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  1. #13621
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    I know this has been posted before, but it is a good breakdown and summary

    A report issued by the Central Agency for Statistics in the Ministry of Planning declared a rise in the indicators of inflation at the consumer goods and foodstuffs last August in Iraq by 15.1%.

    A field report of inflation, for the same month, on the prices of goods and services which forms the basket of the consumer retail prices, was made in selected markets in Baghdad and other governorates. "
    He stated that this increase was the outcome of the high index of foodstuffs which increased by 6.1% while beverages and tobacco by 0.1%, fabrics, clothing and footwear, 1.5%, furniture 0.8%, fuel and lighting 57.8%, transport and communication 20.8%, medical services and medicines 7%, miscellaneous goods and services by 3.3% and lease by 0.7%.

    The report also noted that the annual inflation index rose during the period from August 2005 until August 2006 by 76.6%.

    Source: Al Sabaah

  2. #13622
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    Lightbulb Internal Reval

    Sorry but this is a double post - i posted it inthe Crazy Thread by mistake - and for those of you who dont frequent it either here it is JMHO!

    Remember somewhere it was theorized that Iraq may first have an Internal Reval. Not knowing what that means exactly, my common sense says, purely within Iraq. Testing the waters to see how it affects the population as opposed the to 'Market'.

    SGS and others who have contacts over there - I would advise them to hold the check. Here in the USA a check can be held for 6 months before it is outdated. If they wait to cash it in it would be worth more when it does hit the External Market - NO? Just thinking out loud.

    I would also wonder that being as we have never heard any mention of that clandestine NEWS BRIEFING a couple of weeks ago- remember? the same day Talibani was on satelite broadcast. Well maybe the Press ahve been sitting on it like an egg about to hatch.

    OK SGS what ever the SDR shuffle is - Im in - can we do it in the caymens - let the corriographie begin!

    Marlene in NY
    Your body CAN heal itself! UNLEASH THE POWER
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    Count the $$$ figures !!!

  3. #13623
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    Billboards, posters offer Baghdad hope
    2 hours, 31 minutes ago

    BAGHDAD, Iraq - Thousands of posters and billboards dot Baghdad with messages of hope for a city of gloom, where residents largely stay home, afraid of the streets, their pain and grief deepening every day amid unending violence.


    "No matter how strong the storm, it will go away in the end," declares the message on one poster, with a picture of a worried young woman clasping a boy to her body, her hand protectively placed over his head, her hair fluttering in the wind.

    Hundreds of copies of the poster — and at least one giant one on a billboard — can be seen throughout the city, pasted on concrete blast walls and outside buildings.
    The Rest of the story can be found here too long to paste;_ylt=Au0ixpjotc0EODGyyatahJlX6 GMA;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl

  4. #13624
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    A million pilgrims predicted for Iraqi Shiite festival
    2 hours, 12 minutes ago

    BAGHDAD (AFP) - Up to a million pilgrims will be descending on the Iraqi Shiite shrine city of Najaf to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Ali, the founder of the sect, city officials said.


    "We expect that close to a million people will enter the city tonight and tomorrow morning," said Khaled Jawad, a member of the Imam Ali shrine's administrative committee.

    "We've completed security and logistical preparations, with certain gates for men and women and certain gates for entry and exit, to ease the flow of pilgrims during the ceremony," he added.

    The 21st day of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan marks the martyrdom of Imam Ali, the Prophet Mohammed's grandson who was killed by assassins in 661 AD while praying in a mosque.

    According to the Shiites, Ali's descendants should have inherited the leadership of the Islamic community, but instead it passed to others, creating the Sunni-Shiite split.

    The streets of the old city were festooned with black flags and massive black banners commemorating Ali's death. Tents serving food and drink were being laid out, sponsored by the city's wealthy.

    Tents have also been erected to house poorer pilgrims unable to afford the hotels that are being flooded with visitors, many from Iraq's overwhelmingly Shiite neighbor, Iran.

    "So far we've received a lot of Iranian pilgrims coming to participate in the ceremonies," confirmed Wared Jashmaiyi, a hotel owner in the old city.

    Security precautions have been heavy, with all vehicular traffic banned inside the old city around the golden-domed shrine of Imam Ali.

    Cars with special badges have been employed to ferry the pilgrims into the old city.

    "We have prepared some 500 vehicles to facilitate the entry of pilgrims from outside the city at the checkpoints into the old city with the cooperation of the ministry of transportation and other service departments," said Ahmed Fetlawi, a member of the provincial council.

    Shiite festivals were banned under former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, but since the fall of the old regime, they have blossomed into massive affairs, attracting pilgrims from all over Iraq and neighboring countries.

    The occasions have also attracted Sunni insurgents, with several targeted in bloody bomb attacks, though in the past year most festivals have taken place without a hitch.

  5. #13625
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    Does anyone think this is strange........

    At 3.40pm UK time, I submitted a stock order to Warka. When I checked my mail at 10.30pm there was an acknowledgment from M. Bearing in mind it is a saturday as well, and I didnt think they worked saturday.
    Last edited by Dinar Duchess; 14-10-2006 at 10:54 PM.

  6. #13626
    Investor Alphamystic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    Sorry but this is a double post - i posted it inthe Crazy Thread by mistake - and for those of you who dont frequent it either here it is JMHO!

    Remember somewhere it was theorized that Iraq may first have an Internal Reval. Not knowing what that means exactly, my common sense says, purely within Iraq. Testing the waters to see how it affects the population as opposed the to 'Market'.

    SGS and others who have contacts over there - I would advise them to hold the check. Here in the USA a check can be held for 6 months before it is outdated. If they wait to cash it in it would be worth more when it does hit the External Market - NO? Just thinking out loud.

    I would also wonder that being as we have never heard any mention of that clandestine NEWS BRIEFING a couple of weeks ago- remember? the same day Talibani was on satelite broadcast. Well maybe the Press ahve been sitting on it like an egg about to hatch.

    OK SGS what ever the SDR shuffle is - Im in - can we do it in the caymens - let the corriographie begin!

    Marlene in NY
    I've heard about the rumor regarding an internal RV, however, the more I think about it the more I feel this won't be feasable.

    If they did an internal RV first; I just don't see how they could keep it a secret. Thus, it would cause huge speculation with people buying up as much Dinar as possible.

    I know if I heard that the did an internal RV for, say, $1.50 I would buy up all kinds of Dinar - JMO
    “Don't be distracted by criticism. The only taste of success some people have, is when they take a bite out of you.”

    Got woOOot?

  7. #13627
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    Economic : Investment between the contradictions, and aspirations-1 -

    (A legal point of view)
    D. Faris Rashid
    Rumors are rife recently on the draft law on investment hoped approval of the House of Representatives and the importance of the exit Iraq from suffocating economic crisis it is going through. , as well as to feel the law of jobs to absorb the unemployed, the way to see the rest of Iraq in terms of modern techniques and sophisticated CST ....

    From conferences to the studies via statement released by officials and decision-makers ... We expect the law commensurate with the Iraqi experience in the field of law, but unfortunately the draft disappointing form and content ... not to mention the errors and inconsistencies that existed ... . Despite the wording of the draft as it is supposed to be the draft on the degree of legal drafting, could be that the Chamber of Deputies and discussed them in order to approval and ratification by the Council presidency. If the legal formulation of the draft law weak, it would be difficult for the House and correct errors formal and substantive law to get coordinated and integrated up to the required level. The investment code requiring legal expertise and depth not to mention the specialized expertise in other areas ... I must form a committee specialized in this area prior to the introduction of a draft law to the parliament, this committee is made up of jurists and specialists economic and financial experts and businessmen, business and industry, a number of advisers of the ministries concerned in this regard.
    Despite the lack of appropriate timing of the issuance of the law in light of the current circumstances, in addition to the priority of other legislation is more important for the advancement of the Iraqi economy by, It is what we in God previously published in the newspaper Sabah (degeneration trade and its implications on the Iraqi economy) where we considered the investment law, another means used by the Iraqi legislature to develop its economy and push towards higher after having exhausted all other means ... these latter is seen in the re - Tip House legal Iraqi interior before hiring investors from abroad.
    For the purpose of giving a purely legal point of view on what was in the chapters and articles of the draft law, it would be important to study this draft all aspects of the formal and substantive ... To highlight the whole of the important aspects of the investment law, according to the sequence of chapters :
    Chapter I (Objectives and means)
    In fact surprised by the law when they read the objectives of the Act within the articles! These objectives concern the question of the decision through legislation to be passed in both goals were known to the men of the law or concerned or not known. If the owners wanted their resolution a statement that the legislature can show two ways :
    - Preamble preceding articles of the law and name sets the objectives and failing reliable hoped the law passed.
    - Conclusion its reasons outlining the objectives of the issuance of such Act. If placed in the preamble of the law, there is no purpose of the reasons and if there is no preamble, the reasons will be in place to reflect the goals of the law, Any one of them meets the required purpose. The shoehorn these objectives at the heart of the bill is not necessary, whether in addition to the cards on the law ... The same applies for investors. Everything that concerns the latter vision of the law and clear-cut to stimulate investment in Iraq along the lines of another country ... or, frankly, the privileges, exemptions and guarantees due to be obtained, which would help it to achieve higher profitability ... in addition to other factors (the investment environment).
    As for the means, as stated in article (2), they came in the form of addition of vague, especially as the law had been allocated to it. Chapter III of the talk about privileges and guarantees a bid. The support contained in paragraph "first" did not elaborate on . That support also is rolling mean giving aid or subsidies from the state without raising the form of this support? If it was possible to offer support to the local investor, "to strengthen its competitiveness in local and foreign," this issue remains for the foreign investor vague?.
    Chapter II (an investment)
    Allocated draft law on investment in six consecutive materials and various paragraphs of the investment, which will bear the responsibility of promoting and attracting investments. For this purpose, it rose draft ceiling constituency concerned to the Mtaatha personality and moral identity, headquarters, the allocation of Mali, indivisibility of the contract and exercise activities, shoulder the responsibility of civil, penal and legal prosecution. I went further than that given that the head of the degree, and her deputy minister, the Deputy Minister, respectively, and the attributes, experience, competence, post-graduate degrees ...? The same applies to members! , Which is understood that the door of the competition for places will be open to contestants from the required specifications. . Otherwise, each of which have the highest specifications objection in the absence of choice? There will certainly be a controversial position outside the framework of the law?
    Here, it should be noted that the laws of the countries interested in investing did not go beyond the formation of an ad hoc investment unit in one of the ministries, with the participation of specialists from other ministries and stakeholders . As for the Iraqi He gave it the right to open branches in the regions and provinces as well as outside of Iraq (representations), and to workers in an endless body privileges ... . Given the great interest that the draft constitution of the positions and privileges of workers sent to the company law is unrelated administrative matter and not from the core issue of investment, which looks at the relationship with the investor, It is not believed that the investor will be problematic in this regard ... It was better allocation rules is defined as a body concerned with investment and the work of the Commission for investors such as investment applications and the decisions to accept or reject the applications and the granting of exemptions and privileges ... As for the actions of investment issued by the instructions that specify the formalities and documentation, archives to be provided by investor

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    Faculty of Economics / University of Omar Mukhtar
    E-system instruments or coupons : - and this figure appeared in Eastern Europe, particularly Czechoslovakia and based on the fact that everyone from the people the right to a percentage of capital in projects which would turn to the private sector because the government is not the owner, but is run only on behalf of the people. Therefore coupons will be distributed to citizens give them ownership of a number of shares or enter into public auctions for a number of shares.

    Two-contract or privatize management : - remains in this form of ownership capital of the companies in the hands of the state, while competing units and the private sector to obtain contracts entitling it to the Department on behalf of the state in return for certain advantages in the profit share or production. This method is less controversial than the previous method is through public tenders through management contracts or equipment leasing contracts for production lines for a fixed amount received by the State, China has applied this method.
    Three - to allow the private sector to work in activities monopolize the public sector : -
    This method aims to expand the extent of competition and improve performance is through the issuance of laws and the removal of restrictions that prevent entry of the private sector for some activities - such as the arms industry - and this leads with the passage of time to expand the participation of the private sector and privatization in the long run, without the need to change the ownership of public enterprises; He therefore called spontaneous privatization.
    4-style build-operate-transfer : - This method allows the private sector to set a specific project personnel and exploited for a certain period to be subsequently extradited to the government, and might not interested investor in this type of project to train personnel, as has the negligent maintenance operations at the approaching delivery, But this method ensures that control permanent strategic projects as it relieves the State of spending on new projects. For example, projects highways in Malaysia.
    5-Build-Operate - BOO : - different from the previous method that allows the investor to own the project and not hand it over to the state after a period.
    6-Build-Operate - BOO-conversion : -
    Different from the two combatants in that the investor own project for a certain period after having built and then turn to the state.
    And as far as the Iraqi economy, it can be said that the success of the strategy or method to be adopted by the government, depend on the extent taken into account the negative effects that accompany that process as follows : -
    1-weak mechanisms and economic and social standards governing the operations base and the transfer of ownership and foremost Effective financial markets, and investment banks and consulting firms.
    Two - lack of the necessary technical studies to assess the assets and setting prices, this exposes the ownership transfer procedures for direct sales and cheap prices.
    3-weak local private sector and a lack of national savings, which will open the door for foreign companies. that might not comply with the implementation of the plans of reconstruction and development programs.
    4 - The application of the privatization program inevitably be accompanied by the sacrifice of social considerations. and in the forefront of the demobilization of thousands of workers and increased unemployment rates.
    5 - The direct sale of public institutions in light of the weakness of the financial market will lead to the sale of profit-making institutions, and successful, It is now making institutions, and therefore the state would lose revenue, which was obtained from the successful institutions, and will continue to incur losses increased from defaulting institutions, which increases the burdens of the public treasury.
    To avoid these negative aspects and ensure the success of the privatization process must be to create a set of controls that can protect private property be confiscated, and the development of economic laws, and the clear and appropriate for the economic and political realities, The laws governing the relationship between the producers and workers, It stresses the importance of providing good management of the size of the high level of competence and integrity, in addition to providing a network of sophisticated infrastructure, and secure information system, ports and the structure of financial and accounting well, There is no doubt that all of this requires economic policies clear and specific believe in the principle of progressivity in the sale of units and structures reform the faltering them, The strict control on the evaluation and pricing, as well as transparency at all stages and in all times and the presence of financial market strong and active. Finally, we have to say, to reap the benefits of privatization in Iraq. and to achieve the goal of increasing economic efficiency and expand the participation of citizens in the ownership of public assets, requires avoid a shock and made gradual manner, and promote economic culture in favor of a free economy; To make the process of privatization of the feasibility of the economy and society, and not the way to achieve profits greedy based on the exploitation of others.
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  9. #13629
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    The report issued by the Central Agency for Statistics from the Ministry of Planning rise in the indicators of inflation at the consumer goods and foodstuffs for the month of last August in Iraq rose by 15.1%.

    A report of inflation for the month of the same field on the prices of goods and services components of the basket of consumer prices, retail markets selected in Baghdad and other governorates. " He stated that this increase was the outcome of the high index of foodstuffs increased by 6.1% and beverages and tobacco 0.1%, fabrics, clothing and footwear, 1.5% and furniture 0.8%, fuel and lighting 57.8%, transport and communication 20.8%, and medical services and medicines 7%, and miscellaneous goods and services by 3.3% and 0.7% lease rate.
    The report also noted that the annual inflation index rose during the period from August 2005 until August 2006 by 76.6%.
    Translated version of

  10. #13630
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar Duchess View Post
    Does anyone think this is strange........

    At 3.40pm UK time, I submitted a stock order to Warka. When I checked my mail at 10.30pm there was an acknowledgment from M. Bearing in mind it is a saturday as well, and I didnt think they worked saturday.
    I've read a couple of you have received an email from "Mr M" at Warka today. So, I decided to check my email since I've been waiting for a confirmation from them for a few days.

    My last purchase took place on 10/9 per Mr M But I had not received the details of my purchase. On 10/10 I asked Mrs M for status but no response. On 10/12 I asked Mr M for status still no response. Today (Saturday) I receivd this from mr M.

    Dear Mr. XXX,

    I am out of the office I will provide with full details tomorrow.

    I thank you for your fine patience and cooperation.

    Best regards,



    International Foreign Relations Dept.

    On a Saturday??

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