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  1. #12731
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    hey everyone with friends and contacts in iraq what are they saying we use to get lots of news from them before. has anyone heard anything lately.

  2. #12732
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozizoz View Post
    Where is the Vice President? Why didnt we send him instead of Condi? Im sure he's got some good ins over there from his Haliburton days.
    He didn't want to go since security wouldn't allow his shotgun on the airline.

  3. #12733
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    57 minutes until the market opens in baghdad. with the news of the fil coming out en force on the newswires i would say speculation is just about to begin on those cheap stocks that are on the isx right now. Iraq Stock Exchange Data - Quotes, News and More for the ISX

    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 11-10-2006 at 07:13 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  4. #12734
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    Quote Originally Posted by panhead View Post
    He didn't want to go since security wouldn't allow his shotgun on the airline.

    franny, were almost there!!

  5. #12735
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    Barham Ahmed Salih discuss steps to ensure the success of the International Decade

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 11-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Union : The Preparatory Committee for the International Decade with Iraq yesterday its second meeting at the level of working groups at the headquarters of the United Nations to help Iraq in Baghdad. The meeting was chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister Barham Ahmed Salih, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Ashraf Qazi. Participated in the meeting a high-level delegation from the Iraqi government, including the Minister of Finance and Minister of Planning and the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and Vice-President of the Republic advisers and advisers to the Prime Minister and official spokesman for the Iraqi government as well as representatives of the Member States in the preparations for the International Decade with Iraq (a the European Commission and United States of America, the United Kingdom, Italy, South Korea, Germany, France and Japan).

    The meeting was also attended via video Konfrence representatives of the presidency of the European Union, the World Bank and the United Nations headquarters in New York and the Arab Fund and the Islamic Development Bank. The meeting discussed the progress made so far and the next steps to ensure the success of the International Decade with Iraq. These include steps in addition to other steps to expand and to review the preliminary draft of the International Decade with Iraq in order to reflect comments by Iraqi officials and donor countries. The outcome of the meetings would be submitted to the preparatory committee at the next meeting to be held in Baghdad on October 19 Sunday.

  6. #12736
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    Iraqi parliament discusses law Territories today skeptics

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 11-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Iraqi parliament discusses law Territories today skeptics are relying on electronic voting to shut down
    Baghdad-Salihi leadership of life-11 / 10 / 06 / /

    Counting Iraqi political forces to the federal anti-electronic voting mechanism be expected to be adopted by Parliament at today's meeting, instead of a vote by show of hands.

    The Attorney Mufeed al-Jazairi, Al member of the Iraqi List led by Iyad Allawi »" Al-Hayat »," The law will read the article by article and vote on each of them, After that vote by the whole », He pointed out that recent developments in the positions of political forces and parliamentary blocs makes it difficult to predict the pass or failure ». He pointed out that members of the House transition to the new hall, which contains the electronic voting mechanism "it would reverse all expectations».

    And explained that the adoption of this type of voting instead of voting by show of hands gives deputies greater freedom and allows them the opportunity to be free from fear of making Alktloeh opposition in public », said the Algerian said," The law will not go easily », Al district anticipated many of the meeting ». He stressed that the existing Iraqi Al »the same two different points of view and one with the project and the other against it.

    The deputy said Salim Hussein al-Jabouri, spokesman Al compatibility »Front led by Adnan Al-Dulaimi told Al-Hayat» said, "All indicators show that the scale is still weighted in favor of passing the law, despite the existence of Inahadh», He said that the all the deputies Front Al compatibility »(44) and the Virtue Party MPs Al» (15), Al Frente dialogue »(11) and biomass chest (30) in addition to a number of Iraqi Al» Al opposing the project and will vote against everyone, With Chest bloc would boycott the meeting ».

    He Jubari said that the type of vote that will be adopted by the House today, Sri (electronic) or public (show of hands) that would significantly alter the results », He said : "We are very much counting on this subject», said : "I myself will not cast my vote for the draft which provides for the formation of the territory of the three governorates or more in spite of my projects include the orientation».

    A deputy nostalgia Gado, a member of the Shiite Al coalition »» life of "the presence of Al» sharp differences between some of the components of biomass on the mechanisms of implementation of the project, He explained, "The differences are between" the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution Party and the Al »» Virtue hand, the Sadri movement on the other hand », Gado said, "The Council supports the project before the judge and the formation of the Territory of three or more governorates in demanding virtue of the formation of regions and one province», He said that the bill will pass before regardless of the objections raised around him because he needs to a simple majority can be provided easily he enjoys the support of the independents bloc ».

  7. #12737
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    Default FIL ARTICLE awesome paragraph

    I have such a hard time staying up with all the stuff SGS posts which is amazing because i have good legal candy from ADD/ptsd/depression. But the bottom paragraph in this one about the FIL is probably the most exciting thing ive read in three years of doing this If its a repeat I apologize

    BAGHDAD (AFX) - Iraqi lawmakers have unanimously approved a law which they hope will encourage foreign investment in the rebuilding of their war-torn oil-based economy.

    With more than 100 people being killed every day in sectarian and insurgent violence three-and-a-half years after a US-led invasion, companies have been cautious about putting money into Iraq.

    Among the sweeteners contained in the new investment law, however, is an offer of tax-free status over 10 years for licensed projects, and a vow not to expropriate or nationalise foreign-owned firms.

    "The law is passed in order to push forward the economic and social process, bring expertise and scientific expertise, develop human resources and create jobs for Iraqis," the text said.

    Under the law, a National Committee on Investment will be formed under the prime minister's office to set Iraq's broad economic strategy and priorities for investment.

    A second panel, dubbed the Committee for Investment in the Provinces and Governorates, will issue licences to foreign investors and maintain offices in Iraq's 18 provinces.

    "Regardless of his nationality, the investor shall enjoy all merits and facilities and shall be subject to the obligations hereby mentioned," the 16-page law stipulated.

    [ ee years,

  8. #12738
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    BAGHDAD : exchange their families temporarily. And the parties to adopt insurance

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 11-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    BAGHDAD : exchange their families temporarily. And the parties to adopt secure housing for families displaced

    Minister of Migration and Displacement : 51 thousand migrant families forced inside Iraq

    Baghdad : Haidar Najm
    Employers agreed lowered birth rates, Sunni and Shiite, live in neighborhoods in the Ghazaliyah district in Baghdad, on the exchange of their homes, after that, they found themselves the last remaining Mthbihm in Heehm. The head of one of the two families, requesting anonymity, told Al-Sharq Al-Awsat », The area west of the capital. "almost completed the identification revived between Sunni and Shiite other».
    He also said that the Iraqi citizen remained throughout the years Amatal and try to gain the trust of this or that party, but these attempts have not succeeded. The featured being that I have remained the only one of Shiism in this district, and must contemplate the fate of my family! It helped me solve the problem and the presence of a friend I worked with me in the same district, one Iraqi universities suffer the same problem because it is Sunnis and Shi'ites live alive, and we agreed on the exchange of roles, this would be a temporary solution. We also agreed to keep each other some furniture or major requirements, such as the water tank and laundries, and other fans, With the rest of the furniture will be transferred and we are now all of us living in Dar friend », which he described as the most valuable person of a brother, believing him. The spokesman said that this did not apply to the Ghazaliyah district alone, there are other areas where the same thing, imagine families sell and buy one in the same region, in order to satisfy the desire of others ». This is met, Middle East »the official security for the Baghdad governorate Chaouilli Magid, He said that recent information he had received recently to the emergence of new phenomena of forced migrations, including that some parties task of securing housing for families, which were abandoned in other regions, At the same houses left by their owners in this region or that, under the pretext that it is not possible to leave thousands of families in the open, winter is approaching, and, while there is the role of ready-serve them can be obtained, either rent or purchase or exchange also, He emphasized that most of the families that have been transferred are the areas the outskirts of Baghdad, such as the crown and seventh wastelands and Rashdiya, a Shiite families, With Sunni families were forced from the area of freedom and also Aboudecher and others, and there are hundreds of families now living in the open in the areas of Karbala and Abu Ghraib and elsewhere.

    And on the legality of such a procedure, the Chaouilli he said that in spite of being a temporary solution, as adopted by those bodies, However, it is illegal and must be addressed from a legal point of view, We help with the displaced families and providing the assistance of food, medicines and housing and camps. But we are against the retention of the pending problem without a solution, The only solution is to be the restoration of all families to the same home areas and provide protection and ensure their full by the authorities concerned ». On the other hand, the minister disclosed immigrants and migrants Iraqi Rahman Sultan Abdul Samad about the presence of 51 thousand families be displaced throughout Iraq. He said in a press conference held yesterday at the Conference Palace in Baghdad said the number of people displaced in the high with the deterioration in security in Baghdad and other governorates except for the Kurdistan region ». He said that the Ministry of Displaced Persons and Migrants working to create an integrated project for displaced persons, where the ministry will demand that there be an additional allocation of an estimated four million dollars in addition to the six million dollars earmarked for disbursement to provide temporary housing, food and other supplies to displaced persons ». The minister statistical migrants Iraqis outside the country, also said that besides, there are approximately 750.000 immigrants to Jordan skilled people, as well as a 500.000 immigrants to Syria and Iran 90.000 immigrant family as well as the presence of 100 family immigrating to the Arab Republic of Egypt ». In the same context, the Ministry of Displacement and Migration on the formation of a joint committee from the ministries of Foreign Affairs, immigrants, migrants and human rights, in addition to the representative of the Kurdistan region for the purpose of creating memoranda of understanding with the countries hosting Iraqi refugees and the development of the items to ensure the voluntary return them.

  9. #12739
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    Default sorry last part got cut off

    "The law is passed in order to push forward the economic and social process, bring expertise and scientific expertise, develop human resources and create jobs for Iraqis," the text said.

    Under the law, a National Committee on Investment will be formed under the prime minister's office to set Iraq's broad economic strategy and priorities for investment.

    A second panel, dubbed the Committee for Investment in the Provinces and Governorates, will issue licences to foreign investors and maintain offices in Iraq's 18 provinces.

    "Regardless of his nationality, the investor shall enjoy all merits and facilities and shall be subject to the obligations hereby mentioned," the 16-page law stipulated.

    Some politicians had expressed concern that foreigners might buy up vital assets in Iraq's potentially lucrative oil sector at fire-sale prices amid the post-war chaos, but the final draft was broadly welcomed. [email protected] afp/rar
    Last edited by dinarntx; 11-10-2006 at 07:49 AM.

  10. #12740
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    An armed group in Iraq announced responsibility for the explosions

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 11-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    An armed group in Iraq announced responsibility for the explosions in Baghdad
    Wed Oct 11, 2006

    The murder of three American Marines Vibaghdad (Reuters) - Fire broke out in an ammunition depot American base in the south of Baghdad on Tuesday, which resulted in a series of explosions shook the Iraqi capital.

    A statement by the American army, "the explosions resulted from the heat of ammunition." He added that there had been no reports of casualties among the Americans.

    A group Islamic Army in Iraq claimed responsibility for the attack.

    She said in a statement published on a website "has detachments backing of the fiery rockets and mortars in the Islamic Army bombed a base for the American army, the occupier."

    The Islamic Army in Iraq is one of a number of armed groups operating in the country, announced responsibility for numerous attacks on forces led by the United States, as well as the kidnapping of a number of foreign contractors.

    Iraqi television showed footage of a huge fire that lights the sky Iraqi capital.

    Reuters correspondents heard in central Baghdad, the voices of more than 30 explosions began at about eleven pm local time (2000 GMT).

    It said the Iraqi Interior Ministry said that the explosions rocked three neighborhoods close to the base, which is located in the neighborhood in southern Baghdad.

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