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    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Iraqi oil agreements and participate in production
    12 / 10 / 2006
    Saudi homeland
    Ron Jacobs

    The price of gas in Iraq to 400%. Food prices rose to higher. The lives of Iraqis are not only difficult, but become unbearable.
    According to the American administration in Washington, and customers in the Iraqi government, the reason is due to inflation rather than other Iraqis, including the Iraqi government. Ask Washington and its clients in Baghdad, the inventor of all this misery? It Ijibounk resistance. Not occupying American forces responsible, and the Iraqis and their agents. And rampant corruption at all levels of government related to the occupation. More importantly, such conditions are not mandatory lifting of the unfair prices demanded by the International Monetary Fund, which plunged his hands Aloschtan is another in the quagmire of Iraq when a package of strict standards of austerity "to the people, not the government or the financiers Fund," Flash enthusiastically adopting expedited procedures for the privatization of all state institutions. The privatization must take place before they are at a later stage to place the Iraqi oil industry to the private sector.

    In the midst of growing hopes for executives in the major oil companies to achieve real coup in the Iraqi oil industry, The Deputy Prime Minister of Iraq investors that the Iraqi Parliament is currently working on a draft law granting legitimacy to the implementation of the "enormous investments" by the private sector.

    You can easily betting that there are large numbers of pigs of all nationalities, waiting to fill stomachs of this oil burner manger. You can also bet that the vast majority of these pigs will be one of the men of the oil Americans and mediators oil young Iraqis who are accustomed to the struggle for theft, looting and corruption are indifferent to moral considerations. without any account of any individual or organization.
    What you can Tinoa than what President George W. Bush when he addressed the American public opinion, saying : the reason lies in that inevitable "victory" of the United States in Iraq. so that it can not "terrorists" from the control of oil supplies? Do you think that the American Administration is another reason for the indifference to those numbers of soldiers who die in Iraq - oil? Is this reasonable cause to die a lot in order to win the prize of Iraqi oil?

    On Sunday, September 10, 2006, the Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister, Barham Salih group of the so-called "donor" Western "that did not transfer the oil investors, or if you prefer, low-Kharj "with Al-Kharj are the North American who diagnosed to the southern states, It is not with him in what eject, petition for personal profit following the American Civil War.

    Iraq will need to work with top international companies under production-sharing agreements, according to the "Group of social justice and environmental PLATFORM, the London-based, the production-sharing agreements are contracts between multinational oil companies and host governments. the company would provide the capital needed for investment, for control of the oil field, in addition to the large share of revenues field. "These contracts usually take between 25 to 40 years or forever. They include not just basic expressions in the language of the country, where they are described as the owner of the host government. The foreign company as a contractor or contracting. But despite the expressions of this language, the production-sharing agreements do not differ in terms of practice and implementation of the "old way of concession agreements" Furthermore, often these conventions include the so-called "stability paragraphs" that restrict future governments whatever form of a change or termination of the Convention.

    Exact details of the agreements oil, or conventions fruition in the West, and how will be shared production, More importantly, the profits are still vague until now not talking about one.
    However, the regime in Baghdad is supposed to be now on the verge of preparedness for a long-awaited new law on oil and oil products. This will allow the law "if they did not insist on the establishment of foreign companies" to invest huge funds in the Iraqi oil sector. Everyone is following the events in Iraq since the Gzth the United States knows that this law is not only to Tfrekha predated by the first civilian governor of dollars to Iraq in the post-Saddam Iraq. namely, Paul Bremer.

    The intention here is to assist the Iraqi masses. That, to fill the pockets of various politicians and businessmen at a time when Iraqis are the (essentially) the integration of oil companies, American and British force in the Iraqi oil sector. As indicated above, the privatization of the oil industry will be the final step in a series of moves aimed at the destruction of what remains of the foundations of the Iraqi economy and to the Iraqis by subsidies and support, and that made him one of the most prosperous countries in the Middle East before the end of the Iran-Iraq war and of the right of the American invasion in 1991 and penalties. The problem lies in the Washington political and military realities outside the Green Zone in Baghdad. The military leaders in the development of American Marines in Iraq, the administration in Washington the difficult position that the statements issued contradictory and sometimes conflicting, subsequently led to a series of denials, denials and explanations by the military because of the statements made in the summer of 2006 alleging that they do not have enough troops in Iraq to inflict defeat the resistance.

    We have been increasing the number of American military personnel to 147.000 within the past eight weeks. , Or an increase of 20.000 military since the end of July 2006 in spite of this, the leaders of Marines in Iraq are still reported to their superiors that they need at least 10 to 15 thousand additional troops in Anbar province alone. And then will be able to point virtual defeated the resistance.

    Increasing the size of forces along with lack of success (if not failure) of the United States and their clients to achieve any progress in the battle between them to end the insurgency terribly reminiscent of the years 1965-1968 in Vietnam, when the number of troops to the high levels reached 500.000 soldier in 1968 and the only thing shown by the American forces and the forces of South Vietnam of this increase rise in the number of casualties in its ranks. Here, I remember a wise saying : maximum stupidity that is doing the same thing again and again and expect different results.
    But, as long as the real American goal in Iraq linked to control of Iraq's oil resources, there will be an American military forces in this country, unless the price is, of course, an overwhelming military defeat, by force, or force to withdraw because of the opposition of intensive and coordinated within the United States. American citizens do not have an effective influence to prevent the first possibility, the second Vklh depends on us.

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #13012
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    Bush considers the increasing attacks in Iraq, the direct result of the effectiveness of American forces Sent to a friend
    12 / 10 / 2006
    Bush considers the increasing attacks in Iraq, the direct result of the effectiveness of American forces

    Washington-10 - 11 (KUNA) -- Former President George Bush today surge in violence and terrorism and the rise in the number of victims in Iraq finally "direct result" of the effectiveness of the American forces against terrorist groups there.

    Bush said at a press conference here that "the increasing attacks and the victims in Iraq due in part to the American forces to move effectively and meet the enemy in Baghdad and other parts of Iraq."

    He described the current political process in Iraq as "important" and will help the United States achieve its goals there. "

    He added : "The enemy in Iraq do everything it could to destroy the government and expelled from the Middle East, starting with Iraq prior to the completion of the required task."

    He thought that "in the event of abandonment of Iraq before the Iraqis are able to defend themselves and their democracy emerging, the terrorists control the prism of Iraq and the new safe haven for them to be able to launch new attacks on the United States."

    The categorical rejection of the American President to allow for the establishment of "a new terrorist state in the heart of the Middle East has huge reserves of oil can use to finance its ambitions, fundamentalist or cause economic damage the West."

    Bush acknowledged that the situation in Iraq "difficult doubt," he said, pointing out that just met with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and the commander of the multinational forces in Iraq, General George Phen.

    He said that the reason for the escalation of violence in Iraq is the "terrorists and former regime elements, criminals and sectarian militias," referring to the rise in the number of attacks and victims during the month of Ramadan, "This is happening in every Ramadan during the last three years."

    He explained that the American and Iraqi forces had clashed a few days ago with the illegal militias during a task to arrest the goal he described as "high-value" in a reference to the clashes which took place with the Mahdi Army of radical Shiite leader Muqtada al-Sadr finally confirming the success of the mission and the arrest of the person who described it as "manipulation Tula for the killing of many innocent Iraqis. "

    Bush said that the American forces intensified elements in the streets of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, and works closely with the Iraqi forces to ensure that terrorists and death squads from the threat of the local population and to carry out murder.

    On the other hand, President Bush praised the important developments in the Iraqi political landscape, pointing to the consensus reached by the Iraqi Parliament to deal with several issues including federalism and constitutional reform in addition to the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to take serious steps to build confidence in the government and forces Iraqi security.

    He said that al-Maliki announced a plan to bring the parties Sunni, Shiite and stop the sectarian violence endemic in the country, adding that the plan had the support of all the main political groups in Iraq, including some elements of Sunni fundamentalism, which chose not to participate in a government of national unity.

    The American President also attributed to the Al-Maliki announcing a new system for forming local committees, members of the Sunnis and Shiites to work directly with Iraqi security forces to stop sectarian violence and defuse tensions.

    He emphasized the significant role played by Iraqi Prime Minister in the fight against terrorist elements in the various regions and governorates during a meeting of several tribal leaders and a pledge to stand by them and help them in doing so.

    Bush pointed out that the government had stopped Maliki 8th Brigade of the 2nd in the police forces and the Iraqi national exempted from service following sizes of the unit, to intervene to stop the sectarian violence in areas around Baghdad, saying that procedure proof that the Iraqi government "is determined not to tolerate any penetration of the security forces Iraq by militias and sectarian purposes. "

    He stressed that the security and political process together will enable the United States to achieve its objective in Iraq and the goal of "enabling Iraq to govern themselves, to defend itself and become an ally in the war on terrorism."

    He said that "by helping Iraqis build a democracy, the United States Stdhar terrorists and extremists and planted hope in a troubled region and make the state safer

    The Reuters - The American President George Bush on Wednesday that he will always be ready to adopt new methods to quell violence in Iraq, but insisted that an early withdrawal strategy wrong.

    The two prominent in the Republican Party, are former Foreign Minister James Baker and John Warner Senator assessments of the situation in Iraq differed from the assessment of Bush.

    He said Warner Chairman of the Armed Forces Committee in the Senate after trip to Iraq that the situation there "is the adrift."

    Bush said in a press conference that he believed that the letter addressed to Warner is "whether the plan applied unsuccessful, we must adjust them."

    He added, "I fully agree with that."

    Baker, who was co-chair of the party said that there are independent alternatives to the "consistency on the road, precipitously withdraw."

    Bush said that he was keen to learn about the recommendations of the Baker expected to be issued after the seventh of November elections in November, but he added that the United States can not "leave before completing the task."

    A study prepared by the American and Iraqi experts in the field of health that about 655 thousand Iraqis died as a result of the invasion by the United States-led Iraq and the work The violence that has resulted from it. But Bush said in a press conference that he did not think that this estimate enjoy credibility. "

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #13013
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    The United States announced its intention to maintain the level of its forces in Iraq until 2010
    12 / 10 / 2006
    The United States announced its intention to maintain the level of its forces in Iraq until 2010

    Washington-10 - 11 (KUNA) -- A U.S. military official today's high-ranking American army to maintain the current level of many forces in Iraq until 2010.

    He said the American Army Chief of Staff General Peter Schumacher in a statement to reporters that "troop levels may be amended in accordance with the existing conditions in Iraq", saying it was easier to reduce the number of troops rather than the deployment of additional forces at the last moment.

    He added that that is not "in anticipation that things will improve or worsen in Iraq," but is a part of the preparations for the implementation of the tasks there until needed.

    Spreads in Iraq is currently about 141 thousand troops, including 120 thousand American troops divided on the 15 combat and support units.

    The commander of the Central American Central Command John Abizaid had announced last week that the American army would maintain the current level of troops, many more soldiers through next spring .
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 12-10-2006 at 03:25 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  4. #13014
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    American forces protect Iraqi ministers after a previously awarded
    12 / 10 / 2006
    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi authorities said that the American forces and Iraqi ministers quoted a former American nationality of a court in Baghdad on Wednesday after he was sentenced for two years on charges of waste of public money.

    Officials said that the troops moved hastily whichever Samurai served in the first Iraqi government after the war led by interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi from the courtroom after expressing fears for his life.

    He said al-Samarra'i, a former electricity minister detained in Iraq since he was arrested on charges of financial and administrative corruption in August, told Reuters earlier that under the protection of America and that he is a victim of political conspiracy by the government led by Shiites.

    Skinner said the spokesman for the Iraqi government to the government of Shiite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki demanded the return of al-Samarra'i, the Americans agreed to do so.

    The issue could be politically embarrassing for Washington, which has repeatedly affirmed the independence of the judiciary and the rule of the Iraqi government.

    Skinner said that the Samurai was under American protection in the fortified Green Zone in central Baghdad, which includes the headquarters of the American embassy and the Iraqi government.

    But he refused to say whether the former minister inside the embassy as-Samarra'i said earlier on Wednesday.

    Skinner added that the strength of American taken from the court since they believed that it should be placed under protection to ensure safety until he is transferred to a prison security to spend the period of his sentence.

    The American embassy refused to make official statements on the issue.

    He said if Ventor spokesman for the embassy told Reuters "American federal law prevents us from providing information on the American citizen."

    The legislator protested morning Saadi of the Shiite coalition forces on what he described as American interference in the judiciary and said that the Iraqi government must take steps to prevent the Samurai out of the country.

    He described the Samurai as his conviction was politically motivated and said he feared for his life, pointing out that, if left killed within minutes.

    He said al-Samarra'i, who spent years in exile in the United States that he is a victim because of his opposition to the Iranian influence in Iraq and the Shiite militia which received by the charge of killing hundreds of the year.

    But speaking on behalf of the Office of public integrity, a governmental body investigate corruption Iraqi ministries denied the presence of any political motive in the case.

    He said that the Court heard the witnesses and evidence have pointed out that six issues facing financial and administrative corruption, and this is one of them is expected appearance before the court again within a few days ago in another case.

    Details of the case were not clear. Samurai not only says that he was accused of squandering public money to buy a generator price of 200 thousand dollars to the suburb of the capital city of Amarah in Maysan Governorate.

    The corruption prevails at all levels of government and cost the country billions of dollars and announced that combat-Maliki of the priorities of his government.

    On Sunday, the Iraqi Parliament voted to lift the immunity of a Sunni legislator Algbori paper, which accused him of corruption investigators in the looting of millions of dollars during his responsibility to protect the oil pipeline in the north.

    Al-Jabouri said that the accusations as fabricated by the government in retaliation for his opposition to Iranian influence in the country
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 12-10-2006 at 03:26 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  5. #13015
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    Iraqi Parliament approving the formation of regions and will discuss amending the constitution
    12 / 10 / 2006
    Baghdad (AFP) - The Iraqi Parliament Wednesday the formation of regions, which is refuted by Sunni Arabs because of fears of the division of the country at a meeting boycotted by Sadri trend, the Virtue Party, and they are two of the parties a list of the Shiite coalition, as well as Vice Sunni Arabs.

    Parliament began immediately after the law passed Tkshil Non research article of the constitution allows for the consideration of the materials opposed by many Arabs in the Constitution.

    The Parliament approved unanimously by the deputies present, 140 out of 275 draft bill submitted unified Shiite coalition headed by Abdel-Aziz al-Hakim, the support of the Kurdistan Alliance (52 deputies).

    It was interesting trend province Sadri (30 deputies) and Virtue (15 deputies), and they are two of the parties to the Shiite coalition list (128 representatives) to the meeting as well as Vice Sunni Arabs in the Accord Front (44 deputies) and the National Dialogue Front (11 deputies).

    But the participation of deputies of the list of "Iraq" (25 deputies) secular trend, led by former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi form of a surprise as the "touchstone" in terms of tilting activists or present.

    It should be noted that the number of votes needed for the bill becomes law is the present half-plus-one majority by any Albusteh.

    And a simple calculation process shows that the participation of the list of Allawi led to a quorum of the meeting and half the total number of deputies, plus any one of 138 deputies. It was not possible to obtain amid a boycott of two Shi'ite and Sunni Arab parties.

    The Parliament last week completed the second reading of the draft law submitted by the coalition amid pressure Hakim repeatedly claiming "the territory of the center and south" means "prevent a return to dictatorship." The meeting saw several interventions and discussions between the various parties.

    The error Iraq two weeks ago, the first step towards the adoption of a bill in Parliament endorses the principle of federalism demanded by the Kurds and the majority Shiites and leaders oppose the Sunni Arabs fear that the introduction of the division. The law becomes "the mechanisms and procedures for the formation of regions" effect 18 months after approval in Parliament.

    Meanwhile, the leader of the Shiite coalition list of Abdel-Aziz al-Hakim, said during a press conference that "the Iraqi people who decide not one to impose its will by the law of a unified Iraq is not divided and there may be a ten regions or three people decide."

    For his part, Deputy Salman Jumaili member Accord Front (Sunni), "opposing this law and regard it as a ready-made division of Time inappropriate and the House used illegal methods to pass." He accused the "leaders of the political blocs Exercise intellectual terrorism on their deputies to force them to attend today's vote."

    Chairman of the Board, did not attend Mahmoud Almshahadani (Accord Front) meeting chaired by the first deputy Sheikh Khalid al-Attiyah (Independent coalition consolidated). Al-Attiya said immediately after the completion of the vote that the Council would discuss Article No. 142 of the Constitution.

    The recently formed a committee to review the constitution will be discussed about 20 items one after the other to keep the items incurable until the last stage of its term which was one year.

    It should be noted that Article No. 142 parties insisted that the Sunni Arabs to include in the draft constitution calls for the formation of a committee to review the constitution after the legislative elections, as stipulated in Article 118 of the principle of the "right" of the formation of regions and provinces.

    Materials to be discussed is the identity of the state and its form whether or not federal, as well as in terms of the powers of the federal regions and the distribution of wealth and water resources and the issue of abolishing the Baath Party.

    The parliamentary source said that "all of these materials can be modified only by mutual agreement within the Committee, consisting of 27 members."

    The committee was set up as follows : 12 members of the coalition and five from the Kurdistan Alliance and four members of the Accord Front and the three components, two of the list and one of the Iraqi National Dialogue Front.

    The source went on to say that "what was agreed upon in the Commission of an amendment will be presented to the House of Representatives for a vote in the event of ratification, there will be a popular referendum on the article, which was voting in the Council."
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 12-10-2006 at 03:26 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #13016
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    Default a cautious word

    as we all know we are close enough to taste this. However, I want to remind people that until either the CBI exchange rate shows a new rate, or the FX shows a new rate we will not hear about a revalue. WE (us investors) may be small fish in a big ocean....BUT everyone of us would run to the bank and get more dinar. Maybe I am wrong and they don't care if we pick up a few more million,

  7. #13017
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    Lightbulb True!

    Quote Originally Posted by jsfletcher View Post
    as we all know we are close enough to taste this. However, I want to remind people that until either the CBI exchange rate shows a new rate, or the FX shows a new rate we will not hear about a revalue. WE (us investors) may be small fish in a big ocean....BUT everyone of us would run to the bank and get more dinar. Maybe I am wrong and they don't care if we pick up a few more million,

    I'm sure the exchange would be adjusted before any announcement! That is why we are now on suicide watch! Cause it could happen at any moment! That would be between now and I would guess 10/24/2006!

    Last edited by goldraker; 12-10-2006 at 03:24 AM.

  8. #13018
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsfletcher View Post
    This is from Roger at T&B he really seem slike he has is stuff together, I think this is a great read......................................

    Roger wrote:

    ... I say check back on that around Chirstmas time, and you should see quite a bit of trucks and equipment, moving around, lot of work lights being lit in the desert, and a bit noisy out there.

    So we have Christmans, or New Years, thereabouts, when Iraq should per plan be in a condition of having the bigger debts taken care of, and the foregin oil investors being in full swing.



    Remeber that WHEN it happens, this will not be a mark in time, when the Dinars have "done it's thing" , this will only be the time when the actuall Dinar race begins.

    THAT will be the game, where you sit and watch , consider holding or selling, se it go up, and down , hold it for a bit more, see it go up again, and so on. You might want to cash in when it is in anohter range, but it might be plateuing in still another range. That's the REAL Dinar game.

    Right now we're just sitting with our race cars in the pit, waiting for the rain to stop and the officials can start the race.
    if roger wants to save iraq he better turn his timepiece up a little faster. inflation in the month of august jumped from 52% to 70% and it isnt dropping since. IRAQ CANT RECOVER ECONOMICALLY WITHOUT FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND THEY CANT HAVE FOREIGN INVESTMENT FOR .00068 OF A DOLLAR. AT THAT RATE THEY WOULDNT RECOVER A CUP OF COFFEE.

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #13019
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    were sooo close i can taste it weeeeeeeeee wooooooootoootottt

  10. #13020
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by worf View Post
    I don't know about you guys but just running the numbers in my head the amount of dinars the govt has announced they are going to spend would have to amount to trillions based on the current value of the dinar. 300 billion for this 300 billion for that etc. Before long you are into trillions and trillions of dinars. Therefore I hope that they are keeping a 2nd set of books with the r/v'd amount or else their numbers are going to far exceed their dinars in circulation which would cause them to have to reprint more dinars. I thought our govt spending was out of control. Has anyone kept count of all the announced plans they have been putting out lately? It is huge so I hope that they are working with 2 sets of books and have international backing to subsidize their spending.

    each one of those figures is not quoted in dinar. some are quoted in usd amounts. if it has a dollar sign in front of it $ they are talking about usd.

    read those amounts of oil they get out of the ground DAILY and take the gross figures for that from their documents and you will see how they are paying for things.

    why wont this work instead of revaluing the dinar? because their currency IN COUNTRY is dinar. when you are dealing with foreign imports you can pay for those things in dollars very easily. when you are dealing with intranational spending you are talkin about dinar in the case with iraq. dinar is how their economy circulates and what inflation is based on mainly.

    watch the articles and dont count the dollar figures in dinar calculations

    franny, were almost there!!

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