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  1. #15241
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    From Talkshiite?! LOL. Now that forum is the biggest joke!
    Yes indeed, TalkCrap is a real cesspool!!

  2. #15242
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    Default My Contact...

    Just an e-mail back from a contact in Iraq. He is unaware of any black-out or reval. As well he says he's not heard of anyone getting the 10k yet. Says its possible its not filtered to his base yet, buy he will ask around and will email me back. Hope hes just in the dark on this issue.

  3. #15243
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Banks aren't in the business to give money away! IF they knew there was an imminent r/v they'd not be selling dinars they'd be holding on to as much as they could!

    Sure we'll have our answer in the next 24 hours.....
    Tho thats logical... I think the individual banks don't have a clue... reason
    I say this.. is I've ordered direct from the bank and have gotten to know the bank manager, in fact she and several employees ordered dinar on what I've shared with them and they don't know anything..they wait for updates from me.. all they do is call for rates when someone is wanting to place an order... You would think they would know more but I believe they are in the dark until the "word" comes down from higher sources..? ez :)

  4. #15244
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    Quote Originally Posted by RollsRoyce View Post
    First, nothing new from Indira's fam . .

    I agree with you Adam, but I called the international trading desk of Chase up in NYC . . . after a few minutes on hold . . . the gal told me that the IQD shows up *NOWHERE* on her screen . . . I asked her what that meant . . . she said that it means that they neither trade / buy / or sell that currency . . .

    Then, I asked her how come some of their banks in Texas, and elsewhere make it avail. . . .

    She said, "perhaps a few enterprising Managers are getting them from a source such as Thomas Cooke" . . . I also called American Express . . . and they said it wasn't on their screen either . . .

    Best . . . RR . . .
    I don't know about you guys but I think this is BIG. Great job RR!

    BTW What did she say when you asked what this means?
    Last edited by Alphamystic; 18-10-2006 at 07:56 PM.
    “Don't be distracted by criticism. The only taste of success some people have, is when they take a bite out of you.”

    Got woOOot?

  5. #15245
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    I certainly see your point, Adster, but I think there is a bigger picture that none of us are seeing (myself included). I realize that Chase is a business, and I don't think anyone would dare dispute that. However, what if Chase is still dealing in Dinar as sort of a means to ensure that Customers know where to go when it's time to cash out? (that's just a thought off the top of my head, and probably not all that well-thought out)

    As I said, we are not big fish. My guess is that Chase is sitting on literally billions of Dinar. What's a couple million in the next few days to them, to ensure that speculation is kept down? I mean, seriously, if hush-hush is the key phrase here, Chase is certainly going to play ball, because they have a lot to lose by stirring up more speculation. What that is, I can't say, because I don't know. I do know that in any business, you have partnerships, and politics plays a serious role in those partnerships. I doubt it's completely a Chase call (Yes, they can decide what to do all by themselves, yet they still face consequences if their actions are not in line with their partnerships). I don't know, I'm thinking out loud. But just because they're a business doesn't mean that they'll stop all sales just because an R/V is right around the corner (allegedly)... Especially if, as I said before, "hush-hush" is the phrase of the hour.

    Anyone who works in big business knows how adept the big dogs have gotten at being "hush-hush". In my company, general commonfolk know about things that happen within before we do - Usually through an article in the local newspaper.
    Four years ago... no, it was yesterday. Today I... No, that wasn't me. Sometimes I... No, I don't.

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  6. #15246
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    Quote Originally Posted by RollsRoyce View Post
    First, nothing new from Indira's fam . .

    I agree with you Adam, but I called the international trading desk of Chase up in NYC . . . after a few minutes on hold . . . the gal told me that the IQD shows up *NOWHERE* on her screen . . . I asked her what that meant . . . she said that it means that they neither trade / buy / or sell that currency . . .

    Then, I asked her how come some of their banks in Texas, and elsewhere make it avail. . . .

    She said, "perhaps a few enterprising Managers are getting them from a source such as Thomas Cooke" . . . I also called American Express . . . and they said it wasn't on their screen either . . .

    Best . . . RR . . .
    Opps. Double post Mods

    I don't know about you guys but I think this is BIG. Great job RR!

    BTW what did she say when you asked her what it meant?
    Last edited by Alphamystic; 18-10-2006 at 07:59 PM.
    “Don't be distracted by criticism. The only taste of success some people have, is when they take a bite out of you.”

    Got woOOot?

  7. #15247
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    In reply to RR on the issue of Chase Bank and local managers. I have a close relationship with the branch manager at our local Chase branch here in Oklahoma. She told me flat out that Chase gets their dinars from BANK OF AMERICA. When they put their orders in, it goes to a clearing house and BANK OF AMERICA supplies the actual currency.

  8. #15248
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    Default A lot of money.

    Quote Originally Posted by D-Day View Post
    According to a editorial placed today, Iraq's Oil Minister says they are at 3M bpd. Thought I'd let everyone know...
    That would add up to over a 1.2 billion per week. Big coin. Imagine how fast that number will grow when the country opens up to big business. They can RV at whatever rate they want. Soldiers bullets and bombs don't seem to be winning this war. Maybe an RV-better life for the average citizen in Iraq-will win this conflict. Except in Bagdad-too many fanatics settling old scores there. Bagdad and a few other fanatic holdouts will take some time. IMHO

  9. #15249
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    A little off topic, but does anyone think the FIL being passed and the Dow Jones setting all time records could be related? I found a comment...."The stock market is being driven by the free movement of vast sums of money looking for the best profit opportunities around the world." Any thoughts?


  10. #15250
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    Quote Originally Posted by Treater View Post
    A simple definition off the web, but yes, shakeout.

    A situation in which many investors exit their positions, often at a loss, because of uncertainty or recent bad news circulating around a particular security or industry.

    During the dotcom boom and bust, numerous shakeouts occurred. During these shakeouts many investors experienced tremendous losses.
    Hopefully none of us were stupid or desparate enough to invest more than we can afford to no level of bad news, real or fake, should cause us to dump our dinars at a loss.

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