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    Certified project majority of those present. The House of Representatives recognizes

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 12-2006
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    Certified project majority of those present. The House of Representatives recognizes the law (the mechanisms and procedures for the formation of regions)

    Baghdad / Hisham became
    The House yesterday approved unanimously on the draft law on "the mechanisms and procedures for the formation of regions."
    The delayed meeting of the House of Representatives yesterday, several hours before the meeting because of the refusal of a number of parliamentary blocs vote on the draft law.
    The voice of 138 members of parliament from among 275, includes the House of Representatives on the bill, thus ending a political controversy raged over the Act.
    Sources inside the House of Representatives told (long) that the Council approve the law was an absolute majority of the meeting, where were voting for phased paragraphs of the law.
    On the other hand, the House of Representatives of a committee to follow up the implementation of Article 140 of Kirkuk. A number of members of the 15-member divided between parliamentary blocs.
    The head of the Chamber of Deputies Mahmoud Almshahadani had decided to make the meeting is closed and removed all personal escorts to the MPs and spare Live outside the Council Chamber and the imposition of strict security measures at the entrances and exits the room.
    And is not disclosed to the media about the number of attendees and Al (short) from informed sources that both the Accord Front and the Sadri trend, the Virtue Party and the Front of dialogue and reconciliation and liberation bloc boycotted yesterday's meeting for refusing to vote on the draft law of the provinces

  2. #12962
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    Iraq : we need $ 300 billion for the rehabilitation

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 12-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Iraq : we need $ 300 billion for the rehabilitation and reconstruction **

    Counting all of Haidar Al-Ebadi, Unadim Kana, members of the economy, investment and reconstruction in the House of Representatives approval of the draft law on investment of the most important decisions approved by the Council because it will open the door to foreign investment and initiative will be good for the country, while we said that Iraq needs $ 300 billion for the rehabilitation and reconstruction.
    He added Abadi, Chairman of the People's economy in a joint press conference held with a number of members of the Committee on Tuesday that »investment law will be the investment and encourage investors, Today important day, and the decision to ratify one of the most important decisions that have been taken. " He continued : "Now the government formation Investment Authority, The law opens the country head of investments, and we want to see the Iraqi change in the economic life Al.
    He pointed to Ebadi »that the executive will then put Investment Authority names members to the House of Representatives. Them out. »He said that the investment law in line with the Iraqi Constitution, which gives powers of the regions and governorates, Accordingly, there will be a national investment, and the bodies of the regions and governorates Al. For his part, we pointed to the benefits of the law said it will help them to attract foreign capital to participate in the advancement of the country. »He added the country needs $ 300 billion for the rehabilitation and reconstruction, housing projects only need 200 billion dollars Al.
    And we express its understanding of the fears of some members of the investment law to pave the section of interventions and exploitation of the law, but he said "there is a balance between national sovereignty and attract investments."
    He continued »hope that the law provides jobs for the unemployed and thus contain unemployment and contain tensions. the fact that some of the unemployed have been uncover to carry out terrorist Al. And whether the House of Representatives had approved on Tuesday the law on investment after discussions lasted nearly two weeks.
    The investment law granting a large number of concessions to foreign investors such as the power to purchase the shares and management of investment portfolios. As provided for the establishment of a national body for investment, and investment projects granted tax exemptions of up to 15 years.

  3. #12963
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    Iraq end their preparations for the assumption of two million barrels of oil from Iran

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 12-2006
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    Iraq end their preparations for the assumption of two million barrels of oil a day from Iran

    Wasit / agencies
    A source in the Wasit governorate yesterday, Wednesday, from the end of the preparations in Zorbatiyah outlet for receiving shipments of kerosene imported from Iran, and of two million liters per day.
    The source, who preferred to remain anonymous, said "the Wasit governorate receives daily two million liters of kerosene (paraffin across the border outlet Zorbatiyah (east Wasit governorate) after the completion of the performing readiness to accommodate portable carrying those amounts."
    It was Iraq and Iran have had a change in their contract and for supplying kerosene from Iran to Baghdad through the performing mentioned.
    The media source in the Ministry of Oil had said in a press statement last week that there were not integrated in the outlet Zorbatiyah prevented implementation of the commitment between the two sides, without referring to the nature of those proceedings.
    The source explained that "the Iranian side demanded that Iraq deliver kerosene to the Wasit governorate instead of the city of Baghdad and that the difficult security conditions experienced by Baghdad."
    He added : "The tables and the Iraqi oil ministry operating Wasit governorate by creating new Kut warehouse for the storage and processing of those amounts governorates for later."
    He pointed out that such a repository would be a temporary repository of oil from Iran until the completion of his transfer to the fuel depots in the capital Baghdad and other governorates.
    The source expected the arrival of oil supplier to Iran over the next couple of days to be stored in a warehouse Kut, and then convey the direction of the city of Baghdad by Iraqis carriers allocate amounts contracted amounts of the contract with Iran is what has happened from the agreement between the two sides also.

  4. #12964
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    Emphasized that Saudi Arabia was supporting the religious leaders. Zebari

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 12-2006
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    Emphasized that Saudi Arabia was supporting the religious leaders. Zebari : soon. The trade with the European Union

    Baghdad / commoners hailed
    Egyptian Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari that the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki would pay an official visit to Turkey and Iran. Zebari said in a press conference held at the ministry building yesterday attended (range) that Maliki will be a ministerial delegation to Turkey in the great 15th of this month. It also would pay a visit to Iran after the month of Ramadan. He pointed out that Zebari Maliki will discuss with the Turkish side, the overall issues concerning the two countries, foremost of movement PKK. He added : The Minister of National Security Shirwan Alowaeli and with the assistance of the Minister of the Interior of the Kurdistan region of Iraq will be represented at the trilateral meeting the Iraqi-American Turkish, which will be held in Turkey coinciding with the visit of the Iraqi delegation. He pointed out that the expansion of trade between the two countries and the issue of water of important issues to be discussed during the visit as well. Zebari stressed that the Saudi government has shown willingness and support for the religious leaders to be held in Mecca on 19 / 20 of this month. Noting that the Saudi government will provide all facilities to participants in the Conference. He said : We are in constant contact with the Organization of the Islamic Conference sponsors of the Conference and the Saudi government to make the conference successful. It renewed the invitation of Foreign Minister President Jalal Talabani, Syrian Foreign Minister to visit Iraq. Zebari said that President Talabani extended an invitation to the Foreign Minister of Syria to visit Iraq during his meeting of the general assembly of the United Nations which was held in the United States a few weeks ago as a preliminary step to correct the course of relations and to discuss all outstanding issues between the two countries. Mushir out that Iraq needed to activate the statements issued at the conference of interior ministers in Riyadh in the past few months and with regard to the commercial side Zebari said that Iraq will be signed next month, the trade with the European Union to facilitate business dealings of Iraq in the future Iraq that enjoys priority in Alta I hope the trade.
    As will sign with the Italian government to support the organization of civil Italian of the Iraqi government.
    Zebari Conference, which was held with a number of agents ministry pointed to the problems of the Iraqi passport, which carries crafts (S) said : informed by many European state that it rejects this deal passport and this would affect the work of many of the official delegations and businessmen and citizens ages. He added : our discussion of the topic at the Council of Ministers, as we proposed to form a committee from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Interior and the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers to resolve the issue of passports.

  5. #12965
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    President Talabani praised the role of struggle and the supervisor of the village of Cheney

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 12-2006
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    President Talabani praised the role of struggle and the supervisor of the village of Cheney in revolutions people of Kurdistan

    Listen : CBE visited Mr. Jalal Talabani, President of the Republic of Iraq on Tuesday, accompanied by Messrs. Kosert Rasul, the Vice-President of the Kurdistan region and beverage Saadi Ahmed and Sheikh Ali Sheikh Saleh and capable Hamma Hamma Jean Aziz, Farouk Mullah Mustafa, Cheney village of the district of Qal'at Dizah. At the gate of Qal'at Dizah met with His Excellency President Talabani and his accompanying delegation by Mr. Aref Rushdi official status organizations irreparably Rehn of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Mohammad and Tman leading fighter in the ranks of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and a number of personalities and dignitaries in the village of Cheney, then met with His Excellency in the village of Cheney before the people of the village. In his meeting with the dignitaries of the village Cheney and the village council, Talabani, the President listened closely to the demands of the villagers and expressed his full support for their legitimate demands and decided to complete the project paved road Qal'at Dizah-Cheney at the earliest possible date, and the construction of a clinic in the village with a school project for drinking water.

    On the other hand, the meeting praised the role of struggle President Talabani and supervisor of the village of Cheney valiant struggle of its people and it typically gain for themselves and Kurdistan. In turn, thanked the people of the village Cheney substantial support shown by His Excellency the President of the Republic of demands and expressed their pleasure that one of the commanders who led the revolution s from their village for a long period of time, today is the President of the Republic of Iraq.

  6. #12966
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    Two years imprisonment for a former minister in charge of negligence and abuse of public funds

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 12-2006
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    Baghdad / agencies
    A judicial source said that the Iraqi criminal court sentenced to two years in prison and the former Minister of Electricity whichever Samurai charges of negligence and abuse of public funds.
    And take a Samurai, who was arrested a few months ago and the position of Minister of Electricity in the government of former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi.
    Sources within the court said that the American forces that are protecting the court has removed Samurai outside the hall after the sentencing without court permission.
    He accused Sheikh Sabah Al Saeedy Chairman of the Integrity Commission in the Chamber of Deputies American forces tried to smuggle a former minister of electricity.
    Alsaidi asked in a press conference Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to intervene immediately to prevent the smuggling of Samurai.
    Alsaidi said "American forces are reduced to the Samurai and reconnaissance, which is under the Central Court to take it out of the back door ... We hold the occupying forces responsible if an escape or escape. "
    The Integrity Commission has been accused Samurai administrative charges of corruption and illicit enrichment.
    Commonly corruption in the various levels of the Iraqi government administrative body, With estimates of the issues inspectors wrongful gain to the looting of four billion dollars, at least from the State Treasury.

  7. #12967
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    BUSH : Our goal in Iraq is to be able to command the same

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 12-2006
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    BUSH : Our goal in Iraq is to be able to command himself

    Union : said President of the United States of America, George Bush, at a press conference held yesterday evening at the White House that good tax policy is what makes the American economy well, Bush and exposure to the issue of North Korea and said that the successful experience of nuclear described under investigation to make sure American, but we have to work vigorously through the Security Council to dismantle North Korea's nuclear program and to prevent exported. On the issue of Iraq, Bush said on more than one subject of the press conference that was devoted to the subjects of North Korea and Iraq : with the expanded meeting with the Minister of Defense Rumsfeld and George Phen and emphasized that brutality and arrived in the big terrorist acts in Iraq. The lifting of condolence to Bush, Vice President Tariq Al-Hashmi to his brother that he paid the price for those actions, Bush attributed all Iraqis from the relatives of the victims.

    He added Bush, Terrorism has increased during Ramadan because of the terrorists and the remnants of the former regime but America will help the Iraqis build their democracy rising and said that the American forces coincides with the Iraqi forces in the streets of Baghdad to confront terrorism and death squads.
    Bush pointed to the developments in Parliament to enact the law on investment and the formation of the constitutional amendments do then commended Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki as many examples of the government-Maliki Although a few months old. Bush stressed that the United States viewed the political process advanced towards its goals in Iraq and said that the goal of America is to enable Iraq to the leadership itself fully, But the president of the United States believed that the Iraqi leaders take difficult decisions for America helping those decisions and the most important political reforms and justice in wealth.

  8. #12968
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    Start implementation of the third phase of the security plan Sindbad

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 12-2006
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    European Rajhi Ghalib : spread in the streets and intersections Basra Governorate large numbers of men from the First Brigade of the 10th as well as members of the Iraqi police and sources from the 1st brigade that this deployment comes in the framework of the implementation of the third phase of the bond Bad security plan prepared by the trilateral security committee supervising the security of Basra. The plan includes the deployment of checkpoints for a period of forty-eight hours from the day yesterday, Wednesday, and then turn these points to patrol the streets and monitor the revival of the status of the province. It added that the most important goals of this stage is to ensure the protection of the companies operating in the annexes service, which is part of plans for maintenance and repair attached with the security plan and ready to enter into investment companies seeking to work in the province.

    The sources indicated that the first stage and the second was the restoration of the 20th school and three health centers in various parts of the provincial capital and the third phase includes renovation of Basra General Hospital and furnishing it is the first security plans, which means the development of the services in the province in terms of its contribution to the reduction of unemployment rates Balmah Serbian occupying many of the unemployed and to provide them a living. The sources emphasized that stage did not include raids of private homes and other and that it be held in cooperation with the multinational forces.
    The Iraqi

  9. #12969
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    The Higher Committee of rule 140 continues meetings with officials

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 12-2006
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    The Higher Committee of rule 140 continues meetings with officials in Kirkuk

    Kirkuk : Rzkarashwani / The head of the Supreme Committee of Article (140) Hashem Al-Shebli adopts all members of the Committee of the policy of a neutral, objective and fair and just in the normalization of the situation in Kirkuk and not subject to the influences of any political or pressure from any quarter.
    He stressed during his meeting with the delegation accompanying him to the president of the council of the province of Kirkuk agency Ribwar Talabani stressed that the Commission would work to accomplish its mission to be exemplary in their work during the interventions of the members of the Council of the Turkoman and Arab bloc, He announced some of whom expressed support for the implementation of Article 140 in Kirkuk and others announced their reservations to represent the Turkmen in the Commission where they said that Turkmen Front declares its non-acceptance to cooperate with the commission until the response to the request of prime minister.

    The Supreme Committee member and Minister of Youth and Sports, that the cabinet had approved the accession of a new member of the Turkmen Front to the Committee in addition to managing this and said that this is in response to a request Turkmen Front.
    It then announced Racan happy about the absence of any reservations of the Arab Sunnis in Kirkuk to the normalization of the situation and that they have a representative in the Committee and put forward the question of the impact of amendments to be made to articles on the Iraqi Constitution, the implementation of Article 140.
    For his part, a group of fraternity members list a number of requests for the implementation of article by article, the implementation schedule and the speed in the performance of work.
    Mohamed Kamal, a member of the list of fraternity that the presence of visitors, hitting 150, 000 people as evidence and Mestmsk official presence and the need to be returned to their places of origin in addition to other tangible evidence.
    The High Commission of rule 140 under the chairmanship of Hashim ida and the delegation accompanying him will hold a press conference at the meeting hall of the council of the province of Kirkuk in the delegation thanked the governor and Mr. council of the province of Kirkuk, the people of Kirkuk gratis gratitude for the warm hospitality and brotherly meeting after the committee discussed its decision to come to Kirkuk and direct contact with officials and the relevant application of the provisions of article 140 in Kirkuk and after the exchange of views the Commission was able to understand some of the obstacles that will be considered at the next meeting of the Committee to be held in Baghdad. The Commission's insistence and determination to accomplish its mission, which was considered difficult and complex as a national task and urged all citizens to participate in the delivery period specified according to the approved ceiling time taken by the Commission.
    The Committee also noted that the obstacles to the functioning of not political, but administrative, pointing out that it can not play its role unless they have the official information from the relevant departments whether they (the Civil Status registration or real estate, agriculture, statistics or property disputes or CAA told Statistics for each other and what happened in the governorate of Kirkuk from the displacement and deportation and the abolition of agricultural contracts was not able to address all of these things.
    On the other hand, received Abdul Rahman Mustafa governor of Kirkuk yesterday morning, "Dominique Askwith" British Consul in Iraq accompanied by "Andrea Reddy" coordinated the British embassy in Kirkuk and "Under David," Deputy Coordinator of the embassy in Kirkuk.
    The two sides discussed during the meeting, matters relating to the application of Article 140 and the visit of the Higher Committee for the application of article to the province of Kirkuk, meeting with officials in the province.
    The British Consul to his meeting with the Minister of Justice, who heads the ministerial committee on the application of Article 140 during his visit to the governorate and keep to the program and the work of the Committee
    He emphasized that the application of Article 140 is a matter of justice, regardless of the fact that an article of the constitution.
    For his part, Governor of Kirkuk to the lack of any opposition from citizens in Kirkuk for the application of Article specifically between the two Kurdish and Turkoman concerned primarily with this article that the voice of all Iraqis it by the referendum on the Iraqi Constitution, pointing out that he could not correct the wrong policies of T 37-40 of the former regime against the city of Kirkuk Alan through the implementation of all the terms of article specifically stated in the program, Dr. Nouri Al-Maliki, which set a ceiling specific timetable for the application of Article across three stages (then normalization Statistics then referendum on the future of Kirkuk).
    With regard to the return of Arab visitors to their areas of origin Kirkuk governor emphasized that the Arabs arrivals are also victims of the policies malicious rule of the Baath regime against the Iraqi people in general and Kirkuk in particular, and that their return to their areas of origin is part of correcting these policies, which is a sine qua non if the application rule 140 in a fair and affirming at the same time that the doors of Kirkuk will be open to all Iraqis for housing after the normalization of the situation there.

  10. #12970
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    United Nations : violence in Iraq went out of control

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 12-2006
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    Geneva-DR. B. A : The Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations for Humanitarian Affairs Jan Egeland said yesterday that nearly a hundred people are killed every day in Iraq as a result of "brutal violence and rude", which went "out of control", He pointed out that three thousand people were killed in Iraq over the past few months.
    He added that "sectarian violence and armed militias and death squads created a situation where retaliatory killings appear out of control completely. Many were killed by shooting or were tortured to death. "
    Moreover members of the police and soldiers, judges, journalists, lawyers and increasingly women were killed in "honor crimes".
    And having at least a thousand people to leave their homes on a daily basis, jeopardizing about 1.5 million people to internal displacement over six or eight months and lived between 1.2 and 1.5 million Iraqis in the neighboring countries. And then about two thousand Iraqi border into Syria every day, and left nearly a third of professionals Iraq, which resulted in the depletion of intellectual giant in the country. The universities, hospitals lost about 80% of the professional bodies.
    Egeland commented that the statistics say, "The deterioration in the conditions of civilians extremely disturbing." He appealed to the international community to allocate more funds for aid programs and said that "this trend escalates to the exodus. We need to stop this trend to maintain the level of services and the promotion of humanitarian work, which is very hard to do in an environment unsafe. "

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