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  1. #13831
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    Quote Originally Posted by ourhouse37 View Post
    morning all. SGS says FIL is passed. Neno says not passed. Which is it really?
    its 'passed' we wait now for 'implementation'

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #13832
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    Exclamation Next................

    Posted by: Dr. D

    Talk of ousting PM threatens Iraq democracy
    Marie Colvin, Baghdad
    October 16, 2006
    IRAQ'S fragile democracy, weakened by mounting chaos and a rapidly rising death toll, is being challenged by calls for the formation of a hardline "government of national salvation".

    The proposal, which is being widely discussed in political and intelligence circles in Baghdad, is to replace the Shia-led Government of Nouri al-Maliki, the Prime Minister, with a regime that is capable of imposing order and confronting the sectarian militias leading the country to the brink of civil war.

    Saleh al-Mutlak, a prominent Sunni politician, travelled to Arab capitals last week seeking support for the replacement of the present Government with a group of five strongmen who would impose martial law and either dissolve parliament or halt its participation in day-to-day government.

    Other Iraqis dismissed the idea that a unilateral change in the leadership would be desirable or even possible.

    "The only person who can undertake a coup in Iraq now is General George Casey (the US commander) and I don't think the Americans are inclined to go in that direction," said Ahmed Chalabi, the head of a rival political party.

    A suspension of the democratic process would be regarded as a severe blow to US and British policy. The establishment of democracy has been the allied coalition's cornerstone and successful elections last December had been hailed as a cause for optimism.

    But Anthony Cordesman, an influential expert on Iraq at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, said there was a "very real possibility" that Mr Maliki could be toppled in the coming months.

    "Nobody in Iraq has the military power to mount a traditional coup, but there could be a change in government, done in a back room, which could see a general brought in to run the Ministry of Defence or the Interior," Mr Cordesman said.

    "It could be regarded as a more legitimate government than the present one as long it doesn't favour one faction."

    This weekend Dr Mutlak, who leads the Iraqi National Dialogue Front, the fifth-largest political group in the National Assembly, vowed to press ahead with his plans. "We think Iraq is now in a tragic state," he said.

    "Maliki must step down. He has done nothing up to now. Hundreds of Iraqis are being killed almost daily and thousands are being removed from their homes in sectarian purges, and he takes no action."

    The main focus of a new regime, Dr Mutlak said, would be to bring security back to Iraq by "cleaning out" the ministries of Defence and the Interior, widely seen as having been infiltrated by sectarian militias. He said he had the support of four other parties, including al-Fadila, a Shia party that is based in Basra.

    Dr Mutlak's proposal is evidence of an increasing frustration with Mr Maliki, who has failed to stop violence and to revive the economy. Iraqi officials estimated last week that up to 100 people, mostly civilians, were being murdered every day.

    The weekend's grim reports included the discovery of seven headless bodies north of Baghdad. They were among 17 Shia construction workers kidnapped last Thursday, apparently in retaliation for the burning of three Sunnis the previous day.

    Car bombers also blitzed the oil city of Kirkuk yesterday, killing 10 people in five attacks, including one on a girls' school.

    Talk of ousting PM threatens Iraq democracy | The World | The Australian

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post

    gotta love the simplicity of it all!

    i agree, im standin in line with a who's who of international investors at ground zero of a currency that is going to exceed all others in value.
    no amount of rationalizing these articles is going to alter that fate.
    The FACT remains Iraq can do whatever they want. From a resource standpoint they will be the richest country on the planet. Remember not to long ago Sadam was squatting on gold toilets. With their recources we may be in for pleasant surprise tht defies all logic

  4. #13834
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    Default To revalue or not to revalue


    What is the advantage, if any of Iraq not revalueing, in otherwords is there any reason not to revalue.

  5. #13835
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    In a meeting with Comrade Hamid Majid Moussa : Territories Act

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10 - 15-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    In a meeting with Comrade Hamid Majid Moussa : Territories Act depends on the will of the majority of the population

    Among conditions and prevent exploitation and confiscation of the will of the people

    On the subject of the law of the provinces, which has recently been approved in Parliament ... The space "free" meeting with the secretary of the Central Committee of the Iraqi Communist Party and the following is the text of the meeting :

    Free : What is the truth about your position to vote in favor of the law of the provinces, which was considered a departure from the view of the Iraqi List?

    Comrade Moses : "We agree that the priority is the security of the file. But that does not prevent or hinder the execution of explicit constitutional entitlements. Non law and the Constitution must be drafted within six months from the start of the House of Representatives. This funeral done ... When differences emerged between all parties, consensus was among the four lists, and a document signed. that is the law through legal and readings across the vote and the commitment that is not the implementation of this law after only 18 months, and that is forming a committee to amend the Constitution, which this happened, we have amendments to the text of the law, , which makes the possibility of achieving the territories depends on the will of the majority of the population and within the terms and conditions and requirements to prevent abuse or exploitation or prevent confiscation of the will of the majority of the population, why when to broach the subject of a vote voted.

    Free : Why not vote for the remaining members of the Iraqi List ... You minority who Sotm in favor of the law?

    Comrade Moses : Attendees at the meeting were the Iraqi List 15 deputies, 7 and 8 boycotted the meeting supported the presence and voting of the law as amended. This is normal in the Iraqi List, where differing views can be translated into different positions and was aware of the presence in the parliament of 140 members, and therefore the issue of the majority does not materialize only if Balthmaneh did not attend the eight, it was possible to hold another meeting the next day and attend the majority. Therefore Valthoel on this matter is inappropriate and must take the matter in their own natural and nothing in the law that imposes a certain formula or Vdraliat. this was decided after 18 months and there are views and different views about the form of federalism.

    Free : Professor Hamid. Accord Front and other parties opposed to this law said it would coordinate with the forces of law and refused to try to adopt a policy within the parliament to block the law ... You are now in the direction of the Iraqi trends with the law and the law against you, how to grasp who Sotm in favor of the law?

    Comrade Moses : We are basically against obstruction and seek to work positively and smoothly, the two systems in the parliament and if some have the idea of a federal anti-That the conviction, we will not oblige people who do not have conviction that the subject of federal and responding, but this exercise in a natural, legal and legitimate constitution is still before the State Administration Law was expressly provided for the possibility of the right to form regions, For the minority must accept the opinion of the majority, and this is a natural, to be able to change the situation.

  6. #13836
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    Iraqs botched currency reform

    This is an article written by by Steve Hanke and Matt Sekerke-The Johns Hopkins University. A reprint from Central Banking Journal Volume XIV Number 3 - February 2004 (Steve H. Hanke is a professor of applied economics and Matt Sekerke is a research
    associate at the Johns Hopkins University.)

    It is a little long but VERY informative and worth the read. In light of this being written in 2004, how does it stack up 2 years later? Any thoughts?

    Last paragraph of this article:

    "The Iraqis should tell the Fund, World Bank and United Nations that they
    would like to pursue a fixed exchange-rate-based currency reform with a
    currency board or dollarisation, as we recommend in “Monetary Options
    for Postwar Iraq”11. With a fixed exchange rate regime established in international law (as is working so well in Bosnia and Herzegovina) and
    headquartered abroad, the Iraqis can establish a credible monetary regime
    at arm’s length from banking sector woes and budget uncertainties. Such a
    regime would produce low inflation while hedging the government
    budget’s foreign exchange exposure. It would become the cornerstone of a
    stable monetary system and lay an indispensable foundation for a market

    Sounds like a PLAN, but will the Iraqi's implement it is the question? Seems floating it is OUT OF THE QUESTION.


  7. #13837
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    Wink Thanks, Goes with my theory a couple of pages ago!

    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    Last paragraph of this article:

    "The Iraqis should tell the Fund, World Bank and United Nations that they
    would like to pursue a fixed exchange-rate-based currency reform with a
    currency board or dollarisation, as we recommend in “Monetary Options
    for Postwar Iraq”11. With a fixed exchange rate regime established in international law (as is working so well in Bosnia and Herzegovina) and
    headquartered abroad, the Iraqis can establish a credible monetary regime
    at arm’s length from banking sector woes and budget uncertainties. Such a
    regime would produce low inflation while hedging the government
    budget’s foreign exchange exposure. It would become the cornerstone of a
    stable monetary system and lay an indispensable foundation for a market

    Sounds like a PLAN, but will the Iraqi's implement it is the question? Seems floating it is OUT OF THE QUESTION.


    That's exactly what I've been thinking. Good Find DD!!

  8. #13838
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    Wink Posted by Lonestar on IIF

    I have not posed for a few days now and have been trying to discern all the threads running the course: however I was contacted by one of my coworkers over in Iraq whom still maintains contact with both people we work with and some that he had made acquaintances with. From his sources and I have no reason to disbelieve him becaue I made the acquaintance of his source on several occasions we are within 2 weeks which makes sense to me due to them handing out the 10K dinar at the end of Ramadan.

    Sounds like this train should be pulling into the station any time now. Woot Woooooot.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Mike View Post
    Isn't today Oct. 15th??? What is this an article from the future?
    it's already the 16th in austrila and japan - read up on time zones

  10. #13840
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    Iraq prevents the import of cars under 2005
    > > October 15, 2006
    > > the general manager of Jordanian Customs, engineer Alaa Bataineh circulated
    a statement to the customs centers to abide by the decision of the Iraqi
    gavernment to extend the provisions of the Cabinet decision, on the prevention
    of importing cars for a year, that the prohibition applies to cars manufactured
    before 2005 and requested that the no customs authorization for cars under 2005
    should be issued. He said that the Iraqi decision issued last month and pointed
    out that contacts are underway with the Iraqi side to allow the import of cars
    model 2004 till the end of this year, explaining that there are no outstanding
    cars on the Jordanian side or at any of the two borders because of this
    > >
    > > The Iraqi side of the border has returned, few days ago, some trucks
    carrying cars exported to the Iraqi market, of the models mentioned in the
    > >
    > > The source from the border pointed out that as son as the clarification
    memorandum of the governmental resolution arrives, it will be sent immediately
    to the Jordanian side. He pointed out that their cadre began to prevent the
    admitting of cars included in the resolution after having been orally informed
    of extending the ban resolution again and including cars imported from abroad in
    > >
    > > On the other hand, the Vice-President of the Jordanian Free Zones Investors
    Association Nabil Rumman stated that the Iraqi authorities turned back a fleet
    of tankers shipping cars model 2005 onwards, after completing their customs data
    and taking them out of the Free Zone, where the traders were surprised by the
    resolution of turning back the cars without prior notice of the resolution.
    > >

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