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  1. #13901
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    Wink Have I mantioned how much I appreciate you all!

    To my Rolclub family

    Just want to say thank you for all the information the positive outlooks - the reality checks - teh pick ups after the let downs. it's all good. You are all great - each and evryone of you.

    May we all be blessed soon with the RV that is so needed by many. Especially those in Iraq. Our troops Primarily. May they return unharmed to the loving arms of their families.

    My we blessed - grace many banking instituitons across our many nations -
    with the return of iraqs currency in replacemnt of our own. My we finally be able to fulfill our dreams whatever they may be. May we shine upon the world the way we continue to shine upon eachother here at Rolclub - the BEST IQD FORUM IN THE WORLD>>>>>>>!!

    I guess Im feeling mushy - what can I say!
    Your body CAN heal itself! UNLEASH THE POWER
    The Most Powerful Anti-oxidants on earth XanGotm
    Count the $$$ figures !!!

  2. #13902
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    Agreed on stocks. But this thread is not about buying Iraq and Stocks in companies after the FIL is implemented. The thread is for the News on the Dinar. And the outlook for the r/v. Not what it will be are what it want. OSW is and will create a Iraq Investment Club here when that is ready. So I agree with you on these lines. Now we need to get back to the gang on Breaking down these articles of clues for the r/v. Agreed?
    Neno, the RV will come and it will happen, when Iraq and the big dogs wants it to happen, like a lightning strike. We will probably not read, hear, nor watch itt in the news until it has happened. To me the FIL being passed is significantly bigger than the RV. To me the slip made by the Russians about their "currency clause" agreement with Iraq is bigger than the RV. At this point of the game, convertibility of the IQD is significantly more important than a reval. What's the use of a reval when nobody wants to trade with Iraq because of its currency restrictions? All these things that we've been reading about how the rate of the dinar should be this or that are made by folks who don't have the power to enact it. Unfortunately, I don't think we'll know until the day that it has revaled.

  3. #13903
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    Default GOP Sens getting nervous

    2 GOP Senators Urge New Iraq Strategy

    Associated Press Writer

    Published October 15 2006, 6:56 PM EDT

    WASHINGTON -- Two leading Republican senators called Sunday for a new strategy in Iraq, saying the situation in getting worse and leaving the United States with few options.

    Sens. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska and John Warner of Virginia are part of the growing list of Republicans who are speaking out against President Bush's current plan for Iraq as U.S. casualties rise.

    "The American people are not going to continue to support, sustain a policy that puts American troops in the middle of a civil war," Hagel said on CNN's "Late Edition."

    Hagel said he agreed with Warner, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, who said after a recent visit to Iraq that Iraq was "drifting sideways." Warner has urged consideration of a change of course if the Iraq government fails to restore order over the next two months or three months.

    Warner said Sunday he stands by that assessment, and even in the week since his trip to Iraq, there has been an "exponential increase in the killings and the savagery that's going on over there."

    "You can see some movement forward, but a lot of movement back," Warner said on "Face the Nation" on CBS. "We have to rethink all the options, except any option which says we precipitously pull out, which would let that country fall into a certain civil war at that time, and all of the neighboring countries would be destabilized."

    Bush told reporters last week that he invites a change in strategy if the plan isn't working. But he also said the U.S. will not leave until the job is done.

    Hagel said it is time to change course, but "our options are limited."

    "We need to find a new strategy, a way out of Iraq, because the entire Middle East is more combustible than it's been probably since 1948, and more dangerous," Hagel said. "And we're in the middle of it."

    Democrats long have urged a change in Iraq policy. Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan, the leading Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said there is "no military solution to this conflict" and the United States must pressure Iraqis to take over their country.

    "If they're going to have a civil war, they're going to have to do it without us," Levin said on CNN. "This is long overdue. We've got to focus Iraqi leadership attention on this by telling them we need to begin a phased redeployment of American troops from Iraq within the next few months."

    Also Sunday, Rep. John Murtha, a decorated Marine veteran who favors withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq, criticized Republicans for referring to him and other war opponents as "Defeatocrats."

    In an opinion piece for The Washington, Murtha said Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and others in the White House have called Iraq war opponents appeasers and pessimists and labeled Democrats the "cut and run" party.

    "It's all baseless name-calling, and it's all wrong," wrote Murtha, D-Pa. "Unless, of course, being a Defeatocrat means taking a good hard look at the administration's Iraq policy and determining that it's a failure.

    "In that case, count me in. Because Democrats recognize that we're headed for a far greater disaster in Iraq if we don't change course -- and soon. This is not defeatism. This is realism."

    Murtha, a military hawk and close confidant of top military officials, surprised Washington last year when he called for pulling all troops out of Iraq within months.

    Looking ahead to the Nov. 7 elections, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, Ken Mehlman, said "the American people aren't going to say in the face of war we need to be weaker, and in the face of economic challenge we need higher taxes and more regulations and more lawsuits. The Democrats have promised both."
    2 GOP Senators Urge New Iraq Strategy - The Advocate
    Again the US is threatening the big stick. Again they bring up the need for change within two-three months . . .AGAIN AGAIN and AGAIN. They need to stop saying months down the road . . .it needs to be NOW. November 7 is in THREE WEEKS . . .

    Get it done or the GOP and US support is DONE
    Last edited by ozizoz; 16-10-2006 at 02:12 AM.

  4. #13904
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    Default Iran and Iraq to strengthen security and intelligence ties

    Iran and Iraq to strengthen security and intelligence ties

    Despite US concern over Tehran's role in Iraq, two countries to implement previous security deals.

    BAGHDAD - Iraq and Iran have formed a working group to build closer security and intelligence ties, the Iraqi government announced Sunday, despite US concerns over Tehran's role in the country.

    Iraqi National Security Advisor Muwaffaq al-Rubaie and his Iranian counterpart Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejei, minister of security and intelligence, recently discussed putting into effect a prior deal to share intelligence.

    "The two sides agreed to form a working group to lay down suitable mechanisms to implement the agreement to strengthen security and intelligence cooperation," said a statement issued by the Iraqi cabinet.

    The United States, which maintains 142,000 troops in Iraq, has expressed concern over what it describes as Iran's role in fuelling the deadly violence sweeping Iraq and has accused Tehran of smuggling weapons to Iraqi militias.

    "Two countries are particularly playing a negative role: the Iranian and Syrian regimes," said US ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad on Thursday.

    "These regimes are supporting groups who are killing Iraqis. Their objective is to use Iraqis as cannon fodder in their plan to keep Iraqis divided and Iraq weak," he said.

    Rubaie declined to discuss the agreement or Iran's role in the country, saying: "I do not wish to comment on these issues."

    In a July interview with CNN, however, the Iraqi national security advisor denied that Iran had a hand in the violence, but he acknowledged: "They have a political influence. They have media activity. They have even sometimes a security and intelligence activity inside Iraq."

    He also denied that Iran was supplying militants with special armor-piercing explosives technology, even though US and British officers maintain that the devices can be traced specifically to Iran.

    The US embassy in Iraq did not have a specific comment on the move towards closer intelligence and security relations between the two countries, but continued to express concern about Iranian activities.

    "We have always maintained that Iraq should have normal relations with all its neighbors," said embassy spokesman Lou Fintor. "We have long made clear our concerns about Iranian activities inside Iraq."
    Middle East Online
    Ever notice how ever country the US has helped has turned around and screwed us in the end . . .just wait until Iraq turns into the richest in the region . . .with the US dependent on Oil. We better sign some LOOOONNNGGG term deals . . .and do it now.

    How about a reval guys???

  5. #13905
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    Quote Originally Posted by "GK" View Post
    Neno, the RV will come and it will happen, when Iraq and the big dogs wants it to happen, like a lightning strike. We will probably not read, hear, nor watch itt in the news until it has happened. To me the FIL being passed is significantly bigger than the RV. To me the slip made by the Russians about their "currency clause" agreement with Iraq is bigger than the RV. At this point of the game, convertibility of the IQD is significantly more important than a reval. What's the use of a reval when nobody wants to trade with Iraq because of its currency restrictions? All these things that we've been reading about how the rate of the dinar should be this or that are made by folks who don't have the power to enact it. Unfortunately, I don't think we'll know until the day that it has revaled.

    That I could not agree more with

  6. #13906
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    Iraq heads deeper into division as government struggles, sectarian strife grows

    Sunday Oct15 2006


    BAGHDAD (AP) - The Sunni Arab and al-Qaida insurgency that first shoved Iraq toward chaos three years ago clearly had taken a back seat by Sunday to the sectarian bloodletting that is sending the country spiralling toward, if not deeper into, civil war.
    Evidence continued to mount in the 44th month of U.S. involvement that Iraqi centres of power - politicians and the government, the police and military - were unable or unwilling to rein in violence in parts of the country where Sunni and Shiite Muslim or Kurdish populations rub up against one another.

    The violence has forced at least 1.5 million Iraqis to flee their homeland, with hundreds of new passports being issued daily to those who can afford a plane ticket or taxi ride out of the country, according to the Migration Ministry. The ministry said 300,000 people had also left their homes for elsewhere in Iraq.

    The Shiite Majority in parliament, over complaints of dirty tricks from rival Sunni and even some Shiite legislators, adopted a measure that would allow the effective partition of the country after an'-month waiting period, something widely opposed in polls of Iraqis.

    "The starting point is to recognize that Iraq is not going to be a democratic, unified country that serves as a model for the region. The violence and the Sunni-Shiite division have already ruled that out," Dennis Ross, a Mideast peace negotiator and policy maker for former U.S. presidents Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush, wrote in an Op-ed column for the Washington Post on Sunday.

    A partition would leave Iraq with a weak central government and largely independent states run by Kurds in the north, Shiites in the south and Sunnis in the centre and west, giving impetus for still more violence and still further population upheaval.

    Iraqis so-called national unity government announced that next Saturday's much-anticipated national reconciliation conference was indefinitely postponed for unspecified "emergency reasons." A week before the planned opening of the conference, Iraq's deeply divided politicians had not managed even to agree on a venue for the meeting.

    Shiite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, in power for just more than four months, took office at the head of what was termed a national unity government. Within days he had presented a 24-point plan for national reconciliation. The inability to meet on that topic speaks to the failure of both his government and opposition politicians.

    The postponement was announced on the first anniversary of the successful national referendum which adopted the country's first post-Saddam constitution, which was hailed at the time of a harbinger of a peaceful and democratic Iraq.

    By the close of the weekend, at least 86 people were reported dead in a two-day spree of sectarian revenge killings and insurgent bombings, mainly in one city north of Baghdad.

    The capital, where random sectarian violence and roving death squads have caused traffic jams to vanish and commerce and society to head toward a standstill, felt like a stick of dynamite with a lighted fuse.

    American analysts like Ross and Anthony Cordesman of the Center for Strategic and International Studies have said this week that 15,000 to 20,000 additional U.S. troops were needed to give the Americans an even shot at leaving behind a peaceful Iraq.

    Then, they say, major policy changes are necessary in both Washington and Baghdad.

    "Iraq is already in a state of serious civil war. The current efforts at political compromise and improved security at best are buying time. There is a critical risk that Iraq will drift into a major civil conflict over the coming months, see its present government fail, and/or divide and separate in some form," Cordesman wrote in an analysis last week. Ross said the best solution was, in fact, the formation of a federal state, with Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds running areas where they are majorities.

    A majority of Shiite politicians favour a division, but the larger population and some powerful leaders like anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr refuse to accept such a plan. It is, however, highly popular among minority Kurds, who have fought for centuries to carve out an independent state from lands they live on across a belt of northeastern Syria, northern Iraq, southeastern Turkey and northwestern Iran.

    Sunnis, a minority sect in Iraq that ran the country until the ouster of Saddam, are violently opposed, fearing it would leave them with no revenue from Iraq's oil riches. Natural resources are largely absent from their lands in central and western Iraq.

    Perhaps the most shocking development of a tough week in Iraq was a new study that estimated the Iraq war has led to the deaths of nearly 655,000 Iraqis as of July.

    Researchers from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and the Al Mustansiriya University in Baghdad derived that estimate from a door-to-door survey, conducted by doctors, of 1,849 households in Iraq. Taking the number of deaths reported by household residents, they extrapolated to a countrywide figure.

    The researchers, reflecting the inherent uncertainties in such extrapolations, said they were 95 per cent certain that the real number lay somewhere between 392,979 and 942,636 deaths.

    Even the smaller figure is almost eight times the estimate some others have derived.

    President George W. Bush and his administration dismissed the study as not "credible" and statisticians and pollsters came down on both sides of the issue. Most previous estimates of Iraqi deaths put the number at about 50,000 or slightly above.
    The Winnipeg Free Press Online Edition
    Emergency reasons? Maybe an EMERGENCY REVAL???? Who needs a conference when everyone has more $$$ in their pockets???

  7. #13907
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    Here's one big thing that you need to watch. Keep an eye on the Hydrocarbon law. Sniff out the draft if you can find it. If the IQD is discussed in this law, you are so golden. You just don't know how much your position has changed, big time!
    Last edited by "GK"; 16-10-2006 at 01:17 AM.

  8. #13908
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    Quote Originally Posted by "GK" View Post
    Here's one big that you need to watch. Keep an eye on the Hydrocarbon law. Sniff out the draft if you can find it. If the IQD is discussed in this law, you are so golden. You just don't know how much your position has changed, big time!
    WHAT are you saying????

  9. #13909
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    Default The ration card ... Bifurcation. The limited objective

    Translated version of

    Ø Entered the ration card in Iraqi life as one of the most shameful results of the policies of the totalitarian system and the heinous practices catastrophic in life and destiny of our people's benefit. They can be considered one of the many rescue stations in the itinerary of human degradation, and livelihood constant of the Iraqi society after the international embargo against Iraq after the invasion of tyrant Saddam Hussein's invasion of southern neighbor homeland.

    Found-food-ration card as a tactic for Progress food crisis in the difficult circumstances of the country after a series of crises and hardships national harsh and create a relative balance between reality and the requirements of crumbling daily civilian life for the Iraqi people weary and besieged several of the most serious points of the Baathist dictatorship so can be considered (ID) conceded internationally swings between the necessity of continuing the economic embargo(Do we know what is embargoed?) and sanction effective international presence to conquer the Iraqi society and the weakening and the situation of gratification raise the suffocating pressure of the fascist regime and isolation. Then humiliated, all without the adoption of a fixed place of a tragic situation that threatens Thus backlogs tragedian incredible explosion, with the embargo as a proper specific Aihafr away in the flimsy walls of the system consisting of pressure and with the skylights Bamaaljath malicious, which has always endeavored to stability and the stability of the government and the administrative and family for Saddam and his aides. Along with knowledge of the world lists published by the newspaper (long) glue who Astrahm system is one of the men of Arab and foreign oil basket (notorious).

    All this was part of the solution to the large national solutions aimed to topple the regime Almtafan and saving the Iraqi people from the scourge continuing.

    The "card" devoting government and the attrition programmers to humiliate and occupancy rights of the Iraqi people and a host of processors Bhkza scarce and bitter and Marthnat living unprecedented in the history of this country Quran, without that notice of the international community and the welfare Brahneh this gruesome and the seriousness of its continuance, but on the contrary, was to show the level of media totalitarian bad and the conversion of this reality for the benefit of chauvinism system on the one hand and trying to create public opinion sympathizes with him and for the establishment and consolidation of these methods was established usual number of institutions and the police-oriented and (regulatory) direction, such as (commercial Monitoring Directorate) Trial, which was devoted only methods Dtahad and arbitrariness in coordination with the security services and police, and the Baath organizations dirty to hurt people, terrorizing, endangering any member sympathizes with the oppressed citizens to abuse and oppression.

    It raises the issue of the ration card sometimes addressed and different perspectives, in an effort to reduce or shorten itemized commodity limited or denied to certain social groups empowered economically or raising the monetary value of citizens paid to agents of the Ministry of Trade or even thought of banning it altogether.(Don't know what this is, lil help....If anything.)

    We say substantive expertise and lives continuous humanitarian tired of this reality that the balance Progress missions ration card requires greater caution and precision in the treatments offered for the current national situation is unlikely abrasion indiscriminate food security in the wall after wall is about national security at risk. And after all that is required to enter into this field and create a new, more balanced and just provide :

    <Stability of commodity funds in the market and the stability of the local commercial reasonably safe limits.

    <Stabilize the security situation in order to provide continuity of attendance and commodity delivery methods and confidence on the domestic market, he added.

    <Provide state of purchasing power after the high level of income and wages for the vulnerable strata of the popular medium and low level of unemployment to a reasonable extent.

    <Also might then raise the value of the amount of cash paid by the citizens for ration gradually commensurate with the required verification of the conditions above.
    (Anything here?)
    <Gradual downsizing of the contents of the card-important commodity such as soap powder and the amount (lentils) and other simple and strengthened with new vocabulary is necessary to maintain the progress of a pattern of strategic commodities task.

    After that approximates the trade balance of food and equitable balance between progressive waive the price of the commodity supply (government) and the price in the local market free to increase the strategic importance of a country's trade firm and secure food properly. then extend a hand to the Iraqi stones tearing card international aid transport and return to check commodity and balanced food for the country was the help and support of many of the needy, including many of the (Arab).

    This view is open to dialogue and deeper effort to Aidi final and uniqueness in a hot and important topic facing our country.

    In conclusion I would like to refer to the subject and the unfortunate synonym for overlaps ration card and the withdrawal by institutions and government departments many images unjustified for the fields and other practices not allowed to enter the Ministry of Trade and Supply circles concerned, but which is considered (Directorate-traffic, labor and social affairs and transactions-and the appointment travel - and credit-and Tabo. mortgages and ... and ... and ... and ...) and many others. The ministry confirmed that the ration card allocated for the purposes of processing the monthly ration of materials before agents only. But it is prevented is heard?

  10. #13910
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    Wink Someone had a draft copy!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by "GK" View Post
    Here's one big thing that you need to watch. Keep an eye on the Hydrocarbon law. Sniff out the draft if you can find it. If the IQD is discussed in this law, you are so golden. You just don't know how much your position has changed, big time!

    I remember reading a draft copy somewhere, but I didn't really take time to study what it said. Does anyone have a copy saved to post here so we can study it?

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