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    Shiite and Kurdish leaders see federalism as a matter of fact «»

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 14-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Shiite and Kurdish leaders see federalism as a matter of fact «», «» the Association of Muslim Scholars is a black day approval «»
    Baghdad-Wahid taste of life-14 / 10 / 06 / /

    Sources told Shiite and Kurdish «life» «The federation endorsed and become a reality for everyone and to deal with this issue seriously», It demanded the provinces of Basra and Nasiriyah to exploit the period of deferment applied for the preparation of qualified cadres of the Department of Territories, campaign awareness of the new system. She described «» the Association of Muslim Scholars, on the vote on the federal law b »« Black.

    The deputy said the novelist leadership of the Party «» Islamic advocacy told «life» that «all Iraqi forces and government departments dealing with the reality of federalism after the law was voted upon in the House». He pointed out that the objections came from the federal «votes is not a new tone here since the writing of the Constitution». And the forces rejecting the allegations of two kinds : «I illustrates that the Federal monopolize wealth and hegemony on the sources, This refuted the theory of the Constitution when it addressed the issue of wealth distribution and outlined with the adoption of population density basis for this. The second play card of national unity and trying to incite public opinion emotionally, and pictures of federalism project for the division of the country. This is not true, that the project, which was submitted to parliament does not affect or threaten national unity, it also ensures that all Iraqis to confront the dictatorship and authoritarianism ».

    «Promised to rule the distribution of wealth in the Constitution column Iraqi economy and the rule of federalism is to build vertical distribution of authorities». Making light of the importance of questioning the legality of the parliament during the vote, «The amendments to some of the paragraphs of items law at a meeting of representatives of blocs Minutes before the meeting, in deference to the wishes of one of the lists. The quorum required 138 deputies, while 140 deputies present, we need a simple majority to pass the project. That has happened. The official record of the meeting exists ».

    The Kurdish MP Aref Tevor, Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament, objections to pass a federal law «» inappropriate. He said in a statement to «life» «hyperbolic that the fundamentalist and legal in the meeting, which was preceded by a meeting of heads of blocs». He called «those who question the legitimacy of the voting law to provide legal justification away from the political rhetoric and emotional», He pointed out that the federation and the reality of the rule of law and Huger subject to objection, except observations of the right to the Presidency made before endorsing it, and even if not ratified, after 15 days is effective ».

    In Basra, Sheikh Abu peace Alsaidi, a board member of the preserve, a «divisions in the Council on the type of federalism that will be chosen. There are three views : the Supreme Council-and-formations calling for the designation of Basra and the southern governorates and Furat one territory, representatives of the party «invitation» CALL FOR ANNEXING preserving the territory of the three provinces with Nasiriyah, Amarah, With members of the Council will embrace of the Virtue Party «» the idea of establishing a federal system of Basra alone, as a first stage, After the evaluation is the experience, and if successful with significant enrollment in other provinces and one territory ».

    He did not conceal Sheikh Ahmed Ali, deputy governor of Nasiriyah, concerned staff time and expertise, and their impact on the fate of the new experience. He stressed in a statement to the «life» «need to create efficient cadres capable of assuming the responsibility of the administration of the territory, and the importance of good preparation on the political level to avoid the failures faced the provincial administration after the fall of the former regime, was hauled shares sectarian elements inefficient in administrative positions, including security institutions. As reflected negatively on the performance and rampant corruption, which has become the scourge plaguing the country and its economy », He called on the government to exploit the postponement of the application of the federal 18-month told «opening sessions of intensive training for all disciplines, The preparation of cadres capable of assuming the new responsibility ». He pointed out that «current programs implemented by international organizations on the federal programs are not useful and fruitless so far has failed to produce anything».

    «Described the Association of Muslim Scholars, in a statement obtained» «life», a copy of, on the vote on the federal law b Black »« today, She announced that «who have contributed to this process would stand up one day accountable to the employer Dignity». It went on to say that the «denounces this fateful step, which has incensed the people of Iraq are free and received the blessing of the American Ambassador, indicates that the occupation forces behind this project ». It called «Iraqis to rally around the anti-occupation forces, which refused the entire political process».
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 14-10-2006 at 09:55 AM.

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  2. #13562
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    The Baker consider phased withdrawal. The absorption of the rebel political

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 14-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    The Baker consider phased withdrawal. The absorption of the rebel political rather than democracy

    Co-Chairman Lee Hamilton raised doubts in the ability of government-Maliki

    Michael Abramoutich and Thomas Ricks *
    Effects official of the Commission charged the Congress and former Foreign Minister James Baker chaired by the mean view of the American policy in Iraq fears to the ability of the Iraqi government to address the problems of the country. With more indications emerged that the Commission consider the recommendations is likely to run fully with the policies of the administration of President George W. Bush. Well-informed sources said that a group of experts to assist had prepared papers to the Committee, one calls for a phased withdrawal of American troops from Iraq. With other advocates to focus more on security in the Iraqi capital, and work on the absorption of the political rebel, not democracy. The details of the papers have emerged for the first time yesterday in the New York Sun newspaper «». A source said that the documents referred to put the basic viewpoints to the Committee, With another source pointed to the existence of several working papers prepared for the other, He warned of the likelihood of disagreements between members of the Committee deliberations in the future. He stressed Lee Hamilton, Co-Chair of the Committee and former member of Congress from the Democratic Party, and the Chairman of the James Baker, The American former Foreign Minister, they would not bring forward any recommendations until after the end of the mid-term congressional elections in November 7 (November) next order not to politicize the issue. Baker said that he does not exclude anything, and Hamilton added that any press reports spoke of their agreement on any recommendations completely erroneous. For his part, Hamilton said he was fears about the ability of the new Iraqi government, headed by Nouri al-Maliki to provide security and basic services. He added : «there are still questions in my mind towards capacity and the will of the Iraqi government to move forward. There are some encouraging signs. Talk generally very new, but the follow-up process is still lower than our expectations ». It should be noted that the presence of Baker in the chairmanship of the Committee established by the Congress has attracted widespread attention in the foreign policy circles because of the proximity of the Bush family. Some look at the recommendations of the possible means to reconsider after the mid-term congressional elections expected in the United States policy towards Iraq.
    The American administration to cooperate with the Committee, and President Bush said this week that he expected to issue its recommendations, He added that he is positive that involved some former statesmen Americans in such efforts. As the papers, the Committee continues to look beyond the current Bush strategy, , which contains a troop strength of 140 thousand soldiers and officers in Iraq to maintain security until Iraqi forces able to carry out the responsibilities of maintaining security and peace. The New York Sun newspaper «» that the United States should aim primarily to the extension of stability especially in the capital Baghdad and absorption instead of the pursuit of military victory, The second option, which is titled «redeployment» and containment, to a phased withdrawal of American troops from Iraq. but it is not yet clear time of the withdrawal of these forces and destination.

    * Service and the Washington Post «» «special to the Middle East»
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 14-10-2006 at 09:54 AM.

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  3. #13563
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    Adnan Al-Dulaimi scoffed at the threat of Shiite leader Muqtada al-Sadr

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 14-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Muqtada al-Sadr to his followers : Satbra who killed unjustly

    Adnan Al-Dulaimi scoffed at the warning and wondered : who decides what is right?

    London : «» Middle East
    Scoffed Dr. Adnan Al-Dulaimi the head of the Iraqi Accord Front in the House of Representatives (parliament) of the Iraqi threat to the radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr that «» Sitbra of his supporters if they were «aggressors against the Iraqi people wrongly».
    He said Dulaimi told «» Middle East via phone from his home in Baghdad yesterday, «Who decides that this attack was in the right or not right, It defines the meaning of the right, and how the armed militia and that the illegal attack on the citizens, whether in the right or not right? ». He added «Rather Moqtada al-Sadr to issue orders to dissolve his militia and hand over disarmament and non-use, This is the correct procedure »« stressing that the government is granted a legitimate cover for the work of the armed militias of kidnapping, killing and burning of houses », «adding these militias known and belonging to political parties in Parliament and the government could force them to confront and solve their militia».

    The statement issued by Sadr's office and quoted by the French Press Agency had said «may become available that there are groups or members of the Mahdi Army attack on the Iraqi people without right and the book Munir. Although there is no proof so only if it is proved that I Sathia names and Atbra without them not fear ».

    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 14-10-2006 at 09:54 AM.

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  4. #13564
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    Jawad reveals who is planning to rid the leadership of the Interior Ministry of sectarian influence

    The Interior Minister Jawad who is that "leadership is planning to amend the ministry to rid it of sectarian influence and political support inside Iraq." Who is Al in an interview with the newspaper (The New York Times) that he "enjoyed the support of Prime Minister Nur al-Maliki to do everything necessary changes between senior leaders of the ministry." He pointed out that "all the senior officials of the Ministry of the Interior in the change and that a government committee reviewed the recommendations in this regard." He who is the newspaper "he does not agree to the militias because it is" a new threat to the Iraqi political process in the country. "

    cabinet overhaul!!!!
    Radio Nawa
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 14-10-2006 at 10:00 AM.

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  5. #13565
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    Radio Nawa
    The General Assembly of the United Nations to be elected (Ban Ki Moon) as its new secretary general to succeed Kofi Annan

    Elected by the General Assembly of the United Nations and former Foreign Minister of South Korea (Ban Ki Moon) as its new secretary general, succeeding the current Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, on the recommendation of the Security Council. Annan has delivered a speech here in which (Ban Ki Moon) on his election, describing him as "a man of broad horizons and enjoy the exceptional qualities and qualifications." On the other hand, The mouthpiece of the General Assembly of the international organization, "Belgium, Italy and South Africa will join as non-permanent members of the Security Council for the period from 2007 to 2008. The General Assembly will elect the three countries chosen after regional groups to which it belongs to replace Denmark, Greece Witt Nzania.

    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 14-10-2006 at 09:17 AM.

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  6. #13566
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    Iraqi to reshuffle Interior Ministry chiefs: NYTimes

    14 October 2006

    NEW YORK - The Iraqi Interior Minister said he plans to reshuffle the ministry’s leadership to rid it of sectarian influence, after pressure from Western officials and with political support within Iraq, The New York Times reported on Saturday.

    Jawad Al Bolani, in a Friday interview with several US newspapers, affirmed that he had the support of Prime Minister Nuri Kamal Al Maliki, a Shia, to make all necessary changes among his top commanders.

    ‘We have an urgent need,’ the Times quoted Bolani as saying in what it characterized as his first in-depth conversation with the Western news media. ‘We have to have changes at this level.
    He added, ‘All the senior employees of the Interior Ministry are in a cycle of change,’ he said, although he did not elaborate on any plans for changes. Bolani did say that his recommendations were being reviewed by a government committee.

    Since taking office in May, Bolani has vowed to clean house at the agency, which oversees Iraq’s police forces, the Times said.

    Western officials and Sunni Arab leaders have accused the ministry of harboring senior managers who, during Iraq’s previous government, tolerated or encouraged Shia militias to infiltrate the police forces, the newspaper said.

    Bolani, it added, had made some progress in reforming the ministry, such as firing thousands of employees, but Western officials and some Iraqi leaders say he has not had the political support for the necessary purges, especially at the ministry’s higher levels.

    Citing US officials close to the ministry, the Times said that among commanders Bolani may replace is the deputy minister of administration Adnan Al Asadi, who is suspected of supporting the Shia militias.

    But Bolani denied that, the Times said, though it reported that he insisted he was trying to transform the ministry from top to bottom.

    The Times said Bolani sidestepped questions about sectarian and political influence in the ministry and repeatedly refused to confirm or deny whether there was militia influence in his security forces.

    But he said he did not approve of the militias, calling them ‘a new threat to the political process of Iraq,’ naming the Mahdi Army, a huge force loyal to the Shia cleric Moktada Al Sadr, the Times said.
    WOoT WOoT!!!!

    Khaleej Times Online - Iraqi to reshuffle Interior Ministry chiefs: NYTimes
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 14-10-2006 at 09:48 AM.

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  7. #13567
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiko View Post
    So correct me if I am wrong here.

    So monday morning they are starting to distribute the cards. Those who has received such a card can go to the bank to pick up a cheque. With this cheque they can get cash to buy food. (WHO SAID THIS??)

    If this is the case wouldn't it be perfect to reval on sunday the 15th and as soon as everybody is cashing to distribute the small denominations.

    That way they are distributing the small notes all over the country and force the people to use it!

    Just a thought.
    *cards are to be distributed starting monday
    *the cheques have been agreed to be distributed by the ration card ppl for ease of distribution.
    *the cheques for pay increases are being released at the banks on tuesday.

    logic would tell you that the dinar will be revalued by the time they get those cheques to cash on monday morning starting.

    considering my sig adjustment says BY 17:00EST SUNDAY it means from this very second UNTIL that time it could happen anytime.

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  8. #13568
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    In Karbala, the holy :
    ILO distributed foodstuffs to persons with a modest

    Karbala / Muhammad Ali Rubaie
    The Islamic Action Organization Branch Karbala shrines and religious authority auspices of His Eminence Grand Ayatollah Sayed Mohammad Taqi Al-Madrasi (long shadow) distributed food to a group of persons with a modest and the families of martyrs in the city of Karbala, and its environs.
    The organization began its work this since the start of the holy month of Ramadan. in addition to setting up forums of the Koran in mosques and holy city dwelling and organizing religious competitions, and the allocation of gifts to the winners.
    This will establish a fast round of collective after half of the holy month of Ramadan, followed by a lecture given by the tolerance of religious guidance Grand Ayatollah Mohammad Taqi Al-Madrasi (long shadow) belonging to the holy month.
    This came in an interview conducted extensive radio (Huda) with professor Hashem al-Mutairi, a branch of the organization in Karbala on the virtues of the holy month of Ramadan, touching on the importance of this blessed month, and the many virtues.
    The al-Mutairi, the need to invest this holy month in order to promote the dissemination of culture and Muslim culture, The deepening of social solidarity between members of Iraqi society. and the attempt to disclose the spirit of tolerance and mutual assistance among all the people whom the service of religion and the homeland. This represents an initial task in the cultural approach of the organization. In the context of the modern professor Mutairi noted the need to exploit the spiritual climate offered by this blessed month for brotherhood, tolerance and synergy between Muslims by the Prophet gave him Akram (r) (accept you good month, the month of love, which tied the Devils) of استزاده of charity.
    In the context of the answer to a question about the importance of the assistance provided by the organization to a modest families and the families of the martyrs, he replied : such aid that do not represent the truth of the material value, as they are at the moral level of those people who measured their conditions of life and notice that there are people who remember them and try to help them and sense their suffering.
    في كربلاء المقدسة:

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  9. #13569
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    Steps forward for the development of the oil sector
    Invest all oil and gas fields and import fuel through the private sector

    Huda / follow
    Moving the Oil Ministry to take practical action to improve Bakota oil and development through investment oil and gas fields and the organization of a new and vital for importing oil derivatives through the private sector, including solve the problem of fuel which citizens are suffering constantly.
    It was announced, said Oil Minister, Dr. Hussein Shahrastani is that the ministry intends to direct investment in the fields of petroleum and gas in the whole country according to the law of oil and gas hoped approval end of this year, particularly since most fields contain promising quantities of oil and gas and that the ministry had prepared a plan for the supply of equipment and the introduction of Walt modern Knulujia to accelerate rehabilitation of those fields to bolster production.
    The minister added in a press interview that the investment of these fields will contribute to accelerating the economic and architectural renaissance, which includes the provinces of the oil fields in addition to providing employment opportunities for the people of these governorates and reduce the volume of unemployment.
    Shahrastani and pointed out that the ministry had prepared a plan for increasing the volume of production of oil derivatives refineries currently held through the addition of new production units and build a new division in the governorate, and between the Ministry of Oil adopt transparency in the transfer of information through the media, it is the right of any citizen access to contracts, investments and the volume of exports and selling prices producers Iraqi and other information that the ministry is for all Iraqis.
    Meanwhile Achrisaid spokesman for the Ministry of Oil last Saturday that the ministry issued a set of instructions on the conditions and mechanisms for dealing with the private sector companies that import oil derivatives.
    The Assem Jihad News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent that the "instructions of the 20th paragraph of the fact that the company is an importer of oil products in Iraq registered with the Ministry of Trade and abide by the instructions and controls of the companies in Iraq."
    The descriptions "directives also stipulate that the company owns imported or bought with outlets for the distribution and storage specifications acceptable to the Ministry of Oil, The company will provide the amount of insurance determined by the ad hoc committee to ensure the fulfillment of the company's contract conditions. "
    The Jihad, "the quantities imported by the company determined by the relevant department of the Ministry of Oil under the marketing possibilities and الخزنيه of the company, which in turn will determine the specifications of the products imported by the company."
    He pointed out that "it will not allow the imported products crossing the Iraqi border unless demonstrate compliance with contractual specifications, which are subject to the terms of metrology and quality control currently in force issued by or on the future." He said, "the company should undertake within one year from the date of its contract to provide or contract storage site appropriate technical capacity Khazneh no less ferocious than the rate for a one-month to the company."
    He added, "will not allow the stations and outlets for the sale of the commercial sale of petroleum products official, imported or manufactured for the Ministry of Oil and corporations will be held accountable and reverse the company according to the law and the right of the ministry and the State inspection examination at the sites selling products, as well as performance monitoring right conduct of the investigation by the fundamentalist law and official controls. "
    He said : "The company clearly writing the prices of their products in their own outlets," he said, pointing out that "the right to determine the prices of the company itself, the sale of imported products and that of the station and outlets distinctive colors that distinguish them from other stations, and as directed by the technical department also be clearly marked and distinctive as a show for sale Commercial. "
    He pointed out that the Jihad "importing companies be exempted from customs duties and tax the reconstruction of Iraq for two years," saying at the same time that "the fines to be levied on violating companies ranges between ten million and 100 million Iraqi dinars
    خطوات الى الامام لتطوير قطاع النفط

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  10. #13570
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    Policy - : Rumors about the government save the national government after the failure of a new course of all the traitors to save the Golan. Is there Mtak* but to escape and leave Iraq to the Iraqis. Oh Khun e
    By Aliraqnews In the 14 / 10 / 2006 9:29:09 ( 77 readers )

    The Washington Post newspaper said that the drop in the security situation in Baghdad has led some politicians to talk about the government of national saving, or what he called the writer David Ignatius military coup, where the government declare a state of emergency and the suspension of parliament, The replacement of Nuri al-Maliki, the Prime Minister's composed of five calls a number of leaders of the former Iraqi army.

    The writer says that the rumors about the coup came from more than one source, as curator of the leader of a Sunni Arab States, carrying with him the idea of a government of national salvation, and gave the impression that the United States supports this idea, but a number of Iraqi intelligence officials discussed plans to isolate and unseat the government of Maliki save, he did not rule out the possibility that the members of Iyad Allawi, the former interim Prime Minister. The paper says that the frustration of the government and clear-Maliki year but Shiite leaders said they support the idea of a semi-coup to isolate Maliki. And because the situation is descending into anarchy and chaos, the young leader Muqtada al-Sadr complained of chaos, then according to security sources America, Al-Sadr spoke with officials at the military intelligence saying that there is new numbers from the Shiite death squads are using the Mahdi Army to carry out its work, With the forces of the Revolutionary Guard, Hezbollah and the Iranian activities killings and executions and the al-Sadr that he did not know the activities of these groups and that they knew outside the scope of his authority.
    In explanation of the causes of the spread of rumors of a coup in Iraq. The writer says that American officials are questioning why and say that one of the reasons is the past history of the country, which has witnessed a number of bloody coups. The reason is very discouraging of Al-Maliki, The idea that America is given a deadline to move against the militias means that under heavy pressure.
    The third reason the writer says that this might have been part of the efforts of the United States to reach a number of leaders and the leaders of the former Ba'athist fighters for the deployment of stability in the country. There is a concept that is spreading within the administration is that the country is standing on the brink of collapse and that is what must be done.
    Hence When is the Bush rhetoric in letters, the only hope for is a federal Iraq is through the marginalization of the regions and the delegation of security and administrative functions in the distribution of oil quotas are equally divided, The army remains in troubled areas, which gave the Americans enough time for the withdrawal. But the problem with this option to the Sunni Triangle area of disturbance which will affect these arrangements, At the time, which confirmed last week when Iraqi tribal chieftains for their willingness to stand up to armed groups, However, the strategy relied on the tribes did not succeed in the past. The writer says that America's opportunities in order to achieve an exit strategy in the coming months and creative diplomacy, at the end of the first month of December (December) the date of the next renewal of the legal mandate that the United Nations has told coalition forces. Al-Maliki and Ranger being dragged his feet on the matter, which did not submit to the National Assembly for ratification of the continuation of the occupation. The writer finds that the deadline given America an opportunity to negotiate a phased withdrawal. The other option is a James Baker's proposals revealed by the beginning of this week, that is directed towards a recommendation from the federal to achieve stability in the country.
    The writer believes that James Baker, who architect of the Madrid conference in 1991 had not only this, but is moving towards a broader solution to the other issues in the Middle East.
    In the same context, the newspaper was suspended Los Angeles Times on Bush's recent statements on Wednesday addressed the Americans saying that America will not defeat terrorism in Iraq, but within the United States. Referring to Bush's problem is that it continues to remain within Iraq would not prevent the collapse of the country towards civil war. especially that the government has become Maliki government factions and parties, not the national government, the second option quick exit means that America will lose its credibility coming out of this, and the impact in Iraq, she would not be able to influence Iraq's neighbors. The newspaper said that with the existence of a link between the defeat of terrorism and securing America and the Iraq war only to simplify things by talking of which Bush meant that the reduction of the two. The paper expressed disappointment at the postponement of the announcement of the results of a study group to study Iraq after the mid-term elections next month, and the disappointment of Bush's recent statements before the election.
    شبكة أخبار العراق - الأخبار

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