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    Dr. Mahdi Al-Hafiz, member of the Parliament and former minister of planning, said that it is obvious to have divergent views and opinions on foreign investment, which is not confined to Iraq, but extend to other countries. They are the themes of a debate between experts and the economic policy makers in the world; therefore, objective discussions on the subject need to be encouraged. They need to be approached according to an intact context that gathers economic and political considerations at the same time, in order to reach a sound attitude towards encouraging foreign investment law which is presented before the Parliament now.

    He explained: in fact, there are two types of foreign investment: the foreign direct investment and Foreign Indirect Investment. The difference between the two is that the first is a real, long-term investment in the productive and service sectors of the national economy, like industry, agriculture, energy, tourism, communications and others. The second type, the indirect foreign investment, is concentrated in the financial markets where foreign bodies, individuals and companies, own the shares and stocks, private or governmental and circulate them o achieve profit.

    He continued: "What concerns us in Iraq is the research in the benefits of foreign direct investment, and concentrate at its benefits as an external funding source for economic and service projects in the framework of the national development strategy and its priorities. The truth is that the benefits of foreign direct investment are clear and of significant importance for the remarkable development experiences in many countries such as China, India, Malaysia, Mexico and Brazil and other countries in the world, in all continents. They are the acquisition of modern technologies, the fight against unemployment (creating job opportunities), the development and diversification of exports and the variation of the productive base of the national economy and others. This is what Iraq needs, more than ever, in the framework of his policies and orientations to reform and diversify the economy, reconstruction, tackling the problem of unemployment and improve the quality of services and expand them. It is an urgent necessity imposed by the significant lack of internal financial resources, compared to the high estimated cost to achieve these programs and projects.


    The rv plays a different role in both of these. The indirect investor wants to see the immediate rv. The direct investor wants to see a deferred rv to leverage his in-country purchase power. Iraq needs both. The stock market will not receive greater than 10% foreign investment when it opens. The first rv will follow and serve to cause indirect investors to sell off for profit and will attract indirect investors with an eye on long term growth. The talk I hear is of a tiered rv sometime soon after the opening of foreign investment to the stock exchange. Not one big rv but a series of exchange adjustments (for example, this is what Dr. Q has been saying). It makes too much sense. Shabibi is selling this point when he says he want the dinar on par with the dollar and he knows he needs direct foreign investment in any shape he can get it. Smart man. He can have the best of both worlds. We are closer than we think but the longer we keep our money the more we will make. Some will make good money. Some will make a fortune. Iraq will emerge strong. This is the win-win-win for all. This is all between the lines. Some sort of rv is right around the corner.

    In the original article there is no reference in either definition of direct or indirect foreign investing to the buying of currency. If the buying of Iraqi dinars isn't a direct investment in Iraq than I don't know what is. In his definition of indirect foreign investment this former minister of planning says that it is the ownership and circulation of stocks & shares to acheive profit-again no mention of currency. The poster at the bottom implies that it is we who are indirect investers that are waiting for an immediate high RV.Although not a naysayers he seems to be one of the grow slow crowd at IIF.I find it curious also that he cites Dr. Q as a credible source.

  2. #13302
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    Rumors are rife recently on the draft law on investment hoped approval of the House of Representatives and the importance of the exit Iraq from suffocating economic crisis it is going through. , as well as to feel the law of jobs to absorb the unemployed, the way to see the rest of Iraq in terms of modern techniques and sophisticated CST ....
    From conferences to the studies via statement released by officials and decision-makers ... We expect the law commensurate with the Iraqi experience in the field of law, but unfortunately the draft disappointing form and content ... not to mention the errors and inconsistencies that existed ... . Despite the wording of the draft as it is supposed to be the draft on the degree of legal drafting, could be that the Chamber of Deputies and discussed them in order to approval and ratification by the Council presidency. If the legal formulation of the draft law weak, it would be difficult for the House and correct errors formal and substantive law to get coordinated and integrated up to the required level. The investment code requiring legal expertise and depth not to mention the specialized expertise in other areas ... I must form a committee specialized in this area prior to the introduction of a draft law to the parliament, this committee is made up of jurists and specialists economic and financial experts and businessmen, business and industry, a number of advisers of the ministries concerned in this regard.
    Despite the lack of appropriate timing of the issuance of the law in light of the current circumstances, in addition to the priority of other legislation is more important for the advancement of the Iraqi economy by, It is what we in God previously published in the newspaper Sabah (degeneration trade and its implications on the Iraqi economy) where we considered the investment law, another means used by the Iraqi legislature to develop its economy and push towards higher after having exhausted all other means ... these latter is seen in the re - Tip House legal Iraqi interior before hiring investors from abroad.
    For the purpose of giving a purely legal point of view on what was in the chapters and articles of the draft law, it would be important to study this draft all aspects of the formal and substantive ... To highlight the whole of the important aspects of the investment law, according to the sequence of chapters :
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    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  3. #13303
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    A statistical report issued by the Control Service Jordanian companies on the list issued Iraqis investors in the Jordanian companies registered in the control of the companies since the beginning of this year, hitting 83,7 million dinars compared with 79,4 for the same period last year. while the contribution of partners Kuwaitis sharply, which amounted to 27,7 million dinars.
    Until the end of last September, compared with 161,3 million dinars for the same period last year.
    Also went Emiratis investments in companies registered in the first nine months of this year, to 2, nine million dinars compared to 136,9 million dinars for the same period last year.
    Witnessed Egyptian investments in the Jordanian companies registered during the first nine months of the current year to 12 million dinars compared to 7, five million dinars for the same period last year. The statistical report to the positive indicators in the new Iraqi employee investments in the various economic sectors have been since the beginning of this year until the end of last September 7021 a new company registration capital of 940. three million dinars in 6227 compared with the registration company with a capital of 480,4 million dinars compared with the same period of last year.
    The focus of most Iraqi investments in the services sector amounted to 448 million dinars, and agriculture amounted to 252, nine million Dinarthm industry amounted 117,5 million dinars, followed by trade and reached 105,9 million dinars then contracting 15,6 million dinars.
    The report pointed out that Iraqi companies contributing new accounted for the highest proportion of the total capital of new companies as the number recorded since the beginning of this year 2006 to 38 public joint stock company with capital of 485. six million dinars versus 12 registration and public shareholding company with a total capital 80,7 million dinars in the same period last year. It was followed by limited liability companies with capital of 191,5 million dinars compared with 156, four million dinars to the same period of last year.
    It was during the month of September, 600 new companies registered capital amounted to 77,2 million dinars in exchange for the registration of 685 companies with capital of 124, five million dinars compared with the same period of last year.
    Translated version of
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  4. #13304
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    Not sure if this has been posted, if so sorry. I'm reading sites and just placing some stuff here

    Economic expert : the high rate of the dinar as a deliberate government policy
    Dargham of Muhammad Ali
    Said an economist and industrial today, Thursday, that the decline witnessed by the dollar rate of exchange against the dinar in Iraq is temporary and comes within the government policy aimed at encouraging banks to buy the largest possible quantity of the dollar to withdraw more liquidity and the reduction of inflation.
    He explained Mr. Sadiq Abdul Razzaq in a statement to the News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent, "one of the policies that government is currently working to follow is to encourage the purchase of foreign currency bonds and the purchase of government loans."
    The dollar had reached in the auction the Central Bank today dinars in 1470 compared to 1471 dinars yesterday.
    He pointed out that "these policies may include restoration-related factors of supply and demand scientifically and economically, but a policy of keeping a gradual shock does not lead to a significant drop in the value of the dollar and sudden lose confidence dealer."
    He added that "the government needs to tremendous liquidity for the payment of salaries of staff and to cover government expenditure of the local currency and not covered by any returns as the productive sectors and is now the sole entrance of the State of the local currency, either through print or through the purchase of exchange in the local market."
    He said that "the decline in the dollar rate at 2 dinars, suggested dinars, or 20 dinars will not have a significant impact on the economic level for the merchants who Atether including the simple movement in the price but it will be sufficient to encourage banks to purchase and conversion."
    He explained that "it is expected that a continued decline in measured does not affect the confidence-dollar deal by traders and encourage further buying of dollars by banks in an attempt to reduce inflation as a result of the irresponsible economic management."
    Translated version of um=1
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  5. #13305
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    American forces protect Iraqi ministers after a previously awarded
    12 / 10 / 2006
    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi authorities said that the American forces and Iraqi ministers quoted a former American nationality of a court in Baghdad on Wednesday after he was sentenced for two years on charges of waste of public money.

    Officials said that the troops moved hastily whichever Samurai served in the first Iraqi government after the war led by interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi from the courtroom after expressing fears for his life.

    He said al-Samarra'i, a former electricity minister detained in Iraq since he was arrested on charges of financial and administrative corruption in August, told Reuters earlier that under the protection of America and that he is a victim of political conspiracy by the government led by Shiites.

    Skinner said the spokesman for the Iraqi government to the government of Shiite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki demanded the return of al-Samarra'i, the Americans agreed to do so.

    The issue could be politically embarrassing for Washington, which has repeatedly affirmed the independence of the judiciary and the rule of the Iraqi government.

    Skinner said that the Samurai was under American protection in the fortified Green Zone in central Baghdad, which includes the headquarters of the American embassy and the Iraqi government.

    But he refused to say whether the former minister inside the embassy as-Samarra'i said earlier on Wednesday.

    Skinner added that the strength of American taken from the court since they believed that it should be placed under protection to ensure safety until he is transferred to a prison security to spend the period of his sentence.

    The American embassy refused to make official statements on the issue.

    He said if Ventor spokesman for the embassy told Reuters "American federal law prevents us from providing information on the American citizen."

    The legislator protested morning Saadi of the Shiite coalition forces on what he described as American interference in the judiciary and said that the Iraqi government must take steps to prevent the Samurai out of the country.

    He described the Samurai as his conviction was politically motivated and said he feared for his life, pointing out that, if left killed within minutes.

    He said al-Samarra'i, who spent years in exile in the United States that he is a victim because of his opposition to the Iranian influence in Iraq and the Shiite militia which received by the charge of killing hundreds of the year.

    But speaking on behalf of the Office of public integrity, a governmental body investigate corruption Iraqi ministries denied the presence of any political motive in the case.

    He said that the Court heard the witnesses and evidence have pointed out that six issues facing financial and administrative corruption, and this is one of them is expected appearance before the court again within a few days ago in another case.

    Details of the case were not clear. Samurai not only says that he was accused of squandering public money to buy a generator price of 200 thousand dollars to the suburb of the capital city of Amarah in Maysan Governorate.

    The corruption prevails at all levels of government and cost the country billions of dollars and announced that combat-Maliki of the priorities of his government.

    On Sunday, the Iraqi Parliament voted to lift the immunity of a Sunni legislator Algbori paper, which accused him of corruption investigators in the looting of millions of dollars during his responsibility to protect the oil pipeline in the north.

    Al-Jabouri said that the accusations as fabricated by the government in retaliation for his opposition to Iranian influence in the country
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    Differences in the list of Allawi after some deputies vote in favor of

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-13-2006
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    Differences in the list of Allawi after some deputies vote in favor of the project ... Al compatibility »searching mechanisms objection to the law on the formation of regions politically and legally
    Baghdad, the London-Amri as the life-13 / 10 / 06 / /

    One day after the parliament's approval of the draft law on the formation of regions called Al Accord Front »yesterday blocs objecting to the project to develop Al unified position» of law and research in the legal mechanisms to reply, With differences emerged within the existing Iraqi Al », which was attended by some deputies meeting, It criticized Al National Accord Movement »(one of the components of the Iraqi List), led by Iyad Allawi, the passing of the bill was considered Al Tekasimia projects promoted by the will of Foreign Affairs», describing the session of the Diet approved the law as a farce Al ».

    The leader of "Al-compatibility» Adnan Al Dulaimi life »," The Front will project legally and constitutionally for the diagnosis of the main points that would oppose it, He said that the project was expected to pass because of the design of blocs of the United Iraqi Alliance and the Kurds. the two largest parliamentary blocs, to pass », he said," The agreement will not declare war quickly in the House of Representatives before the project », some accused Al blocs in cooperation with the coalition to pass ».

    The prosecutor told about Al Hussein Alvluji compatibility »» Al-Hayat said that the blocks objecting to the law of the provinces would meet within two days to discuss the reaction mechanisms and emerge with a united around Alburj ».

    He added that consensus would oppose legally to the Constitutional Court despite the cancellation of this item in the formation of regions, It also would oppose politically issuing a joint statement with the masses objecting to the law carries observations and reservations to approve the bill and the reasons why, to boycott the first parliamentary session »yesterday.

    Alvluji questioned the legality of the meeting, He pointed out that the rules of procedure of the convention provides for the delay of more than an hour and a half, then deferred to the next day, in the absence of a quorum. criticizing pass the traditional rules of law to a vote. He added that the Speaker promised to use the electronic voting so the deputies Al compatibility »hoping to disrupt the meeting the draft law this way, But Front discovered at the last minute exclusion of the electronic voting process, which it was hoped to increase the proportion of opponents of the draft of the deputies are unable to disclose the opposition to the project because they belong to the masses in favor of it ».

    In the meantime, the Al »National Accord Movement issued a statement criticizing them farce» meeting of the Council of Deputies, which approved the formation of regions in the draft was considered Al Tekasimia projects promoted by the clear will of Foreign Affairs ». She added that those who attended that meeting, "I do not represent all the Iraqi people», held, who voted to approve the draft partition Iraq, the consequences of damage to the interests of the Supreme ». The Al amendments to the Constitution, the first step in the work of the House of Representatives prior to the issuance of such Thus, the draft ».

    For his part, Mufeed al-Jazairi, Al member of the Iraqi List »accusations made by the participation of some members on the list» Al meeting and their complete quorum and pass the law.

    He told Al-Hayat »," The eight members of the Iraqi entered the Council Chamber after the political blocs to reach a definitive agreement on the project », He explained, "The Iraqi succeeded in modifying many of the articles contained in the draft coalition, including the definition of the region that consists of the governorate and one or more instead of the paragraph, which stipulates that the territory consists of two or more».

    He added that Iraq has succeeded in adding the plebiscite and the recognition of its success in the event of a vote of 50% of the registered voters, at a time when the Accord Front suggested that the proportion of voters 40% of the proportion of the electorate, in addition to ensuring that the implementation of the project only after a year and a half on the adoption »he said, adding that it learned from sufficient guarantees for the payment of the political blocs objecting to the validation of the project».

    He emphasized that "what happened in the parliament the day before yesterday is the most that could be agreed upon by the political blocs to satisfy all the parties» and the Iraqi List deputies who participated in Wednesday's meeting did not participate in the approval of the draft coalition also accuses them of some, but the conditions were implemented in advance and approved by all the political blocs, including the Accord Front after the proposed amendments to the project ».

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    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-13-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    The Organization of the Islamic Conference »Al linking the level of representation of Mecca, the religious leaders in Iraq
    Jeddah-Rajhi Nayef life-13 / 10 / 06 / /

    The Al Organization of the Islamic Conference »yesterday that the level of participation in the initiative Al injecting blood Muslim victims of sectarian conflict in Iraq», to define the success rate, stressing that there is no need at all to this meeting if representation at the level of senior religious leaders and Muslim scholars in the country.

    A spokesman for the organization, Ambassador Atta Mannan Bakheet she received many assurances to participate in the conference at a high level. He expressed the hope that the success ally "and document Mecca», although this document, which will culminate with a meeting of religious leaders in the Sunni and Shiite in Iraq on 27 and 28 of the current month of Ramadan, approved 19 and October 20 (October), to stop Al »sectarian bloodbath in the country. He also said that this document has been approved by everybody and actually endorsing full because it does not contain any disagreement or argument at all. We are therefore very optimistic that يحالفنا success to help our brothers in Iraq to live in safety and comfort ».

    He expected Mannan said that participate in a meeting of Mecca, a number of senior officials of the religious leaders and Muslim scholars in Iraq ... To attest to themselves that they have agreed to the speech that both convicted criminals and perpetrators of the murder of Muslims ».

    The four representatives of the religious Shiite and Sunni Muslims in Iraq are small, Sheikh Jalal Al-Din, Sheikh Dr. Salah A. ``` Bdalrezag, Sheikh Dr. Abdel Abdaljbar Abbas, Sheikh Mahmoud Sumaida'ie, Finally finished preparatory meetings in Jeddah, under the auspices of the Islamic Fiqh Academy to "Organization of the Islamic Conference», the draft document "The Mecca».

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    The investment law seeks to enhance the competitive capabilities of the Iraqi economy
    Source: Al-Bayan

    Dr. Mahdi Al-Hafiz, member of the Parliament and former minister of planning, said that it is obvious to have divergent views and opinions on foreign investment, which is not confined to Iraq, but extend to other countries. They are the themes of a debate between experts and the economic policy makers in the world; therefore, objective discussions on the subject need to be encouraged. They need to be approached according to an intact context that gathers economic and political considerations at the same time, in order to reach a sound attitude towards encouraging foreign investment law which is presented before the Parliament now.

    He added that foreign investment is one of channels or external sources of financing economic and service activities or projects of in other countries. Economically known, that there are channels or several sources of external financing for the economic and service activities and projects in different countries. They include investment, aid, private and official loans "external debt", all of which are remittances or financial flows entering the country and they differ in terms, nature, burdens and benefits to the country.

    He continued: "However, the most important characteristic of foreign investment, compared to other financing sources, is that it does not burden the beneficiary country with debts. The financial flows in the form of foreign investment do not constitute a debt to that country as the case for foreign loans. They are not combined to any political commitments as is the case for some grants and foreign aids.

    He explained: in fact, there are two types of foreign investment: the foreign direct investment and Foreign Indirect Investment. The difference between the two is that the first is a real, long-term investment in the productive and service sectors of the national economy, like industry, agriculture, energy, tourism, communications and others. The second type, the indirect foreign investment, is concentrated in the financial markets where foreign bodies, individuals and companies, own the shares and stocks, private or governmental and circulate them o achieve profit.

    He said: it is noted that some of the international financial institutions consider the investment indirect in the case it possesses of the proportion of less than 10% of the shares in the financial market, which is a matter of debate, as the ratio does not constitute an essential criterion in the classification between direct and indirect. Usually, the standard of a certain field, sector or activity where remittances or external financial flows are used, is taken into consideration.

    He continued: "What concerns us in Iraq is the research in the benefits of foreign direct investment, and concentrate at its benefits as an external funding source for economic and service projects in the framework of the national development strategy and its priorities. The truth is that the benefits of foreign direct investment are clear and of significant importance for the remarkable development experiences in many countries such as China, India, Malaysia, Mexico and Brazil and other countries in the world, in all continents. They are the acquisition of modern technologies, the fight against unemployment (creating job opportunities), the development and diversification of exports and the variation of the productive base of the national economy and others. This is what Iraq needs, more than ever, in the framework of his policies and orientations to reform and diversify the economy, reconstruction, tackling the problem of unemployment and improve the quality of services and expand them. It is an urgent necessity imposed by the significant lack of internal financial resources, compared to the high estimated cost to achieve these programs and projects.

    He said: that foreign direct investment is today the focus of fierce international competition, where countries compete to earn foreign investments by providing incentives, exemptions and inducements designed to achieve that goal. Countries from both sides of the world, developed and the developing are engaged in the task. It is noted that China, in the framework of its new economic policy, has been successful in attracting the highest proportion of foreign investments, without compromising its interests and national sovereignty, which is a remarkable phenomenon and worthy of study and follow-up on our part. It also has a very useful intellectual and economic significance for the debate aroused currently on the law of investment in Iraq and the fears that it may cause for national sovereignty, in the eyes of some.
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    Quote Originally Posted by $onedaysoon$ View Post
    Not sure if this has been posted, if so sorry. I'm reading sites and just placing some stuff here

    Economic expert : the high rate of the dinar as a deliberate government policy
    Dargham of Muhammad Ali
    Said an economist and industrial today, Thursday, that the decline witnessed by the dollar rate of exchange against the dinar in Iraq is temporary and comes within the government policy aimed at encouraging banks to buy the largest possible quantity of the dollar to withdraw more liquidity and the reduction of inflation.
    He explained Mr. Sadiq Abdul Razzaq in a statement to the News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent, "one of the policies that government is currently working to follow is to encourage the purchase of foreign currency bonds and the purchase of government loans."
    The dollar had reached in the auction the Central Bank today dinars in 1470 compared to 1471 dinars yesterday.
    He pointed out that "these policies may include restoration-related factors of supply and demand scientifically and economically, but a policy of keeping a gradual shock does not lead to a significant drop in the value of the dollar and sudden lose confidence dealer."
    He added that "the government needs to tremendous liquidity for the payment of salaries of staff and to cover government expenditure of the local currency and not covered by any returns as the productive sectors and is now the sole entrance of the State of the local currency, either through print or through the purchase of exchange in the local market."
    He said that "the decline in the dollar rate at 2 dinars, suggested dinars, or 20 dinars will not have a significant impact on the economic level for the merchants who Atether including the simple movement in the price but it will be sufficient to encourage banks to purchase and conversion."
    He explained that "it is expected that a continued decline in measured does not affect the confidence-dollar deal by traders and encourage further buying of dollars by banks in an attempt to reduce inflation as a result of the irresponsible economic management."
    Translated version of um=1
    SGS - What is your take on this? They can just go on like this without an RV?

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    Reconciliation Progressing in Iraq, Coalition Officials Say

    Provincial reconstruction teams playing a key role

    By David McKeeby
    Washington File Staff Writer

    Washington -- Despite ongoing violence in Iraq, the country's new government continues to make progress toward national reconciliation and building the democratic institutions essential to long-term success, coalition officials say.

    "Iraq's young government, though still in its infancy, is facing extremely complex … issues that would cripple many mature nations," Army Major General William Caldwell, coalition spokesman, told journalists at an October 9 press briefing in Baghdad, Iraq.

    As predicted, terrorist bombings and sectarian murders and kidnappings have increased in the Iraqi capital while residents observe the holy month of Ramadan. That these attacks are more frequent and severe in neighborhoods not protected under the government's recently issued Baghdad Security Plan, Caldwell said, highlights the need for an "Iraqi solution" rooted in political and economic development rather than military strategy. (See related article.)

    But first, Caldwell said, the Iraqi government recognizes that it must move forward with its proposed National Reconciliation and Dialogue Project, an initiative announced earlier in 2006 aimed at bringing Iraq's diverse communities together. (See related article.)

    Caldwell reported that Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki met October 1 with political and religious leaders who signed a pledge to try to end sectarian violence in Baghdad by establishing new district committees tasked with monitoring and addressing Sunni-Shia violence in their communities.

    On October 7, Maliki met with ministerial officials and influential sheiks from al-Anbar province to develop and discuss solutions to the security and economic development challenges facing their region, second only to Baghdad in violent attacks. At the local level, Iraqi government and tribal officials across the country have met to consider ways to improve security.

    Sunni and Shia religious leaders currently attending the Organization of the Islamic Conference in neighboring Saudi Arabia also are discussing the issue, Caldwell said, adding that later in October hundreds of Iraqis will meet for the third of four scheduled national conferences at the heart of the Iraqi government's national reconciliation initiative.

    "The most telling sign of progress toward reconciliation is that the leaders from diverse factions, with different interests, are working together and are communicating with each other," the general said. (See related article.)


    Caldwell was joined by Rob Tillery, chief of staff for the State Department's Iraq Reconstruction Management Office, who updated journalists on the progress of the U.S. provincial reconstruction teams (PRTs). He said the teams are aiding community authorities in achieving greater self-reliance by helping build strong local governments.

    "Iraq belongs to the Iraqi people," Tillery said. "And success here depends on decisions of the people and their government."

    Originally developed for use in Afghanistan, the PRTs bring together personnel from across U.S. military and civilian government agencies to serve as advisers to provincial authorities. In Iraq, the teams are focused primarily on repairing and rebuilding more than $100 million worth of key infrastructure in 15 provinces.

    But the challenge in Iraq extends beyond construction projects, Tillery explained. After decades of tight central control from Baghdad, provincial governments also need to develop skills in budgeting and public finance to deliver essential services to their citizens and to build the security, anti-corruption and rule of law programs essential to political and economic development.

    Seven U.S. PRTs currently are active in Baghdad, Anbar, Diyala, Salah ad Din, Ninawah, Ata Min (Kirkuk) and Babil provinces. Three more teams, led by Italy, South Korea and the United Kingdom, operate in Dhi Qar, Erbil and Basra provinces.

    PRTs contribute to national reconciliation by helping local officials develop effective conflict resolution techniques, improved security programs and good governance skills, as well as advising them on job creation and vocational training to provide new opportunities for area residents.

    "I am convinced that the only way we're going to achieve success here is not to try to do this centrally, but to have each of the provinces start to take a leadership role in returning essential services to their people. Who knows best [other] than the leaders in the villages and the towns and the cities and in the provinces what is necessary? The PRT is helping them develop the infrastructure development plans to address those needs," he said.
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