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  1. #13741
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    The first political : Arab League and the Iraqis call for unity and reject sectarianism

    The Arab League called on Iraqis not to consider the issue of the cause of the territories, including the fact that Iraq's current requires unity among all Iraqis. In the meantime, the American ambassador in Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad, that Iraqis will succeed in the process of building a new Iraq in the event of unified confront their enemies and worked against sectarianism.
    He said the Secretary-General of the Arab League Amr Moussa yesterday that the university is following with interest the developments on the Iraqi arena, particularly the issue Territories Act passed by the Iraqi Parliament.
    Moussa added in a press statement that it is important not to be taking decisions on the future of Iraq, a cause of controversy and discord between the Iraqi parties or the Iraqi people in reference to the Iraqi opposition forces to the above-mentioned Act of dividing Iraq on the basis of a federation.
    Moussa pointed to what had been agreed upon at the meetings of the Preparatory Committee for the Iraqi reconciliation conference which was to be a score of the Constitution and the controversial subject of review and discussion among all Iraqi parties to preserve the unity of Iraq.
    He said that the university will continue its contacts with the various Iraqi parties and the preparatory committee for the Iraqi National Accord for the convening of the next meeting of the committee during the month of November, according to what had been agreed upon at the meeting of the Committee which was held at the Arab League headquarters last July.
    For his part, called on the American Ambassador to unify Iraqis to confront their enemies and to work against sectarianism and the killing of innocent people.
    Khalilzad said during his visit to Tikrit yesterday, and the first meeting with a number of officials in the province, including the governor Hamud Alshkuti The success of the political process and the reconstruction of Iraq are in the hands of the Iraqis. He expected that the people of Iraq will succeed to achieve their goals.
    He added whenever we move forward we realized the mistakes that occurred in the past and today are a new form.
    He added that the government and the assistance of the American forces spent 975 million dollars to complete service projects in the governorate. confirming the presence of a large number of projects to be implemented in the future.
    He continued that there are significant challenges facing Iraqis in the forefront of preventing regional powers which want the failure of the democratic experiment in Iraq.
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    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 15-10-2006 at 08:49 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #13742
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 15-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    The Republic of Iraq
    Council of Ministers-the governmental communications
    Media Relations
    A press statement / Press Release
    Sunday, 10 - 15-2006

    The commander-in-chief of the armed forces, honors the hero martyr m first sentenced Muhammad Salim nine and a group of fighters Mosul police Is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, Mr. Nuri Kamal al-Maliki honored hero martyr m first sentenced Muhammad Salim, a group of nine police Mosul fighters who fought valiantly and courageously to the desperate attempts of terrorists and Altkverein and Sadamiin to destabilize the security and stability of Mosul and tell the land of the pure blood Hadba automatic, came in a statement issued by the office of Mr. Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces with the text :
    And then, desperate act of terrorists, Altkverein, and Sadamiin to disrupt and halt the considerable progress witnessed by Iraq in various spheres of life, The expression of failure and disappointment in the face of our armed uprising, they failed attempt to be targeted to disturb the security and stability of the city of Mosul hunchback, by sending some neo  mercenary to maintain the building, the headquarters of the national police.
    However, the sons of Iraq, the brave men of the local police in the province, and the Iraqi army fought valiantly and won them embody the most wonderful times courage and sacrifice, and do dearly for a life of dignity and security for the people of our beloved city. It was at the forefront of those heroes heroic martyr Lieutenant (Mohammad Salim sentenced nine) and a group of local police officers who refused to move injustice and aggression. tell blood Alzakih land Mosul dear, and they all of the wounded : High (Sadoun Mohammed Ali Al Dulaimi) and the policeman (morning Yahya al-Ubaydi), the policeman (Conglomerated Subhi Ali Albijoani).
    It is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to honor these heroic fighters valuation on their national positions in the noble defense of the safety and security of our beloved.

  3. #13743
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    The first political : Proposed amendments to the law on retirement Standard

    Discussed by the House of Representatives for approval in the current session
    Attorney-Zuhair Ziauddin
    Since the publication of the pension law No. 27 of 2006 in the Iraqi newspaper facts and considering the effect of the legal effect from the date of publication in the August 17 January / 2006, which has not been implemented so far due to the issuance of the Ministry of Finance instructions required to implement its provisions in accordance with Article II of the session ...
    He wrote much, much was said to express the suffering of a retired However, there is no transponder and now after the resumption of its new session, the House of Representatives and the Ministry of Finance announced that it completed the draft amendment and submitted to the Cabinet in the hope that it picks turn to the House for the purpose of discussion and approval as a prelude to implementation. For this occasion and contribute to the enrichment and development and updating of the law point out the proposed amendments to some articles of the law and the reasons for these amendments and we hope to reach this voice to the people's representatives in the House and take our proposals into account in the discussion of retirees and equitable access to the law to Almsto j, which meets the aspirations of most retirees.
    Starting before turning to the proposed amendments to the law we would like to emphasize the need to maintain the upper limit of the salary of remuneration (80%) of the salary career last for all retirees, which stated in paragraph (ii) of Article (7) of the applicable law, and not confining this ratio is referred to retire after reaching the age of legal deep (63) years, as stated by the Deputy Minister of Finance told the morning and make the ceiling for the rest of retirees (70%) of the salary career regardless of their pension because of this amendment was that it means a violation of the constitution which emphasizes the equality of all Iraqis and will do serious harm to retirees.
    The amendments we propose to the law Fsnstardhha respectively show that the proposed alternative text of the required amended and the reasons for those changes.
    Article 1 / paragraph ways :
    The addition of a novel published in the first article of the law provides (for staff who completed fifteen years of service pensions may request retirement and the minister or the chief of the competent to decide the request ago period mentioned were pending request is allocated to employee retirement notable deals pension rights deserve in accordance with the provisions of this law) and the reasons for this amendment is not mentioned in the text of the law shows the length of service pension served by the employee, and that qualify for the submission of the request of the retirement Except as stated in paragraph (V) of the first article dealing with the case of a staff member who is serving pension Twenty-five years P further, under the age of fifty years and this corresponds to the proposed text of paragraph (1) of Article III of the Civil Retirement Law No. (33) to 66 years (defunct).
    Article 1 / paragraph (IV)
    The deletion of the item (1) of paragraph (IV) of the first article, which gives the competent minister the power to refer the employee retirement without asked him to prove his incompetence, and the re-wording of the paragraph as follows (the competent minister or head of the non-assignment of the Ministry employee-appointed by a presidential decree or order of the Prime Minister to Altka if the count plus the owners or landlords because of the coordination. The abolition of the post. ) The reasons for this amendment is because of the exploitation of the current text of the motives that have nothing to do with incompetence, which would be detrimental to the employee, particularly as the discipline of the State Law No. (14) of 1991 contains procedural and punitive actions against a staff member who is j prejudice to his or her duties.
    Article VII / paragraph (IV)
    The wording of paragraph (IV) of Article VII and it is as follows (Amendment pensions if the salaries of functional peer retired staff by more than (10%) of salaries last adopted in the calculation of pensions at the time the adjustment of salaries and pensions the same percentage of increase in salaries pw Ranham ongoing service staff) and the reasons for this amendment to the current text, although meant to amend the salaries of retirees in the case of increasing the salaries by their peers (10%), but he did not specify the rate of increase in the salaries of retirees, leaving the door open to judgment and to the detriment of retirees in the case of Ziad e salaries by less than their staff. While the text to be the same percentage increase settle the issue is unjustified because the cause of the amendment is either to improve the standard of living of its employees or to avoid part of the inflation in prices, the presence of the tranches (employees and retirees) are subject to two and must be equality between them.
    Article VIII / paragraph (II)
    The wording of paragraph (ii) of Article VIII of the Act and make it (calculated reward scheme set forth in Item I of this article by the product of a number of months of service in full (14%) of the salaries of staff during the years of his subsequent to the adoption of a new salary in the 2003 / September 4, it will be the gross amount of reward outstanding. ) and the need for this amendment in the text is that the extraction rate of employee salaries, which was charged during the career service in the period prior to the fall of the regime in 2003 / September 4 was not more than five thousand dinars per month and the adoption of this amount for the application of the equation means that the reward will get will be very low and no value especially if most of his career before the fall of the regime. Therefore, the employee fairness and justice for those who deserve the reward scheme and the one-time career service and non-entitlement to a pension salaries of peace requires the adoption of the new basis for access to the salary rate and the amount of reward. Article XI
    Full repeal of this article because the adoption of the texts contained therein will lead to negative results deprive the one hand, retired from working in government departments, and thus the contract wording deprived of a better life and will lead to a waste of considerable energies to their ability to work and perform the other hand, would deprive the State of experience and competence those placed in retirement as most of the employees are graduates of the new low experience. Note that the wage contract workers are often low and In most cases exceeds two hundred thousand dinars per month.
    Article XIII / paragraph (I)
    The amendment to paragraph (I) of Article XIII of the Act to be formulated as follows :
    (Similarity deceased (his successor) who are entitled to a pension, one husband-wife or son 2 - 3 - 4-Mother - Father five brothers and sisters). And the reasons for this amendment to add to the brothers and sisters behind the deceased pensioner who deserve a pension because the exclusion would damage them as not in keeping with the strategy adopted by the State to expand the scope of the social welfare system to ensure a decent living for all Iraqis, with the flag that bracket Alajo e and sisters were among a successor who deserve salary turn retired under Article (32) of the Civil Retirement Law No. (33) of 1966 (repealed), as well as the rest of the previous pension laws.
    Article XXIX :
    Reformulation Article ninth session of the law and make it as follows :
    This law applies to all state employees and employees of the military and internal security forces and officers of companies based in-service date of the entry into force of this law and transmit them to retire prior to its entry into force .
    The amendment to Article (29) of the Act in accordance with the proposed formula would avoid the substantial shortfalls in the law, which provides for the right to force those in the service of force only deprives retirees to benefit from its provisions, which had been avoided by the Ministry of Finance in the draft amendment, as stated by the officials that the terms of the division of Almetek mining into two segments in terms of benefit only to the differences between the history of retirement inconsistent with the provisions of article (14) of the Constitution which states that Iraqis are equal . The reasons for the law stipulates that the reasons for the legislation (lifting the injustice of the retirees of their rights eroded or neglected), which means that all retirees covered by the law. The distinction between retirees in the pension entitlement of the rights will lead to social strife. In addition, the salaries received by current retirees were identified under the instructions of the Ministry of Finance, The approved by the cabinet and not on the basis of legal provisions which required that payment of salaries under the provisions of the law and through the coverage provisions of the retirement system. Article (31) :
    This article provides for the elimination of all legal texts, which decided to retired or accrued to a pension, contrary to the provisions of this law and then reported exceptions, which amounted to ten laws, orders and resolutions, which constitute the disadvantage of the law, which called retirement common law, which requires legislation or absorb these mostly within a law.

    franny, were almost there!!

  4. #13744
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    Read this article about a convoy attack, it was just posted. LOOK WHO WAS IN THE CONVOY....DEAN OF MINISTER OF FINANCE (Not hurt) Wonder where they were going??????

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 15-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    The death and 10 were injured in an explosion targeting the convoy of Interior Ministry official
    Confident of Ismail
    (To add details)
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    She said the Iraqi Interior Ministry today, Sunday, that the responsible Balozrah today, Sunday, survived an assassination attempt when a bomb targeted her motorcade, The blast killed four people and wounded six others east of Baghdad.
    He said Brigadier Abdul Karim Khalaf spokesman for the Ministry of Interior News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent, "an explosive device had been placed on the side of the road near the Mustansiriyah University (east Baghdad), targeted a convoy of Hala Shaker, dean of the Interior Minister for Finance." He added that the explosion "resulted in the death of four civilians and wounding five others in addition to a guard at the parade."
    He stressed that behind the "Hala Shaker did not suffer any ill."
    Usually Maesthdv unidentified gunmen opposed to the political process motorcades of Iraqi officials or whereabouts of employees laid bombs or booby-trapped cars at other times.
    The bomb exploded two days ago, is targeted for Scorpio Brigade in Hilla, south of Baghdad, Colonel peace Trad Almamori was placed within the library, which resulted in the explosion of his death, and a number of individuals protected.
    U p

  5. #13745
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Opening : Immunity lifted

    Peasant Torch
    October 14, 2006
    Lifting the immunity of MP or minister or even the Prime Minister or the head of state is a natural as long as they relate to the support of the judiciary and the force of law, which is equal under the umbrella of all citizens in the country, this tradition of legal or constitutional principles commonplace and fro in the free States in support of the influence of law and not the people and political titles they hold, I recall inter Majdah Prime Minister Thatcher in Britain, speaking on the life of democracy in her country as she said : (No fear of democracy in Britain because life in our feed from Enboaina two fundamental freedom and justice).
    Discussion of these ideas in my mind and I have been watching the ramifications raised by the decision to lift the immunity declared by the House of Representatives of the Iraqi one of its members accused of corruption by substantial financial and refusal to appear before justice or Iraqi courts.
    Attorney intended to serve its media and its groups to demonstrate and insulting the Iraqi Parliament and widely acknowledged in an attempt to create an internal crisis, It is strange that some members of parliament and the presidency of the bloc made statements questioning the safety of the resolution or oppose it or trying to link it with political rhetoric.
    The question here is, Is building a state of law and social justice, is standing against it in the legislature and applies to personal position without awareness of the role of the legislative authority, they also control the power to the rest of the authorities in the country?.
    The weakness of the judicial process is one of the reasons for the accumulation of corruption and the crisis in Iraq, from here should join in efforts to strengthen the judicial process and justice is our vehicle to build a healthy nation.

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #13746
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    The first political : Violence, unemployment and the absence of security common denominators in the words of Iraqis

    On the breakfast table
    Baghdad - the Samurai
    Each morning outside Raad Saleh (45 years old) was the father of a family of six members to work as a daily wage basis, hoping to earn a livelihood of his family ahead of nostalgia and pray in the unstable security situation in Baghdad.
    Saleh says violence is no longer exclude anyone Many of the places we are exposed to armed attacks and the explosion of the bombs without reason and we are behind and earn their bread and honorably and fatigue Many of us hope to obtain decent for the subsistence of honest and priceless permissible. "
    It goes on death around us wherever we go and the sound of explosions also make us feel sad to hear that Apache helicopter flying above us is great anguish and sorrow, but we do not talk politics, "Our concern is to get the money and bring in the desired family of food that are consistent with our simple, especially in the holy month of Ramadan."
    The construction sector is suffering from a deep recession because of the security situation, and stop the construction work, particularly by the people due to the departure of most investors and the reluctance of many people to take to build housing and their desire to provide money to the conditions that they are difficult to believe.
    After the trouble of a long and waiting for an opportunity to work did not come Saleh decided to return to his home since left the Iftar time only two hours without getting any money.
    He arrived at his home was great joy of his family, especially after news that pointed to the 20 construction worker was injured by an explosive device and the escalation of violence in daily
    An unprecedented, his wife appeared ready to breakfast and the smell of food refers to being skilled cooks are good preparation
    All dishes.
    According to his wife, Mrs. "disappointing" that the bulk of what he wishes rights in this decade is that the safety and stability
    Congratulations to live and what is happening to my husband of Ward
    Although it to exceed 15 thousand dinars, but I feel
    Great pleasure is surpassed only his safe return to home and safety. "
    The "large number of citizens, especially from poor families with limited income - including us - is pending some ration items to meet basic needs and Mttalbatha but we suffer from a shortage so we have to be purchased in the market is the burden on us and hopes Ms. hopes to return Ramadan them in the next year b goodness and achieve stability, security and especially the atmosphere of hope in light of invitations reconciliation between political leaders and achieve reunification between the Iraqis who have suffered so much over the past years.
    Return favor B*kriath despite the warm air in the modest home after power outages, to days ago, when the sons of the place where he lived for a long time exchange of visits and meetings, playing the famous game (Almahibs) with broad popular, especially in Ramadan, in addition to McCann played by boys walking with a repeating "what gene you Majinh Hali Aljes and Antinh" an indication of the request for assistance from the other Yen nice and polite manner.
    The Iraqi society is a society Acharia in the predominantly controlled by Arab tribal traditions in terms of affinity and kinship and close friendships, which is exacerbated Ramadan strength through the exchange of visits and food between neighbors or through joint breakfast evenings and to provide financial assistance and food to the poor and Almahtaji n differently than other months, and food on the table, which included many items up like most Iraqis sat Saleh and his children and his wife to talk to share that had pain due to the deteriorating security situation and hope Pthassanha soon and the provision of services and employment opportunities for the unemployed who find nothing to offer the free time and it m generated Akram, who revealed his suffering, saying : "I am tired of the large number of job search I am a graduate of the Institute of Management did not get the opportunity until now and I feel unemployment is closer to collapse, it threatens the future of many families, although invitations and repeated statements by officials about their quest to find jobs for the unemployed."
    And irreparable "But despite all this I feel that the future is content being among my family and I go to my country and the soil is alive until now, I hope that the return of security and stability prevail and that Safa between the souls "
    Between the ears and breakfast invitations to hold hands, rise Saleh and his family and many Iraqis pray that the disenchantment of day shine on the morning safe and happy future for the hearts and bodies of Atabha grief and misery.

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #13747
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    Default Debit Card!

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    Warka Bank Official Webiste

    anyone for iraqs first credit card????

    WOW! I think I'll wait until they bring out the DEBIT card. I'll load it with some 25,000 dinar notes and use it at the ATM only when the time is right of course! The news is getting better and better. Bring it on!

  8. #13748
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Read this article about a convoy attack, it was just posted. LOOK WHO WAS IN THE CONVOY....DEAN OF MINISTER OF FINANCE (Not hurt) Wonder where they were going??????

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 15-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    The death and 10 were injured in an explosion targeting the convoy of Interior Ministry official
    Confident of Ismail
    (To add details)
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    She said the Iraqi Interior Ministry today, Sunday, that the responsible Balozrah today, Sunday, survived an assassination attempt when a bomb targeted her motorcade, The blast killed four people and wounded six others east of Baghdad.
    He said Brigadier Abdul Karim Khalaf spokesman for the Ministry of Interior News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent, "an explosive device had been placed on the side of the road near the Mustansiriyah University (east Baghdad), targeted a convoy of Hala Shaker, dean of the Interior Minister for Finance." He added that the explosion "resulted in the death of four civilians and wounding five others in addition to a guard at the parade."
    He stressed that behind the "Hala Shaker did not suffer any ill."
    Usually Maesthdv unidentified gunmen opposed to the political process motorcades of Iraqi officials or whereabouts of employees laid bombs or booby-trapped cars at other times.
    The bomb exploded two days ago, is targeted for Scorpio Brigade in Hilla, south of Baghdad, Colonel peace Trad Almamori was placed within the library, which resulted in the explosion of his death, and a number of individuals protected.
    U p
    not the MOF

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #13749
    Can read but not post. motomachi's Avatar
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    Default Hash-Re-Hash News!

    Translated version of
    (Sixth tab on the left side reveals all this news! Just click on the site, look at the one you want to reread or check out yourself!)

    An Iraqi oil : oil policy is the responsibility of the central government

    Said Abdul Ameer helicopter former president of the Legal Service of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries OPEC «», and Iraq's former Ambassador to the United Nations that the provisions contained in a serious and the new Iraqi constitution gives provincial governments and even a kind of provincial intervention in the formulation of oil policy for Iraq.

    The Central Bank of Iraq will effectively operate the instantaneous adjustments (R T S G)

    The Iraqi Central Bank announced on the actual operation of the system timely adjustments (rtgs) and during the extensive meeting held with officials of the World Bank and the Rafidain and Rashid managers of three commercial banks in particular .

    Iraqi rise in the volume of investments in Jordan during the first half of this year

    The volume of investments Iraqi recipient of the Investment Promotion Act of Jordan to 53, seven million Jordanian dinars to the end of July compared to the previous 45,3 million dinars for the same period last year.

    The mining sector suffers from the weakness of the Iraqi volume of investments

    The company indicated geological survey and mining that there vulnerable in economic activity in the field of mining, are not compatible with the mineral wealth available in Iraq.

    192 Iraqi government company, in need of reform

    The more than 100 Iraqi businessmen, including oil experts, that the economic development in Iraq need to be a climate of national reconciliation, taking care to spare the country the manifestations of bloody violence,

    The opening of the first branch of the International Center for the Iraqi economy in Istanbul

    Safako been in the city of Commerce in Istanbul, Turkey, the recent opening of the first center of the international economy, Iraqi businessmen, the presence of the representatives of 80 Turkish companies .

    The point of view : a discussion of investment law

    No one denies that private sector investments form the basis of economic rebirth. Many countries have moved to a basket of enticements and incentives for the maintenance of the national capital within its borders and provide meaningful investment channels and tempting to avoid this leaves Cape capital to other areas safer and more feasible,

    Major oil companies are jockeying to get the privileged status in Iraq

    Jockey major oil companies in the world very carefully to win share in the oil fields preferred when it opens Iraq in the end the door to billions of dollars in investments .

    Iraq intends to establish port giant in the course of

    A prominent official shipping sector that Iraq intends to establish a giant port in the south within a year will include the port for the export of oil is expected to be complementary to the current naval installations in Basra .

    The Supreme Jordanian-Iraqi meets after identifying members of the Iraqi side

    The Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Suheir al-Ali, the Jordanian Higher Committee that the Jordanian-Iraqi joint committee will meet after identifying members of the Iraqi side in the subcommittees with the .

    (Folks, we are close, if not this coming week; it has to hit before the end of the month, October 2006!)

  10. #13750
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by opps50 View Post
    Ohh, I thought that this was your opinion too. reval before handouts??
    This is a post from IIF from a person that is a contractor over there

    "I truly believe its a great investment, but if the Iraqi Goverment issue its people 10,000 dinars at the current rate where in for a long haul. So let's wait and see what they do next week..."

    I agree with him, If not before then we have to wait for a long time
    either you think its going to revalue and help the iraqis which could only be right now taking into consideration inflation, or you think its gonna take eons in which case the country will crumble.

    this is all im sayin, you are startin to get alot of splinters from ridin the fence.

    im ready to petition to have the word IF censored on this forum.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 15-10-2006 at 08:59 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

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