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  1. #12811
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    Quote Originally Posted by CORY View Post
    so chase or BoA eather exchange the cash till monday

    If you need cash fast you can exchange some at whatever the rate is at a Travelex. They are currency exchanges usually found at Major airports and casinos. I know the Travelex at Pittsburgh International told me that they would exchange at whatever the current exchange rate is. They pay you don't have to deal with a check or anything like that. Travelex has a website that you can check for locations near you. I would use them if you need a little cash now to hold you until your big money exchanges with a bank.

  2. #12812
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    جريدة الصباح - انخفــاض معدل إنتــاج التمور فــي كربــلاء
    Economic : Reduced rate of production dates in Karbala

    Karbala morning
    The Directorate of Agriculture Karbala : (production dates of this year dropped from the previous years). He said Majid Hamid gesture, Associate Director of Agriculture : (The rate of production climber reached between 50-75 kg while the production in 1998-120-123 kilograms). His gesture : (that the number of palm trees in Karbala was about 2 Nakhla, is the preservation of the most important production areas in Iraq dates).
    He attributed the decline in production to : (injury Bhashrti red and Humera and non-combat palm trees with insecticide in the past two years). State Karbala is the most important producer of dates Alzhdi exported to the Arab Gulf states, India, Pakistan and South and East Asia.

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #12813
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    Quote Originally Posted by day dreamer View Post
    You can bet it's already a done deal, that's why their selling now, because their already ready

    True, but remember folks you need to shop the rate and find out if there is a fee. Do your research before just running in and cashing it out. Wait a day or two and see what each bank may be offering!!!
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  4. #12814
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    Quote Originally Posted by Justpraying View Post
    Is it 30 minutes or 1 hour and 30 minutes from now when CBI posts??
    FreeDinar has said that CBI usually updates between 2:00 and 2:30 so we will see

  5. #12815
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    If you need cash fast you can exchange some at whatever the rate is at a Travelex. They are currency exchanges usually found at Major airports and casinos. I know the Travelex at Pittsburgh International told me that they would exchange at whatever the current exchange rate is. They pay you don't have to deal with a check or anything like that. Travelex has a website that you can check for locations near you. I would use them if you need a little cash now to hold you until your big money exchanges with a bank.
    yes but would it be at the new rate

  6. #12816
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    جريدة الصباح - لواءان للتـدخل السـريع في بغداد تماشـيا مع وثيقة رمضان
    The first political : Brigades for rapid intervention in Baghdad in line with the close of Ramadan

    Maliki is a radical solution to the tragedy of seven undeveloped and citizens expressing fears that the phenomenon of unknown bodies
    Prime Minister promised Nuri al-Maliki a radical solution for the hundreds of families in the seventh wasteland which had been forced to leave their homes because of a mortar shelling also resulted in a large number of victims, Eyewitnesses say that : forced displacement, which included 691 families in the region is a humanitarian disaster. To express their displeasure citizens of the continuing phenomenon of unknown bodies in Baghdad in recent days
    Despite the reconciliation initiative, and the document of Ramadan. In the meantime, a well-informed source revealed to the "morning" as a proposal for the formation of the two brigades of rapid intervention in Baghdad.
    Seven wastelands
    And it is the tragedy of families in the forefront of seven undeveloped official concern in the wake of hundreds of families exposed to mortar shelling and gunfire was forced to leave because of the houses and leave the stricken city in search of safety.
    The Prime Minister pledged to chase the terrorists who provoked panic in the seventh wastelands and find quick solutions for the displaced families. The Minister of Human Rights engineered heart Salem, in an interview with the "morning" : Maliki instructed to immediately address the aspects of living prelude to secure the area and restore families to their homes.
    The Minister of Human Rights met with the Prime Minister yesterday after having familiarized themselves with the families and the identification of the problems in displacement camps. She said : they also contacted the ministers of Defense and Interior to take it upon themselves to end the dire situation facing thousands of citizens on the impact of sectarian terrorist attacks resulted in a large number of victims.
    The gunmen Taevon started bombing the city with missiles several days ago and continued pounding to pay families to flee towards the orchards or safe havens or resorting to relatives in other areas of Baghdad.
    Eyewitnesses say : that the seven wasteland located west of Baghdad live genuine disaster.
    According to the minister of human rights in her speech to the "morning" that had visited the districts of the Ministries of Health and to shun risks immigrants, and the simple provision of supplies, food and medicine that helps them, She said : that the immigrants could apply to the Ministry of Human Rights to enable it to the size of the government briefing phenomenon.
    The Minister of the Displaced Rahman Sultan Abdul Samad in the presence of brain seventh wasteland included 691 family explaining that the Emergency Committee was formed for this purpose and revealed that the number of immigrants reached 51 thousand families throughout Iraq with 750 thousand citizens emigrated to Oman and 500 thousand to 90 thousand and Syria to Iran and then conscious says : The real number is much bigger than this.
    The majority of this dangerous phenomenon draft of the Maliki reconciliation document Ramadan, The politicians agreed that the elimination lies in the success of reconciliation, However, the Followers of the WARN responses agitation carried out by terrorists in response to the positive steps in the reconciliation project, said : The violence has not stopped, but many times has increased in spite of the consensus of the political forces and formations based on the principles of reconciliation.
    And warns that the phenomenon of unknown bodies in the Baghdad daily to undermine the great efforts of the government to maintain law and order, The sources said security : they found the 60 bodies in Baghdad in the twenty four hours of on Monday and Tuesday with Press reports on the work of police killings in different areas as well as the unstable situations in other regions.
    The largest forces in the Iraqi arena and promised the elimination of sectarian and political resentment (forever) at the close of Ramadan announced by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Monday evening of last week and a squadron politicians and parliamentarians of the "morning" These blocs considering eight other items to be added to the four items contained in the Hello document.
    Of a rapid intervention force
    In the framework of efforts and document Ramadan to eliminate violence and address of the hotbeds of tension A source close to the government that a proposal on the document before the parties for the formation of the two brigades of rapid intervention in Baghdad. one in the Rusafa and the other in the Karkh, and said : The task of these two brigades are quick to finish off any signs of danger, pointing out that the proposal refers to the need to shape personnel should not be seen to sectarian affiliations to enable them to quell attacks and challenges motivation national unity. The source hinted that the next few days would witness the eight items of the document being debated, pointing out that the parties seem a lot of flexibility in order to facilitate the fruit matured.
    Faced with this scene, like the citizens expressed the desire to observe the results on the ground and not to limit themselves to the promises and wishes.

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #12817
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    Quote Originally Posted by CORY View Post
    yes but would it be at the new rate
    Depends on when you cash it in. Before or AFTER the r/v

  8. #12818
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    If you need cash fast you can exchange some at whatever the rate is at a Travelex. They are currency exchanges usually found at Major airports and casinos. I know the Travelex at Pittsburgh International told me that they would exchange at whatever the current exchange rate is. They pay you don't have to deal with a check or anything like that. Travelex has a website that you can check for locations near you. I would use them if you need a little cash now to hold you until your big money exchanges with a bank.
    This sounds nice, but what if the smallest bill you have is a 25,000 Dinar note and it revals at say 1.50, Do you think that they will have 37,500.00 USD on hand to cash in that one note??

    If you have smaller bills I think you are right, But for those of use stuck with large bills, I am not sure that would work for us.
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    I am JustPraying and I am also a Dreamer!

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  9. #12819
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    جريدة الصباح - التجارة تحدد الاسبوع الاخير من رمضان لتوزيع منحة العيد
    Iraq Trade : The last week of Ramadan feast for the distribution of grant

    Began distributing flour zero between citizens
    Baghdad Mahdi Karim Al-Taee
    The Ministry of Trade last week of Ramadan, the date for the receipt of grant Eid endorsed by the Cabinet ... With families began processing material flour Namira 1-0 in the share of the holy month.
    Said Dr. Abdel Farmer, the Sudanese Minister of Trade, in a press statement. The ministry took swift action to ensure the distribution of grant Eid approved by the Council of Ministers of the 10 thousand dinars for each individual under the ration card before the Eid al-Fitr holiday.
    He pointed out that the ministry and found the option of distribution through agents of foodstuffs that the best and easiest way for the delivery of the grant to the citizen and respectable manner.
    The Ministry began coordinated with the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of Iraq, the Ministry of the Interior in order to receive the grant amount, which had been set at 300 billion dinars, and began processing instruments for distribution among citizens.
    Meanwhile the company began to manufacture general of the Ministry of grain processing citizens material Mills Namira 2-0 and quantity 5 kg per family, according to a spokesman for the Ministry of Information, pointing out that the company had completed the processing of 4636 tonnes of quantity to be distributed before the Eid al-Fitr holiday of 24583 tons in Baghdad d and governorates.
    He further distribution of the remaining quantity, respectively, prior to the expiration of the holy month of Ramadan.

    franny, were almost there!!

  10. #12820
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    Quote Originally Posted by CORY View Post
    yes but would it be at the new rate
    The person I talked to said that whatever the foreign exchange rate is at the time I would present for an exchange is what they go by. The person I talked to told me that if you are exchanging any currency amount to $400 then there is a $4 charge....anything over that is free....but some members here pointed out to watch the "spread" as it may cost a little more to cash in at a Travelex than at a bank....

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