Ministry of Finance "Sabah said that" Mr. Jabr Al-Zubaidi said during his meeting with the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Sheikh Mahmoud Al-Radi Finally, the decision of the ministry to monitor billion dollars (the equivalent trillion and 500 billion dinars) to help the unemployed to set up small projects providing housing for their families live. He said : that the work of this project will start with the beginning of next year.
    In his talk to the Minister of Labor Zubaidi said that the amount is enough to cover the expenses of 50 thousand project that the owners of loans over 15 years without interest.
    The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs that the project would contribute to the development of economic reality of Iraq on one hand and the achievement of self-sufficiency for families covered by the social protection network.
    Officials noted in earlier times are to be supporting this network surpluses financial implications of the increase in selling prices of fuels. It has not been possible for the "morning" to know whether this مستقطعا amount of savings achieved by raising the prices of petrol to 250 dinars per liter. For its part, the Ministry of Labor formed a committee, consisting of representatives from the ministries of Finance and Planning to control the grants to beneficiaries and the need for the proposed project to financial support.
    And along the lines of the quest for community support and the alleviation of conditions in the ministry began to receive requests from citizens who wish to build housing for them. An official source in the Ministry of Finance, made of the "morning" : The loans, ranging between 20 - 30 million dinars anyone who has a piece of housing built wish repaid over a period of 20 years and interest rate of 6% of the loan value.
    He explained that the bank will grant loans ranging between 12-8 million dinars for those wishing to add value to be building for the past 15 years.
    He pointed to the granting of 20 million for those who wish to build on an area of between 75 m-100 m and 25 million dinars to the area ranging between 101 m-125 m in will be given 30 million dinars for the construction area of more than 126 m.
    And the instructions for granting the loan identified through payment of the amount pledged during the deduction of salary if the employee or cash payments to non-employees and the receiver does not have the loan is fertile and his wife in all the provinces and has no children and is the drug of minors in any province as well as the presence of enough collateral

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  7. #12487
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    جريدة الصباح - المالكي: الشعب هو صاحب الكلمة وحامي النظام السياسي
    The first political : : Al-Maliki is the people's call and the protector of the political system

    The government's determination to restore the dignity of students and teachers and provide equal educational opportunities
    Baghdad morning
    Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, it is the people's call and the protector of the political system and the beneficiary of the team's achievements and it is good for the Division remains is not the best outside, but across the mechanisms of democracy and elections. pointing to the end of the Covenant, which imposes the political system tanks and conspiracies and resolving people ordered not coups or notice given to this or that government from now on. During his visit yesterday morning to a middle school in the city of Baghdad. The public education and educational vulnerable to sabotage the result of misguided policies and wars, and that the government is determined to restore respect for the teacher and students as is its intention to address the security challenges and whoever wants to sabotage national unity. a tight battle terrorism in the open until the elimination of all manifestations of evil and achieve full sovereignty to Iraq and its people.
    The Prime Minister went on : They violated the sanctity of the teacher and the teacher turned to the school districts to security, we know the suffering of the student and the teacher and how he deals with the Baath teachers, at a time when students drop out in search of a living in a climate of war, stressing that the government has gone terrorism as Gone are the days Ihzb teacher and the teacher duress. Maliki saluted the students and teachers in the public schools Iraq blessed with the new school year, the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, promising to provide equal educational opportunities for all Iraqis and the provision of services and maintenance of rights and freedoms. Addressing Maliki students and teachers in a speech at the Square medium reputation for boys saying : The nations and peoples existed only sons and young people who are the future breeding, he praised the management and teachers of this school and the high level and reputation enjoyed by affirming that the government through the Ministry of Education is working to develop all schools and improve the levels in all areas.
    Supervisors also called on the educational process to exploit the time and effort to create a healthy generation of scientific and humanitarian, moral and national values very noble.

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  8. #12488
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    Quote Originally Posted by day dreamer View Post
    Iraq : Sources suggest postponing the date of the convening of a conference of political forces

    Hey susie what is this talking about??
    they had planned a conference of all the political parties in the country to try and reach some agreement to agree to disagree or something.
    it was supposed to be near the end of the month i believe. i would have to go back and look.

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  9. #12489
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    Three projects for the territories before the Iraqi Parliament today

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-10-2006

    Three projects for the territories before the Iraqi Parliament today
    Iraqi Vice expected to witness a meeting of the Iraqi parliament today, the drafts of the new law Territories controversial, after the 1609/86 decision of the Constitutional Court, the concurrent operation of sections 118 and 142 of the primacy of one without the other.
    She said another Hashemite speaking from the list of the United Iraqi Alliance that today's meeting will put three drafts of the law of the provinces, It went on to "Public Opinion», said that the parliament will vote on one of the projects submitted by the parties on the issue of federalism to choose the most suitable and appropriate for all spectra of the people. She explained that there is three drafts submitted by each of the Rules of the United Iraqi Alliance and the Iraqi List and Iraqi Accord Front », However, they did not reveal any details about any of the three projects. She pointed out that the three projects will be presented to members of Parliament and then vote on them to get approval. She expressed fears of the Hashemite out that the presence of members of the political blocs objecting to the law of the meeting, which will lead to the postponement of the meeting because of lack of quorum ».
    But Sheikh Hamid burdensome, the leading member, on the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq », he said it was not true sense draft, but the drafts and proposals ». He added that he would be reading drafts "the form of the first and second opinion, and therefore will be voting», the draft is expected to receive that are not inconsistent with the terms of the Constitution the consent of Deputies.
    The deputy said Karim Mohsen have deployed, the leading member of the Virtue Party, The draft law submitted by the Non Virtue of the Parliament that would resolve the dispute between the demands of the Federation is rejected. He continued : "I included the composition of the territory of our province and one module, and preserve the territorial powers, At the same time retain its population and administrative unity of the same province. »

    Public opinion

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  10. #12490
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    Taking this straight off AD site, which was posted by Checkm8t

    "Why does everyone think an RV goes hand-in-hand with the FIL being signed/implemented? The argument is that without an RV, Iraq can be bought out for pennies. A person who I personally know, who has a VERY strong background in economics, says that Iraq can be protected with verbage in the FIL, and an RV ins't necessary. It's called economic protectionism. I have a feeling there are gonna be lots of disapointed folks when an RV doesn't happen when (if) the FIL is signed this week."

    Maybe someone clued up could answer this one perhaps?

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