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  1. #12751
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    what site?

  2. #12752
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    Didn't someone post yesterday that it wouldn't trade today for some reason??? I'm pretty sure someone talked about it
    Quote Originally Posted by aceman View Post
    Still says closed when it should be open.

  3. #12753
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    Exclamation It is on the ISX site

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    Iraq Investment Law Passed

    * Iraq Investment Law Passed ^
    o 10/11/2006 | LawkSalih.Com | cache ^

    [image of an opening quote] The establishment of a national investment and granting foreigners the right to purchase shares.

    Granting of the new investment law which was approved by the Iraqi parliament unanimously today, Tuesday, a large number of concessions to foreign investors such as the power to purchase the shares and management of investment portfolios. As provided for the establishment of a national body for investment, and investment projects granted tax exemptions of up to 15 years.

  4. #12754
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    Go big or go home.

  5. #12755
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    The Civil Administration in Najaf assess evening Ramadan

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 11-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    The Civil Administration in Najaf, pledging to establish an evening clan elders

    The media center of the communication Kazim Alvtlaoui

    Within the Ramadan evenings created by the Civil Administration organized yesterday evening Ramadan of the heads of clan elders in the province have been launched READ Sura chapeau tribute to the martyrs, including Sheikh Fadel Abu Seba, Dr. Safa Amedi.

    For her part, the Civil Administration and the governor of San Abu tireless determination to pursue the killers and arrest through cooperation with the security agencies.

    This has been addressed in this evening to several topics including the lack Khadamat in the areas of water, electricity, sewage, agriculture and the intention to evaluate the best services for citizens.

    It was addressed to the terrorist gangs engaged in acts of murder against figures in the governorate of Najaf, which must be cooperation in order to prosecute and arrest.

    Clan elders praised the efforts of the civil administration in the reconstruction and stressed communicating and cooperating with the civil administration for the continuation of the process of reconstruction, security and stability of this province witnessed rejecting any attempt to accommodate the terrorist elements and murderers who are trying to destabilize security in this province.

  6. #12756
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    Exclamation Number 4 on the hit parade

    Quote Originally Posted by Par77 View Post
    rss feed | search headlines
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    Iraq Investment Law Passed

    * Iraq Investment Law Passed ^
    o 10/11/2006 | LawkSalih.Com | cache ^

    [image of an opening quote] The establishment of a national investment and granting foreigners the right to purchase shares.

    Granting of the new investment law which was approved by the Iraqi parliament unanimously today, Tuesday, a large number of concessions to foreign investors such as the power to purchase the shares and management of investment portfolios. As provided for the establishment of a national body for investment, and investment projects granted tax exemptions of up to 15 years.

    This was down about 4 from the top on the news section

  7. #12757
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    The private tuition phenomenon. The danger threatens all

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 11-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    The private tuition phenomenon. The danger threatens all
    From Yahya Karim
    Diwaniyah - (Voices of Iraq)
    Spread the private tuition phenomenon in many parts of Iraq, and prices have increased with the rise in demand even become more like the Stock Exchange, It did not succeed actions of the Ministry of Education so far in the eradication of this phenomenon, which threatens the educational system, and destroying the budgets of many Iraqi homes.
    This year witnessed a big leap prices set by the teachers, and the prices charged by a professor to teach the student outside of official business hours to (two and a half million) dinars each of the articles, creating class differences concomitant sense of respect for the teacher by a student of the hand, The lack of confidence Baltdrisiin parents on the other hand. which leads many people to thank days time when he was a student if the professor in the street rushed to escape unseen timid and fear and respect, But the private teaching of the students inside their homes reduced the prestige of the teacher and the student revolt to make the professor nor respected.
    Experts believe that the phenomenon of private teaching spread widely after the American invasion, pointing out that it was in the time of the former regime but it was very limited. Now the arena is open to competitors of the affluent who have been lured into the rosy promises by the NBA professors claim that they are able to raise the scientific level of the people, thus ensuring the college major they aspire to.
    Says Abu Mohamed (47 years old), a mechanic, News Agency (Voices of Iraq) alone "this year paid $ 12 million and a half million dinars for six of the teachers to teach my son Mohamed student in the sixth grade science."
    He adds that he had paid the sum of two and a half million of the professor (u), a chemistry teacher, while pay two million dinars each of the remaining five teachers, which means that the share of each lesson is the million dinars.
    And dreamed of Abu Mohammed to be the daughter of the outstanding relying so Mazan Altdrision of dreams in their eyes.
    Umm Mohammad (54 years old) employee, says it has been unable this year to get a private teacher to her daughter (Zainab), which succeeded the sixth grade. She recalls that last year the amount paid three million dinars for six of the teachers, who described them as "Kharavion and known him as intelligent and penetrate systems experience high exams."
    But it says it has not been able this year to pay the costs because the wages of those professors who raised three times.
    This situation made some parents feel great concern and fear for the future of their children. Says Mr. Kazim Ali Jabbar (40 years), "I am an employee and was unable to pay the cost of private teaching what was happening was reflected negatively on my son (peace) is constantly telling me what to do and where his parents fled with their children's teachers to teach them Khsouchin inside their homes."
    He adds that his son told him that teachers do not care about the importance of the lecture class for the lack of attention to lecture the one hand and because of fatigue suffered by the teacher ", which is going from house-to-house until the late hours of the night to teach students who paid him money."
    He also said that he was thinking now of access to his predecessor with his staff to achieve the hope his son to get a good rate.
    For his part, attached professor Jassim Yousef, a Musharraf educational, the phenomenon of private tuition, saying that it "constitutes a great disservice to the teacher and science together, This very serious situation. Unfortunately, there is the teaching of betraying the profession, especially with the students stages - ended, by the disclosure of the questions or allusion to ensure the success of a student who had paid him. "
    He added : "We are many Kashrav educational seminars for schools and departments of education, teaching and explained that the teaching of respect for private reduces the student to professor."
    However, he said, "This phenomenon has existed since the time of the former regime because of the teacher's salary and the teacher then. As in the current circumstances, the teacher's salary and teacher sufficient and should be proud of himself away from the student favoritism. "
    He also warned parents to ratification dreams pink painted Altdrision them.
    It was necessary to know the opinion of the Ministry of Education in this phenomenon, where Dr. Salman Sheikh Bakir, Director of Educational Diwaniyah province, "Madiritna monitor this situation, The private teaching over broad discussion with the Minister of Education Dr. Khaddbr Khaz stays and through extensive discussion of this serious problem, Mr. Minister, whom the general managers deterrent powers to curb this phenomenon. "
    He added : "The penalties stipulated that the teacher punished for transportation outside the city center and punish the final warning if he was teaching students from outside delivered by the school or be deprived of lifelong education) if it is proved that the students are taught from the same school where the teacher lectures during the morning."
    He continued : "However, the Education summoning all teachers and took them a written undertaking not to exercise tutoring to reduce the prevalence of this problem."
    He also added that the Directorate of Education had carried out a precautionary measure this year to change the school administrators and inform cadres new accounting teachers who teach private, to be involves taking the necessary procedures against them.
    He pointed out that "the ministry, and knowledge of the difficult conditions of the teacher and to improve its living from hand and the reduction of private teaching on the other hand, decided to increase the salary of the teacher and the teacher by 20% to 50%. "
    And the efforts of the Ministry of Education to reduce this phenomenon, and increase the salary of the teacher and the teacher, parents expected that this phenomenon to disappear or shrink to a large extent due to respect for the school and the teacher, To say the students of a new house and echo their poetry known. " Qom for the teacher and offer Altbjela. the teacher could be a prophet. "

  8. #12758
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    Translated version of

    Chairman of the economy, investment and reconstruction : General ratification by the House of the investment law, one of the most important decisions taken
    [9:04, 11 Oct. 2006]
    Bashar - Salem-peaceful Baghdad : Both Haidar Al-Ebadi, Unadim Kana of the economy, investment and reconstruction Adoption of the House of Representatives today, the draft law on investment of the most important decisions approved by the Council
    It will open the door to foreign investment and to be a good sign for the country instead of the mass
    In the country because of its impact in moving the economy and the elimination of unemployment and increase the capacities of
    Ebadi said the Chairman of the economy in a joint press conference with a number of members of the Committee held on Tuesday.
    Yesterday, "the investment law will be the investment and encourage investors, and today important day,
    The decision to ratify one of the most important decisions taken, "and continued," now on the composition of the government
    Investment, the law opens the country mainly for investments, and we want to see the Iraqi
    A change in economic life ".
    Ebadi pointed out that the executive body will then COICA investment will be the names of its members
    At the House of Representatives on them. He said, "the investment law is brought into line with the Iraqi Constitution
    , Which gives powers to the regions and provinces, and therefore there will be a national investment,
    The bodies of the regions and governorates "
    For his part, we pointed to the benefits of the law said it will help them to attract foreign capital
    To participate in the advancement of the country, and said "the country needs $ 300 billion to rehabilitation
    And construction and housing projects only need 200 billion dollars. "
    And we express its understanding of the fears of some members of the investment law to pave the section of the interventions
    The exploitation of the law, but said, "There Balancing between national sovereignty and attract investments."
    He added : "We hope that the law provides jobs for the unemployed and thus contain unemployment and contain
    Tensions, for the fact that some unemployed workers uncover been to conduct terrorist operations. "
    And whether the House of Representatives had approved on yesterday, Tuesday, to discuss investment law after Astmarah
    For nearly two weeks

  9. #12759
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    The current time in Iraq is
    10:13 AM

    Wednesday, October 11, 2006
    Standard Time +0300 UTC

    Major Cities in Iraq include Baghdad

    Maybe this is why the clock here shows 1 hour different than ISX clock.

  10. #12760
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    Quote Originally Posted by day dreamer View Post
    Didn't someone post yesterday that it wouldn't trade today for some reason??? I'm pretty sure someone talked about it
    Yeh, that was me!

    Normally my orders are always executed the next trading session. Thats should be today.

    But for some reason my order now will be executed on Monday the 16th!!

    There should be a normal trading session, unless:

    - The FIL is being enacted immediately. They are preparing everything to purchase stocks on my own name and by the warka/cbi

    - or they are preparing/doing a revalue. I assume that when a new exchange rate is set there will be no trading.

    Any suggestions on this?

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