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  1. #15351
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    That's fine, we got offshore Mike who likes a drink, Clint who drinks gallons of Stella Artois for fun, and YB who likes having it large, (and the alcohol)! LOL.

    Jordan vows to support Iraq's political process

    AMMAN, Oct. 18 (Xinhua) -- Jordanian Prime Minister Marouf Bakhet reiterated on Wednesday the Kingdom's support to Iraq's current political process and the reconciliation project among Iraqi people which ensures the unity of Iraq, the official news agency Petra reported.

    Bakhet made the remarks during a meeting with visiting Iraqi Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi, who arrived in Amman Tuesday on a several-day visit for talks with senior Jordanian officials.

    Bakhet said Iraq and Jordan have "historical relations" and they should sustain consultation and coordination for the mutual interests of both countries and Arab national security.

    Al-Hashimi, on his part, called for Jordan's support to help Iraqi government forge ahead with national reconciliation projects and stop Iraqi bleeding.

    "Iraq needs a new vision in handling the crisis," al-Hashimi said, adding that it is necessary to rebuild and impose security and stability in Iraq.

    The Iraqi plight will persist till those who interfere in the Iraqi internal affairs stop their interference, the Iraqi Vice President noted, pointing out that this interference harms the Arab national security and a unified Arab stance should be formed to face this interference.

    The meeting also touched bilateral relations between the two countries, according to Petra. Enditem
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  2. #15352
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RollsRoyce View Post
    Adam, you still thinking along the lines that they might just post a new rate, with no announcement? . . .

    And where is Susie?? . . .
    buried in posts asking the same questions and talkin about websites, sigh.

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #15353
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    Default Iraqi Investments Club

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post


    if i didnt have a bazillion posts to read about IT i would probably be done already. can that subject be discussed in a different thread???

    I know the feeling, so with that, everyone stop posting to let SGS catch up to us. LOL

    Good luck to all, MIke

  4. #15354
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    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-19-2006 | ارسل هذا الموضوع لصديقThis issue was sent to a friend

    **Al-Maliki to Riyadh and Dari are expected in Mecca, Saudi plane to transport al-Sistani and al-Sadr supported the reconciliation conference **
    **The document Mecca to stop the bloodshed in waiting for the signing of the Iraqi authorities **

    London : Nidal Laithy
    Najaf time
    .A delegation of leaders had arrived in Mecca two days ago, Harith al-Dhari, including Secretary of the Association of Muslim Scholars. For his part, an official source at the Organization of the Islamic Conference that the signing of a document designed to Mecca seeking to inject the blood of Muslims in Iraq by the Iraqi authorities will be next Friday.The source added, is expected to arrive references to Mecca on Thursday while a document will be signed in Mecca on Friday night.
    .The official went on in the organization we ended the preparations for this event and we expect a high level of participation by Sunni and Shiite authorities. .He pointed out that it was not a meeting in the form of a symposium, a panel discussion, but is the presence of references and their presence together in Mecca in particular signing the document, which was prepared by a group of leaders at a meeting held at the Islamic Fiqh Academy in Jeddah.

    .And contributes to the auditor and representatives of the Iraqi political trends, minorities and ethnic and deputies in the parliament and Saudi sources said that a Saudi will travel to Baghdad for the transfer of the participants at the Mecca. .Al-Maliki said after meeting with al-Sistani, told reporters that al-Sistani had sent a positive message to encourage the establishment of security and create a state of harmony "at the time called Islamic Party cleansing all references to issue fatwas prohibiting the rampant violence in Iraq which claimed the lives of thousands of Iraqis. For his part, Vice President Al Iraqi Tariq Hashemi of the Jordanian capital, Amman, to renounce violence between Iraqi factions and resort to national reconciliation and resolving differences in the framework of a peaceful and negotiated solution.

    Al-Maliki to Saudi Arabia
    After Najaf
    With al-Maliki arrived yesterday in a sudden visit to Riyadh during which he will meet the Saudi monarch, King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz.The Al-Maliki said in his reply to a question about the reasons for his visit to Najaf and held talks with al-Sistani and al-Sadr »move and move us all loyal citizens of this country in order to create an atmosphere of national reconciliation, national reconciliation and the imposition of peace rather than violence, murder and terrorism«.The move to all sites that affect the political and social atmosphere in order to find a strong influence of the sites to give the message that the real wish that the Iraqi people is the message that represents the interests of Iraq. .He added that the Mecca conference attended by two teams of scientists Sunni, Shiite, and this is a step supportive of the steps that take place within the country in order to create a climate for dialogue, we support this conference and call him luck and success, pointing out that al-Sistani sent a positive message encourages the establishment of security and create a state of harmony. .At a press conference held with Muqtada al-Maliki said the recent support of the Mecca, considering was in the interest of Iraq. .He said Sadr, I support the conference, which each serves the interest of the Iraqi people and that it was better to be held in Iraq and that Iraq is the supposed gravity of such conferences. A statement by the Islamic Party, all political and religious leaders to the Iraqis that they must render a verdict explicitly prohibiting bloodshed.

    The party said that all political leaders and religious authorities in Iraq to commit their followers that the time had come to bring the curtain down on this tragedy and not the whole of Iraq. يتجه نحو الكارثة.Moving towards disaster. For his part, Hashemi in a statement in the Jordanian capital of a civil war in Iraq, which is overwhelmed by the violence at the same time stressing that reconciliation is the urgent need to stop the bloodshed.
    He said during a joint press conference with Jordanian Prime Minister known Bakhit in Amman before his meeting with the Jordanian monarch, King Abdullah II, I do not think that what is happening in Iraq now is a civil war.
    Hashemi added that started Tuesday a visit to Jordan that will last two days, there spill blood and sectarian tension there and kill many innocent people but we are not in a civil war. When asked about the solutions that could end the sectarian violence Hashemi said reconciliation and resolve and determination.
    He acknowledged that Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki faces a difficult situation in efforts to restore security and stability in Iraq.
    His task is not easy, Maliki is difficult position, but I think it will succeed in the end.
    When asked whether the presence of the multinational force led by the United States in Iraq is part of the problems facing Iraq. Hashemi said that depends on the behavior may be part of the problem may be a solution. He added, we need the multinational force present, but should be subject to the decisions of the Authority in Iraq, and this is perhaps would have primacy in the Anbar province.
    He said there will be a new department for the file after the failed military force in the maintenance of security and stability in this province.
    On the other hand, Hashemi said that a timetable for the withdrawal conditional on the multinational force in Iraq is urgently needed.

    The newspaper Azzaman

  5. #15355
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Yup, just update, no announcement.

    As for Susie, last seen with a gun to Shabibi's head inside the CBI. :0)
    i wish it was that easy, we would already be in sand dunes, naked singin at the top of our lungs off key.

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #15356
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    Default Katyusha rocket attack on an American base north of Hilla

    Voices of Iraq : Resolutions-attack
    alaah on Wednesday, October 18, 2006-05 : 10 PM BT

    Katyusha rocket attack on an American base north of Hilla
    By Alaa Hussein Hilla - (Voices of Iraq)
    A security source in the police command Babylon Base Kalso that has been subject to Katyusha rocket attack evening today, Wednesday, and did not know the volume of losses.
    The source, who refused to reveal his name to the News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent today that the base (Kalso) and the American-based project Musayyib (30 km north of Hilla) exposed to Katyusha rocket attack.
    The source added that the sound of explosions "were heard emanating from Al Qaeda." but he did not elaborate on the size of the losses.


  7. #15357
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    Bless Sus, I can't post anymore, she's not got to the part where they still are selling them! Tis funny, when you fall behind the posts it's like a satellite delay compared to normal programmes on a television, LOL.

    That's it, I'll sit on the side lines now and keep it buttoned!
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  8. #15358
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrsCK View Post
    WOW - maybe they RV and they are letting the Countries cash in OR the big corporation do their thing first - then let us small folks get in on it. But never seen that chart look like that in ONE DAY hmmmmmmm

    I believe that is because the Dinar is pegged to the USD which has gained alot in the last couple days. When you put the IQD /USD symbols its a flat line because they are pegged together.

  9. #15359
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    Iraq oil company starts crude exports to Turkey
    KIRKUK: Iraq has resumed exports of crude oil to the Turkish port of Ceyhan after an interruption for several months, according to an official of Iraq's Northern Oil Company (NOC).

    This good news for Iraq's troubled oil industry came, however, as the largest refinery in the country was shut down for the fourth day running due to a lack of electricity.

    "After several months of interruption, pumping resumed permanently following intermittent and irregular pumping over the past month," said the NOC company executive, who asked not be identified for his own safety.

    The interruption, stemmed from continuous attacks on the pipelines, problems with the storage facilities in Ceyhan and general deterioration of the pipelines due to age.

    In June, the NOC also announced a resumption of exports to Turkey following a four-month hiatus, but the resulting flow was still sporadic.

    This time around, however, the company is confident that increased security on the pipeline will ensure the exports remain steady.

    The company managed to get a consistent flow going by Thursday night and now the pipeline is carrying 250,000-350,000 barrels per day

    Most of Iraq's oil production, some 2m bpd, comes from the south, although international experts agree that the northern fields are under-developed.

    The news came at the same time that the massive Baiji refinery in central Iraq was shut down due to a breakdown of the nearby thermal power station.

    "The Baiji refinery stopped its production of products for the fourth successive day due to electricity cuts," said a refinery official.

    Iraq suffers from a chronic shortage of petrol, kerosene and other fuel products resulting in endless lines at the petrol stations.

    When the Baiji refinery is working, Iraq produces 10m litres of petrol domestically, barely half of the 22m litres daily demand.

    Gulf Daily News

  10. #15360
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    Quote Originally Posted by texaslonghorns View Post
    I believe that is because the Dinar is pegged to the USD which has gained alot in the last couple days. When you put the IQD /USD symbols its a flat line because they are pegged together.
    Very good. Yes, as long as the dinar is pegged to the dollar then the range of movement is limited......It's only because the dollar has strengthened in the last few days that we're seeing it changing.

    Shabibi has to change the monetary policies and alter the exchange rate. He has to press that button.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

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