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  1. #12651
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    Let's see it again!

    Voices of Iraq: Parliament-Investment (urgent)
    Posted by: saleem on Tuesday, October 10, 2006 - 12:58 PM

    Parliament-Investment (urgent)
    Iraqi parliament unanimously passes investment law
    By Kawther Abdul-Amir
    Baghdad, Oct 10, (VOI) – The Iraqi parliament unanimously passed on Tuesday the investment law.
    Parliament deputy speaker, chairing the session, said the investment law was passed unanimously as all 180 legislators present at the parliament 46th session voted for the investment law.
    Although Iraqi law makers expressed some reservations during a two-week discussion of a draft investment law, the law was passed unanimously
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  2. #12652
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    Default MPs seem observations on the investment law

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    MPs seem observations on the investment law
    Dargham of Muhammad Ali
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    The members of the House of Representatives in the Iraqi comments on the investment law passed by the council on Tuesday.
    She said Safiya Suhail member of the Council on the existing Iraqi News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent today, "We felt that the law gave preference to foreign investors at the expense of weakening investor Iraqi in addition to that the law does not facilitate the return of Iraqi capital abroad to invest in Iraq. "
    The Suhail in its observations on the law, although it voted in favor of the "law is built on the basis of past government consultations with the International Monetary Fund and donor countries as Iraq, if it wants to absorb unemployment and facilitate the flow of capital to Iraq, it must find suitable ground for that through the creation of this law."
    She said, "The members of the previously proposed amendments to the law, such as requiring the foreign investor to make the investor's share to quote the 51% of the volume of investment, However, this did not happen, the amendments were not taken into account. "
    She added, "We voted for the law in the public interest, because we need this law, which will contribute to the operation of the Iraqi unemployment and forcing it to lay down arms and resort to work and earn their livelihood through legitimate and the development of the living conditions and service orientation of the State and relief dependency on the state, which would give greater flexibility to Meza Federal faith-oriented development projects and strategy. "
    For his part, Dr. Sherif behalf of the member of the House of the coalition that the Presidency dealt vote on the standards in the investment law, it allowed yesterday, Monday, to discuss the inclusion during the voting on the existence of gaps in the law which to vote until today, they would not allow today in the person of its chairman, Dr. Khalid al-Attiyah discussed the law it wants to pass any form and any formula despite Mullahtat large absolute powers granted to the regions for investment under pressure from the Kurds. This is called several members to object to this formula, but there was no room for amendment.
    He said that "the vote on the bill today is illegal, because the rules of procedure provides that the vote be after four days of the end of any deliberate on the draft resolution, while the debate on the Investment Law and continued until this morning. "
    He disclosed that there are members who attended the session did not vote for the law, but he did not mention them.
    The first deputy chairman of parliament, Khaled al-Attiyah, who chaired the meeting because of the absence of the Speaker Mahmoud Almshahadani had announced that Parliament had passed the law unanimously by 180 members attended today's meeting.

  3. #12653
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    Question: Where is Dr. Skinner making his announcement as the palais de congrais is located in multiple countries and time zones? Montreal, Lyon, Paris

    This probably would help us dial in a time for us here.

  4. #12654
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrquattro View Post
    Question: Where is Dr. Skinner making his announcement as the palais de congrais is located in multiple countries and time zones? Montreal, Lyon, Paris

    This probably would help us dial in a time for us here.
    Apparently, the name Dr Skinner is a mis-translation and reads in arabic as Ali al-Dabbagh
    He is the Iraqi Government spokesman. Got this off IIF.

  5. #12655
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 11-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Baghdad / Hisham became
    The House of Representatives approved the draft law on investment in the meeting yesterday chaired by the First Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives Sheikh Khaled al-Attiyah. This project has been prepared by the Committee for the economy, investment and business headed by deputy coalition consolidated d. Haider Abadi, after appropriate adjustments it.
    A vote was taken on each article separately, and not according to a prior agreement between the members of the Council. Won the approval of a majority of all materials.
    The draft investment rule 36 and seven chapters and articles include everything related to investment and the private sector, foreign investment and investment in the territories and the formation of an investment.
    The meeting saw discussions among members on the vote on the draft law. He objected to the Kurdistan Alliance MP Abdel-Khaleq Zenknh before the vote on the timing, He said : "The vote should be after four days of discussion of the project and we discussed the law on Sunday."
    With objected deputy from the United Iraqi Alliance Abdel Karim Al-Enezi "the neglect of some paragraphs submitted by the members of the Council spoke as a complete change to the draft law."
    For his part, Chairman of the Committee Haidar Abbadi : "The law submitted to the House of Representatives three months ago and therefore should be completed now and passage explaining that the meeting last Sunday, has been debated, but to explain what the work of the Commission.
    Within the agenda of the meeting and the House of Representatives approved a bill which has been modulated by a majority vote after it had been carefully prepared texts were at the last meeting to postpone the vote on the law in question the existence of fundamental differences on certain paragraphs.
    On the other hand, Congress approved the initial formation of a committee to implement the text of Article 140 of the Constitution, Judge normalization of the situation in the disputed areas, especially in Kirkuk because of the failure to reach a final agreement resolved a number listed as members of the Committee postponed the meeting President Sheikh Khaled al-Attiya later identify the names of the members to a meeting today for Wednesday for the purpose of obtaining a full agreement from before parliamentary blocs.

  6. #12656
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    Today. Non draft put to the vote.

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 11-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    PEOPLE : Project subjected to international interventions. Today. Non draft put to the vote. And the masses of looming parliamentary boycott

    Baghdad / commoners hailed
    Witness the Parliament today, Wednesday, the vote on the draft law on the composition of the territories after reading twice in the Council, and some members of Parliament that the meeting could witness did on the project if they boycotted the parliamentary blocs special meeting vote.
    The implications of the draft law be Territories political crisis between the parliamentary blocs and impact for the many sessions of the House of Representatives prompted the leaders of the political blocs to hold negotiations that lasted for more than ten days during which the agreement not to enforce the law until after the (18) months from the date of approval in Parliament.
    The Sami military member of the House on the mass of the United Iraqi Alliance of exercise interventions by the United Nations, the American embassy in the draft law of the provinces. He said the military told (long), there's pressure from political interference by the United Nations and the American embassy on the project to satisfy certain political point. He added that the type of interventions that are exercised by the United Nations in the form of the proposals were valid, including inconsistent with the general approach to the Constitution. Noting that there is an attempt to appease the Accord Front of the United Nations. He said the Board pending some amendments to the draft to a vote because the vote is the last option.
    For his part, Hassan Al-Sunaid member of the House of Representatives from the United Iraqi Alliance bloc that parliamentary blocs dealt with the draft law the composition of the Non spirit of political affiliation. He told Al-Sunaid (range) that the political discussions of the project was to the parliamentary blocs of political crisis and this is what has delayed the vote on the bill, which was supposed to vote Tuesday night. He pointed out that the discussion on the project was useless Therefore, the vote is the only solution, noting that the United Nations and a number of civil society organizations intervened in the project, "where we have received from the United Nations many of the perceptions about the project, which does not change the roots." He said : that the United Nations raised several concerns about the ability of the people of the provinces to the federal Department. He added that the Legal and Non engaged in the United Nations to answer questions and concerns posed by the absence of a legal question because it fears that the mere application. He pointed out that the meeting of the House today would, if put forward a bill to a vote Territories, films sharply between parliamentary blocs, because the debate on the project was being extended to political grounds. He expected that the intersection of Al-Sunaid some lumps special meeting to vote on the law.
    Al (short) of the Parliamentary sources close to the Iraqi Accord blocs and the national dialogue that they Stakataan special meeting to vote on the draft composition of the regions. The sources said that some members Accord Front are determined not to vote or be present during the vote on the project. With sources pointed out that the national dialogue bloc rejected the idea of the project was not attend the mass meeting. However, the Al-Sunaid survey conducted in the House of Representatives to vote on the project. He said that the Iraqi bloc vote of some of its members to reject the project with others. The bloc agreed they would boycott the meeting at least, and my list for the coalition, the Kurdistan Alliance said : they voted for the project with chest bloc, the Virtue Party on attendance or negative vote for the project.
    For his part, Dr.. Mohammad Amin al-Hiti, a member of the House of Representatives on the mass of the national dialogue that the bloc had not voted on the project. He added Hiti told (long) did not attend the special meeting to vote on the project only as T. attended mass chest. Calling bloc chest not to attend the meeting in order not to disperse votes in favor of the project. For his part, Iyad Jamal Al-Din, member of the House of Representatives from the Iraqi bloc to bloc vote on the articles or paragraphs which correspond to the draft submitted by the Iraqi bloc, He added Gamal Eddin told (long) that our project does not differ greatly on the project, sponsored by the coalition. Referring to the existence of certain issues in the project, but this does not preclude the development of the law.

  7. #12657
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    Grant distribution holidays in the last week of Ramadan

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 11-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    A study to increase the strategic stockpiling of canned material. Trade : the distribution of grant holidays in the last week of Ramadan

    Baghdad / Karim Sudanese
    The Ministry of Trade grant distribution Eid approved by the Council of Ministers and of ten thousand dinars per capita in the last week of the holy month of Ramadan and distributed according to the ration card controls. This came during a meeting held by the Ministry of directors chaired by Abdul past the farmer Sudanese Minister of Trade, which was issued instructions through the mechanisms to facilitate the distribution process.
    On the other hand, the Director of Information Office at the Ministry of Trade Mohammed Hanoun proposed to the Council of Ministers and for the purpose of accelerating the distribution of grant Eid additional amount of 250 dinars per capita given to the food agents in the geographical vicinity of the area as happening in the distribution of the components of the ration card in order for the agents to perform this task successfully.
    So, the Department of Trade various committees to study the import of canned to address emergency conditions. That source with the ministry, adding : We have discussed in a meeting chaired by the Minister various options to increase the strategic stockpiling of food and the provision of good stocks for canned foodstuffs such as bread, legumes, fish, cheese, and placed in refrigerated warehouses to address emergency conditions such as floods or any other security.
    The source added : that the minister emphasized at the meeting that the issue of providing food for its citizens in times of emergency is the responsibility of the government, The Trade Ministry is the only government agency empowered distribution, import and providing food for the people.
    He pointed out that the ministry in the coming days to supply the materials after the end of the recommendations of a course of such materials and the places where they are stored.
    The source stressed that this issue has nothing to do with the security aspect and is a source of concern to the citizens as it is calculated for any natural emergency.

  8. #12658
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    Appointed Education (1139) and security guards (104) teachers and teachers

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 11-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Baghdad / long
    Announced at the Education Ministry with the names of the newly appointed by (1139) security guards deployed on the general directorates in Baghdad and other governorates, as well as the appointment (104) teachers and teachers distributed in all districts. A source in the ministry said that the Commission continues to consider the requests submitted to it and the coming days will witness the emergence of new lists of directorates general of the Educational, Wasit and Diyala, stressing that the Ministry of Education is seeking to obtain degrees and careers in the coming months to force the largest number of graduates since the ministry had obtained approvals to build (1000) distributed to schools throughout the country next year.
    Names Al-Awsat

  9. #12659
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    Well look at this....job recruiting in Iraq....amazing how the dominoes are just falling right in a row....FIL, job recruiting, CONGRATULATIONS IRAQ YOU HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT!!! BRAVO!!!

    Included various disciplines provide 186 degree career Service

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 11-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Included different disciplines. Provide 186 degree functional sewage service in Wasit

    Wasit / long
    The Chairman of the Central Committee for appointments in the Wasit governorate yesterday, Tuesday, on the availability of 186 degrees and careers in the sewer maintenance in different disciplines.
    He said Yusuf Raja Mhaush Associate Governor Wasit for Administration and the Chairman of the appointments conservatism : The Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works approved the allocation of these posts to fill vacancies existing sewer service to complement their cadre technical and engineering services as it provides a good of the citizens.
    He added that the required jobs, and its 186 posts, including the various areas of technical and engineering, pointing out that the specialized committee formed to receive the requests of those who wish to fill these posts.
    Mhaush did not clarify the expiration date of the filing of these jobs, once begun.
    He stated that "the acceptance of applicants to fill those posts will be in accordance with the regulations set by the ministry." He pointed out that "the appointment will be in accordance with the principle of competition to pave the way for people who want to work, They will include 20% of the certificate of specialization, and 20% for the sons of the martyrs and 25% of the experience and 10% of the housing and 25% in the interview. "
    A source in Wasit governorate had announced at the 29th of the month of September last about a 216 degree career vacant districts of the Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works conservatism include all disciplines.
    He pointed out that the applicant submit an appointment confirms that it did not assuming any salary from any other department, whether that formula contract or permanent appointment.
    The Minister of Municipalities and Public Works kindergarten Ghraib had announced last month during his visit to Wassit the release of new job opportunities in all governorates to contribute to solving the unemployment crisis and bridge the shortfall in the municipal cadres in all governorates and the total of three thousand grade.

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    So does anyone know when the law will take effect?

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