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  1. #13061
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    The first political : The House agrees to the formation of regions in the absence of consensus, chest and Virtue

    Hakim : Adoption of the project a big victory for the Iraqi people
    Samaha welcomed Mr. Abdul-Aziz al-Hakim, head of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution with the consent of the House of Representatives approved a bill to the formation of regions, The council had voted in favor of the law in its yesterday amid the absence of majority members Accord Front and mass chest, the Virtue Party and the Front bloc dialogue and reconciliation and liberation.
    Mr. Hakim said in a press conference held after the meeting of the House of Representatives : The Iraqi people is the formation of regions when it approved the Iraqi Constitution, stressing that the approval of the draft of the Territories is one of the most significant projects that serve the interests of the Iraqi people.
    He pointed out that those who say : The formation of regions is the division of Iraq which is a wrong and unjust hope to understand this law as the project unites Iraqis, noting that the simplest example is the territory of Kurdistan, as after the region was not linked to the Iraqi body since 1990 is now largely united. The head of the Supreme Council that there are more than 40 countries in the world apply federal, Wondering where the error, especially that most of these countries are highly developed nations.
    And the number of regions that are expected formed Al-Hakim said it was the right of each province formed the territory until now, there has vision of a number of Non She can be two or three or five or more, and this should be left to the Iraqi people to decide, stressing that it is wrong to say : that Iraq will be divided according to three regions was nationalistic or sectarian.
    He continued that trend, Mr. Hakim Sadri, the Virtue Party did not reject federalism, but they have certain views defectors have more than once, He added that all the components of the United Iraqi Alliance agreed to seven demands for the formation of the center and south.
    Regarding the position of Accord Front said Hakim, we sat more than once and agreed on most points, but we are surprised by the position.
    The members of the House of Representatives discussed the formation of regions in the form of paragraphs, as was the debate and vote on each individual paragraph and then vote on the law, which includes 14 full paragraph and got the majority of the votes with 140 members
    جريدة الصباح - مجلس النواب يوافق على قانون تشكيل الأقاليم بغياب التوافق والصدرية والفضيلة

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  2. #13062
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    The first political Appeals : continuous renewal leave broadcast on Iraqi satellite channel Al-Fayha'a

    Officials in the UAE
    Baghdad-Khalid Qattan
    Suspended Dubai Media City broadcast satellite television channel Faha at exactly two years of midnight 2006 / September 10 for failure to get official approval to renew the license for broadcasting channel Like other satellites, which broadcasts from within the United Arab Emirates.
    Intellectuals and the world that this resolution is tantamount to an order to close down this channel and expulsion from the occupied Arab Emirates, stressing that the Iraqi Fayhaa channel media platform is the free and genuine all segments of the Iraqi people, It is the closest to the concerns of Iraqis and more keen to deliver voice and problems to the officials.
    They appealed to officials in the United Arab Emirates to renew leave broadcasting of this channel, their lack of that at the present time the Iraqis will lose whatever media platform does not compensate singled out by offering the Iraqi concerns.
    He said Hadi Nasser-press / that the decision not to renew the license Iraqi Fayhaa channel broadcasting is a kind of abuse and the denial of free media platform broadcasting and communication with the Iraqi people and Arab looking for free information sincere and real news. Nasser added that the most important reasons for the closure Fayhaa channel is in arrears with the issue of the Iraqi people continue to sing, which analyzes political scenes and place it before the real picture of the tragic events in Iraq and its people, his appeal is directed to the officials in the United Arab Emirates to renew leave broadcast Fayhaa channel and allowed to broadcast its programs.
    It is believed Hamed Hassan Srmek-writer, university professor / decision Dubai Media City not to renew the license for satellite transmission Iraqi Fayhaa channel is to close down this channel and expulsion from the occupied Arab Emirates, He added that this will have a negative impact on media freedom and stifle the floor, which are supposed to be accessible to everyone, He appealed to the Emirates government to allow the return of Fayhaa channel broadcast, because they represent the true voice of the Iraqi people, who have suffered the scourge and tragedies during the former dictatorship, In the opinion as a means balanced information to meet ambitious scenes in the Iraqi follow the events taking place on the Iraqi arena, as well as broadcasting balanced political analysis that gives a clear vision of the Iraqi and Arab viewers what is happening in Iraq from the hot events.
    He said the Khsabbak-poet and media / that are not allowed to broadcast its programs Fayhaa channel from the occupied Arab Emirates is unjust decision against this channel, that still has its place in the hearts of many Iraqis. , which represent the moderate line and the media to provide balanced information material, and standing on the side of right and the erosion positions trying to attack Iraqi unity and inspire sectarian defense of the one people. He added that the restrictions and obstacles to the unacceptable situation of the media in times of democracy and openness, calling Dubai Media City to retreat from its position, and to allow Fayhaa channel to broadcast its programs and the delivery of voice to large segments of Arab society continue to work free media, which badly needs a mechanism Iraqi and Arab citizens, who have suffered injustice, marginalization and disregard for decades.
    According to Mohamed Jassim-plastic artists / that this decision came against the background of possibly suspicious and the recommendations of the incitement of others, trying to silence the Fayhaa channel, which could in a short period of time to attract large segments of the Iraqi society. , in which they were found as the closest to the concerns of rights of the Iraqi people, The free forum for the presentation of the problems and concerns of the Iraqis to present a neutral, objective and distant from each Almahassat, currents, parties, It is believed that the officials in the Emirates government to consider the issue of non-renewal leave Iraqi Fayhaa channel broadcast from the perspective of another one underlines the fact that freedom of media and start imperative that there not be any restrictions on the media and their presence means the offender among the masses.
    He said Mohamed Hussein Fartosi-media there is no clear justification for not allowing for the renewal of the Iraqi Fayhaa channel leave broadcast from the occupied Arab Emirates this channel, which proved to be the voice of the Iraqi brothers through the broadcast of programs, news and objective balancing rarely found in other Arab satellite channels.
    He added there may be hidden hands behind this issue, which tantamount to restricting the freedom of the press, prevention means of delivering information voice to the Iraqi citizens and Arab anxious to follow the events through the media platform free and impartial and that it represents Fayhaa channel.
    جريدة الصباح - نداءات متواصلة بتجديد إجازة بث قناة الفيحاء الفضائية العراقية

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  3. #13063
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    There is a report on IIF that the FIL will be operative within a month

  4. #13064
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    The first political : Draft law on parties

    The second section of the draft text of the proposal
    Attorney-Tariq war *
    * President of the Iraqi legal culture
    After having spoken in the past about some of the priorities of the parties, we cite the proposed texts of the project, which will accept cash and criticism and slander and praise as it is the opinion of the opinion of the remarks of opinion are wrong in Xian and reasoning and judgment to Aingh kind :
    Article 1 :
    First : Party political organization with corporate personality consists of an agreement between the natural persons brought together by common principles and objectives similar and Platform specific undeclared work through peaceful democratic means legitimate according to the Constitution and the law.
    Second : each Iraqi citizen the right to found a party and belonging to it and withdraw from it in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
    Third : party acts according to the traditions and practices of democracy and the election is the only way to choose their leaders.
    Fourth : it may not setting up a party on the basis of racism Awalarhab penance or ethnic or sectarian We should not by the party on the basis of national, religious or sectarian.
    Fifth : the party may not have any relationship with the armed force or armed or semi organization depends terrorism or violence.
    Sixth : must be the principles and objectives of the party and platforms clear and declared in compliance with the provisions of the Constitution and the law, including the independence and territorial integrity of Iraq, its sovereignty and the respect for human rights and his obligations under international conventions and agreements.
    Article 2
    First : The request to the Office of the establishment of the Independent Electoral Commission signed by the founding members who are no less than five thousand Iraqi fewer Omar from each year and the 30th Would he ruled felony or a crime against the honor.
    Second : Attach a request Mayati Foundation :
    (1) The biography of the person, which includes name, title and profession and residence and a synopsis of his life.
    (2) each certificate of Iraqi nationality founder.
    (3) the name and the Beijing party and its rules of procedure.
    (4) the President of the party headquarters and its branches.
    Article 3 : - should include the rules of procedure of the party Mayati :
    First : the name and emblem of the party not to take the party name and the slogan of another party, and that does not contain a name or emblem of the personality Aurmz religious Aumdi Auqumi Awaskari.
    Second : the principles and objectives of the party and his adopted.
    Third : Alentzimi composition of the Party
    Fourth : The conditions of membership and the membership
    Fifth : scheduling party elections and the rules of this election
    Sixth : financial resources, contributions and method of disposal
    Seventh : how to amend the party platform and rules of procedure
    Eighth : Party represents the legally
    Ninth : the fate of the party in the solution.
    Article 4 : UNHCR's request for amendments to the establishment and the rules of procedure if not approved provisions of this Act and the establishment of asylum-needed adjustment.
    Article 5 :
    First : take the foundation found in the UNHCR and the Council of Commissioners will take action on the request and the decision of the reasons for denial.
    Second : The UNHCR had obtained the consent of the party establishment if it will request within thirty days from the date of incorporation has requested the meetings of the Board of Commissioners.
    Third : the appeal of the founders not to accept the request of incorporation and the rejection of the Board of Medicine to court.
    Article 6 : -
    First : get the party to the legal personality after the approval of the Commissioners Obeid acquisition of the court's judgment becomes final.
    Second : Party activity after the publication of incorporation leave granted by the UNHCR in the Official Gazette and published its rules of procedure in the local daily newspapers.
    Third : the party must take a provincial headquarters for him and the party the right to open branches in administrative units.
    Fourth : the wrongdoing of the party to open offices in all government departments.
    Article 7 : -
    First : require anyone wishing to join the party of Iraqi nationality and eligibility Kamal and eight years of age and not convicted of a felony or a crime against the honor, and before the rules in writing.
    Second : It is necessary not to accept the party who does not satisfy the conditions and the dismissal in case of acceptance.
    Article 8 : -
    First : it may join more than one party at the same time, the violator is punishable by dismissal from the parties that joined them.
    Second : A party to merge with another party in accordance with the provisions of the rules of procedure. The application integration of the legal representatives of the parties that wish to merge, provided the legal requirements in the new party.
    Third : the procedures of founding a new party in the merger of parties and the establishment of one party.
    Article 9 of the party News UNHCR any change in the rules of procedure or its Platform Aoukiadth within ten days from the date of the change to gain legal status change.
    Article 10
    First : banning party possession and possession of weapons in violation of the law or take the form of currency composition, or a military or semi-military organization, values the relationship with these bodies.
    Second : prohibiting party incitement to violence or terrorism Aummarsthma, the offender shall be liable to the penalty prescribed by law.
    Third : prohibiting the party conducting any political activity within the state,
    Fourth : banning party admission judges, the public prosecution and the military and internal security forces and special laws to prevent political action.
    Fifth : prohibits sending funds to the party Aumsadat out of Iraq Aoukpol Aumsadat funds from abroad unless the Council of Ministers.
    Article-11 -
    The party adopted a number of records of the register of members record information for members and the decisions of the party and the private accounts, income and expenditure and the assets of the party and any other records.
    Article 12 of the financial Party :
    First : State's annual grant by the House and not of the party that has not happened is equivalent to half the number of votes scheduled for winning in the elections the right to the grant.
    Second : Contributions and donations approval of this law.
    Third : Mention of the media.
    Fourth : the activities of other legal party.
    Article-13 -
    First :-party assets deposited cash in a bank.
    Second : it may dispose of the funds in the party, in accordance with the law and the rules of procedure.
    Third : the accounts are subject to the scrutiny of the Office of Financial Supervision and Administration submit an annual report to the House and the Office of the Auditor.
    - Article 14-member loses membership in the party at the time of death, resignation or loss of one of the conditions prescribed by the law or dismissal from the party, according to the rules of procedure.
    Article-15 -
    First : Party dissolve itself according to the rules of procedure.
    Second : Office of the solution when the party violates the provisions of the law.
    Third : the party's appeal in the decision in court.
    Fourth : the party dissolved by law if there is a large split in it.
    Pending the decision of the judiciary to determine the legitimacy of the party.
    Fifth : devolve funds to the party dissolved the Ministry of Finance.
    Article 16--
    The existing parties or Zaha legal consistent with the provisions of this law during the four months from the date of entry into force of the law.
    Article 17--
    First : cancel the Political Parties Act No. (30) of 1991 and CPA order 97 in the June 15, 2004
    Second : the Office of the issuance of instructions to facilitate the implementation of this law.
    Third : To implement this law from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
    Giving effect to the provisions of the new Constitution, which declared freedom of opinion and expression and the freedom to establish political parties announced, join and withdraw and to create rules governing the functioning of political parties so as to match the new democratic system and the enactment of a new law of the House of Representatives instead of a coalition authority. This law was initiated.
    جريدة الصباح - مشــروع قانــون الأحــزاب

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  5. #13065
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    The first political : Consumers. For how long will it remain at the mercy of market fluctuations?

    After the failure of the experience of pricing.
    Baghdad Bashir Khaz'al
    Many complain of low-income phenomenon of the rise in prices of fruits and vegetables, wondering about the reasons behind it, especially since this is an agricultural products mainly in the daily diet of the people. The trade sector fruits and vegetables had witnessed the experience of (pricing), which lasted fifteen years and ended in failure.
    Some underscores the difficulty of pricing these materials as it is not compatible with the laws of free trade. With others blame the farmer and the office in Aloh. I wonder whether an outcome and knows the reasons for the rise in the prices of fruits and vegetables, for example, if you tour between Allawi and agricultural departments specialized?.
    In "Aloh" everything seems at first glance fundamentalist Valbdhah put up large quantities But it is clear that each vendor set of Bakalin accustomed to buying it.
    And even if delayed their attendance to Aloh he knows what they want and get the quota reserved for them once attended. Aloh divided into a series of offices, which include all of them, selling or "Aloji" In the front of each painting refers to the daily price change some figures after the middle of the day sometimes.
    Says Mr. Hadi Srih's Office for the sale of fruits and vegetables :
    Subject-market prices to supply and demand and depending on the type and quality of the crop, His Aloh take grocer price of the crop as "Stock Exchange" for the day if the quantity of tomato few example, if the price and increased the value of the crop price, as well as for other kinds of vegetables, which depend on the same economic base associated with the principle of supply and demand.
    Another phenomenon may not unnoticed by unrelated to the profession that is the phenomenon of weight manipulation. As long as we keep silent grocer He knows when to buy the goods that the writer has added two kilograms to the weight of the real article, he knows deep inside that he recovers from citizens through increased pricing. Valbaea always trying to sell the highest price and steals in weight from the grocer to the satisfaction of the farmer against farmer's commitment to this market place and the seller over the granting of the seller a percentage of return on sales of 4% added to the sales commission and the satisfaction of the grocer procurement as the prices set by the vendors he wants to turn the satisfaction of the seller does not lose Alaght e with him, because he lost in the case of his relationship with the seller, it means that he has lost good products and rare.
    * There is talk about the manipulation of prices. Who sets the price usually is responsible unstable? We asked Hadi Sereh, he answered :
    Farmer - is the reason the President in the current price manipulation and unstable to a certain extent it is selling as the mood and even if the conditions stable, or sometimes to calm somewhat, it is trying to fabricate excuses to increase the price of the crop and before completing Hadi drove his record preserves the names of farmers who deal with him and he indicates the name purchase of saying : for those already provided financial assistance for the purchase of seeds and fertilizers and gave them bags and the amount to millions of dinars However, some sell at his ranch in the singular, and others sell to others higher than the price agreed upon in principle, When I see him in Alloh and ask him about the fate of the crop has been adversely affected or say I Bath and I am now the guest of the crop, and I am not for sale. How I was controlling the peasants after that. Sometimes the grocer agreed with the farmer to buy the entire quantity of the highest price and tell me Take the 4% net and clamored for permission to live in market anarchy because of the absence of a mechanism for the deal and the responsibilities that contribute somewhat to the stability of the market to a certain extent, The exploitation and extortion commonplace daily and is the only aggrieved citizen, and not any other person of dealers in the market and I am one of them, We all reject the loss.
    The Iraqi export product
    Karim Khanjar-grocer-spoke to us about the reasons for the high prices of fruits and vegetables as seen, and he said : accustomed as no surprise that prices in the daily price Aloh Every day, depending on the nature and extent of the security situation or the availability of fuel scarcity in addition to the mood of the peasant sector and the office, modalities to raise prices, millennium has become more than an outlet for the export of their goods across the border, which is not only cost some simple procedures and the sale price is better than the price of the local market. Worse still, some owners of offices and farmers turned to contractors to flood the market with imported oil and emptying them of the local crop and benefit from the quality and the quality of local crops and the imposition of the price difference to exporters to the local market.
    * What is meant by the difference in price on exporters and how to deal with it?
    - Some owners of offices and trading crops local farmers to neighboring countries for lack of many types of fruits and vegetables which can be cultivated in those countries, for example, the sale of these fruit sophistication (Abu big pill) to the Gulf States. and to Syria, in turn import their program named (watermelon Egyptian), who is originally from seed production to lower-quality foreign products and the quality of the Iraqi program, When a sale of the product in the domestic price of their wares to take "watermelon" Egyptian plus quality teams and quality of the Iraqi paper.
    * Are there other crops - program to be issued, of which have an impact on the local market?
    - Most crops that are exported to overseas Iraqi fruit such as oranges, lemon, pomegranate, and prosperity, The melons and vegetables are tomato, potatoes, cucumbers. Observers of the market noted undoubtedly orange disappearance of the Iraqi market in the last season, while dumped imported orange trees, as well as lemon.
    * The fact that you are competent to sell fruits and vegetables and direct contact with citizens about the impact of high prices of agricultural products on the living situation of citizens, especially in the stage in which we live?
    - Because of the current security situation in the country and the lack of control over border crossings and the lack of a mechanism to regulate the marketing and sale by the Ministry of Agriculture, leaving things to the chaos and traded people's food, the prices will continue to rise gradually and lasting and even in the case of non-availability or shortage of this crop, or that it crashes to the price can not go below it, but could rise to the highest price in the case of scarce or lacking in the local markets. This, of course, have a great impact on citizens and especially those of limited income or ordinary people engaged in acts do not come good financial returns for themselves and their families.
    Pricing loss to the community
    Dr. Jamil Skinner, an economist in the Ministry of Agriculture :
    - Fruits and vegetables from the clamor difficult it is subject to the principle of supply and demand phrase any other commodity, the materials are not the monopoly of smuggling and perishable materials, The experience for 15 years in price since the mid-1970s has proved a failure, and the current market for the best farmer and the consumer.
    But the policy of dumping the local market imported crops and the lack of product Iraqi led to the rise in prices and the burden on the citizens in these difficult circumstances, What do you say?
    - In both cases, pricing loss to the community, because it is difficult to put quotation is the fact balance in the demand or real balance of supply and whether it should be in this situation that I daresay production beyond the village in Zakho and beyond the village in Basra, Why produce and what the quality and quantity of production and this can within the means available. Add to this the problems associated with the pricing of fruits and vegetables accompanied by the scarcity or sold in the shadows or restricted the sale of hotels, restaurants and the reluctance of farmers for the production of various crops and other problems in the experiment, which we knew 15 years ago.
    Q : So what is best in your opinion, pricing or leave the market to the principle of supply and demand?
    - Pricing abolished in 1996, and the strange thing is that the pricing is a request to cancel and that person is me personally! After the Iraqi experience has proved its failure in this area and because the Iraqi market is moving towards free trade or entry in the World Trade Organization, the principle of pricing is not consistent with the laws of free trade. I believe that the principle of supply and demand at the present time best seller and the consumer in terms of impact, positively or negatively, in terms of higher and lower prices, depending on the availability of the article or scarce.
    Q : What role and the role of the Ministry of Agriculture?
    - Now is for the Ministry of Agriculture had no role in the wholesale markets "Allawi" because ownership has been given to the Secretariat of Baghdad since 1986 and became responsible for the organization and management of these markets to the private sector. In addition, there are markets of the General Union of cooperation is responsible for letting the organization and method of work within.
    The Weird!
    Dr. Abdul Hakim, the official agricultural economy in the ministry, speaking on the pricing of agricultural crops, saying :
    - We are responsible for only priced cereal crops such as wheat, barley, a high sun flower oil and grain maize as we buy at subsidized by the state. Play the role of mediator between the farmer and the Ministry of Agriculture in addition to what is provided by the State of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and seeds to farmers at subsidized prices.
    Q : What about the rest of agricultural crops such as fruits and vegetables?
    - When they were lifting the price of fruits and vegetables in the 1990s, the ministry did not intervene in the matter and is still the case until now because the country was moving toward a market economy have become members of the WTO, these conditions have to halt the state's intervention in the market. Nevertheless, we support the agricultural inputs such as machinery and equipment, but, alas, many of these goods were not supported in the agricultural production but go to trade in markets example : machine agriculture for farmers sold the vegetables at 10 million dinars carry farmer in turn sell them on the market at a price of 20 or 25 million dinars and merchant in turn sell them abroad at a price 30 or 35 million dinars since the price is already abroad is 40 million dinars. Thus, for the rest of the equipment and machinery used in agriculture Vosalena result is that we support the finished product, this now only applies to cereal crops example wheat bought at a very high from the farmer and we sell them cheaply in the ration card as well as maize bought at a high price and sold the vegetables together for Mel poultry production cheaply as background material in the production of fodder "Alika" As for fruit crops and vegetables matter confined to fertilizers, seeds, which are sold at subsidized prices to farmers with the quota as fixed amount of land cultivated and leave the determination of the prices of the principle of supply and demand imposed by the market. and I think that the issue of determining the prices of fruit and vegetables, or a specific mechanism for the marketing process is difficult and unsuccessful at the present time Experience has shown previous failure in spite of the different conditions than today's.
    * Will the price continues to increase in light of the principle of supply and demand?
    - Because of the current circumstances experienced by the country of electricity blackouts and the scarcity of fuel and security conditions inappropriate, It is natural that there be a rise in prices and instability in the local market. eight production and marketing process needs to hand Organization even though subject to the principle of supply and demand in order not to become a citizen at the mercy of the producer or seller of the product and feels that it has a responsibility in facilitating the process of production. to ensure the safety and quality of production through the provision of some of the requirements necessary for this process and this in turn helps to stabilize prices in the markets to a certain extent and relatively stable, may be subject to the rise and the slight decline does not affect the consumer unlike the ongoing process at the present time.
    Engineer Jassim Mohammed Hashemi agricultural Guide in the Ministry of Agriculture talked about the price policy of agricultural commodities in Iraq, saying :
    - Is the vital link between pricing and marketed consumer and producer of agricultural commodities, we did not find, at any time, it might be priced absolute disparity in prices during periods of seasonal production in the production of any agricultural commodity, with the emergence of certain discrepancies in the prices sometimes even during the day between the morning and evening. This disparity reflects the nature of agricultural commodity and Psychotropic many affected by what is happening change in the specifications, One of these psychotropic appropriate harvesting and packages prepared for the transfer of agricultural commodity as well as the means of agricultural commodities in the market and these effects may be positive for the consumer, especially when the price reduction and a negative input at the market forced the seller to sell the product concerned to avoid damage suffered a bigger loss in all cases va n pricing system that restricted market can bring to the reduction of prices, but we have encountered in the 1980s has been imprisoned more than (170) A single trader of agricultural commodities because of the sale price to be outside, it commodity and factors affecting supply, which justifies the format specifications defined mainly to the exchange rate, There is another effective interaction demand and supply of agricultural commodities may be flexible supply at certain times, but the demand with the price is flexible and is due to the level of consumer income and weather conditions, taste and professional life, customs and traditions, and others.
    * Consumer and producer and marketed. Whichever is more benefit from the liberalization of agricultural commodity?
    - If the prices linked to cost of production of agricultural commodity means the total cost of production plus the cost of the market and marketing services, excluding profit if any, this association in the cost price, which contains acceptable profit margin and Assistant to develop production and improve the standard of living of the product and marketed And the consumer drives the economy of the community toward growth and prosperity and economic and social well-being, An important factor helping to free agricultural commodity pricing of assessments or to be determined by market demand factors and supply factors and that the important factor is summarized information marketing, This information is great impact on the production, marketing and consumption of agricultural commodities as the producer obtains information which found local prices for agricultural commodities, which helped him to take important decisions in the organization of farm and the production of agricultural goods in the light of the prices they expected to be obtained and the agricultural policy one e-cultivated farms in the country depends mainly on marketing information contained market situation and energy Khazneh (refrigerated and non-refrigerated), and the demand for the manufacturing and packaging of agricultural commodities and the need to export agricultural goods to the neighboring markets and global level and the local and global prices for commodities agricultural, further information with a direct influence on the revenues of the product marketed, and the consumer as well as the competition of alternative goods and commodities in the domestic and global markets is the vocabulary consists marketing information and rely on this information for marketing for a commodity research and market each and every society has research market information affecting the marketing of agricultural commodities, They reached traders, consumers and producers to the appropriate decisions for them and help them to develop appropriate policy for their production and marketing and consumption, it can not succeed while restricting prices.
    جريدة الصباح - المستهلك.. إلى متى يبقى تحت رحمة تقلبات السوق ؟

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  6. #13066
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    Economic Re : ... Iraqis are leading investment in Jordan

    Amman-Abdul Jabbar al-Azzawi
    A statistical report issued by the Control Service Jordanian companies on the list issued Iraqis investors in the Jordanian companies registered in the control of the companies since the beginning of this year, hitting 83,7 million dinars compared with 79,4 for the same period last year. while the contribution of partners Kuwaitis sharply, which amounted to 27,7 million dinars.
    Until the end of last September, compared with 161,3 million dinars for the same period last year.
    Also went Emiratis investments in companies registered in the first nine months of this year, to 2, nine million dinars compared to 136,9 million dinars for the same period last year.
    Witnessed Egyptian investments in the Jordanian companies registered during the first nine months of the current year to 12 million dinars compared to 7, five million dinars for the same period last year. The statistical report to the positive indicators in the new Iraqi employee investments in the various economic sectors have been since the beginning of this year until the end of last September 7021 a new company registration capital of 940. three million dinars in 6227 compared with the registration company with a capital of 480,4 million dinars compared with the same period of last year.
    The focus of most Iraqi investments in the services sector amounted to 448 million dinars, and agriculture amounted to 252, nine million Dinarthm industry amounted 117,5 million dinars, followed by trade and reached 105,9 million dinars then contracting 15,6 million dinars.
    The report pointed out that Iraqi companies contributing new accounted for the highest proportion of the total capital of new companies as the number recorded since the beginning of this year 2006 to 38 public joint stock company with capital of 485. six million dinars versus 12 registration and public shareholding company with a total capital 80,7 million dinars in the same period last year. It was followed by limited liability companies with capital of 191,5 million dinars compared with 156, four million dinars to the same period of last year.
    It was during the month of September, 600 new companies registered capital amounted to 77,2 million dinars in exchange for the registration of 685 companies with capital of 124, five million dinars compared with the same period of last year.
    Economists and the Iraqis that the Iraqi-Jordanian relations-commercial way to the top in effectiveness. Pointing out that the exodus of their capital to Jordan and increase investments in the Iraqi and Jordanian companies owning apartments statistics and land evidence of a new curve in the relations between the two countries. as well as directing investments to Iraq through the Jordanian banks and service companies and the continued export of local products to the Iraqi market
    جريدة الصباح - من جديد ..العراقيون يتصدرون قائمة الاستثمار في الأردن

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    Economic : Investment between the contradictions, and aspirations-1 -

    (A legal point of view)
    D. Faris Rashid
    Rumors are rife recently on the draft law on investment hoped approval of the House of Representatives and the importance of the exit Iraq from suffocating economic crisis it is going through. , as well as to feel the law of jobs to absorb the unemployed, the way to see the rest of Iraq in terms of modern techniques and sophisticated CST ....
    From conferences to the studies via statement released by officials and decision-makers ... We expect the law commensurate with the Iraqi experience in the field of law, but unfortunately the draft disappointing form and content ... not to mention the errors and inconsistencies that existed ... . Despite the wording of the draft as it is supposed to be the draft on the degree of legal drafting, could be that the Chamber of Deputies and discussed them in order to approval and ratification by the Council presidency. If the legal formulation of the draft law weak, it would be difficult for the House and correct errors formal and substantive law to get coordinated and integrated up to the required level. The investment code requiring legal expertise and depth not to mention the specialized expertise in other areas ... I must form a committee specialized in this area prior to the introduction of a draft law to the parliament, this committee is made up of jurists and specialists economic and financial experts and businessmen, business and industry, a number of advisers of the ministries concerned in this regard.
    Despite the lack of appropriate timing of the issuance of the law in light of the current circumstances, in addition to the priority of other legislation is more important for the advancement of the Iraqi economy by, It is what we in God previously published in the newspaper Sabah (degeneration trade and its implications on the Iraqi economy) where we considered the investment law, another means used by the Iraqi legislature to develop its economy and push towards higher after having exhausted all other means ... these latter is seen in the re - Tip House legal Iraqi interior before hiring investors from abroad.
    For the purpose of giving a purely legal point of view on what was in the chapters and articles of the draft law, it would be important to study this draft all aspects of the formal and substantive ... To highlight the whole of the important aspects of the investment law, according to the sequence of chapters :
    Chapter I (Objectives and means)
    In fact surprised by the law when they read the objectives of the Act within the articles! These objectives concern the question of the decision through legislation to be passed in both goals were known to the men of the law or concerned or not known. If the owners wanted their resolution a statement that the legislature can show two ways :
    - Preamble preceding articles of the law and name sets the objectives and failing reliable hoped the law passed.
    - Conclusion its reasons outlining the objectives of the issuance of such Act. If placed in the preamble of the law, there is no purpose of the reasons and if there is no preamble, the reasons will be in place to reflect the goals of the law, Any one of them meets the required purpose. The shoehorn these objectives at the heart of the bill is not necessary, whether in addition to the cards on the law ... The same applies for investors. Everything that concerns the latter vision of the law and clear-cut to stimulate investment in Iraq along the lines of another country ... or, frankly, the privileges, exemptions and guarantees due to be obtained, which would help it to achieve higher profitability ... in addition to other factors (the investment environment).
    As for the means, as stated in article (2), they came in the form of addition of vague, especially as the law had been allocated to it. Chapter III of the talk about privileges and guarantees a bid. The support contained in paragraph "first" did not elaborate on . That support also is rolling mean giving aid or subsidies from the state without raising the form of this support? If it was possible to offer support to the local investor, "to strengthen its competitiveness in local and foreign," this issue remains for the foreign investor vague?.
    Chapter II (an investment)
    Allocated draft law on investment in six consecutive materials and various paragraphs of the investment, which will bear the responsibility of promoting and attracting investments. For this purpose, it rose draft ceiling constituency concerned to the Mtaatha personality and moral identity, headquarters, the allocation of Mali, indivisibility of the contract and exercise activities, shoulder the responsibility of civil, penal and legal prosecution. I went further than that given that the head of the degree, and her deputy minister, the Deputy Minister, respectively, and the attributes, experience, competence, post-graduate degrees ...? The same applies to members! , Which is understood that the door of the competition for places will be open to contestants from the required specifications. . Otherwise, each of which have the highest specifications objection in the absence of choice? There will certainly be a controversial position outside the framework of the law?
    Here, it should be noted that the laws of the countries interested in investing did not go beyond the formation of an ad hoc investment unit in one of the ministries, with the participation of specialists from other ministries and stakeholders . As for the Iraqi He gave it the right to open branches in the regions and provinces as well as outside of Iraq (representations), and to workers in an endless body privileges ... . Given the great interest that the draft constitution of the positions and privileges of workers sent to the company law is unrelated administrative matter and not from the core issue of investment, which looks at the relationship with the investor, It is not believed that the investor will be problematic in this regard ... It was better allocation rules is defined as a body concerned with investment and the work of the Commission for investors such as investment applications and the decisions to accept or reject the applications and the granting of exemptions and privileges ... As for the actions of investment issued by the instructions that specify the formalities and documentation, archives to be provided by investor
    جريدة الصباح - الاستثمار بين التناقضات والتطلعات - 1 -

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    Economic : Reclamation projects in Maysan Almbazl network and the development of health institutions

    Maysan morning
    Construction Supreme Council allocated the amount of seven billion dinars for the implementation of a number of development projects for the installations and health institutions at the center of the city of Amarah. He said Engineer Mohan Mahe Chairman of the reconstruction and development in the Maysan Governorate : (The projects include the development and expansion of Building ambulance immediate President Department stores and pharmacy and the establishment of four additional halls of the hospital in the Zahrawi Surgical Hospital, as well as the expansion and development of Viral Advisory Styles hospitalized in the chest and the Zahrawi General and the completion of the residential complex private doctors.
    It is noteworthy that the project included the rehabilitation Marsh allocate six billion, eight hundred and fifty million Iraqi dinars for the implementation of a number of primary health care centers in the villages of Missan marshes.
    In relation to implement the Directorate General of the irrigation projects and the reclamation project Almbazl covered within the city of Amarah to protect them from the rising water tables at the helm of the operation of Amarah. A source at the Directorate of Water Resources : "The cost of the project cost (11) billion dinars, one of the precautionary preventive measures to counter the threat of flooding and high water levels through the withdrawal of groundwater to the river as well as the procedures for the payment of stone cladding protection of the Tigris river and added : (The work in this project includes the fossils and stone paving and disciplining of Tsarih Almshrah side of the rivers Tigris and Kahla and we felt with the construction of quarantine to ensure the strengthening of protection in addition to the payment of Cree Chammacher course of the elimination of the Western so that they were subsequently flood the length (60 km).

    جريدة الصباح - في ميسان مشاريع استصلاح شبكة المبازل وتطوير المؤسسات الصحية

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    Quote Originally Posted by opps50 View Post
    There is a report on IIF that the FIL will be operative within a month
    i believe there was a report about 7-10 days as well and if you take into consideration it was put before parliament for a vote on sunday which was postponed until monday and then tuesday, technically it will have been a week since it was introduced for voting on this coming sunday.

    it was also told last thursday that they would be voting on it next thursday which is today. since they voted ahead of time does it not stand to reason it will get implemented ahead of time??
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 12-10-2006 at 08:31 AM.

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    Iraq passes regional autonomy law
    By Jim Muir
    BBC News, Baghdad

    Abdulaziz Hakim said the Iraqi people would have the last word
    The Iraqi parliament has approved a law allowing provinces to merge into regions which would enjoy a measure of autonomy.
    The law is controversial as many Sunni Muslims and others fear it would lead to the country's partition.

    The vote went through unanimously, but only 138 of the chamber's 275 members were present.

    Absentees included the two biggest Sunni blocs and two of the factions that make up the big Shia alliance.

    There were some confused scenes in parliament as the controversial bill was read through clause by clause.

    Negative impact

    There were many significant absentees. Two of the factions which make up the big Shia alliance - Moqtada Sadr's group and a smaller one called Al Fadhila - also boycotted the proceedings.

    Spokesmen for these groups later said they were totally opposed to the federal region's law.

    The Sunni group said they feared it heralded Iraq's fragmentation.

    Some Shia spokesmen said they believed it would have a negative impact on the political process and on hopes for national reconciliation.

    But Abdulaziz Hakim, the leader of the biggest Shia faction, the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, described it as a blessed day.

    His and some of the other Shia groups have been pressing for the law.

    They hope that the Shia-dominated south can set up a federal region something like that already being run by the Kurds in the north who also strongly back the new law. But Mr Hakim said that the Iraqi people would have the last word.

    Any provinces wanting to join together into a federal region will have to seek popular approval though a referendum.
    BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iraq passes regional autonomy law

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