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  1. #13271
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    Post Dividing Irak

    In a post before it was mentioned that iraq will be divided into 3 countries and what the effect is for the currency.

    I saw an article that mentioned `units` not countries. But hell, how you call it I don´t care.

    I only don´t think it will effect the currency. They are trying to open for foreign investment asap, what they need. Now dividing Iraq into 3 countries with each an own currency will slow things down.

    Not only printing new currency, withdrawing the old currency etc. But think about all the administrative procedures, laws that have to be made seperatly etc. etc.

    If they are making seperate countries of it then I also think they need to make 3 exchange rates etc. etc.

    When they do that, I will invest all my money into Kurdistan, because they are ready. But personally I don't see it happen.

    They are planning and I think will make three seperate units but more for political reasons. There will be a central government that also take care of the distribution of the oil revenue to each unit.

    Again, personally I don't see it happen but correct me if I am wrong.

    Article: US planning to divide Iraq into three regions -DAWN - Top Stories; October 09, 2006

  2. #13272
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    Cool Or

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    did you happen to notice the part of it that says IMPLEMENTED IN 18 MONTHS?????????????????????????????????

    i suggest people get a grip here.
    The foreign investment law has been passed and will be implemented within a month. Its working procedures are being finalized and the instructions and full details will be issued within a month.

    Best regards,

    ISX Dept

    A couple members got this back as part as a reponse email from the Warka Bank that they have accounts with, I do not have one to agree with.

  3. #13273
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    It's known as 'Post non-r/v syndrome', LOL.
    you wanna know how hard the last twenty pages were for me to bite my fingers and keep from typin comments?? lol
    ive put at least two people on my ignore list just to keep from reading their negative comments everytime they post. its a waste of everyones time to read that shiite everyday. NOTHIN constructive or informative.

    now with that i must say that a committee can be formed and come to a decision in one day so everyone needs to put your hourglasses away and quit counting grains of sand.

    not ONE ounce of information which came from baghdad today was anti-revalue of the currency. you should smile every day that comes without a comment like, 'YOUR DINAR IS WORTHLESS'-- shabibi.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 12-10-2006 at 07:44 PM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  4. #13274
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    The investment law seeks to enhance the competitive capabilities of the Iraqi economy
    October 12, 2006

    He added that foreign investment is one of channels or external sources of financing economic and service activities or projects of in other countries. Economically known, that there are channels or several sources of external financing for the economic and service activities and projects in different countries. They include investment, aid, private and official loans "external debt", all of which are remittances or financial flows entering the country and they differ in terms, nature, burdens and benefits to the country.

    He continued: "However, the most important characteristic of foreign investment, compared to other financing sources, is that it does not burden the beneficiary country with debts. The financial flows in the form of foreign investment do not constitute a debt to that country as the case for foreign loans. They are not combined to any political commitments as is the case for some grants and foreign aids.

    He explained: in fact, there are two types of foreign investment: the foreign direct investment and Foreign Indirect Investment. The difference between the two is that the first is a real, long-term investment in the productive and service sectors of the national economy, like industry, agriculture, energy, tourism, communications and others. The second type, the indirect foreign investment, is concentrated in the financial markets where foreign bodies, individuals and companies, own the shares and stocks, private or governmental and circulate them o achieve profit.

    He said: it is noted that some of the international financial institutions consider the investment indirect in the case it possesses of the proportion of less than 10% of the shares in the financial market, which is a matter of debate, as the ratio does not constitute an essential criterion in the classification between direct and indirect. Usually, the standard of a certain field, sector or activity where remittances or external financial flows are used, is taken into consideration.

    He continued: "What concerns us in Iraq is the research in the benefits of foreign direct investment, and concentrate at its benefits as an external funding source for economic and service projects in the framework of the national development strategy and its priorities. The truth is that the benefits of foreign direct investment are clear and of significant importance for the remarkable development experiences in many countries such as China, India, Malaysia, Mexico and Brazil and other countries in the world, in all continents. They are the acquisition of modern technologies, the fight against unemployment (creating job opportunities), the development and diversification of exports and the variation of the productive base of the national economy and others. This is what Iraq needs, more than ever, in the framework of his policies and orientations to reform and diversify the economy, reconstruction, tackling the problem of unemployment and improve the quality of services and expand them. It is an urgent necessity imposed by the significant lack of internal financial resources, compared to the high estimated cost to achieve these programs and projects.

    He said: that foreign direct investment is today the focus of fierce international competition, where countries compete to earn foreign investments by providing incentives, exemptions and inducements designed to achieve that goal. Countries from both sides of the world, developed and the developing are engaged in the task. It is noted that China, in the framework of its new economic policy, has been successful in attracting the highest proportion of foreign investments, without compromising its interests and national sovereignty, which is a remarkable phenomenon and worthy of study and follow-up on our part. It also has a very useful intellectual and economic significance for the debate aroused currently on the law of investment in Iraq and the fears that it may cause for national sovereignty, in the eyes of some.(Source)AlBayan
    Iraqi Dinars | Iraqi News and Iraqi Money

    franny, were almost there!!

  5. #13275
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    Iraq’s clerics to issue call for peace from Mecca
    By Roula Khalaf, Middle East Editor

    Published: October 12 2006 16:29 | Last updated: October 12 2006 16:29

    Iraq’s Sunni and Shia religious leaders are set to meet in the holy city of Mecca next week to endorse a call for an end to all sectarian bloodshed.

    The meeting starting October 19, organised by the Organisation of the Islamic Conference and backed by Saudi Arabia, comes amid rising concern over a spill-over of Sunni-Shia violence into other parts of the Middle East.

    Tensions between the two main branches of Islam have been fanned by the Iraq conflict – where sectarian killings leave an estimated 100 people dead every day – and by Sunni Arab regimes’ alarm at the growing political influence of Shia Iran.

    Yet analysts say the engagement of clerics is unlikely to have an impact on the ground, unless the meeting becomes a regular forum for a peace process.

    The influence of religious figures, particularly on the Sunni side, is limited. Among Iraq’s majority Shia, Ayatollah Ali Sistani, the highest ranking religious ­figure, played an instrumental role in containing Shia frustrations with the US after the 2003 invasion. But he has become increasingly distant in recent months, as the ­sectarian violence has intensified.

    Some Iraqi officials say the lack of active containment by clerics has exacerbated the violence.

    “Sectarian killings won’t happen if you don’t sanction them – so to contain [the violence] let’s have religious leaders agree on some common foundations of Islam,” said Hoshyar Zebari, Iraq’s foreign minister.

    “The idea is not to heal the Shia-Sunni rift in Mecca. But if influential leaders come together in calling on supporters to stop shedding Muslim blood, and it’s done during Ramadam and in Mecca [birthplace of the Prophet Mohammed], it could have an impact.”

    A group of influential clerics, including the Shias’ Jalal al-Deen al-Saghir, and the Sunni’s Mahmoud al-Sumaydai, have already prepared a document that is expected to be signed in Mecca.

    However, the list of participants has yet to be finalised and there have been reports of Saudi frustration because Shia Ayatollahs have decided not to travel abroad and are expected to send ­representatives.

    The US has been looking to Saudi Arabia to help stabilise Iraq. The kingdom faces its own domestic problems with a disgruntled Shia minority that has long been treated by the Sunni Wahabi clerics as heretic.

    Saudi Arabia recently announced plans to build an 814km security fence along its border with Iraq to protect itself against a spread of violence.

    Riyadh also appears anxious about deteriorating relations between Sunni and Shia leaders in Lebanon after the summer war between Israel and Hizbollah, the Shia militant group. Sunni political leaders in the country have been critical of Hizbollah and are seeking to counter the Shia party’s efforts to change the existing government.

    Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2006 / In depth - Iraq’s clerics to issue call for peace from Mecca

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #13276
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    Sunnis bristle as Iraq federalism unfolds
    BAGHDAD, Oct. 12 (UPI) -- Iraq's parliament has narrowly approved a plan that could lead to the division of the country along sectarian lines, which is angering Sunni Muslims.

    The international Global Research analysis firm said in a report the door was opened to creating autonomous regions when 140 members of the 275-member parliament voted in favor it on Wednesday.

    Iraq's oilfields are concentrated in the Shiite south and the Kurdish north, and Sunni lawmakers fear the division will exclude them from the country's oil wealth.

    The measure doesn't call for further implementation of the division until 2008, although debate has begun over the most contentious proposal of merging of nine of Iraq's 18 provinces into one autonomous bloc in the Shiite south, the report said.
    United Press International - NewsTrack - Sunnis bristle as Iraq federalism unfolds

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #13277
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    I think part of the problem here with this . . . *divide the country deal* . . . is that some bastXXd leaked part of the confidential report that was not supposed to be released till after the elections to CNN . . .

    And typically . . . CNN is spinning it . . .
    Φ Iligitimi Non Carborundum Φ....

  8. #13278
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    Dr. Skinner to the Council of Ministers decides :

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 12-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    The Republic of Iraq
    Council of Ministers-the governmental communications
    Media Relations
    A press statement / Press Release
    Sunday, 10 - 12-2006

    Spokesman for the Iraqi government to Dr. Skinner

    Cabinet decides :

    - An amount of 7000 dinars per month per associate of the national police meal allowance until securing direct Supply
    - Increasing the salaries of teachers and teachers and setting the minimum allocations granted to them 30 dinars
    - Approval of the water project construction cost of $ 100 million for the provision of potable water for residents of the city and its environs
    - Payment of an amount of about 200 million dinars to the families displaced in the seven wastelands

    Announced the official pronouncement of the Iraqi government, Dr. Skinner to the Council of Ministers discussed during its meeting held today, Thursday, the existence of the multinational forces according to resolution 1637 and the mandate of these forces, which will expire in 2 - 1-2006, The need to have a larger role in the security file to the Iraqi side, so as to achieve a better security situation for the Iraqi people. He pointed out that it would be detailed discussions and deliberations on the activity and the movement of the support and backing provided by these forces of the Iraqi national forces in their quest to control the security situation before the approval of the proposed extension.

    He added Dr. Skinner in a press conference following the meeting of the Council of Ministers, the adoption of the Committee's opinion the problem of the Ministry of Finance and the Interior for the purpose of ensuring the livelihood allocations to employees of the police and identify covered by the national police and fighting units, which carry out the functions and duties outside the camps and their locations with an allocation of 7000 dinars per month per associate for a meal allowance for a temporary period beards n secure Supply direct monetary compensation allowance and the effect of 1 - 1-2007. The Council also decided to approve the continuation of salary was paid martyr police personnel and pay for his family until 1 - 1-2007. pending the issuance of special legislation to regulate compensation martyrs who sacrificed their blood in order to protect the homeland.

    He continued : "The Cabinet has decided to increase the salaries of teachers and teachers as well as class eight, so that the minimum salary of 200 thousand dinars per month in addition to the allocations granted to the teachers, teachers, which was approved by the Ministry of Finance, 50 thousand dinars per month for remote areas, and 40 thousand dinars for remote areas and 30 thousand dinars for those serving outside the boundaries of municipalities. "

    Skinner said : The Cabinet asked the Ministry of Finance to prepare a draft bill to the Ministry of Finance and organizational structure, services and institutions, The Council also approved the recommendation of the economic ministerial exception of the Ministry of Foreign Trade within the powers granted in order to speed the signing of contracts for the mobile market turnover food prices in the world markets and within those controls approved by the Committee, in addition to Board approval of the water project construction cost of nearly $ 100 million for the provision of potable water for residents of the city of Amarah and its surroundings according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works.

    The official spokesman of the Iraqi government to the meeting of the International Covenant with Iraq this week, He continues preparations and meetings between Iraq and the international community to formulate the International Covenant with Iraq, especially after the meeting held on 8 — 10-2006, which was to discuss the initial draft of the Covenant with the Head of the Covenant, the United Nations and the presence of a representative from the United States, the European Union, Japan and South Korea. pointing out that continuous meetings to prepare for a second conference in the coming weeks by Iraqi relations will develop political and economic arrangements and international support for Iraq's reconstruction and building its national institutions.

    The official spokesman of the Iraqi government regrets the statements and comments issued by the Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniya, which reflect a lack of understanding of the reality of Iraq and threats faced by the people of Iraq by the forces of terrorism, domestic and international, that people sought to build a new Iraq enjoyed by all the components of free and dignified life He stressed, "We want to remind the people of Iraq Haniya sacrifices to help the brotherly Palestinian people and will not contribute to weaken his spirit of brotherhood between the two peoples and to Angbl him to underestimate the sacrifices of the Iraqi security forces in confronting terrorism . "

    He stressed : The Iraqi government continues in its quest to eradicate terrorism and its quest for a safe and secure return of the inhabitants of the region, as well as the people of other regions of both parties and this is the best way but we are facing a humanitarian situation and the humanitarian catastrophe that is in the families of those who were deported forced nudity and required that the Iraqi government had Donna immediately for the relief of these families and on this basis at the direction of Mr. Prime Minister, the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers regardless amount of about 200 million dinars to the families displaced from the area of wasteland and the follow-up seven other needs.

    Skinner explained in the answer to a question on the subject of whichever Samurai : The American government and its embassy in Baghdad confirmed their respect for the Iraqi judiciary and the decision of the Iraqi government and the judicial power, and thus there is no way that any party violates the sovereignty of this country and the decision of the Iraqi judiciary.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 12-10-2006 at 08:15 PM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #13279
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    Cool Agreed

    Quote Originally Posted by RollsRoyce View Post
    I think part of the problem here with this . . . *divide the country deal* . . . is that some bastXXd leaked part of the confidential report that was not supposed to be released till after the elections to CNN . . .

    And typically . . . CNN is spinning it . . .
    And now Bush gave his thought to what Jimmy Baker had to say on Public Radio Yesterday. It looks like this may very well happen in the future. I believe it should. but it want be 3 different countrys IMHO. It will most likly and will be 3 different Partys under one Government. since the Oil Share is settled, it should be this way.

    I tell somany that this is the most racist country that has ever caught me attention. But since they are all in the same country and if they want to live in different zones let it be. With democracy you have freedom. And freedom comes with freedom of choice.

    To me it will be like is here. Each section has their own government Body. But they each answer to the "TOP DOG" the Central Government. I have no problem with that.

  10. #13280
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    "Voices of Iraq : Skinner - Samarra'i
    Kawthar wrote : On Thursday, October 12, 2006 1:25 PM-BT

    Skinner : whichever Samurai, however, Iraqi police currently
    From the hushed Abdulamir
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    Announced the government's official spokesman today, Thursday, the Iraqi Minister of Electricity Alasabq Samurai whichever is now with the Iraqi police and will be handed over to the Ministry of Justice to serving his term.
    He said to Skinner in a press conference held today in Baghdad that "the American government assured us that it respects the Iraqi judiciary, and that is unlikely to threaten the Iraqi decision. "
    However, "only that the Samurai holds American citizenship, therefore it is the right of American citizens to believe in the American embassy in his life to be transferred to a prison where convicted his sentence. "
    The Iraqi court has ruled yesterday on whichever Samurai, Minister of Electricity in the former government of Iyad Allawi, to two years in prison after being convicted in cases of neglect and squandering public money. However, the American forces stormed the court and drove to an unknown destination without court permission.
    H M"

    anyone know what thats all about?

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