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  1. #12991
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    i agree a million % its gotta be soon 1.50 woooooooot weeeeeeee

  2. #12992
    Senior Investor $onedaysoon$'s Avatar
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    Baghdad-Sabah new :
    Provision Council of Ministers (300) billion dinars to Baghdad Secretariat to carry out a giant project in another part of the Karkh sewage systems after the great success achieved by the Secretariat to pursue the implementation of a number of service projects in the water and sanitation sectors, agriculture and sanitation, which reflects the evolution in municipal services provided to the capital Begg Dade.
    This was announced by the Secretary of Baghdad, Dr. Sabir-Issawi in a press statement in which he confirmed that the next three days will be the announcement of a giant project in the Karkh contains three main lines of which (the line south-west) for the transfer of heavy water, rainwater and cost up to (300) billion dinars.
    He added that the secretariat of Eissawi transmitted Baghdad several days ago to establish two decades ago in the Rusafa Sewers first line (Khansa) and the cost of (74) billion dinars, and the length (19 km), and the use of technical drilling Jerusalem hidden cost (68) billion dinars.
    Translated version of tid=20
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  3. #12993
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    Thumbs up get on the scale people

    on a scale 1-10 whats everyones thougths on it happening at that meeting

    im a 8

  4. #12994
    Senior Investor $onedaysoon$'s Avatar
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    Kut - Dia good :
    Already one of the local companies in the city of Kut the execution of the rehabilitation of one government buildings and the creation of links Street building, which is located off the year on the road to Kut, Amarah for the seat of the College of Engineering from the University of Wasit and within the development project cost Territories (256) million dinars, and complete the work within two months .
    He called Mr. Lateef Hamed aside, Wasit governorate working on the project to the need to employ all efforts and capabilities in order to complete the work on schedule, according to the roof and within the specifications contained in the draft assignment aimed at securing appropriate atmosphere for students to pursue research and study to serve Iraq Aziz.
    Translated version of tid=20

    Please forgive me if the things im posting have been posted :P
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  5. #12995
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    Quote Originally Posted by iswtnot View Post
    on a scale 1-10 whats everyones thougths on it happening at that meeting

    im a 8
    Shouldn't you be doing this in the crazy thread?

  6. #12996
    Senior Investor $onedaysoon$'s Avatar
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    Mr. Hashem Al-Shebli, Iraq's Minister of Justice, the Chairman of the normalization of the situation in Kirkuk visit to the city on yesterday, Tuesday, where he met with a number of city officials.
    Mr. Al-Shebli said in a press conference held in Kirkuk (We know that the question of normalization of the situation is a difficult task, both in Kirkuk, the disputed areas and our main goal is to the truth and set the record straight with due impartiality and fairness).
    He pledged that ida (not the subject of any pressure by any party).
    After all, we wonder whether the Committee could normalization of the situation reflected what Mr. ida on the ground especially after he saw Mr. Al-Shebli himself what he has done to protect the Kirkuk governorate to the members of the Turkmen group in the province, where the number of personnel to protect the province of Kirkuk assault force and obscene words to the member of the Kirkuk Governorate Mr. Ali Mahdi Sadek, before the eyes of everyone, including Vbhm three ministers and governor of Kirkuk, which did nothing to calm the situation or to cool off the atmosphere, all this has happened after the lifting of Mr. Ali Mahdi wrote in a banner (denounce a policy of fait accompli in Kirkuk) where the sign torn by maintaining protection and prevented members of the Turkomen in the face of the Provincial His Excellency the Minister of Justice and members of the visiting delegation.
    Translated version of
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  7. #12997
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    Al financial »deferred salary increases. Deputies and the government response to the excesses support steps : Nasser Muhammad
    Mohammed Salman Khalaf and Khalil and Muhammad Al-Khalidi and Osama country :

    With threats of the Islamic Constitutional Movement for the interrogation of the Minister of Commerce and Industry Falah Al-Hajri, Minister of State for Municipal Affairs Abdullah Almahilbe against the background of several issues, including vouchers and industrial land owned by the state, The government started a new mechanism aimed at addressing the negative aspects raised about these vouchers in line with the lesson of BOT contracts in order to "provide a system of incentives and vouchers guaranteeing industrial and handicraft specialists by the end of this year», This comes with the steps called for a parliamentary approval to increase the salaries of the staff of 50 dinars to the contrary views of government in this regard.
    The survey informed sources told Al-Sharq Al Watan »," The new government in the vouchers industrial and agricultural supports and encourages specialization National Action », pointing out that "This mechanism will be adopted before the end of this year».
    The sources said that the government seeks to address any abuse young distributing vouchers in the past. as well as not to repeat the observations of the Court of Accounts on this side », pointing out that "This is an update mechanism to study the contracts executed by the BOT system».
    Translated version of
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  8. #12998
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    Next Tuesday the government allocate staff salaries to banks
    Mohamed Al-Khalidi :

    Finance Minister announced Moshari Badr Al-Humaidi said that the government will refer the salaries of staff at the banks next Tuesday, 17 of this month ».
    Al-Humaidi said in a statement to reporters, "The government decision comes early, regardless of salaries to meet the needs of citizens and residents, particularly Eid Al Fitr at the door».
    He added that coincided with the start of the academic year fasting month of Ramadan, led to the consumption of a large part of the family budget, That prompted the government to pay salaries before the scheduled date ».
    He expressed the hope that Al-Humaidi said that the resolution would contribute to ending the suffering of the families in this holy month is not particularly need them ».
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    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  9. #12999
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    London : It is not useful to talk about plans to partition Iraq

    The British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett yesterday, it does not support any plans to partition Iraq, saying : not useful to discuss such plans ». It added that : "There current Iraqi government is a government of national unity and we support and assistance» instead of talking about the plans for dividing the country. Beckett's statement came in a brief press conference, the first specialty of journalists from the Middle East in London since assuming office. In response to a question by Al-Sharq Al-Awsat », Beckett said the British plans for the future of Iraq : Al Our plan is to help Iraq to help himself », adding : Al would not be in Iraq forever, we must help the Iraqi government to help its people themselves ». They believed that the main problems in Iraq is Al security and insurance services to the Iraqi people, all linked to the issue of another ». In explaining the vision to the British foreign policy, stated that Beckett had whispered, the solution to the crisis in Darfur, which said it depends on the Al »mutual trust between the government of Sudan and the international community. And rejected the assumption that the interest in Darfur resulted from reports of the existence of oil fields in the region. it was possible that the region is witnessing genocide », and should not stop the world from preventable because of political views.

    Translated version of
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  10. #13000
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 12-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Ammar Hakim : Iraqis like every respect to Kuwait and its people and to respect the sovereignty

    The Secretary General of the martyr inner sanctuary for reporting the Islamic Ammar al-Aziz al-Hakim, "The unity of the position of the Iraqi people to respect the sovereignty of Kuwait», He pointed out that "for the people of Kuwait and the government respected and friendly and appreciation to the Iraqis».
    Hakim said in a meeting open Journalists Association yesterday evening, "The Iraqis do not have any hostility to Kuwait only Sadamiin, They Igizhm coexistence between Kuwait and Iraq », stressing the need for the two countries to Al more time to get rid of the surgeries last».
    In response to a question regarding the educational curricula in Iraq, which is considered Kuwait part of Iraq. Hakim explained, "The Baathists embody creed over the years of their rule in every word and every line of education», He said, "This requires intensive preparations and committees for a new vision and new approaches calls for coexistence between the two countries».
    In the internal Iraqi affair about Al-Hakim expressed optimism in reaching stability within Iraq, especially with the continuation of the meetings between the teams and all Iraqi sects », He pointed to "the difficulty of holding such meetings between communities and to agree on many points, especially in the periods that followed the fall of Saddam's regime».
    He said : "We are talking about positions on the ground, not the wishes and attitudes must evaluate all», stressing the need to bring Al Iraqi unity and not to exclude only one class, and should turn Iraq into a federal federal ».
    In response to a question on the agenda explosive addressed to the Iraqi people, Al-Hakim said, "each of harm to the Iraqis is a terrorist».
    He pointed to "decline in the number of martyrs falling in the criminal operations», He said that the number of martyrs six months before the times that number, in addition to the preparation of the martyrs during the rule of Saddam exceeded thousands of dead ».
    The wise media institutions to "investigate the accuracy and objectivity in reporting on Iraq», He said : "the media distinguish between the Iraqis, In some cases, called the murder weapon and resisting while another site is in the militia must disarmament them ».
    He stressed that any weapons outside the institution of governance is the militia and must work to disarm him », He explained that "This matter requires concerted efforts of all groups and communities with the Iraqi government».
    He said that the information a major role in controlling the situation in order to heal the rift and not deepen the gap », stressing the importance of Al biased these institutions to the Iraqi people not to a tyrant ».
    It was about Al-Hakim hope to increase the number of partnerships in the economic, investment and the complexity of common interests », he said, "This will change the format of the competition in Iraq compete for the violence to compete for investment and economic development, This will lead to creating opportunities for the establishment of security ».

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