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  1. #12971
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alphamystic View Post
    If you're talking about the Visa card that they got I think it was only for $2,500 to take care of short-term needs.
    ok but they also got additional assistance like housing and stuff. can anybody tell me a guesstimate of how much all this may have cost?

  2. #12972
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    SGS do you think they have to wait on Article VIII reval.....

  3. #12973
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    Default Bush Press Conference

    Bush Press Conference this morning:

    Violence up in Iraq as US forces take action; political process advancing -

    Violence up in Iraq as US forces take action; political process advancing -

    Bush WASHINGTON, Oct. 11 (KUNA) -- While attacks and casualties are on the increase in Iraq partially because U.S. forces are "taking action," the political process under way in Iraq is important and will help the United States achieves its objectives in that country, President George W. Bush said during a White House press conference on Wednesday.

    Bush, noting that he had just met with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and General George Casey, commander of Multinational Forces Iraq, said "the situation is difficult in Iraq, no question about it".

    Violence in Iraq is being caused by a combination of terrorists, elements of the former regime of Saddam Hussein, criminals and sectarian militias, the President said. Attacks and casualties in Iraq have risen during the Ramadan period, as has occurred during every Ramadan in the last three years, he added.

    "Attacks and casualties have also increased recently because our forces are confronting the enemy in Baghdad and in other parts of Iraq," Bush said. "The past weekend, U.S. and Iraqi forces engaged militias or members of an illegal militia during a mission to capture a high-value target".

    The United States is "on the move" in Iraq, Bush said. "We are taking action. We are helping this young democracy succeed".

    The reason U.S. forces went after the illegal militia in Iraq was to capture a man responsible for killing many innocent Iraqis, "and we accomplished that mission," Bush said. "Our troops have increased their presence on the streets in Baghdad, and together with Iraqi forces, they are working to ensure that terrorists and death squads cannot intimidate the local population and operate murder rings".

    Amid the violence, important political developments are also taking place, Bush said.

    The Iraqi legislature reached a compromise and set up a process for addressing the difficult issues of federalism and constitutional reform, he said. In addition, the government of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has taken three important steps to build confidence in his government and in the Iraqi security forces, he added.

    First, Maliki announced a plan to bring together Sunni and Shia parties and stop sectarian violence, and that plan has received support from every major political group in Iraq, including some hard-line Sunni elements that chose not to join the unity government, the President said. "Among the steps the prime minister announced is a new system of local and neighborhood committees made up of both Sunni and Shia members that will work directly with Iraqi security forces to resolve tensions and stop sectarian strife," he said.

    Second, this past weekend Maliki met with tribal leaders from the Anbar province who told him "they have had enough of the terrorists seeking to control the Sunni heartland, and they are ready to stand up and fight al Qaeda, " Bush said. "The prime minister told them that he welcomed their support and would help them".

    Third, the Maliki government suspended the 8th Brigade 2nd Division of the Iraqi national police after learning this unit was not intervening to stop sectarian violence in and around Baghdad, Bush said. "This police brigade has been decertified by the Iraqi Ministry of Interior," he said. "It has been removed from service. It is now being reviewed and retrained. With this action, the Iraqi government has made clear it is not going to tolerate the infiltration of the Iraqi security forces by militias and sectarian interests".

    The combination of security and a political process will enable the United States to achieve its objective, "which is an Iraq that can govern itself, sustain itself, defend itself and be an ally in this war on terror," Bush said.

    The democratic government is just four months old, Bush said, "yet in the face of terrorist threats and sectarian violence, Iraq's new leaders are beginning to make tough choices, and as they make these tough decisions, we will stand with them, we will help them. It is in our interests that Iraq succeed".

    "These are tough times in Iraq," the President said. "The enemy is doing everything within its power to destroy the government and to drive us out of the Middle East, starting with driving us out of Iraq before the mission is done".

    The stakes "could not be higher," Bush said. "If we were to abandon that country before the Iraqis can defend their young democracy, the terrorists would take control of Iraq and establish a new safe haven from which to launch new attacks on America".

    "We cannot tolerate a new terrorist state in the heart of the Middle East, with large oil reserves that could be used to fund its radical ambitions or used to inflict economic damage on the West," Bush said. "By helping the Iraqis build a democracy, an Iraqi-style democracy, we will deal a major blow to terrorists and extremists, we will bring hope to a troubled region, and we will make this country more secure". (end) rm.

    Kuna site|Story page|Violence up in Iraq as US forces take action; poli...10/11/2006


  4. #12974
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    Question? I have a friend at work whose sister lives in La'marda california,in las angelas countie.does anyone know of any banks,chase,or any other that she can purchase some dinar.She desperatly wants to get some before it revals.
    thanks so much for any info!
    sarah!! GO DINAR GO!!!!!

  5. #12975
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysDreaming View Post
    Holiday gift!


    Do not believe that the gift of the feast of the family and the Iraqi identified ten thousand dinars each citizen that will make the occasion this year is fine and that the family will live Iraqi celebration has provided its requirements for new clothing and food is distinctive and exceptional cost of this gift which perhaps will not be enough to buy a pair of small children and unable to provide vial G. The presentations and one can draw upon the forty family fire throughout the three-day Eid al-Fitr holiday. I firmly believe that these ten thousand (Eideh) government for its citizens would be in addition to worries are accumulated on the citizen.
    Ftab obtained from the bank will not paralleled by value in any way that many citizens will be reluctant to audit banks for the receipt and no longer preparing for this for the purchase of ten thousand بالفين or three and this is what will happen and to invest this gift from Nhazi opportunities in these areas, as was usually the case.
    The Iraqi citizens need to be a gift, but really this amount is not small, hardly a comfort that he needs a loan to build a house and need to advance can be reintroduced in the run out of the furniture and equipment necessary for life. The amount of ten thousand dinars, which will be received by the father of the baby girl will not encouraged to get to the purchase of clothing items. What we want in the future to exceed the amount of government price gift (bag Privet) only.
    Every Day We are fine!

    GREAT ARTICLE!! think the iraqi people are going to be thrilled about $6.?? read this and you know how they are gonna feel. it doesnt provide enough for them to make any kind of substantial gain in life at all. hand to mouth. theyve been living like that and they are ready for a change!!

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #12976
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar Duchess View Post
    I cant help thinking that $10,000 is a excessive estimate of what the government will give to the Iraqis. Presently 10K dinars isnt worth giving at
    $6. What would be a realistic figure that any government would give out to the population. I know we all looking at $1 but are we setting our sights a little too high. Will it be a lower reval? Just my opinion

    excessive? have you checked the real estate prices in iraq?

    how much would you consider adequate if you were needing housing and clothing and maybe to start a little savings account? six bucks aint cuttin it and to tell you the truth, even what we imagine as a lot for iraqis isnt all that much.

    sure iraqis have been living on $6 a week, dollar a day approx. that is the exact point, they HAVE BEEN and its time for a change. hence why they are increasing wages starting at the top and working their way down. last i checked they were raising middle class wages.

    there was a great article a while back that described the steps they were going to take for economic recovery and raising wages was one of them.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 12-10-2006 at 12:01 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #12977
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    Cool Hello.

    Baghdad Time: 02:52am, 10/12/2006 ~ market is closed | $1 USD = 1470.63 IQD ^

    Also cigarman, read your post of the IRS call today. Thanks

  8. #12978
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrpoopular View Post
    SGS do you think they have to wait on Article VIII reval.....
    actually, article 8 ascension was sponsored for iraq by the usa. iraq has been assisted by jordan in completion of the requirements for article 8. the last requirement for article 8 at this point is convertible currency. they arent going to make the dinar convertible until its of an adequate value.

    i believe thats what weve been waiting on. lol

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #12979
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    So what time is this little shin-dig ( starting on the 12th?

    Ready to BLOW!! I don't think I've EVER been so excited...sad, huh?

  10. #12980
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    Lifted from IIF posted by knightscharger:

    Iraqi Economy : Iraq Company for Bank Guarantees aims for late October launch
    Wednesday, October 11th 2006

    The Iraq Company for Bank Guarantees (ICBG) is gearing itself for a late October launch. Preparatory work is well underway at the ICBG to ensure a business commencement date at the end of October. Shareholder and follow on ICBG Board meetings have been held in August and September. During September and October, ICBG management will undertake a structured marketing effort with all commercial banks and finalize guarantee applications with those that will be ready to approach the company on its scheduled launch date.

    Guarantee applications for two SME loans are expected in September for management review. Executive, Risk Management, Audit and Grants oversight committees will be meeting shortly to take stock of all preopening work underway. Committee reports will be presented at the next ICBG Board meeting in early October. At this meeting a formal opening date for the institution should be set for announcement.

    Through a technical assistance and grants program developed with the ICBG, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is endeavoring to foster among the Iraqi private banks an SME lending capacity, a shift from an asset-based to a cash-flow-based lending methodology, and development of healthy corporate governance and loan practices.

    An increasingly large portfolio of ICBG guaranteed loans offered by participating banks will contribute to national economic development, which will in turn spur SME expansion and associated job growth.

    Alot going on economically with Iraq now

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