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  1. #12881
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    I think that this will be about debt relief. And maybe the FIL announcement. I do not think so though. IMHO

  2. #12882
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    Seems to me news of rv should come from the Ministry of Finance, unless it came directly from Maliki/Talibani

  3. #12883
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    Actually, this might just be establishing what the central gov't can do vs. the territories.

  4. #12884
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    Iraqi Parliament approves the federal law

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 11-2006
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    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The Iraqi parliament approved on Wednesday the law defines the mechanisms of formation of a federation which is feared many of the leaders of the year it had been torn country through sectarian civil war.

    The law supported by some leaders of the Shiite majority, who were keen on establishing a large area, an autonomous region in the oil-rich south, which invincible on the population in the Accord Front boycotted by the largest Sunni bloc.

    The threat of hostility between different ethnic and religious groups because of the federation, which is one of the most sensitive issues in post-war Iraq is the ability of the government of national unity that no more than four months to curb acts of ethnic violence and growing sectarianism.

    The deputies did not participate in favor of the young cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and the Shiite Virtue Party smaller in the poll held on Wednesday, which shows that support for the Shiite federalism is not unanimous.

    The leaders of the Shiites and the Sunnis in the last month had agreed to defer the application of federal law for 18 months at least, postponing the establishment of any autonomous regions until 2008.

    It is feared the year who were dominant during the rule of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein could lead to turn Iraq into a federation to hand over the oil fields in the north and south of the country for the Kurds and Shiites in a row, leaving them trapped in the mandate of desert poor in central and western Iraq.

    It is proposed to the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq, the largest Shiite parties are merging nine of the ten provinces of Iraq eight in the same area of autonomy in southern Iraq, which is the population of Shiites. He wants the amendments to the Constitution to ensure the sharing of oil revenues.

  5. #12885
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    Quote Originally Posted by zipper View Post
    Seems to me news of rv should come from the Ministry of Finance, unless it came directly from Maliki/Talibani

    If memory serves me correct there is a document posted on CBI that states the announcement would be made jointly by the MOF and the Govener of CBI.
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  6. #12886
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    Minister of State for Civil society urges subcommittees

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 11-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    The Republic of Iraq
    Council of Ministers-the governmental communications
    Media Relations
    A press statement / Press Release
    Wednesday, 10 - 11-2006
    In the meeting of the committees videotapes of the Higher Ministerial Committee supervising
    The implementation of the council decision No. (3) for 2004

    Minister of State for Civil society urges subcommittees of the interest jurisdiction and take into account the interests of the organizations and federations, associations and trade unions

    He said Minister of State for Civil Society Affairs Chairman Higher Ministerial Committee supervising the implementation of the council decision No. (3) for 2004, Mr. Adel Asadi : The videotapes and sub-committees to deal with issues on a priority basis meaning that applications are dealt with the task of unions, associations and unions taking into account the legal and administrative jurisdiction and the financial and non-interference in any detail beyond its competence, also taking into account the interest of these federations when issuing decisions.

    This came during the meeting of presiding over the Supreme Ministerial Committee overseeing the implementation of the council decision No. (3) for 2004, which was attended by members of the subcommittees and videotapes of the Ministries of Justice, Finance, Interior and National Security and the State for Parliamentary Affairs and the State for civil society.

    Those attending the meeting discussed the work of the Sub-Committees and videotapes and Legal Committee, which provides a legal framework and appropriate treatments on the issues in front of supplementing the work of the ministerial committee and consider mail forwarded to the Commission by each jurisdiction by the committee chairman Dr Safaa net debt and Minister of State for the House of Representatives.
    The Finance Committee, which is responsible for monitoring the finances of the organizations and check requests submitted to the Committee for staff salaries and balances launch civil society organizations and the scrutiny and analysis of financial data and consideration of the postal stores by the Ministerial Committee and the Finance Committee chaired by Mr. Adel Asadi and State Minister Chi Non civil society.

    The Administrative Committee is responsible for the development of a database and information system supply the work of the Committee and the Higher Ministerial Committee chair Mr. Absiravan Alowaeli, Minister of State for National Security, in addition to the supervision, coordination and follow-up for the follow-up and implementation of the Commission's decisions and the legal field.

  7. #12887
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    Default Economic : Iraqi economy and the strategies and methods of privatization-2 -

    Not sure what all this means as it is translated badly, but thought I'd post it anyway.....

    Economic : Iraqi economy and the strategies and methods of privatization-2 -
    D. Falah behind spring *
    * Faculty of Economics / University of Omar Mukhtar
    E-system instruments or coupons : - and this figure appeared in Eastern Europe, particularly Czechoslovakia and based on the fact that everyone from the people the right to a percentage of capital in projects which would turn to the private sector because the government is not the owner, but is run only on behalf of the people. Therefore coupons will be distributed to citizens give them ownership of a number of shares or enter into public auctions for a number of shares.

    Two-contract or privatize management : - remains in this form of ownership capital of the companies in the hands of the state, while competing units and the private sector to obtain contracts entitling it to the Department on behalf of the state in return for certain advantages in the profit share or production. This method is less controversial than the previous method is through public tenders through management contracts or equipment leasing contracts for production lines for a fixed amount received by the State, China has applied this method.
    Three - to allow the private sector to work in activities monopolize the public sector : -
    This method aims to expand the extent of competition and improve performance is through the issuance of laws and the removal of restrictions that prevent entry of the private sector for some activities - such as the arms industry - and this leads with the passage of time to expand the participation of the private sector and privatization in the long run, without the need to change the ownership of public enterprises; He therefore called spontaneous privatization.
    4-style build-operate-transfer : - This method allows the private sector to set a specific project personnel and exploited for a certain period to be subsequently extradited to the government, and might not interested investor in this type of project to train personnel, as has the negligent maintenance operations at the approaching delivery, But this method ensures that control permanent strategic projects as it relieves the State of spending on new projects. For example, projects highways in Malaysia.
    5-Build-Operate - BOO : - different from the previous method that allows the investor to own the project and not hand it over to the state after a period.
    6-Build-Operate - BOO-conversion : -
    Different from the two combatants in that the investor own project for a certain period after having built and then turn to the state.
    And as far as the Iraqi economy, it can be said that the success of the strategy or method to be adopted by the government, depend on the extent taken into account the negative effects that accompany that process as follows : -
    1-weak mechanisms and economic and social standards governing the operations base and the transfer of ownership and foremost Effective financial markets, and investment banks and consulting firms.
    Two - lack of the necessary technical studies to assess the assets and setting prices, this exposes the ownership transfer procedures for direct sales and cheap prices.
    3-weak local private sector and a lack of national savings, which will open the door for foreign companies. that might not comply with the implementation of the plans of reconstruction and development programs.
    4 - The application of the privatization program inevitably be accompanied by the sacrifice of social considerations. and in the forefront of the demobilization of thousands of workers and increased unemployment rates.
    5 - The direct sale of public institutions in light of the weakness of the financial market will lead to the sale of profit-making institutions, and successful, It is now making institutions, and therefore the state would lose revenue, which was obtained from the successful institutions, and will continue to incur losses increased from defaulting institutions, which increases the burdens of the public treasury.
    To avoid these negative aspects and ensure the success of the privatization process must be to create a set of controls that can protect private property be confiscated, and the development of economic laws, and the clear and appropriate for the economic and political realities, The laws governing the relationship between the producers and workers, It stresses the importance of providing good management of the size of the high level of competence and integrity, in addition to providing a network of sophisticated infrastructure, and secure information system, ports and the structure of financial and accounting well, There is no doubt that all of this requires economic policies clear and specific believe in the principle of progressivity in the sale of units and structures reform the faltering them, The strict control on the evaluation and pricing, as well as transparency at all stages and in all times and the presence of financial market strong and active. Finally, we have to say, to reap the benefits of privatization in Iraq. and to achieve the goal of increasing economic efficiency and expand the participation of citizens in the ownership of public assets, requires avoid a shock and made gradual manner, and promote economic culture in favor of a free economy; To make the process of privatization of the feasibility of the economy and society, and not the way to achieve profits greedy based on the exploitation of others.

    Translated version of


  8. #12888
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    Another Law bites the bullet!!!!

    Iraq approves law on autonomous regions
    October 11, 2006.

    Iraq's Parliament has approved a law that would allow the country's 18 provinces to hold referendums to merge themselves into larger federal regions with a measure of self-government.

    Law-makers have approved the reform in a vote broadcast live on state television.

    The law has proved extremely controversial, with some leaders fearing it could lead to the break-up of Iraq.

    But law-makers have agreed that no province can begin the merger process for another 18 months.

    Once the moratorium has passed, provinces seeking to merge with neighbouring areas can trigger a referendum at the request of a third of legislators in the provincial council or a tenth of their electorate.

    If approved, the mergers will create super-provinces with a greater degree of autonomy.

    The move is expected to confirm the de facto self-rule enjoyed in the Kurdish north and lead to a new Shiite homeland in the oil-rich south.

    The law is opposed by some in the minority Sunni community, who fear their once-dominant ruling group will be left with a rump territory in the barren west and centre of the country and no mineral wealth.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  9. #12889
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    I don't think we'll have a r/v announcement tomorrow. Skinner won't announce the r/v, it's not his 'department'. I'm of the opinion it could well come at the end of next week when we have the passing of the Hydrocarbon Law. This should also tie in with what I heard that the FIL (completed yesterday) would take 7-10 days to enact.....

    So I'm thinking maybe the 20th........Just my thoughts, love to be wrong.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  10. #12890
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    Default Bush To Hold News Conference - Bush To Hold News Conference

    (AP) WHITE HOUSE ( North Korea and Iraq are likely to be among the hot topics when President Bush holds a news conference this morning.


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