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  1. #13081
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Gunmen storm Iraqi TV station, kill seven By Aseel Kami
    24 minutes ago

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Gunmen raided the offices of a new Iraqi satellite channel in Baghdad on Thursday and killed seven guards and employees in one of the biggest single attacks on Iraqi journalists, who are frequent targets of insurgents.

    Hassan Kamil, executive manager of Shaabiya satellite channel, said masked gunmen had stormed the station's office in eastern Zayouna district at 7 a.m. (0400 GMT), killing two guards and five other staff, including the office manager.

    He said the employees had been staying overnight in the station, which has not yet begun regular broadcasts. Most were shot as they lay sleeping in their beds, while one was shot in the bathroom. They were shot in the head and chest.

    Kamil, who was not there at the time of the attack, said the gunmen had arrived at the station in five or six vehicles.

    "Some of them were wearing police uniforms and other civilian clothing. All were masked," he said.

    One employee survived the attack but was severely wounded and in hospital, he added.

    A Reuters reporter saw blood spattered on furniture and on the floor in the station's reception area.

    The Interior Ministry said eight people had been killed.

    The killings come as sectarian and insurgent violence continues to rage largely unchecked in the city, despite a major security crackdown by U.S. and Iraqi troops aimed at curbing suicide car bombings, shootings and death squad killings.

    A roadside bomb exploded in central Baghdad's Bab al-Sharji district on Thursday morning, police said. When police and rescue services arrived on the scene a car bomb exploded. Police said the blasts killed five people and wounded 10.


    Iraq is the most dangerous place in the world for journalists, according to international media watchdogs.

    Reporters Without Borders says 109 local and foreign journalists and media assistants have been killed in Iraq since the U.S. invasion to topple Saddam Hussein in 2003.

    The Committee to Protect Journalists says 20 journalists have been killed this year alone.

    Many of Iraq's newspapers and television stations are funded by political and religious groups. Their political affiliations make their staff targets for attack by militants from rival groups as well as Sunni insurgents.

    But Shaabiya has so far only done test broadcasts, mainly of patriotic songs.

    The state-funded Iraqi Media Network, which runs Iraqiya state television and al-Sabah newspaper, has suffered the greatest number of casualties since 2003, with 11 reported deaths.

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #13082
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    Economic : Investment between the contradictions, and aspirations-1 -

    (A legal point of view)
    D. Faris Rashid
    Rumors are rife recently on the draft law on investment hoped approval of the House of Representatives and the importance of the exit Iraq from suffocating economic crisis it is going through. , as well as to feel the law of jobs to absorb the unemployed, the way to see the rest of Iraq in terms of modern techniques and sophisticated CST ....

    From conferences to the studies via statement released by officials and decision-makers ... We expect the law commensurate with the Iraqi experience in the field of law, but unfortunately the draft disappointing form and content ... not to mention the errors and inconsistencies that existed ... . Despite the wording of the draft as it is supposed to be the draft on the degree of legal drafting, could be that the Chamber of Deputies and discussed them in order to approval and ratification by the Council presidency. If the legal formulation of the draft law weak, it would be difficult for the House and correct errors formal and substantive law to get coordinated and integrated up to the required level. The investment code requiring legal expertise and depth not to mention the specialized expertise in other areas ... I must form a committee specialized in this area prior to the introduction of a draft law to the parliament, this committee is made up of jurists and specialists economic and financial experts and businessmen, business and industry, a number of advisers of the ministries concerned in this regard.
    Despite the lack of appropriate timing of the issuance of the law in light of the current circumstances, in addition to the priority of other legislation is more important for the advancement of the Iraqi economy by, It is what we in God previously published in the newspaper Sabah (degeneration trade and its implications on the Iraqi economy) where we considered the investment law, another means used by the Iraqi legislature to develop its economy and push towards higher after having exhausted all other means ... these latter is seen in the re - Tip House legal Iraqi interior before hiring investors from abroad.
    For the purpose of giving a purely legal point of view on what was in the chapters and articles of the draft law, it would be important to study this draft all aspects of the formal and substantive ... To highlight the whole of the important aspects of the investment law, according to the sequence of chapters :
    Chapter I (Objectives and means)
    In fact surprised by the law when they read the objectives of the Act within the articles! These objectives concern the question of the decision through legislation to be passed in both goals were known to the men of the law or concerned or not known. If the owners wanted their resolution a statement that the legislature can show two ways :
    - Preamble preceding articles of the law and name sets the objectives and failing reliable hoped the law passed.
    - Conclusion its reasons outlining the objectives of the issuance of such Act. If placed in the preamble of the law, there is no purpose of the reasons and if there is no preamble, the reasons will be in place to reflect the goals of the law, Any one of them meets the required purpose. The shoehorn these objectives at the heart of the bill is not necessary, whether in addition to the cards on the law ... The same applies for investors. Everything that concerns the latter vision of the law and clear-cut to stimulate investment in Iraq along the lines of another country ... or, frankly, the privileges, exemptions and guarantees due to be obtained, which would help it to achieve higher profitability ... in addition to other factors (the investment environment).
    As for the means, as stated in article (2), they came in the form of addition of vague, especially as the law had been allocated to it. Chapter III of the talk about privileges and guarantees a bid. The support contained in paragraph "first" did not elaborate on . That support also is rolling mean giving aid or subsidies from the state without raising the form of this support? If it was possible to offer support to the local investor, "to strengthen its competitiveness in local and foreign," this issue remains for the foreign investor vague?.
    Chapter II (an investment)
    Allocated draft law on investment in six consecutive materials and various paragraphs of the investment, which will bear the responsibility of promoting and attracting investments. For this purpose, it rose draft ceiling constituency concerned to the Mtaatha personality and moral identity, headquarters, the allocation of Mali, indivisibility of the contract and exercise activities, shoulder the responsibility of civil, penal and legal prosecution. I went further than that given that the head of the degree, and her deputy minister, the Deputy Minister, respectively, and the attributes, experience, competence, post-graduate degrees ...? The same applies to members! , Which is understood that the door of the competition for places will be open to contestants from the required specifications. . Otherwise, each of which have the highest specifications objection in the absence of choice? There will certainly be a controversial position outside the framework of the law?
    Here, it should be noted that the laws of the countries interested in investing did not go beyond the formation of an ad hoc investment unit in one of the ministries, with the participation of specialists from other ministries and stakeholders . As for the Iraqi He gave it the right to open branches in the regions and provinces as well as outside of Iraq (representations), and to workers in an endless body privileges ... . Given the great interest that the draft constitution of the positions and privileges of workers sent to the company law is unrelated administrative matter and not from the core issue of investment, which looks at the relationship with the investor, It is not believed that the investor will be problematic in this regard ... It was better allocation rules is defined as a body concerned with investment and the work of the Commission for investors such as investment applications and the decisions to accept or reject the applications and the granting of exemptions and privileges ... As for the actions of investment issued by the instructions that specify the formalities and documentation, archives to be provided by investor
    جريدة الصباح - الاستثمار بين التناقضات والتطلعات - 1 -

  3. #13083
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    this was posted on an iraqi forum I thought it intresting it was posted 11/10/06

    Translated version of
    The economic dialogue in Iraq and the lack of official attendance
    The economic dialogue and the lack of official attendance

    Hossam Alsamuk / long

    Spread a remarkable display of seminars and interviews actors interested economic activities, This can only reflect the wonderful recognition of the role of such meetings in the correct fee tracks various economic sectors, the moment the suffering masses of our economy from crisis time and deepen the implications and consequences on their lives and their suffering.
    It seemed research centers, civil society organizations and governmental institutions, promote the adoption of multi dialogue sessions and round discussion and debate workshops inviting specialists interested academics and researchers? And based on the relevant institutions, as well as employees edge commercial and banking, to complete the corresponding task and the terms of reference and diverse way to the recommendations of the features of the programs and future plans satisfied all parties, while economic priorities and the requirements of the presence of researchers and different aspects of the SOH resolutions and pave the way for adoption of plans.
    In the melee discussions and opinions of various sorts that are pulling between them directions, the question of the utmost importance, regarding the extent of any eagerness of stakeholders to adopt what is worth drawing at the moment may not find in any of the representatives of those bodies present these interviews or effectiveness.
    The multiplicity of activities put a healthy phenomenon wonderful, But what disappointed Doubts organizers of these activities excuses faintest invoked by officials in both locations, and even employees who may not be qualified to attend those activities already using the arguments of the flood emergency or interruption of the roads or any of the easy excuses, Correspondingly, quickly tell us, from time to time, procedures and policies adopted by the ministry or the Service, contrary to the most elementary requirements of the economic governance.
    The adoption of the tradition of dialogue in the economic field exclusively must provide immunity to any of the decision-makers to adopt the procedure guarantee safety and security, transparency, and meet the real need for adoption, This requires, on the other hand, relevant government institutions concerned with the economic efficiencies to confirm its presence in interactive activities, we expect to coordinate with the concerned bodies organize round tables and workshops corresponding activities including serving on the performance of the needs of citizens and the requirements of their daily lives, to cover the meetings dialog field read the facts and discuss its components.
    The meetings follow put most of the suffering of the Iraqi crisis and economic mechanisms to deal with them should be the focus of attention of government institutions concerned, as are the concerns of the various components involved in economic efficiency.

  4. #13084
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    eal estate investment, a mainstay in the national economy
    Real estate investment, a mainstay in the national economy

    The concept of real estate investment commonly in the last period in the business and those interested in the areas of investment, especially in the Arab countries. but the market witnessed a transition investment business activities to the industrial investment market for real estate investment due to the dividend faster and more profit In this must study all aspects of this area and to identify controls to achieve tangible progress, and to avoid the risks that may be caused to the investor. For its rapid economic activities to multiple, as well as being an important factor in the revitalization of the state of stagnation in the market for a large number of industries associated with the process of building and construction, This is in addition to its role in the operation of a large volume of employment, which contributes significantly to the solution of the unemployment problem by providing a variety of job opportunities for large numbers of workers and artisans and others in the different areas of activity which will contribute to the revitalization of the economic cycle in general. It has achieved real estate and construction companies in the Arab world in general an unprecedented profits during 2004 - 2005, The surge is expected to continue throughout the current year, and perhaps this session lasted until the end of 2007 at least. To ensure the success of projects in the field of real estate investment, To achieve the safety of real estate investment activities must be taken into account, inter alia, the most important of which reflect a balance between the volume of real estate investment and the actual needs of society, also Bjder contribution banks in real estate projects with specialized institutions in this area, in addition to the commercial banks to take into account the availability of credit conditions for the correct and proper financing of each project.

  5. #13085
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    Does anyone know if this meeting today will be televised as its an announcement to the people and if so which channel. I see one TV station will be out of action for a while.....

  6. #13086
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    Exclamation Warka about the FIL!

    Hi everyone, exciting times have begun.

    I mailed the Warka about the FIL yesterday, this is their reply:

    Dear Kiko,

    Thank you for choosing our bank and we look forward in assisting you with all your financial and investment requirements in Iraq by providing you with our very best services and customer care.

    We are really happy that the investment law has been passed this will benefit all the parties concerned serving our foreign clients best interests. This law will help in the further development of our country’s infrastructure and boost the economy

    The foreign investment law has been passed and will be implemented within a month. Its working procedures are being finalized and the instructions and full details will be issued within a month.

    Best regards,

    ISX Dept

    Well, within a month can be also 7-10 days like Adster mentioned before.

    I am feeling good and wait for more information after the press conference!!

  7. #13087
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    Adoption of the draft law Territories
    Baghdad-Iraq votes :
    The parliament passed the bill yesterday, the formation of regions in the majority. The meeting boycotted by : the Iraqi Accord Front and the Sadri movement and the Islamic Virtue Party and the Front National Dialogue and Reconciliation and Liberation Bloc.
    The Baghdad newspaper

    franny, were almost there!!

  8. #13088
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    The southern tribes in Anbar supports the elimination of the gunmen
    The Secretary-General of the Council of the South clans fitted with a brace that "the stand and mobilize energies and capabilities to support the people of Anbar pause in the elimination of armed groups crossed the border to foment sedition between the sons of the people." He fitted with a brace in a press statement that "achieving security and stability in the Anbar is everyone's responsibility to stop the bloodshed She was obey the way for the strange practices, It is a step to support the draft national reconciliation. " asserting that "the Council will support the efforts of the people of Anbar money and men, and arms to purge all cities from the effects of armed men who can no longer tolerate their actions possible."
    The Baghdad newspaper

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #13089
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    Ramadan serials without cigarettes, hookah!
    Ahmed Hamed Atiya sent the President of the General central to the fight against tuberculosis and chest diseases and the decision of the Commission of National anti-smoking message to Safwat al-Sherif, Information Minister Hassan Hamed, chairman of the Federation of Radio and TV, Zeinab Sweidan President of Television for the alarm not include any scenes of the Ramadan television series on smoking Alsjae t or hubble-bubble, and the implementation of the decision of the Minister of Information Act of January 28, 2001 to prevent scenes of smoking in all television serials produced by the production sector and the economic sector and by operation of law 53 on the prohibition of the media or the promotion of cigarettes both newspapers or magazines and pictures fixed and mobile, or by images of visual and audio and the offender shall be liable to six months imprisonment and a fine of one thousand to five thousand pounds. Dr. Attiya, he sent a letter occasion of the recent publication of the Radio and Television Union prepares for serials, which are presented in Ramadan, which contains many scenes of cigarette smoking or bubble.
    The Baghdad newspaper

    franny, were almost there!!

  10. #13090
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    ÌÑíÏÉ ÇáÕÈÇÍ - ÇáÝÓÇÏ ÇáãÇáí æÇáÅÏÇÑ&#237 ; ÍÇáÉ ãÑÖíÉ ÊÕíÈ ãÌãæÚÉ ÇáÞíã ÇáÃÎáÇÞí&# 201; Ýí ÇáãÌÊãÚ
    Family and community : Financial and administrative corruption satisfactory condition affecting a moral values in society

    The official spokesman of the integrity of the "morning"
    Interviewed : virgin Gomaa
    Financial and administrative corruption case of the dissolution of the board is a consequence of the absence of values, laws and regulations, instructions, and often talked of instances of corruption in stages witnessing the fall of totalitarian regimes leaving spaces in administrative, legal and constitutional stimulates feeble to exploit their position and influence to enrichment at the expense of public money b contrast this cause great damage to infrastructure

    And at the level of development projects in addition to the difficulty of treatment and social value system if disintegrated in light of this stage.
    This اجابنا by Mr. carp on the official spokesman of the integrity about the reasons for the phenomenon of financial and administrative corruption during our dialogue with him.

    Q : What is the view of the increasing numbers of nails and Exploited?
    - Corruption is a phenomenon found in most communities and even developed societies in terms of laws and mechanisms of democracy where corruption cases, corruption is not linked to heavy government or a political system, corruption state board of Iraqi society and corruption since the former regime in the multiple manifestations of bribery, cronyism and nepotism, After the fall of the previous regime because of the absence of regulations and instructions there is a legal and constitutional vacuum, you divided bacterial cases of corruption followed the transitional nature of the stages that took place in the political life in Iraq since the fall of the regime, and so far these phases the burden on the state as far as the Iraqi file corruption Alada Ri, financial and most officials when they come to power they can take what is due to the short period of Itboe office, and this does not mean that most officials Botchers, and corruption in two corruption within the ministry or corruption in the hierarchy of the ministry and be mostly in the committees and commissions appointments and procurement contracts with foreign countries is therefore a complex process requiring concerted and coordination between the concerned to put an end to corruption in the ministries.
    * Is the absence of law helped increase instances of corruption?
    - There is a combination of factors helped to increase corruption cases, including the collapse of the social value system in Iraq, After the fall of the regime and the state of chaos that pervaded the country have had a negative impact on its infrastructure, The absence of law and legal deterrence stimulating who are willing soul of the incursion in more corruption, The lack of maturity of democratic institutions or take upon themselves the constitutional principle of separation of powers and exercise oversight role on the performance of the People, The absence of media as an independent and disciplined and responsible to cope with the cases of corruption and illuminate, The lack of efficient institutions of a civil society and active in this area to put an end to cases of corruption, Together these factors contributed to creating a favorable and safe havens for corrupt elements in the facilities and institutions of the Iraqi state.
    Q : Do you think that outsourcing contributed to the increased cases of corruption?
    - States of the region and other countries have a big role in the exacerbation of corruption according to our conviction as a specialized body to fight corruption through the directions, first that of the States issued, which is the headquarters of the corridors of terrorism in Iraq is the same as that provide safe havens for smuggled Iraqi funds and provide immunities and guarantees for the staff and Iraqi officials stole money and have been sentenced by the courts therefore provide safe havens to attract these funds and officials, Second, the nature of grants from these countries and corruption witnessed by the file in the reconstruction of Iraq Coalition Authority (CPI) has had a large role in the rise in corruption that the State (the Iraqi government) was not a party in exchange for these projects was born of corruption and has been diagnosed and referred to the many files j outsourcing of prosecuting those accused of these files.
    Q : Is that the integrity capable alone in the fight against this phenomenon?
    After-field experience in this area since the founding of the integrity and so far we have the assessment and review of the Commission's work, that process is the process of institutional corruption can not hand or class or party to take on the burden of combating corruption in Iraq in all their diversity, in all its forms, In order to fight against corruption must be a strong legislative authority in issuing legislation and representative of all colors, political and social Iraqi although there are strong executive authority to take decisions and vulnerable to the legislative authority, and there is an independent judicial authority and operate under specific legislation cope with the situation after the fall of the Iraqi regime and the state of democratic openness and the existence of independent media authority is not subject to the control of the executive authority only to the extent it is b controls professional and is no authority to the institutions of civil society, especially the power exercised oversight role on the popular all authorities and monitor their practices. and that there should be a joint coordination between all the components must take its role in the fight against corruption, whether Acharia component or a religious or socially, If we can reach these convictions and the coordination and cooperation that we can put an end to the scheduling process corruption of the process terminated because the process takes control strategic long as there are tactical stages and progress in accordance with their respective anti-corruption.
    Q : What sectors mired in the administrative and financial corruption?
    - According to the indicators available in the services of corruption and the rise in a high security-related ministries and that the nature of work is different from the work of other ministries and then go to the index service ministries and almost relatively State ministries, which reflected negatively on the nature of the services provided to the citizen result of po t, corruption and abuse of office and abuse of influence official during his stay in office.
    Q : Is it possible to give a detailed picture of how the feet on the exploitation of their workers?
    - No discipline in the State (No. 14) for the year (91) controls a professional officer must abide by them to maintain neutrality and professionalism and independence, Being a specialist in the fight against corruption, Specific some of the texts of the discipline of the state and issued the Regulation of discipline state employees, whether on the job or employee asks appointment to the post and has to sign the statute as a prerequisite for appointment and details of this regulation is that employee impartiality, independence and professional and neutral in dealing with a AT the Iraqi people and to preserve the integrity and efficiency and performance of the model developers or derived from the discipline of the State and these regulations are counting on it very much in the preparation of contexts and the general production of a new relationship as that the employee is a Head of State.
    * In any rank could be classified Iraq among the nations of the world in terms of financial and administrative corruption?
    - We do not have the criteria for the calculation of impartiality and transparency so that we can under these standards expense ratios corruption, Some international organizations such as the Organization of global transparency is random polls of Iraqi society and thus classified Iraq from countries with high rates of corruption, This situation prompted the study with the integrity of the standards for transparency and fairness, if the completion of these standards can be put right proportions but there is no mathematical equation to calculate real-time instances of corruption in Iraqi ministries.
    * How could the integrity limiting the spread of administrative corruption?
    - Such bodies arise in the same direction and take the democratic principle of the separation of powers, in the Middle East in general, there is no competent authority empowered by laws and the penal laws except there is the integrity of Iraq take it upon themselves to the fight against financial and administrative corruption and presence of a guarantee for the success of the democratic experiment in Iraq. and the nature of regimes in the Arab region does not adopt such institutions because these institutions of a democratic principle of the separation of powers and exercise oversight role and prosecution each employee transcends prejudice or regulations, nor can the integrity arise in authoritarian or totalitarian regimes therefore linked to the nature of the work of the democratic system, Ours integrity despite her term, which is three years and our limited resources and the political and security situation, which governs Iraq in all its manifestations and challenges through the power of security reality we must stop the bleeding and address this clash bleeding, We are now at the stage of processing the files forwarded to the judiciary and the rule followed decisions, we have issued regulations to discipline civil servants, We have issued statements involved in almost every single items of the State of the State as an institution is not an authority.
    * Is there a special law with the integrity it operates?
    - We have an integrated scheme for a special law with the integrity and avoiding defects Yugoslavia, and we are awaiting the adoption of this law by the House of Representatives to put a quick steps and prosecutions of cases of financial and administrative corruption in Iraq.

    * What are the next procedural Khtoatkm to reduce the corruption?
    - We are completing the provincial offices of the integrity and standards for the preparation and coordination with the Office of Financial Supervision and other relevant experts to the area and the coming days will witness a qualitative leap of integrity in terms of laws, mechanisms and procedures.
    Q : What is the outreach programs to curb the spread of the phenomenon being socially disease?
    - Service Public Relations in the integrity with non-governmental organizations coordinated with the civil society institutions that exist in Iraq until create a favorable atmosphere and based on mutual cooperation and coordination in the roles of the fight against corruption and the integrity took it upon themselves to disseminate the propellant charges, and everything related to information and integrity embarked on Allen Zeul to the streets in all of Iraq's provinces to spread the principles of transparency and fairness, and many conferences and conducted meetings with the parliamentary leaders of the definition of what integrity, objectives and work and therefore requested coordination and cooperation in order to reduce the sources of corruption and the transition in Iraq to the nature of the dimensions of legal, social and democratic.
    * What is the role of external actors dealing with the departments and ministries in the spread of this phenomenon?
    External factors - factors in the prevalence of corruption, such as the nature of grants awarded by some States and these countries are standing on the process of implementation of grants and this creates a kind of confusion, because it acted inappropriate, There are no specialized coordinate with the bodies that provide these grants in the management of these projects and, thus, creates a state of penetration and corruption requires us to the second and made strenuous efforts to address them.
    Q : Is the intention of the harsh sentencing in the event of the continuation of administrative corruption?
    - Does not have the power to make the provisions of any person because the Constitution and the law does not permit us to this particular role judicial authority exclusively for the issuance of the provisions of the referee's decisions, The nature of our work of a legal and judicial We adapt criminal laws in the public interest and support for the work of the fair.
    * What is the role of government legal representative sections to reduce these operations?
    - Legal departments in the ministries and state institutions played a big role in terms of insight or help officials in these departments and the nature of what they have legal measures in the case of non-application of regulations, laws and regulations and systems in the case of corruption in the process Togham therefore considers the Legal Service explained to the work of ministries and father and Soupcon-related to the Ministry through informing them of the regulations, instructions and publications, The Service has a legal important first step prevention and the protection of official corruption and the incursions into second procedure deterrent punitive action against those who transcends the laws, regulations and cuts in the files of financial and administrative corruption.
    Q : Are the inspectors working in the ministries are incapable of investigating only with the consent of the minister?
    - This matter is linked to the nature of the Iraqi legal system. Iraq is still operating under the laws of the former regime, a large part of which were issued by the former regime to tightening his grip on executive power and other authorities after the fall of the regime and change the situation in Iraq had not been a change of such laws has the power to change these laws is the Legislature and to create or cascade. and the whining commensurate with the new Iraqi situation, One of these procedures is to the Inspector-General of separating according to a (57) issued by the Governing Council, the second of the anti-corruption work in concert with the integrity and one of the sources received the news of the integrity with the Office of Financial Supervision therefore cycle of the Inspector General was linked to the office of the minister could not be operatives to work together (the Authority executive and the regulatory authority), The situation in Iraq is almost the absence of laws and regulations during the past few days been linked to the Office of the Inspector General in the Cabinet and the Council of Ministers to support the work of the Office of the Inspector General on the budget, offices and the staffing and operational in the coming period will witness the Office of the Inspector General was a qualitative and quantitative in combating A. There was all according to the ministry or institution located there.
    * The integrity did not declare so far on the results of the completion of any case, what good work of the body?
    - The integrity has a b (57) doomed sentenced by the central court in favor of the integrity sentences ranging different periods and those defendants had been referred to the integrity of the judicial files, especially the administrative and financial corruption. The issues be resolved by the judiciary and the process of transferring cases requires approvals and legislation and the legal integrity can not do this unless amended legislation and the previous laws was therefore linked to the judiciary and the legislation of laws that contribute to the prevention of the sources of corruption, and prevent it from Iraq.
    * Office of the elections called for the investigation with just Al-Alami and then a decision was not arrested and obstruct and impede the investigation referred to eliminate what do you think of that?
    - This is related to the article (136) of the Code of Criminal Procedure and conditions of this article, the cover of the passport officials fled Iraq and the millions of dollars they stole our outstanding days coalition authority and returned to work during the work of the interim government and called on the Transitional National Assembly earlier this suspension article because it does not permit the prosecution of the integrity officer only with the consent of the minister and these were part of our problems, and this makes the process stalled corruption in legal terms, there were complaints about Al-Alami and achieved just such a complaint and no evidence for transmission to eliminate the problem that we have turned down by the UNHCR as the reference to the assignment of Adel Al-Alami to the judiciary prompted the investigation that the judge left the investigation and empty files of the accused and now its favorites on the court and addressing the discriminatory a Council of Ministers and the House of Representatives and asked permission to them for transmission to the court and now await a response.
    * Disagreement between the President and former Deputy What causes?
    - There is no disagreement but there are differences in the mechanisms of action and the applicable laws of the former deputy has the potential administrative and legally qualified him to serve as vice chairman of the then take in their work, one other legal and judicial causing upheaval in the work and the last delivery issues, , as well as former deputy has administrative irregularities and legal authority now being investigated for hiding files for the application of abuse against staff in the Iraqi ministries and maintain the files so far belong to the integrity of the Iraqi funds stolen by officials and kept in his home and abetted them in the smuggling of a senior official in the Ministry of only Tassalat and ordered him stealing Iraqi funds, which is why the warrant for his sacking and there investigations of this matter and we await the results of investigations and the outcome of the new procedures, The former deputy burden or obstacle in resolving issues related to financial and administrative corruption was achieved by the body integrity.

    Didn't yugoslovia screw them selfs with a zero lop???? I remeber something like that, anyone? never mind I think this is what there talking about that
    Economy of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

    Despite common origins, the economy of socialist Yugoslavia was much different from economies of the Soviet Union and other Eastern European socialist countries, especially after the Yugoslav-Soviet break-up of 1948. Rather than being owned by the state, companies were socially owned and managed with workers' self-management. The occupation and liberation struggle in World War II left Yugoslavia's infrastructure devastated. Even the most developed parts of the country were largely rural and the little industry the country had was largely damaged or destroyed.

    With the exception of a recession in mid-1960s, the country's economy prospered formidably. Unemployment was low and the education level of the work force steadily increased. Due to Yugoslavia's neutrality and a leading role in the Non-aligned Movement, Yugoslav companies exported to both Western and Eastern markets. Yugoslav companies carried out construction of numerous major infrastructural and industrial projects in Africa, Europe and Asia.

    The fact that Yugoslavs were allowed to emigrate freely from 1960s onwards prompted many to find work in Western Europe, notably Germany. This contributed to keeping unemployment in check and also acted as a source of capital and foreign currency.

    In 1970s, the economy was reorganized according to Edvard Kardelj's theory of associated labour, in which the right to decision making and a share in profits of socially owned companies is based on the investment of labour. All companies were transformed into organizations of associated labour. The smallest, basic organizations of associated labour, roughly corresponded to a small company or a department in a large company. These were organized into enterprises which in turn associated into composite organizations of associated labour, which could be large companies or even whole industry branches in a certain area. Most executive decision making was based in enterprises, so that these continued to compete to an extent even when they were part of a same composite organization. The appointment of managers and strategic policy of composite organizations were, depending on their size and importance, in practice often subject to political and personal influence-peddling.

    In order to give all employees the same access to decision making, the basic organisations of associated labour were also introduced into public services, including health and education. The basic organizations were usually made up of no more than a few dozen people and had their own workers councils, whose assent was needed for strategic decisions and appointment of managers in enterprises or public institutions.

    The Yugoslav wars, consequent loss of market, as well as mismanagement and/or non-transparent privatization brought further economic trouble for all former republics of Yugoslavia in the 1990s. Only Slovenia's economy grew steadily after the initial shock and slump. Croatia reached its 1990 GDP in 2003, a feat yet to be accomplished by other former Yugoslav republics.

    The currency of the SFRY was the Yugoslav dinar.
    Last edited by Hope Full; 12-10-2006 at 10:08 AM. Reason: bolded and asked ?

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