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  1. #12701
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    A To name : Ali Mahdi Jawad Skinner
    Date of birth : 1955 Karbala
    Languages : English, Hindi, Farsi, French
    Qualifications :
    Bachelor's degree in civil engineering - Baghdad-1977

    Master of Engineering (pollution of the environment) - America - 1983
    Two-management study of the Beirut Arab University

    Doctor management work-Britain-2003

    Advanced courses in management, administrative and financial training

    Advanced courses in leadership personnel

    Vocational courses and several academic

    Experiences :
    28 years in the management and development of major institutions, construction companies and entrepreneurs in the United Arab Emirates and European countries, Canada, China, East Asia

    Extensive experience in leadership and personnel management and development of commercial enterprises and extensive working relationships.

    Director commissioner for many businesses

    An expert in international trade and trade stocks and real estate.

    Extensive relations with politicians, academics and writers in various countries around the world

    An expert in the Shiite religious authority

    A researcher and analyst and expert on Shiite leaders in meetings via television and public seminars on the reference in the political affairs of Iraq.

    Active in the social field and Altblegi and public affairs

    A major contributor, Active in a number of states to follow up the Iraqi issue since 1980 in Pakistan, India, South Asia, Europe and North America .

    Follow-up problems and the suffering of the Iraqi immigrant.

    A major contributor to dialogues on religious tolerance, non-violence and the call for dialogue among civilizations.

    Author of numerous articles on the Iraqi issue.

    The records in a number of states on the Iraqi issue.

    Political analyst in many television dialogues on the Iraqi issue.

    An activist in the field of human rights.

    The crimes of the former regime and human rights violations in Iraq through several symposia and lectures at the University of Lahore (Pakistan), Bangalore (India) and dialogues with political parties and many in India, Pakistan, Iran, Malaysia, China, Canada, the Netherlands, Egypt, Morocco, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey.

    Been supportive of the Human Rights Organization in Iraq (Branch Canada, the Netherlands)

    Extensive relations with businessmen and politicians in the United Arab Emirates and the Gulf

    Relations with a variety of groups from the government, and writers and journalists, television networks and news agencies and businessmen in Iran and the Gulf states.

    Preparation of news reports about the situation in Iraq after the fall of the regime of television networks and news agencies.

    Extensive relations with politicians and academics in Egypt and Turkey

    Numerous dialogues with the parties to an official and popular parties in Turkey and Egypt after the fall of the regime on the Iraqi situation.

    Relief organizations active on the Iraqis and support for refugees

    A major supporting role in the relief organizations in Tehran and the border areas with Iraq for Iraqi refugees since 1983

    The founder of the Foundation for Relief Al-Tehran

    A supportive of the efforts of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraqi Relief

    Supportive of the Iraqi Relief Organization ( IRAC )

    Member of the Central Committee of the Association of the Shiite Islamic World

    A major contributor to the Commonwealth House officials since 1983, organizer and keynote speaker at conferences Association and representation in many forums and meetings

    A member of the Arab Team for Islamic-Christian dialogue

    Farewell and supportive of the efforts of religious tolerance and religious in Beirut through symposia Television and press articles are many.

    A member of numerous international bodies and organizations

    Founder and supportive of the television stations and local newspapers in several countries

    One of the founders Iraqi Strategic Institute in Washington, which is a charity of their contribution in spreading awareness of the right in the United States about the situation in Iraq and help the Iraqi institutions in the areas of education and training

  2. #12702
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Investment law offers investors promising prospects in Iraq
    By Dergham Mohammed Ali
    Baghdad, Oct 10, (VOI) – The new investment law, passed by the Iraqi parliament on Tuesday, is expected to offer foreign investors promising investment opportunities in Iraq.
    The 36 articles Act gives a foreign investor a right to enjoy a ten-year-exemption of taxes from the date the project was implemented.
    “National Investment Commission” will be set up with jurisdiction to grant investment licenses within 45 days of an investment request submitted to the commission.
    Regions sub-commissions can be set up to license projects with less than $ 150 dollars capital that should be licensed exclusively by the Iraqi council of ministers.
    The investment law authorizes the National Investment Commission to set up secure free trade zones under an Iraqi cabinet approval.
    A foreign investor has a right to register at stock exchange market, rent land necessary for the project or resort to an unpaid rental of land plot for an extendable period of 50 years.
    The law also gives an investor a right to make insurance of the project, initiate bank account, in Iraqi dinar and U.S. dollar, and have residence in Iraq.
    The investor may import free tax equipment to the project in a period that not exceeding three years after a license was granted.
    Tourist projects, hospitals, and educational institutions are given a right to a free tax imports of furniture once per four years.
    The investment law also stipulates for a mechanism to settle disputes on investment projects

    Investment-Exemptions :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq

  3. #12703
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    Default Help! Help!

    Could someone post a link to a english translation of the Hydrocarbon law, so that I could read it please.

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    I am JustPraying and I am also a Dreamer!

    Do a good deed for someone that you don't know each day!

  4. #12704
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    to the brain #849 how about b.f.skinner ?

  5. #12705
    Investor One Oar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBrain View Post
    Come on all you smart posters. Who is this Dr Skinner, I want to read some past news about this guy. Anyone have a link besides the one today.

    Is it Jeff Skinner, John Skinner, Kiron Skinner, Jane Skinner

    Here you go:

    Walter Skinner - Vietnam vet and defender of Scully and Mulder

    Walter Sergei Skinner is an Assistant Director of the X Files. Initially as unfriendly towards Mulder as the rest of the FBI, Skinner has gradually grown to respect Mulder and Scully's work on the X Files.

    He's defended the Agents staunchly, going out on a limb several times to protect them. His faith in Mulder springs from a paranormal experience Skinner underwent in Vietnam. With Mulder's disappearance, Skinner becomes more involved in the X Files, and in helping Scully find Mulder.

    Since the show's demise, he has pursued other interests
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  6. #12706
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    Default How will they survive???

    Leaked reports about the government's intention to cancel the ration card, which is the only hope in the face of famine suffered by the majority of the Iraqi people, which started itemized shrinking day after day, and reduced its budget for 2006 to (3) billion dollars after (4) billion dollars of the previous years any reduced by (25)% Aptd Aya government canceled some ration items such as laundry detergent and soap, and the remainder comes.
    Andre surprise us and the government is a bold decision, as happened with the decision to increase the prices of oil derivatives, which ignited the market and made the prices recorded their highest levels since the discovery of anger black (oil) in Iraq to this day.
    The ration card is a guarantee for the Iraqi family saved from hunger and loss and the greed of some traders who exploited the unjust blockade that we were exhausted and kill thousands of people of this long-suffering people and a warning was issued against the militarization raised food prices to the rates could not cope with life citizen with no card for cooking e despite modest and free from meat, fish, but it was the family and had been better than it is now, but some families have resorted to in the days of crisis to sell their rations because the former regime had distributed rations of three months in advance for fear of the outbreak of war and exposure to the destruction of warehouses or looting.
    In the case that the government resorted to the cancellation of the ration card items will phenomenon monopoly and food prices will rise to exorbitant rates difficult for the citizen then purchase requirements, at a time when unemployment dominant characteristic of the Iraqi people.
    The government should support the ration card and the Atmsha regardless of the price, although it appears to Rkptna at the mercy of the International Monetary Fund or at the mercy of traders who do not know than to exploit the conditions and therefore return us to the siege of a different kind. blockade of State for International Security and diversification will be the slogan of (oil-for hunger and deprivation) the title of the next phase, which Staudna to a Sunni siege, which have experienced the bitter Oatha.

    ÌãÇá ÇáãÙÝÑ - ÇáÛÇÁ ÇáÈØÇÞÉ ÇáÊãæíäíÉ ÌÑíãÉ ßÈÑì

  7. #12707
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    Quote Originally Posted by frathousemicrowave View Post
    Leaked reports about the government's intention to cancel the ration card, which is the only hope in the face of famine suffered by the majority of the Iraqi people, which started itemized shrinking day after day, and reduced its budget for 2006 to (3) billion dollars after (4) billion dollars of the previous years any reduced by (25)% Aptd Aya government canceled some ration items such as laundry detergent and soap, and the remainder comes.
    Andre surprise us and the government is a bold decision, as happened with the decision to increase the prices of oil derivatives, which ignited the market and made the prices recorded their highest levels since the discovery of anger black (oil) in Iraq to this day.
    The ration card is a guarantee for the Iraqi family saved from hunger and loss and the greed of some traders who exploited the unjust blockade that we were exhausted and kill thousands of people of this long-suffering people and a warning was issued against the militarization raised food prices to the rates could not cope with life citizen with no card for cooking e despite modest and free from meat, fish, but it was the family and had been better than it is now, but some families have resorted to in the days of crisis to sell their rations because the former regime had distributed rations of three months in advance for fear of the outbreak of war and exposure to the destruction of warehouses or looting.
    In the case that the government resorted to the cancellation of the ration card items will phenomenon monopoly and food prices will rise to exorbitant rates difficult for the citizen then purchase requirements, at a time when unemployment dominant characteristic of the Iraqi people.
    The government should support the ration card and the Atmsha regardless of the price, although it appears to Rkptna at the mercy of the International Monetary Fund or at the mercy of traders who do not know than to exploit the conditions and therefore return us to the siege of a different kind. blockade of State for International Security and diversification will be the slogan of (oil-for hunger and deprivation) the title of the next phase, which Staudna to a Sunni siege, which have experienced the bitter Oatha.

    ÌãÇá ÇáãÙÝÑ - ÇáÛÇÁ ÇáÈØÇÞÉ ÇáÊãæíäíÉ ÌÑíãÉ ßÈÑì

    There has been discussion about this in the past....they will cancel the ration card and reval the currency to a realistic rate comparable to Jordan to start and rise from there. They plan on implementing a Welfare-like program like in the U.S. for those with no income or poverty level. The currency will reval to a phenomenal rate compared to what it was devalued at for so many years. With purchasing power they have the choice of merchants, vendors, free market society in turn this will feed the economy. There are several different links where I picked this up at but given all the excitement today I would have a hard time finding it right now. Anyway...I hope this helps.

  8. #12708
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBrain View Post
    That would explain his position in Iraq.
    Yes..the truth is out there...
    " May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the armpits of any infidels who stand in the way of the $1.48 reval of our blessed Dinar."--Some Iraqi guy

  9. #12709
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    Default Dr Skinner

    Quote Originally Posted by One Oar View Post
    Here you go:

    Walter Skinner - Vietnam vet and defender of Scully and Mulder

    Walter Sergei Skinner is an Assistant Director of the X Files. Initially as unfriendly towards Mulder as the rest of the FBI, Skinner has gradually grown to respect Mulder and Scully's work on the X Files.

    He's defended the Agents staunchly, going out on a limb several times to protect them. His faith in Mulder springs from a paranormal experience Skinner underwent in Vietnam. With Mulder's disappearance, Skinner becomes more involved in the X Files, and in helping Scully find Mulder.

    Since the show's demise, he has pursued other interests
    This was posted a few hours ago by postcon. I had to go back quite a bit to find it. I hope it was worth it! Will the real Dr Skinner please stand! LOL.

    Originally Posted by postcon
    Apparently, the name Dr Skinner is a mis-translation and reads in arabic as Ali al-Dabbagh
    He is the Iraqi Government spokesman. Got this off IIF.]quote

  10. #12710
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    MPs seem observations on the investment law

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-10-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    MPs seem observations on the investment law
    Dargham of Muhammad Ali
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    The members of the House of Representatives in the Iraqi comments on the investment law passed by the council on Tuesday.
    She said Safiya Suhail member of the Council on the existing Iraqi News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent today, "We felt that the law gave preference to foreign investors at the expense of weakening investor Iraqi in addition to that the law does not facilitate the return of Iraqi capital abroad to invest in Iraq. "
    The Suhail in its observations on the law, although it voted in favor of the "law is built on the basis of past government consultations with the International Monetary Fund and donor countries as Iraq, if it wants to absorb unemployment and facilitate the flow of capital to Iraq, it must find suitable ground for that through the creation of this law."
    She said, "The members of the previously proposed amendments to the law, such as requiring the foreign investor to make the investor's share to quote the 51% of the volume of investment, However, this did not happen, the amendments were not taken into account. "
    She added, "We voted for the law in the public interest, because we need this law, which will contribute to the operation of the Iraqi unemployment and forcing it to lay down arms and resort to work and earn their livelihood through legitimate and the development of the living conditions and service orientation of the State and relief dependency on the state, which would give greater flexibility to Meza Federal faith-oriented development projects and strategy. "
    For his part, Dr. Sherif behalf of the member of the House of the coalition that the Presidency dealt vote on the standards in the investment law, it allowed yesterday, Monday, to discuss the inclusion during the voting on the existence of gaps in the law which to vote until today, they would not allow today in the person of its chairman, Dr. Khalid al-Attiyah discussed the law it wants to pass any form and any formula despite Mullahtat large absolute powers granted to the regions for investment under pressure from the Kurds. This is called several members to object to this formula, but there was no room for amendment.
    He said that "the vote on the bill today is illegal, because the rules of procedure provides that the vote be after four days of the end of any deliberate on the draft resolution, while the debate on the Investment Law and continued until this morning. "
    He disclosed that there are members who attended the session did not vote for the law, but he did not mention them.
    The first deputy chairman of parliament, Khaled al-Attiyah, who chaired the meeting because of the absence of the Speaker Mahmoud Almshahadani had announced that Parliament had passed the law unanimously by 180 members attended today's meeting.
    H M

    franny, were almost there!!

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