Since we are on the subject of hmmmmm....thought I would add this
NBG foreign ex rate 1348.10 to the US $ 1470.60 to the US$
Iraqi Dinar Exchange rate 1469.2 to the US$.....this one use to show it fluctuating in green and it only shows this number in black
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19-10-2006, 05:57 AM #15531
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19-10-2006, 06:06 AM #15532
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thanks RR,
he's only been there 2 weeks, and when he first got there, he asked around and said either they had no idea what he was talking about, or they had no interest....
i will post if i do hear anything obviously.. in the rumor section of course :)
btw thanks for the supportLast edited by mike brown; 19-10-2006 at 06:09 AM. Reason: forgot sometinhg
19-10-2006, 06:09 AM #15533
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[QUOTE=CharmedPiper;122973]Okay I got it....The meeting is 10/19 THURSDAY...I backtracked to the U.N. website and this is the original document in translation required. Looks real good guys.
the meeting was also attended by a high level delegation of the Iraqi Government including the Minister of Finance, Minister of Planning, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, advisors to the Vice President, advisors to the Prime Ministers, the Government Spokesman and the Baghdad representatives of the ICI Preparatory Group member-states (EC, US, UK, Italy, South Korea, Germany, France, Japan.) the meeting was also Attended via video-link by the EU presidency, World Bank, UN HQ in New York, the Arab Fund and the Islamic Development Bank.
19-10-2006, 06:13 AM #15534
19-10-2006, 06:18 AM #15535
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Hey guys if you go to the article you can read it clear with no problem, here's the link
المالكي: السيستاني بعث برسالة ايجابية إلى مؤتمر مكةMaliki : Sistani sent a positive message to the Mecca
(صوت العراق) - 19-10-2006 |(Voice of Iraq) - 10-19-2006 | ارسل هذا الموضوع لصديقThis issue was sent to a friend
بعد زيارته المرجع الديني والصدر في النجف ...After his visit to the religious authority in Najaf and Sadr ... المالكي: السيستاني بعث برسالة ايجابية إلى مؤتمر مكةMaliki : Sistani sent a positive message to the Mecca
النجف - فاضل رشاد الحياة - 19/10/06//Najaf-Fadel Rashad life-19 / 10 / 06 / /
المالكي في النجف أمس.Al-Maliki in Najaf yesterday. (ا ب)(August)
زار رئيس الوزراء العراقي نوري المالكي المرجع الشيعي الأعلى آية الله علي السيستاني والزعيم الشيعي مقتدى الصدر في النجف (160 كلم جنوب بغداد).Visited Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki supreme Shiite authority, Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, the Shiite leader Muqtada al-Sadr in Najaf (160 km south of Baghdad). وقال المالكي بعد لقائه السيستاني ان المرجع الشيعي «بعث برسالة ايجابية الى مؤتمر مكة تشجع على استتباب الامن وايجاد حالة من الانسجام»، وأكد انه لقي تشجيعاً من «المرجعيات الدينية لمشروع المصالحة الوطنية».Al-Maliki said after meeting with al-Sistani, the Shiite religious «sent a positive message to the Mecca encouraged to establish security and create a state of harmony», He stressed that he was encouraged by the «religious references to the draft national reconciliation».
وفي مؤتمر صحافي قال المالكي بعد لقائه السيستاني عن اسباب زيارته: «نتحرك ويتحرك معنا كل المخلصين من ابناء هذا الوطن من اجل ايجاد اجواء الوفاق الوطني والمصالحة الوطنية وفرض السلم بدلا من العنف والقتل والارهاب».In a press conference, al-Maliki said after meeting with al-Sistani on the causes of his visit : «move and move us all loyal citizens of this country in order to create an atmosphere of national reconciliation, national reconciliation and the imposition of peace rather than violence, murder and terrorism».
واضاف: «نتحرك على كل المواقع التي تؤثر في الجانب السياسي والاجتماعي من اجل حشد التأييد والدعم وتعبئة الصفوف وايجاد مساحة وقاعدة عريضة من كل المواقع المؤثرة من اجل الضغط على القوى الارهابية التي تريد ان تعيث في الارض فسادا».He added : «move on all the sites that affect the social and political side to muster support and the support and mobilization of classroom space, and create a broad base of all influential positions in order to put pressure on the terrorist forces that want to run amok».
وفي رد عن الاعتقالات بحق قيادات التيار الصدري وآخرها اعتقال الشيخ الساعدي في بغداد قال: «نحن نتجه الآن لايجاد حلول سياسية لكل الازمات، وهي بطبيعتها ستنهي كل الاعتقالات والتوترات.In response to the arrests right Sadri trend leaders, the latest arrest of Sheikh Al Saeedy in Baghdad said : «We turn now to find political solutions to all crises, the nature would end all arrests and tensions. وهذا ما اجمعت عليه القوى السياسية (...) وان شاء الله ستعود الاوضاع طبيعية ولا يعتقل الا من ارتكب جريمة حقيقية بحق الابرياء».This unanimous political forces (...) And God normal conditions will not be detained only real crime committed against innocent ».
وعن تصريحات بعض المسؤولين الاميركيين حول تحديد سقف زمني للحكومة العراقية للقضاء على الارهاب وتحقيق الاستقرار، قال المالكي: «الحكومة العراقية حكومة وحدة وطنية لم تأت على ظهر الدبابة او بوساطة احد، انما جاءت بارادة الشعب العراقي بشكل ديموقراطي عبر الانتخابات والدستور.Regarding statements by some American officials over setting a time ceiling for the Iraqi government to eradicate terrorism and achieve stability, Al-Maliki said : «Iraqi government and the government of national unity did not come on the back of the tank or mediated one, but was the will of the Iraqi people through democratic elections and the constitution. وهي بالتالي حكومة تمثل ارادة هذا الشعب، وهو الوحيد الذي يستطيع عبر مؤسساته ان يقول لهذه الحكومة نعم للاستمرار او نعم للتوقف والتغيير» مشيراً الى ترحيبه «بأية عملية مراجعة للاداء» مشدداً على ان «المراجعة شأن يتعلق بالحكومة العراقية نفسها».It is therefore the government represents the will of the people, It can only be through institutions of this government says yes to the continuation or yes to pause and change »« indicating welcomed any review of the performance of the process », stressing that« statements regarding the Iraqi government itself ».
وحول مؤتمر مكة قال المالكي: «نحن نعلق آمالا على كل خطوة يخطوها الذين تهمهم مصلحة العراق ويستنكرون ما يجري من اعمال ارهابية في هذا البلد».And on the Mecca-Maliki said : «We attach great step forward for all those interested in the interest of Iraq and denounced the ongoing terrorist acts in this country». واضاف ان «مؤتمر مكة سيحضره فريقان من العلماء سنة وشيعة.He added that «the Mecca attended by two teams of scientists Sunni and Shiite. وهذا يعتبر خطوة داعمة للخطوات التي تجري داخل البلد من اجل ايجاد اجواء الحوار (...) لذلك نحن نؤيد هذا المؤتمر وندعو له بالتوفيق والنجاح» مشيرا الى ان السيستاني «بعث برسالة ايجابية تشجع على استتباب الامن وايجاد حالة من الانسجام» بين العراقيين.This is a step supportive of the steps that take place within the country in order to create a climate of dialogue (...) We therefore support of this conference and call him luck and success »pointing out that« Sistani sent a positive message to encourage the establishment of security and create a state of harmony between the Iraqis ».
وفي مؤتمر صحافي عقده المالكي مع الزعيم الشيعي مقتدى الصدر قال رئيس الوزراء انه بحث مع الصدر «الاوضاع الامنية وآليات حماية المواطنين وحقن الدماء والبدء بعملية الاعمار» وشكر الصدر على «تجاوبه (...) ومشاعره تجاه الارواح التي تزهق والدماء التي تسفك».At a press conference held Maliki with the Shiite leader Moqtada Sadr Prime Minister said that he discussed with al-Sadr «security conditions and mechanisms for the protection of citizens and stop the bloodshed and begin the process of reconstruction», «thanked al-Sadr on his responsiveness (...) And feelings toward lives lost and the blood that is shed ».
من جانبه أعلن الصدر دعمه لمؤتمر مكة واعتبر انه يصب في مصلحة العراق.For his part, al-Sadr announced his support for the Mecca and added that it was in Iraq's interest. وقال الصدر «انا ادعم كل المؤتمرات التي تصب في صالح الشعب العراقي وان كان من الافضل عقده في العراق (...) ومن المفروض العراق هو الذي يتبنى مثل هذه المؤتمرات».He said al-Sadr «I am I back all the conferences are in the interests of the Iraqi people and that it was better to be held in Iraq (...) It is supposed Iraq who advocates such conferences ».
واضاف «انشاء الله جهود الاخوة العرب والمسلمين والجيران كلها تصب في مصلحة الشعب العراقي وان شاء الله نسعى وتسعى الحكومة الى استتباب الامن في هذا البلد».He added : «God to our brothers the Arabs and Muslims, all neighbors are in the interest of the Iraqi people and, God willing, we and the government is seeking to establish security in this country».
وتابع ان «الفيديرالية وأي أمر آخر يرجع به الى الشعب العراقي، فاذا وافق الشعب على الفيديرالية فلا مشكلة واذا رفضها فهو حق مشروع له».He went on to say that «any federalism because it is another to the Iraqi people, If approved by the people on federalism, there is no problem and if it is the legitimate right of refusal him ». واضاف: «البلد يمر بظرف صعب جداً وعصيب في ظل وجود الكثير من الصدامات والخلافات» ودعا الى «نبذ الطائفية وعمليات الخطف والقتل الطائفي ونبذ الفرقة وتوحيد الصفوف سنة وشيعة لنكون يداً واحدة لبناء العراق واخراجه من بحار الدماء التي تجري يوميا ونسعى الى استقراره واستقلاله».He added : «country is a circumstance is very difficult and critical in light of the presence of many clashes and disagreements», «called to reject sectarianism and kidnappings, killings and the renunciation of sectarian division and unite ranks of the Sunni, Shiite, we will work together to build Iraq and taking him out of the sea of blood that occur every day, and we seek to stability and independence».
وانتقد الصدر التدخل في شؤون العراق الداخلية وقال: «ليس لأحد، سوى الحكومة العراقية، الحق في التدخل في الشأن العراقي سواء من الاميركيين او اية دولة اخرى».Al-Sadr criticized the intervention in the internal affairs of Iraq and said : «No one, except the Iraqi government, the right to interfere in Iraqi affairs, whether from the Americans or any other country ». وزاد ان «الكثير من التدخلات الاميركية في العراق وخارجه قد اساءت للاوضاع سواء في لبنان او كوريا الشمالية او في غيرها من الدول».He added that «many American interventions in Iraq and abroad has been abused by the situation, either in Lebanon or North Korea or in other countries».
ورداً على سؤال عن تطورات مشروع المصالحة الوطنية قال رئيس الوزراء العراقي ان «الكثير من ابناء الشعب العراقي في مختلف المحافظات والقطاعات العراقية تجاوبوا مع مشروع المصالحة الوطنية، لكن بعض القوى الشريرة وبقايا الصداميين والبعثيين الذين لا يريدون لهذا البلد الاستقرار واصلوا ممارسة عمليات القتل والتهجير كي لا يهدأ هذا البلد».In response to a question on developments in the draft national reconciliation Iraqi Prime Minister said that «many of the Iraqi people in the various provinces and sectors Iraqi responded with a draft national reconciliation, But some evil forces and the remnants of Sadamiin and Baathists who do not want this country to stability and continued killings and displacement so restless this country ». لافتاً الى ان «أحد اهداف مشروع المصالحة ان تتفق كلمة العراقيين على مواجهة الصداميين والتكفيريين واجتثاثهم من الارض العراقية».» واضاف: «وجدنا دعماً وتأييداً للمصالحة الوطنية من المرجعيات الدينية والسياسية، كما وجدنا رفضاً لعمليات القتل وحمل السلاح، ووجدنا تأييداً في تولي الدولة فقط حماية المواطنين».He pointed out that «one of the objectives of the draft reconciliation agree that the word the Iraqis to meet Sadamiin and Altkverein and mopped from Iraqi territory». » He added : «found support and support for national reconciliation from the religious authorities, political, We also found a rejection of the killings and bear arms, We found support in the State only protect citizens ».
وعن محاكمة الرئيس العراقي المخلوع صدام حسين عبّر المالكي عن أمله بأن لا تطول المحاكمة وقال: «ان شاء الله لا تطول المحاكمة.Regarding the trial of deposed Iraqi president Saddam Hussein through Maliki expressed hope that the trial does not drag on and said : «God does not affect the trial. وسيصدر قريباً الحكم بالاعدام على هذا الطاغية المجرم واعوانه والمجرمين الذين عملوا معه.The death sentence will be issued shortly to this criminal tyrant and his aides and criminals who have worked with him. وقطعاً باعدامه ستسقط الورقة التي يراهن عليها من يريد ان يعود الى السلطة تحت راية صدام والبعث».And certainly his execution will fall by betting that the paper wants to return to power under the banner of Saddam and the Baath ».WE WILL BE RICHER THEN OUR WILDEST DREAMS
19-10-2006, 06:24 AM #15536
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So not mistake Parliament hour anger
(صوت العراق) - 19-10-2006 |(Voice of Iraq) - 10-19-2006 |
هيئة التحريرEditorial Board
.The issue of the way the circulation of information of the event Iraqi Bachtbakath of interest to various political and media with great (anger and feelings) of the Presidency of the Parliament of policy had been handled by the news channel and newspaper Eastern time with the parliamentary majority of the draft law regulating mechanisms of the formation of regions in the country.
..Think here of the importance of the event hoped, Parliamentary happened anger about the way the media and therefore call upon the government to the (accounting) of the media. To be hoped the event from another angle, - is the cornerstone of which appear to be many on the event, by refusing as a restriction of press freedoms. or accepting, as a reflection of the keenness of Parliament in the face of Zell media leads to increased shipments of resentment and inciting violence.
To be hoped the event from another angle remained closed in the event reacting positively or negatively. .This angle is overlooking the legal framework of the event, whether : the position of the parliament and accepted the position of the newspaper and the channel..The right of the parliament in anger and limitations on this right, the right to freedom of the media in circulation and the limits of this right. ..Where is the law of these rights, the right of the parliament the right information? Parliament Chairman part of the institutional structure of democracy and guaranteed freedoms, The press is part of the President of another structure. .No democracy (and therefore freedom) without a parliament strong and intelligent. no democracy (and therefore also the freedoms) without informing the strong and intelligent is the other.
.But that controls and determines the balance (UNFICYP) and the method of disposal and the work is law. the Constitution and the legislation regulating the work and the balance of power and the rights and duties in society.
.Information in the new Iraq lacks law (external) regulates the work, (so) it limits freedoms and powers. .We should continue to work for the absence of such a law..But before we lose any law (external), we must Availability Act (internal), the proceeds from professional commitment and deep understanding of the meaning of freedom and its own requirements and the meaning of the media and methods. ..This problem is the complexity makes it almost a form of Iotobiat intellectuals, especially in our current situation and the degree of evolution of democracy and social and political modernization. .We need to achieve such a situation to the desired political liberals truly, to understand the meaning of that information should be free, just as we need a free media, As a society we need to recognize the value obtained by enjoy the same freedoms.
..It is the requirements of the law (internal) regulates the work of the media, and the media, is the distinction between news and opinion column and article. ..News of a multi-Secretary-right and the different media, society needs to truthful and honest information, the News and accurate information to decide in the light of attitudes and beliefs. ولكن .But the assumption of a media stand in the (absolute neutrality), they are falsehood. Failed to provide the highest democracies in the world such an institution, But the professional institutions and the old knows a clear distinction between the column and opinion of the article, and the news on the other hand. What they do not have the right to cause in the news of the bias that can be done in the column and article detriment of the expression of opinion, attitude and bias. .Perhaps the most ancient institutions professional is to succeed where even opinion column and article enhanced greatest different kinds of information that allows comfort. make sure the reader of scientific opinion and integrity.
.We can not in our emerging..Purport that the Iraqi reader, we approach this situation vocational high. .We all, media, politicians and citizens. rehearsing on democracy and on the uses of freedom in the charged circumstances of intellectual and political intolerance. .This Youkana errors in each seeks to be errors of the type killer..This is what makes the current Iraqi media in an incongruous jumble in the light of the approaching of the media or refrained from professional standards.
Perhaps the time and to a lesser extent Eastern (two branches one institution) of the few media that seek to perform professional wants to be closer to the degree or those of the required standards, Perhaps this is the only thing that (anger and rage) of the Presidency of the Parliament in the face of a means dealing with the news of the passing of the bill. The only presidential Eastern time and room to unload (anger) without flying Charar anger that the channels and other newspapers could have been (in the light of the justifications of the Presidency of the anger and resentment about) be a target for the most obvious goal (time) and (East).
.Do not want to exonerate or defend the policy of the news time and the East and the extent of their commitment or lack of commitment to professional standards, To do not want to justify the agitation media sometimes go in this medium or that the result of intolerance or loyalty or any other motive does not want to understand the gravity of the situation in Iraq.
But what we want to confirm that if the media lacks Law (external) regulates work, the Parliament, as an authority in parallel to other media governed by the law and legislation, allow it to express their anger and protest, but it does not allow him to the request of the government which is bringing the same accounting or the media or any other Westerners opposed by the action of the parliament. .That the only party that can decide on the dispute between the Iraqis is to eliminate, in parallel authority other authorities dispute.
.Strange to resort first democratic institution in Iraq (parliament) to the neglect of the role of the judiciary and the executive branch seeks to impose accounting wants imposed. We say : perhaps missed our colleagues in the (time) and (East) in the way news of the liberation of Parliament, We are not here, as we have stated, in connection with the defense or justification, but we strongly defend the importance of a proper contexts in transactions between different. Defending the importance of the rule of law and justice and the right to complain and protest.We reject the ruling authority, as reject exit controls profession and the responsibility of professional conscience to the community and the nation. Earlier, before the profession itself.
franny, were almost there!!
19-10-2006, 06:26 AM #15537
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أوساط تركية تشكك في حجج تأجيل زيارة المالكي إليThe Turkish question the arguments to postpone the visit to the Al-Maliki
(صوت العراق) - 19-10-2006 |(Voice of Iraq) - 10-19-2006 | ارسل هذا الموضوع لصديقThis issue was sent to a friend
أوساط تركية تشكك في حجج تأجيل زيارة المالكي إلي أنقرة **The Turkish question the arguments to postpone the visit to Ankara Maliki **
إسطنبول ــ إبراهيم بوعزّيIstanbul Ibrahim Bozi
ما زالت الأسباب الحقيقية الكامنة وراء إلغاء زيارة رئيس الحكومة العراقي نوري المالي مجهولة علي الرغم من إعلان الجانب العراقي رسميا أن السبب هو تعذّر إقلاع الطائرة بسبب عاصفة رملية هبّت علي العاصمة العراقية بغداد.Still the real reasons behind the cancellation of the visit of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri financial unknown, although the Iraqi side officially that the reason is not because the plane took off sand storm swept the Iraqi capital Baghdad.
غير أن الأوساط الدبلوماسية والإعلامية التركية ما زالت غير مقتنعة بهذه الحجة لأن العاصفة يمكن أن تؤجّل الزيارة يوماً أو نصف يوم وليس إلي أجل غير مسمّي.However, the diplomatic community and the Turkish media is still not persuaded by this argument because the storm could postpone the visit day or half a day, not for an indefinite period.
وعليه فقد بدأت الصحف التركية تتحدث عن جملة من الاحتمالات الكامنة وراء الإلغاء المفاجئ لتلك الزيارة التي كان من المقرّر إجراؤها قبل أمس الإثنين لتنتهي أمس الاول الثلاثاء.The Turkish press has begun talking about a number of possibilities behind the abrupt cancellation of the visit, which was scheduled to take place before the end of yesterday, Monday, Tuesday, the day before yesterday. وجواباً علي سؤال سبب تأجيل تلك الزيارة أعلنت المصادر الرسمية في أنقرة أن العاصفة الرملية هي التي أعاقت طائرة المالكي والوفد المرافق له عن الإقلاع إلي أنقرة مساء الأحد المنصرم.Asked why the postponement of the visit, official sources announced in Ankara that the sandstorm that hindered the plane Maliki and his accompanying delegation's departure to Ankara on Sunday evening last. وأضافت المصادر نفسها أن المالكي أجري اتصالاً هاتفياً برئيس الحكومة التركي رجب طيب اردوغان أعرب له فيه عن أسفه لتعذّر القيام بتلك الزيارة للسبب المذكور آنفاً.The same sources added that Al-Maliki made a telephone call to the Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has expressed his regret for those unable to visit for the reason stated above.
وأكدّت مصادر الأرصاد الجوية أن بغداد شهدت فعلاً عاصفة رملية يوم الرحلة المذكورة.Sources meteorology that Baghdad has already seen the sand storm on the flight in question. غير أن هذا لم يقنع بعض الأوساط الدبلوماسية والإعلامية التي وضعت ثلاثة سيناريوهات للسبب الحقيقي الذي يمكن أن يكون وراء ذلك.However, this did not convince some of the diplomatic community and the media, which has three scenarios for the real reason which could be behind this. وتشير مصادر دبلوماسية إلي أن الاحتمال الأول لإلغاء تلك الزيارة هو أن المالكي يري أنه من غير الصواب مغادرة العراق في هذه الفترة التي يقف فيها البلد علي حافة الانقسام والتجزئة خصوصاً بعد مصادقة البرلمان العراقي علي مشروع قانون الأقاليم.Diplomatic sources opined that the first possibility of the cancellation of the visit is that the Maliki finds that it is incorrect to leave Iraq in this period where the country stands on the brink of division and fragmentation, especially after ratification by the Iraqi Parliament on the draft law of the provinces.
أما الاحتمال الثاني فهو تخوّف المالكي من الإقالة بسبب المصاعب التي يواجهها في تسيير الحكومة.The second possibility is the fear of impeachment Maliki because of the difficulties it faces in running the government. وادّعي مصدر دبلوماسي تركي فضّل عدم الكشف عن اسمه أن المالكي يمكن أن يُقال من رئاسة الحكومة العراقية في أية لحظة وربما في الأيام القادمة.He claimed Turkish diplomatic source who preferred not to reveal his name to Al-Maliki can be said of the presidency of the Iraqi government at any moment, and perhaps in the coming days.
وفيما يتعلق بالاحتمال الثلاثة فهو أن الرئيس العراقي جلال الطالباني أعرب عن رغبته في زيارة أنقرة منذ أشهر غير أن نظيره التركي أحمد نجدت سيزر لم يحدد موعداً لتلك الزيارة بدعوي عدم التعاون في إنهاء تواجد حزب العمال الكردستاني في شمال العراق الذي يتخذه مركزاً لشن هجماته الإرهابية في داخل الترا ب التركي.With respect to the fact is that three Iraqi President Jalal Talabani expressed his desire to visit Ankara months ago - that his Turkish counterpart Ahmed Necdet Sezer did not specify a date for that visit the pretext of non-cooperation in ending the presence of the PKK in northern Iraq taken by the center to launch terrorist attacks inside Altera b Turkish.
ويتوقع بعض المحللين السياسيين أن الطالباني هو الذي تسبب في إلغاء تلك الزيارة التي كان سيؤديها المالكي لأنقرة من دون موافقة رئيسه الطالباني.And some political analysts expected that the Taliban is causing the cancellation of the visit, which was performed by al-Maliki Ankara without the approval of President Talabani.
جريدة »الزمان«The newspaper Azzaman »«
19-10-2006, 06:28 AM #15538
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one thing that worked for me on a couple of translations that I couldn't get to post right is that I copied it to a word document and then recopied and posted it here and it seemed to come out alright...just a thought
19-10-2006, 06:29 AM #15539
19-10-2006, 06:46 AM #15540
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I apologize if this has already been posted
Tax exemptions for investment projects in Iraq
October 18, 2006
The amended draft of the investment law, which was approved at, included 36 articles. They provided the formation of a body called "National Board for Investment" which has a moral character represented by its chairman or whoever he entitles. The Board will be responsible for forming the national policy for investment, designing plans and regulations as well as monitoring their application in the field of investment.
The Board will be specialized in investment projects that have a federal nature, administered by a board of directors composed of nine members, who are university professors, and the Cabinet will nominate its chairman and gives him the rank of minister and deputy chairman with the rank of Under-Secretary for five years, ratified by the Parliament. The Prime Minister will also appoint four general directors from among the nine members. The Law grants Parliament the right to discharge the chairman of the Board or his deputy at the request of the Prime Minister. The Center of the Board will be in Baghdad and appoint representatives in other regions and governorates.
The Law also grants the regions and provinces, joined in federation or not, the right to compose investment bodies within their territories that have the right to grant investment licenses, encourage investment and open branches in areas under their control" within the regulations of this law", in consultation with the National Board for Investment to ensure that all requirements are legal. The regional and provincial bodies will be made up of seven members, including the chairman and his deputy. Regional and provincial bodies will coordinate work with the National Board for Investment in consultation with local governments, regarding investment plans and facilities.
The Law states: "The Board will accept requests for clearance of investment projects whose capitals are not less than the minimum limit established by the Cabinet or the regional council of ministers; how ever, in case the value of the project exceeds 150 million dollars, the approval of the Cabinet is required". The Board will look into applications of projects licenses within a period of not more than 45 days from the date of submitting the application. The Board will have its own independent annual budget allocated to it from the State budget.
The law defined the Board's objectives by: "encouraging investment through the strengthening of confidence in the investment environment, defining investment opportunities, motivating investment, simplifying the procedures of registration and acquiring investment licenses as well as watching for existing projects and give them priority to be completed, in coordination with official bodies".
Other functions of the Board are "completing the procedures of answering requests for investors and obtain the necessary approvals for the investor and the project, establishing a single window at the National Board for Investment and other regions and provinces comprising delegates accredited by the ministries and members nominated by provincial and district councils according to the conditions and relevant authorities. Also, granting licenses and obtain approvals from other parties in accordance with the law, in addition to providing advice to investors and develop programs to promote investment in the different regions of Iraq to attract investors" , as well as facilitate the allocation of land and rent it for setting up projects in return for a sum determined by the Board in accordance with the relevant authorities, in addition to working on the establishment of safe and free investment areas with the consent of the Cabinet".
The Law further provides that the Board "facilities and grants loans to Iraqi investors on condition they operate manpower commensurate with the size of the loan value". "The investor enjoys all benefits and guarantees and submits to obligations contained in this Law regardless of his nationality. Iraqi and foreign investor has the right to possess land for the purposes of housing projects without speculating it, according to rules set by the Board and with the consent of the Cabinet. The ownership of the housing units may be given to Iraqis after the completion of the project. According to this law, the investor will enjoy the privileges of taking out the capital that he brought into Iraq along with its profits, according to the instructions of the Central Bank after paying all of his obligations".
The law also gives foreign investors the right to" trade in the markets of securities, stocks and bonds, in addition to the composition of investment portfolios in stocks and bonds, as well as leases land for projects as long as the investment project exists but for not more than 50 years, renewable according to the approval of the Board". Foreign investors will also be given the right to insure their projects in insurance companies, and open accounts in Iraqi or foreign currency in different branches of banks in or outside Iraq.
The law ensures that the priority of recruitment and use of employees is for Iraqis, in addition to granting foreign investors and employees, in investment projects, the right of abode in Iraq and facilitate their entry and exit to and from Iraq. Also, ensuring that the project will not be confiscated or nationalized except what comes in a judicial sentence. According to the law "The investor will have commitments; for he will have to notify in writing the board of the region or province immediately after the completion of the installation of the project and the date of starting the commercial work, in addition to briefing the Board with documents, records and a feasibility study if requested".
"The project licensed by the Board will get exemption from taxes and duties for 10 years from the date of operating it according to the developed areas identified by the Cabinet. The years of exemption will increase up to 15 years if an Iraqi investor contributes in the project by 50%".
"The imported materials for the licensed investment projects will be exempted from customs duties for 3 years from the date of granting the investment license. Also, exempt materials imported for the purpose of expanding projects of fees on condition of entering the country within a period of less than three years from the date of notifying the Board of the expansion of the project, and exempt spare parts imported for the project from charges on condition that their value does not exceed 20% of the value of the existing materials on condition that the investor will not use them for purposes other than that for which they were imported".
The law gave" projects of hotels, tourism establishments, hospitals and health institutions, rehabilitation centers and educational institutions the right to import furniture, furnishings and supplies for renewal once every four years to be used in the project. If it is proved that any of these imported materials, which are exempt from customs, were illegally sold, the investor will have to pay fees and taxes, consequently". The Law includes rules to settle the disputes on projects and their financing methods and Iraqi laws will be applied to them, in addition to explaining the legal procedures for the granting licenses to a project. (Source)AlBayan
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