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  1. #12831
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    جريدة الصباح - أبناء باب الشيخ قلقون من زحف الورش والمعامل الصناعية على محلتهم
    Iraq : Sons door Sheikh worry encroachment workshops and industrial plants to Mahlthm

    Despite the temptations of compensation
    Baghdad-Salah Hassan Alsilaoui
    (Sheikh door) one of the most popular areas البغداديه old since its inception back to the period since late Abbasiya then called b (Alazj door). And it turned out to the region several nominations, which (Al), as part of the current land contains a large grove attributed to the region, But that description nightmare began for two reasons : firstly, The school Almkharmih established by Abu Said Almkharme and recommended by Sheikh al-Kilani (Jerusalem secret), Vahtut Tahir on his body after his death. the place of Muslim parents and other regions of the world, a function and a landmark in the region, so she started attributed to the fact that they are situated at the eastern door, which is called the population (the big door, The second reason behind the region to maintain its current decline is Bustan area of the aforementioned, after Gzth residential areas, and is still one of the areas in the lane called 56 (Akd Al).
    In times of the Ottomans, became a large part of the door-Sheikh called (Akd Kurds) any street Kurds result of housing many Kurdish families in the region, but the current designation that was still prevailed until now.
    The region witnessed significant change in the lifestyle of their inhabitants, who were enjoying calm before the 25 years we hear that noise haughtiness stores within the industrial residential alleys, which have become an extension of the industrial Street Sheikh Omar busy movement of industrial activity, particularly in the areas of smelting iron, auto repair and so on.
    Living in (the Sheikh) 1500 family, which need the services of many, especially as the industrial zone in which harmful nature of family housing and environmental pollution are clear, As the population of the region, the region's children and students in need of additional schools, since there are only two primary schools share a building and one always wonders exchange and evening.
    Important milestones
    The eternal Akilaneh the most important features of the door so that the Sheikh has renamed the current result of the presence of goat Sheikh Abdulkadir Kilani (Jerusalem pleased God), as the main portal overlooks one of them.
    It is also important milestones, Faili school, which was established in the 1930s by the General Faili made up of some prominent Kurdish list, which is still untapped, but some of them squatters, she had to leave the practice teaching well by the time the Ministry of Education has studied the people of the region, even the Baathist regime to power Bgelkha ordered a close distance of eternal Akilaneh.
    Services absent
    As in all districts of Baghdad prevails among the population of concern to creep daily life circumstance is difficult security situation in the country, the population of the door Sheikh Ihaddthonk grudgingly addition to the weakness and lack of services are provided, thereby Ings them their lives.
    This Salah Eddin Fahmi says :
    Having freed the region from scarcity of water in large, which has suffered for several years, there are Zakkakin (16), which mercy and the pavement (25) still suffer from the same problem because of the high died three meters from the rest of alleys I do not know why this has been our problem without attention by the officials to solve in spite of the severe harm us.
    As for the sewage problem, which complains about people speaking Amer Hassan said : the network was established during the Iran-Iraq war and the quality was very bad started Baltkser Soon after its implementation, This is what makes some homes of obsolete buildings being filled Sradibha including escaping from the heavy water that leads to high moisture in the foundations of residential buildings and the impact on power especially that it is old.
    Perhaps the damage to the network caused by waste being thrown shopkeepers in the industrial sewage blockages typically caused by fat being deposited in a heavy, in addition to the aims of the materials may be solid fomented the sewage final.
    The industrial zone
    Should you, and you are moving in the region should seek that change evident in the partial transformation of some alleyways towards industrial action in addition to those that have changed the nature of good housing that they had enjoyed before the years is not so long, When entering the door of the southern part of the Sheikh find these alleys, which was replete days at home you could hear the voices now only blacksmith tools, generators, the labs smelting iron and auto repair, etc. marching workshops and shops and industrial gives a shining example of what afflicts the majority of shops in residential tomorrow Ed since the siege, and so far, this is what has affected housing areas in the capital as detrimental to the environment.
    Karim Hassan, a resident, says : The damage caused by the very large industrial zone despite the benefit of the people resulting from the rise in real estate prices and rents due to the large size of the industry in the region is not that the people have begun to fear the future of their leniency in front of their homes to convert industrial workshops, Although the prices scoop by them concerning the conversion of their homes to shops or industrial plants are very large compensation regardless of the Sunni deprivation they have encountered during the stages of their lives in the harsh light of the wars and economic decline in the entry of this work is an adventure that might lead to a loss of the property owners in the fact that after a work in the industrial area is outside the law, which requires that remain (the Sheikh) commercial housing not only allowed to shops and industrial plants there.
    Faleh Mohamed Kamel, one of the owners of the assignee industrial talked about the importance of the industrial zone of view and its justification, said : the region is the task of containing a variety of industries, a major industrial and auto repair smelting and convert it into forms of industrial Kalshababik and doors, and so represents a region with Sheikh Omar Street area of industrial and large have great weight in the industry inside Baghdad and I ask those responsible to take a hard look before you take any position of deporting industrial zone, it is industrially important source in Baghdad, in addition to Iraqi money that drives these big industrial zone, beyond the billions in Iraqi dinars which affect the Iraqi economy, and therefore must be treated this region as a gain of Iraqi industry and should not be treated as a nuisance to the population.
    Mourning Nasser Hassan part talked about the possibility of transferring this region saying : Sure enough, the region can not remain in this case is divided into two halves, one of the other industrial and residential as the social life, it inevitably will be affected on this basis that the state is working on the transfer of the region or fully converted into an industrial zone and to address damage resulting from the implementation of the two tables.
    Mushtaq Alvili head of the local council beards Kilani wrote : that area of Sheikh Omar has been severely damaged in the time of the former regime as it offers a lot of people to sacrifice and the confiscation of property and movable and immovable under the excuses of the resistance is now complaining of poor cooperation of the heads of municipal departments to work, what led to weakness in the provision of certain services, and over the size of the problem that the major change in the nature of the area from residential to industrial despite being only commercial housing within the basic design, One of the reasons for the increase in industrial activity in the door of Sheikh proximity to the industrial zone overlooking the famous Sheikh Omar Street, marked by the diversity of industrial Therefore, the region has become an extension of him since turning 15 Zgaga limits of Mahala to industrial zones and other areas began the gradual shift to the industrial zones due to the high prices of Oka Some commercial rents have increased proposal for the return of the residential area and industrial workshops deportation but this act is now stalled because of the security situation.
    Q : What about the problem of sewage and other services in the area?
    There is extensive cleaning implemented as winter season designed to clean the streets and alleys as the agenda takes into account the priority need. The areas earmarked for dumpsites for organizing the work place but a major obstacle is laying waste sites created by the owners of the laboratories and industrial assignees, , which widely in size and the most negative impact on the region that are located next to the elementary school son Aljozi since led to the accumulation of accumulated there breaking the school.
    With regard to sewage and network conditions, the Board has approached the municipality in order to overcome this problem, but they decided to address the network through sustained only excuse not trying to replace as a modern-old did enough to deserve replacement, especially if compared aging networks more forward and still working in addition to other areas Baghdadeh did not contain the final networks.

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #12832
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    جريدة الصباح - تغييرات في عقد توريد النفط الأبيض بين العراق وايران
    Iraq : Changes in the supply of kerosene between Iraq and Iran

    Baghdad-Tariq Al-Araji
    Iraq and Iran conducted a change in their contract for supplying kerosene from Iran to Baghdad through outlet Zorbatiyah border in Wasit governorate. Kareem said Hatab, director-general of the distribution of petroleum products (morning) : The Iranian side demanded that Iraq deliver a kerosene to the Wasit governorate instead of the city of Baghdad
    That's the difficult security conditions experienced by Baghdad. He added that the quantities of oil which it is hoped to reach during the next two days will be transferred from the city of Kut in the direction of the city of Baghdad by Iraqis carriers allocate amounts contracted amounts of the contract with Iran, adding that the arrival of two million liters per day from Iran, as well as the production of M. descriptive of the session (1, 5) million liters per day will help to provide good stocks of kerosene rule in preparation for the winter season. He stressed that Hatab petroleum products marketing company (SOMO) is contracted with a number of Arab and international companies for the supply of all petroleum products, especially kerosene rule after instructed Oil Minister, Dr. Hussein Shahrastani told the company contracted with several companies to ensure that fuel is readily several outlets. It is noteworthy that the Council of Ministers approved the increase in the amount of import oil derivatives to hit (430) million a month after it was (213) million dollars to provide large stocks of all oil derivatives.

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #12833
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Translated version of
    The Preparatory Committee for the International Decade with Iraq held its second meeting at the headquarters of the United Nations Mission in Baghdad

    The Preparatory Committee of the International Decade of Iraq with its second meeting at the level of working groups at the headquarters of the United Nations to help Iraq in Baghdad. According to a statement by the United Nations Mission received Radio (NOAA) stated that the meeting discussed the next steps to ensure the success of the International Decade with Iraq, which includes the expansion and the review of the initial draft of the International Decade. He pointed out that "the outcome of the meetings will be submitted to the preparatory committee at the next meeting to be held in Baghdad on 19 October of this." The meeting was chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister Barham Saleh, the representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations, Ashraf Qazi. "


    franny, were almost there!!

  4. #12834
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    The House Isnanv its usual today to discuss some issues on the provisional

    The House resumes today its seventh session in the Legislative Chapter II to discuss some issues on the agenda. The meeting yesterday had witnessed the consent of the Council on the draft investment law, prepared by the committee on the economy and investment and business headed by Dr. Haidar Al-Ebadi, after appropriate adjustments it.

    Radio Nawa

    franny, were almost there!!

  5. #12835
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    Hmmm...It's after 0500 EST, and no new numbers have been posted on the CBI site....

  6. #12836
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    Here's a tidbit of information, every site I'm watching all say 1471
    Iraqi Dinar Exchange Rate Daily News
    Exchange Rates
    me thinks it looks good

  7. #12837
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by day dreamer View Post
    Here's a tidbit of information, every site I'm watching all say 1471
    Iraqi Dinar Exchange Rate Daily News
    Exchange Rates
    me thinks it looks good
    thats about the sdr rate with the decimal place moved... THREE PLACES

    franny, were almost there!!

  8. #12838
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Barham Ahmed Salih discuss steps to ensure the success of the International Decade

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 11-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Union : The Preparatory Committee for the International Decade with Iraq yesterday its second meeting at the level of working groups at the headquarters of the United Nations to help Iraq in Baghdad. The meeting was chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister Barham Ahmed Salih, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Ashraf Qazi. Participated in the meeting a high-level delegation from the Iraqi government, including the Minister of Finance and Minister of Planning and the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and Vice-President of the Republic advisers and advisers to the Prime Minister and official spokesman for the Iraqi government as well as representatives of the Member States in the preparations for the International Decade with Iraq (a the European Commission and United States of America, the United Kingdom, Italy, South Korea, Germany, France and Japan).

    The meeting was also attended via video Konfrence representatives of the presidency of the European Union, the World Bank and the United Nations headquarters in New York and the Arab Fund and the Islamic Development Bank. The meeting discussed the progress made so far and the next steps to ensure the success of the International Decade with Iraq. These include steps in addition to other steps to expand and to review the preliminary draft of the International Decade with Iraq in order to reflect comments by Iraqi officials and donor countries. The outcome of the meetings would be submitted to the preparatory committee at the next meeting to be held in Baghdad on October 19 Sunday.
    October 19,2006 is next week. It falls on a Wednesday..

  9. #12839
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    Ok thoughts anyone about this.

    Normally the CBI updates around 11:00 AM my time (Europe).

    First the press conference is held at 1:00 baghdad time, now it is held 2:00 bagdhad time. There is a time delay of 3 hours.

    When it is 2:00 in baghdad pm it is 11:00 am here.

    Well it is just a thought, but if it isn't updated today the CBI, then it could be possible that they do the RV tommorow at the press conference and update the CBI at the same time with the new exchange rate.

    Any thoughts on this one?

  10. #12840
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    thats about the sdr rate with the decimal place moved... THREE PLACES

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