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  1. #1371
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    Default Iraqi Investments

    Quote Originally Posted by prettyctk
    hey mike,

    i sent you a pm earlier today..wanted your opinion about 25 000 dinar..please reply when you get a chance i need to buy dinar tomorrow!!! thanks
    Hi Prettyctk,

    Yes, I answered you, but in case it did not go through, it makes little difference in the long term as once the FOREX adds dinar to trade platform, you will be able to exchange any size currency notes you want. For the short term, it may make some difference as most are looking for the small curreny notes, so it all depends on your specific strategy of cashing out quickly or long term, but you won't lose anything either way.
    I hold both, small and $25K notes, and as some articles were promoting, buy small, it was probably do to the fact dealers make more money on small notes. (g)

    Good luck to all, Mike

  2. #1372
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    EU green lights trade agreement with Iraq
    BRUSSELS -The European Union gave a green light on Monday to a trade and cooperation agreement with Iraq, with negotiations starting once a new government is in place.

    The agreement will cover economic issues such as trade in goods and services and measures to encourage investment, as well as political issues like human development, reducing poverty, environmental protection and human rights.

    Its mandate was sealed at a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels.

    “We have invited the (European) Commission to launch the negotiations as soon as the Iraqi government is in place,” said Austrian Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik, whose country holds the EU presidency.

    The EU’s announcement came as Iraq marked the third anniversary of the US-led war to oust Saddam Hussein amid deadlock over the formation of the new government, rampant lawlessness and growing fears of an all-out civil war.

    “Clearly it’s a very important step that this negotiating mandate has been accepted by the council,” of ministers, an EU official said.

    “By entering into a contractual agreement with Iraq we are taking a step forward in our own relationship but we are also facilitating Iraq’s engagement with the wider world more generally.

    “It’s a step back into the international community,” the official said.

    Iraq’s political parties remain bogged down, with key disputes focused on the choice of prime minister and the allotment of ministries.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  3. #1373
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    New govt formed within weeks
    Bout time Al-Jaafari started pulling his finger out of his butt and going through with what he says. All we've had is delays, delays, delays. We'll see if this one is kept. Good news all the same!

    Interim Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari said he believed Iraq's most difficult political hurdles had been crossed and predicted a new government would be ready in the coming weeks.

    Sen. Carl Levin (news, bio, voting record) of Michigan, ranking Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee, cautioned al-Jaafari about the importance of adhering to such a commitment.

    "April is fine, but it is necessary that this commitment be kept in order for there to be continued support for the presence of American troops in Iraq," he said. "There's got to be some pressure put on leaders of this country to reach a political settlement."
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  4. #1374
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    Default Iraqi Investments


    Yes, the heat is on to make this work, and when you weigh all the factors, I think all sides in this debate understand this. Granted, insurgents will continue to disrupt progress at every chance, but this final hurdle is the last obstacle in naming an equal vote for cabinet members. Alawwi is showing his sour grapes by stating Iraq is already in civil war, so take it for what it is, as many others in position to see what we don't have stated civil war is not what we are seeing, what we are seeing on the news is what had been going on for last thousand years, except now they use bombs.

    In other words, business as usual, the economy will go on regardless of ongoing killing, so lets just get over this last obstacle and we will indeed see peg in June or July which was insiders last statement, and he knows all the players in cabinet personally, for what that is worth. (g) So much is going on in Iraq, and it has become almost commical watching the mainstream news when you know the truth. Watch carefully and you will see the same repeated pictures of bombs and bodies repeated over and over while trying to make it appear as a new episode, it is scary how twisted the news media can be.

    Good luck to all, Mike

  5. #1375
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    Thank you Mike and Adster for your timely updates.

  6. #1376
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    This thread is so full of information
    Thank you all for your contribution
    Also thank you Mike for the Warning against
    Could you please recommend some good Dealers
    The ones that have worked for other forum members
    Thank you

  7. #1377
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    Default Iraqi Investments

    Quote Originally Posted by spirit
    This thread is so full of information
    Thank you all for your contribution
    Also thank you Mike for the Warning against
    Could you please recommend some good Dealers
    The ones that have worked for other forum members
    Thank you

    No problem, but PM me with your details of what amount you want and I will let you know who are the best for the amount and size notes you are looking for.

    Good luck to all, Mike

  8. #1378
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    Quick question! ;-)

    I read this a few days ago here and meant to ask then, but it slipped my mind so I'm asking now...

    There have been many 'thoughts' of what our beloved dinars will peg both, Adster and Mike (OSW) have inside info...I don't remember where or whom stated that the peg was to be somewhere between $.30 - $.90 ...I'll actually go look for that now...but, it was also rumored to peg at $.04.

    Big what do you think now? :-)

    Everything is falling into place quite nicely, don't you think?

    Going to see if I can find that post....

    Tiff :-)

  9. #1379
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster

    What I liked is it was on national tv in Iraq. It's not a pump and dump rumour from a company trying to get their sales up, this has come from where you have to pay to get reports, articles. They are run out of London and are very highly thought of, they are connected with the EIU, the Economics Intelligence Unit, a British think tank, also out of London. This has real credibility IMO and others.

    Now they didn't put it on worldwide tv, WHY? well imagine how many speculators would gone out and bought billions of dinar? No it was kept in Iraq where your average Iraqi hasn't got enough for a beer let alone to store some for a reval. So to me that makes it more credible for a start. The fact that someone from the CBI would say this seeing as the CBI will be behind a reval also makes it sound as good a news I've ever read. This is real and NO RUMOUR.

    12 March keeps cropping up at a rate of 0.04 from a credible source, don't believe it myself, reckon it will happen soon but not that soon.

    Timescale? Well once the government are up and running and have put certain policies in place, I feel a reval will coincide with the opening of the ISX this summer. I also feel that it is already planned as to what the rate will be. Something has to be given back to the people and SOON. Terrorists could be paid NOT to blow others up, wouldn't that be great? With a reval people could buy, employ, live properly, trade internationally, just about everything and anything.

    3 to 4 months maximum we'll be partying IMHO.
    O.K. There's the 0.04....but nope...not that soon! LOL! ;-)

  10. #1380
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    Quote Originally Posted by

    Like everything we have been going on, it is pure speculation, but educated speculation with a little logic thrown in for good measure. (g) Seriously, it is all about where dinar was and where it will be again, and that was $3.40 at one time, so using logical analysis, it should rise to that level again, just as it did with the Kuwait dinar 15 years ago. As to the start point, referenced as the reval or peg, this is more difficult to determine, but best guestimates are from .30 to .90, so we are all just going to have to wait and see.

    Good luck to all, Mike
    All-right...guesstimate...whichever...I'll take it! lol :-)

    It does make sense though, they can't very well peg it at a nickel when it was over $3! (Can they?) You wouldn't think so....

    I now end this conversation that I am having with!

    Smiles to everyone!
    Tiffany :-)

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