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  1. #14741
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    Thumbs down What a sad person you are

    Quote Originally Posted by sourpickles View Post
    Newest @ T&B:

    Jimmy Bennet JR SM2 wrote:
    Shout Out to rolclub! woOt!

    Just goes to show how gullible and greedy people become. woOt!

    Least some are smart enough to catch on when it's BS

    -- October 17, 2006 7:07 PM ∞
    Yah, But we have fun and know how to take it. You guys are mean and mentally masterbate to get off on your crule pranks and attitudes...I would HATE to have your life What a drag it is to see you Put a little love in your'll live longer gotta quit eating those sour pickles

  2. #14742
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    Default something's going on

    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Just heard from elsewhere......

    JUST IN:

    CBI is not selling Dinar, at least for now. Don't ask me how I found out. And, by the way, I think it's true.
    Hey adster,Just wanted to let you know that i agree with you!About a week ago I had readytogo post something for me!I was at work and couldn't post!SO here goes again,SNOTTYNOSE,I am at sassy,s house posting!My friend at work,whose brother is in iraq sent an email to him[his brother]stating that he was unable to buy the dinar from the bank,So he would not be able to send him any dinar!He did not know why they had stopped allowing the military to buy!!This is just another comformation that in fact something is going on!!!!

    SARAH!!!!GO DINAR GO!!!!!!!!

  3. #14743
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    Quote Originally Posted by sourpickles View Post
    After witnessing first hand the bashing SGS took a while back, I banished myself from IIF.
    Your not the only one. That place made me

  4. #14744

  5. #14745
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    Exclamation SPAM alert

    I think we are being spammed by stray forum members who are just messing with us so no one knows what to believe anymore ....time will shortly tell

  6. #14746
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    doggone it. You all have my pulse raising again. All this excitment.

  7. #14747
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    Default sorry fell asleep or would've posted earlier

    Quote Originally Posted by celilo View Post
    Whoever it was that made the call to Godaddy (too tired to look back), could maybe provide more detail regarding the specific questions asked, but I'm betting on the fellow who suggested that the CBI is moving to the "iq" extension, which would be appropriate. In this case, they would no longer need the domain and would likely cancel it, resulting in the information posted. Regardless of why the information is as it is, the information that was pasted from the DNS lookup is correct. That's just the way the internet works.

    Back a ways in posts, I suggested that I did not believe that they would cancel the domain, but cancellation makes sense to me if they are moving to perhaps, This would consitute a rebranding of the site to which I alluded.

    I have no idea whether or not this might be related to a reval, but in the marketing world, a new product, or RV in this case, is often presented in conjunction with a new organizational look. Moving to the IQ extenion would indicate a source of pride and independence that could be associated with an RV.

    Other than the facts about Domain name proedures, all of this is speculation. I can only hope that a new site launch will come with an RV;

    be it as it was earlier this morning that i made the call im not going to remember word for word what i asked but here we go .. i explained that i was doing a favor for both a message board im apart of and the PAO clerk with my reserve unit ( public affairs office ) and was tring to find out if the reason the why was down was due to something on godaddy's end or something on the site owners end. i further went to explain that i was tring to avoid 40-1000 from memebers of the message board asking the same question ( he seemed to understand that ) he put me on hold .. came back and said he couldnt find the site i gave him the right address of and he put me on hold again. bout 5 mins later he comes back and says without going into alot of detail because im not the site owner it looks like a setting may be off. i asked so its problem on there end he said yes i asked if it was delibrate he said that he couldnt tell me without verifying that i was the site owner. i thanked him and explained that i really wanted to make sure it wasnt a DNS issue. he said no it wasnt i thanked him and hung up... now this isnt word for word as it was more or less 10 hrs ago but that was the meat of what the conversation was about

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBrain View Post
    OK Ms. Burton. I actually got three separate reps on the 4 calls. All told me the same thing. I am trying agin as I type this, hang on,....

    Same thing. Are you the registrant of the domain? Uh No. I'm sorry then I cannot discuss any details of any domain if you are not the registrant. And I didn't even say CBI, I said another that is on the box.

    But wait, RJ is a nice guy and he said he's gonna try to help me even though I don't have the 4 digit pin to validate the account. Hang on again.... well he talked to his supervisor and without the 4 digit pin or the account number to validate he cannot access the records to see what status code it's showing.

    See here Whois [2006-10-17] 2009 sites on that server

    * NS History: 3 changes. Using 2 unique name servers in 2 years.
    * IP History: 2 changes. Using 2 unique IP addresses in 2 years.
    Whois History: 26 records have been archived since 2004-11-23
    Reverse IP: 2,008 other sites hosted on this server.
    * = New Field (hyperlinked details coming in November)

    The recording says please tress 2 for domain support.

    I've had domains in the past do the same thing to me.
    as a matter of self defense as i was the one who made the call earlier while i'm no saint and not above lieing to people on occasion (yes those jeans do make you look fat ) I am NOT in the habit of making up things and i think my record should speak for its self NO WHERE will you find that made up a conversation or anything else for that matter up just to toot my own horn.. i stated what i did and what response i got. maybe they got swamed with calls after i did maybe a differnt shift came in hell maybe they just didnt like you calling 4 times.. i dont know but i stated what i did and the response i got i dont really like the fact that your tring to make it sound like i made the whole thing up... maybe im reading to much into what you posted ( i do that from time to time ) and if i did i applogize before hand. .

  8. #14748
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    Quote Originally Posted by Texas_Tea View Post
    Would be comforting if one of our reputable and registered members of rolclub who are in the military that is stationed in iraq can step up to the mike and confirm this...or not. Come out come out wherever you are.
    I don't think any military personnel stationed in Iraq are members of this forum.

  9. #14749
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    Default Whoa!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by crave681 View Post
    hIall, I dont post much, becos i work for a living and have a pregnant wife to mind when i get home. I'm in the Army, have served in iraq, (bought my dinar there btw). In reading the above post by armymp, I will say that he is either a very good soldier impersonator, or the real deal. He has the right "Army" catchphrases, and mannerisms. JmHo, and that has been proven to not be always accurate before.

    i'm also army and have been for 12 years now... what catchphrase's ? i havnt seen one yet ( but then again i didnt go over to the site i just see what was posted here)

  10. #14750
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    Cool Yes

    Quote Originally Posted by Alphamystic View Post
    Hey Mods, this thread is gettin' loooong, maybe we should start a new one to get us through the night????
    I have no problem with a New All Nighter Thread. There is about 150 post i would like to move from here. But I want right now. I dont want to jenks what is possibly happening.

    For Apollo. I never get upset. I just got tired of rumors in the news Thread. Glad to see you interacting with us.

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