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    New projects to develop water systems in Amarah

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-16-2006
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    Maysan / Mohamed Hamrani
    Engineer Mohamed Kazem, the deputy director of water Maysan told (long) to begin the implementation of projects (15) of new development projects in the territories, including ... The replacement of water networks in Al Maghrib inspired teachers and the new industrial zone in the Gulf inspired inspired Aburmanh inspired Nhaund and both the west and were subsequently value (4) billion Dinarokzlk break bottlenecks in the neighborhood of 15 Shaaban inspired appeal and the implementation of water lines from the tanker Sadr General Hospital compound to the neighborhood (15), Shaaban another carrier line from the neighborhood of Crown Islamabad to the Maghrib. Among the projects themselves Asher, deputy director of water Maysan to implement power lines for three separate pools in the neighborhood maintain dignity inspired Taj Islam Hassan al-Askari neighborhood and allocated to the project amount (929) million dinars, as well as announced the completion of the maintenance work (10) generators of different capacity and the amount has been allocated (165) million.
    As the launch of pools and water networks of a number of villages near the provincial capital, including Albhadl village and village and village Altbr Alhlijeh were allocated (242) million dinars for this project.

  2. #13882
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Just a thought Iraqi's receive regular mail delivery or do they have to get their mail at the local post office. Also I was wondering if the 10,000 gift would be distributed by a government agency such as post office where the person needs to present in person and show identification. I hate to sound morbid but the Iraqi government may not have an exact count of those deceased or who have fled etc. I was thinking it would be distributed just like the voting process was...where you would present to a specific site with proper I.D. just a thought...I don't seem to be able to find any internet info. but will continue to look. Any Thoughts
    article about a week ago indicated it would be distributed by the ration card department as they were familiar with distribution.

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #13883
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    The appointment of a new batch of teachers in Nineveh

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-16-2006
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    Baghdad / long
    The Ministry of Education is the appointment of a new batch of teachers and teachers, at 773 teachers and teachers on the staff of the Directorate-General for Education in the province of Nineveh, and 126 teachers and teachers distributed in districts (General Educational in Baghdad and other governorates).
    According to media source in the ministry authorized, He pointed out that the Minister of Education, Dr. Khodeir Khazaei had instructed appointments to the Commission on the completion of lists of appointment to all directorates of Education, which did not sign lists so far.
    Names Al-4

  4. #13884
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Interior : changes in senior positions, the ministry

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-16-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    The demobilization of three thousand policeman. Interior : changes in senior positions, the ministry

    Baghdad / long
    Interior Ministry announced the demobilization of its employees in 3000 on charges of corruption and violation of the rights of detainees, With the changes in the higher echelons.
    A spokesman for the Interior that the changes by the ministry will take firm action to stop the violence in the country.
    He added : "We are working to reorganize the vital posts in the ministry such as (the leaders) police and security forces. , as well as some agents and ministry. "
    He explained that about three thousand policemen have been phased out since last May following suspicions of involvement in corruption or human rights violations. but he did not elaborate on whether they were involved in sectarian violence, pointing out that 600 of them will face penalties not to be identified.
    And the spokesman for the Ministry of the Interior that the ministry has already started the process of changes in leadership and the leaders of the Iraqi National Police.
    The Brigadier Abdul Karim Khalaf said in a phone interview that "change will be broad and will include a large number of leaders and officers of the Ministry", but he refused to give the names of leaders who would have the ministry of change.
    Khalaf denied that the change "on the basis of poor performance," but did not mention the criteria to be adopted by the ministry to make changes.
    He pointed out that "this measure came orders from the Interior Minister Jawad who is to give an impetus to the work of the ministry in the area of progress and development, and the fact that most of the civilized nations of the world are such changes in her security."
    The Horse who is explained in statements made by several American newspapers that he plans to amend the leaders of the ministry and that he enjoyed the support of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki for these changes among senior leaders of the ministry.

    one of the articles in the list i put up earlier,,, CLEANIN HOUSE!!!!

    franny, were almost there!!

  5. #13885
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    Can not believe this is asked. Remember the FIL is not implemented yet. But if it was, It would have been. Mostliky with a New Government Bought and Paid for.

    Dont believe for one minute that the know is not waiting for that to happen. IMHO this is why they just dont reval yesterday. They know what is going to happen, and they also know that the money is there. This is a Goverment that does not only have to anser to the US or the UN. They have have their people too. Then they have thier way too. All these things IMHO is what is being thought thru to the last minute. That is why it is called Politics.

    The FIL is primarily to encourage foreign investment in Iraq. Nobody can and will buy Iraq. Foreigners cannot own land nor properties in Iraq. You can lease it. You can surely buy stocks and invest in Iraq through a multitude of reconstruction projects and modernization of its infrastructure. All these are for the benefit of Iraq. The idea that anyone can buy Iraq at such a small reval is a myth. You can invest in Iraq and if everything goes well in Iraq you'll reap major returns. But if you think you can buy Iraq, you must be smoking something good. Let me have some.

  6. #13886
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    Cool Yes

    Quote Originally Posted by "GK" View Post
    The FIL is primarily to encourage foreign investment in Iraq. Nobody can and will buy Iraq. Foreigners cannot own land nor properties in Iraq. You can lease it. You can surely buy stocks and invest in Iraq through a multitude of reconstruction projects and modernization of its infrastructure. All these are for the benefit of Iraq. The idea that anyone can buy Iraq at such a small reval is a myth. You can invest in Iraq and if everything goes well in Iraq you'll reap major returns. But if you think you can buy Iraq, you must be smoking something good. Let me have some.
    Exactly. That is what the Post is saying. Good Points thow. But about buying Iraq, sure if they dont have a higher r/v when the global availablity is ready. You can be the one owning all the revenue. But as you put it with the land and realestate the way it will be, You are right about not owning Iraq Literally.
    Last edited by neno; 15-10-2006 at 11:53 PM.

  7. #13887
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    A 70% rate of inflation
    A 70% rate of inflation in Iraq
    Source: Dar Al-Hayat

    The Iraqi Under Secretary of Finance, Kamal Al-Basri, said that the high inflation rates in Iraq are" frightening", calling on the State to link production to spending.

    He called on the government, in a symposium held by the Iraqi Center for Economic Reform about" the phenomenon of inflation and the role of financial and economic policies", to take on responsibility of dealing with the inflation rates which hit 70%, because of the abundance of cash liquidity and the lack of goods and services. He attributed the abundance of cash to the increase in salaries and wages by 90% from what it was last year, while the goods and services in the market are becoming less for different reasons, including the security status which disturbed the markets. He pointed out that the individuals' abundance of cash caused a rise in prices. A number of Iraqi officials spoke at the symposium and stressed the importance of moving on with the process of comprehensive economic reform. They considered inflation is the reason why Iraqi economy is weak and faltering.

  8. #13888
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    Default you're right

    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    Exactly. That is what the Post is saying. Good Points thow. But about buying Iraq, sure if they dont have a higher r/v when the global availablity is ready. You can be the one owning all the revenue. But as you put it with the land and realestate the way it will be, You are right about not owning Iraq Literally.
    People take term to literally. But with an open stock market, and and such a undervalued currency, your average middleclass working stiff could own considerable "shares" of companies and projects in Iraq

  9. #13889
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    Interior spokesman told the nation : cleansing the ministry perhaps

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-16-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Three thousand expelled from affiliates so far
    Interior spokesman told the nation : cleansing the ministry may include some agents
    Baghdad Mazen's :
    Told the official spokesman for the Interior Ministry, Brigadier General Abdul Karim Khalaf »« homeland that the ongoing cleansing process in the ministry might affect some officeholders higher, after having been dispensed with three thousand cadre of workers.
    He said the changes included the National Police Command, divisions, the forces of order, and the guerrilla forces, It procedures based on operational, to activate the work of national police forces in security conditions known, granted including work at the Ministry of the Interior to control the reality of the street, in ways more acceptable, not at odds with the principles of human rights.
    He pointed out that these changes continuing through the work of a committee formed for this purpose under the supervision of the Interior Minister, who is a Horse. »He said that the process was continuing, and will include all found guilty of negligence in the administrative or financial procedures, or penetrated to the principles of human rights «.
    But the spokesman preferred to use the term «» changes instead of the term «» cleared by Honduras and the media. »saying each new leadership would come from the cadres of the Ministry of the Interior, It will be qualified to perform its responsibility in the context of the implementation of the third phase of the plan together to Baghdad »« before.

    »« Scourge quotas

    Security sources had informed sources have revealed to the nation «», that the ministerial committee formed who is, annexed with the Inspector General of the Ministry, The supervisor of police training General John Bitlis, to develop a new structure for the work of the Ministry of Interior, which has suffered since the founding of the "scourge of quotas" sectarian, ethnic, according to these sources. It is the only ministry with six agents, each agent deals with the powers and Minister of the ministry, nor could the Minister intervene in the decisions for reasons of political Balmwaznat originally came to these agents.
    The sources explained that the new structure, will do the work of national police forces in the face of major crimes, known over local crimes, such as terrorism and organized crime, and murders of identity, , which has been deployed in the capital Baghdad and some Iraqi cities, as do local police, and rehabilitation of the police to combat crime, to transfer the local police stations to the forefront of events. as the only location that the Iraqi citizen can resort to achieve their rights. in a swift response from these centers spread throughout Iraqi cities. , which believes that these sources will reduce the capacity of local militias to impose hegemony on the Iraqi street, the fact that the alternative would be ready before finding mechanisms to dissolve the militias.
    The sources expected that includes variables »« Some local leaders, such as police managers some governorates, and to define the powers of the Minister of Interior to change this position, which remains a bone of contention with district councils, The next step will be to restructure the local police in the movements of large, among administrative positions in various areas of the capital Baghdad, making it the local police, police Rescue in concert than is the case today.

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    Extremists claim to the establishment of the state of Iraq

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-16-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend

    Baghdad-d b a : The so-called "Council of Mujahideen" in Iraq yesterday in a statement broadcast on one of the Islamic sites on the Internet was not possible to ascertain the truth, what he described as "the Islamic State of Iraq" · The announcement accompanied by a videotape showing a man withholds face, and described the statement as a media spokesman for the Islamic State of Iraq, "spokesman of the Ministry of Information," which declares that the Islamic state · The Council declared "the right of the State of the state of Islam that would govern u loving God and people in the country and which kept the egg Islam and the shield bunker-Sunna and the group on the ground Rafidain "· The Declaration invitation to all Muslims in the world to support this state," with money and men "and pray ·

    The Emirates

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