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  1. #15551
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    It was a dns problem.

    Psst Please dont tell SGS!!

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBrain View Post
    OK here we go, who is the current admin of is hosted on which is a dedicated server and was also the previous nameserver of cbi and the nameserver actually resides on a rack on which is the name server presently in the whois record for Do you see the loop, someone made a bad setting in the A record.

  2. #15552
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by day dreamer View Post
    أوساط تركية تشكك في حجج تأجيل زيارة المالكي إليThe Turkish question the arguments to postpone the visit to the Al-Maliki

    (صوت العراق) - 19-10-2006 |(Voice of Iraq) - 10-19-2006 | ارسل هذا الموضوع لصديقThis issue was sent to a friend

    أوساط تركية تشكك في حجج تأجيل زيارة المالكي إلي أنقرة **The Turkish question the arguments to postpone the visit to Ankara Maliki **

    إسطنبول ــ إبراهيم بوعزّيIstanbul Ibrahim Bozi
    ما زالت الأسباب الحقيقية الكامنة وراء إلغاء زيارة رئيس الحكومة العراقي نوري المالي مجهولة علي الرغم من إعلان الجانب العراقي رسميا أن السبب هو تعذّر إقلاع الطائرة بسبب عاصفة رملية هبّت علي العاصمة العراقية بغداد.Still the real reasons behind the cancellation of the visit of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri financial unknown, although the Iraqi side officially that the reason is not because the plane took off sand storm swept the Iraqi capital Baghdad.
    غير أن الأوساط الدبلوماسية والإعلامية التركية ما زالت غير مقتنعة بهذه الحجة لأن العاصفة يمكن أن تؤجّل الزيارة يوماً أو نصف يوم وليس إلي أجل غير مسمّي.However, the diplomatic community and the Turkish media is still not persuaded by this argument because the storm could postpone the visit day or half a day, not for an indefinite period.
    وعليه فقد بدأت الصحف التركية تتحدث عن جملة من الاحتمالات الكامنة وراء الإلغاء المفاجئ لتلك الزيارة التي كان من المقرّر إجراؤها قبل أمس الإثنين لتنتهي أمس الاول الثلاثاء.The Turkish press has begun talking about a number of possibilities behind the abrupt cancellation of the visit, which was scheduled to take place before the end of yesterday, Monday, Tuesday, the day before yesterday. وجواباً علي سؤال سبب تأجيل تلك الزيارة أعلنت المصادر الرسمية في أنقرة أن العاصفة الرملية هي التي أعاقت طائرة المالكي والوفد المرافق له عن الإقلاع إلي أنقرة مساء الأحد المنصرم.Asked why the postponement of the visit, official sources announced in Ankara that the sandstorm that hindered the plane Maliki and his accompanying delegation's departure to Ankara on Sunday evening last. وأضافت المصادر نفسها أن المالكي أجري اتصالاً هاتفياً برئيس الحكومة التركي رجب طيب اردوغان أعرب له فيه عن أسفه لتعذّر القيام بتلك الزيارة للسبب المذكور آنفاً.The same sources added that Al-Maliki made a telephone call to the Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has expressed his regret for those unable to visit for the reason stated above.
    وأكدّت مصادر الأرصاد الجوية أن بغداد شهدت فعلاً عاصفة رملية يوم الرحلة المذكورة.Sources meteorology that Baghdad has already seen the sand storm on the flight in question. غير أن هذا لم يقنع بعض الأوساط الدبلوماسية والإعلامية التي وضعت ثلاثة سيناريوهات للسبب الحقيقي الذي يمكن أن يكون وراء ذلك.However, this did not convince some of the diplomatic community and the media, which has three scenarios for the real reason which could be behind this. وتشير مصادر دبلوماسية إلي أن الاحتمال الأول لإلغاء تلك الزيارة هو أن المالكي يري أنه من غير الصواب مغادرة العراق في هذه الفترة التي يقف فيها البلد علي حافة الانقسام والتجزئة خصوصاً بعد مصادقة البرلمان العراقي علي مشروع قانون الأقاليم.Diplomatic sources opined that the first possibility of the cancellation of the visit is that the Maliki finds that it is incorrect to leave Iraq in this period where the country stands on the brink of division and fragmentation, especially after ratification by the Iraqi Parliament on the draft law of the provinces.
    أما الاحتمال الثاني فهو تخوّف المالكي من الإقالة بسبب المصاعب التي يواجهها في تسيير الحكومة.The second possibility is the fear of impeachment Maliki because of the difficulties it faces in running the government. وادّعي مصدر دبلوماسي تركي فضّل عدم الكشف عن اسمه أن المالكي يمكن أن يُقال من رئاسة الحكومة العراقية في أية لحظة وربما في الأيام القادمة.He claimed Turkish diplomatic source who preferred not to reveal his name to Al-Maliki can be said of the presidency of the Iraqi government at any moment, and perhaps in the coming days.
    وفيما يتعلق بالاحتمال الثلاثة فهو أن الرئيس العراقي جلال الطالباني أعرب عن رغبته في زيارة أنقرة منذ أشهر غير أن نظيره التركي أحمد نجدت سيزر لم يحدد موعداً لتلك الزيارة بدعوي عدم التعاون في إنهاء تواجد حزب العمال الكردستاني في شمال العراق الذي يتخذه مركزاً لشن هجماته الإرهابية في داخل الترا ب التركي.With respect to the fact is that three Iraqi President Jalal Talabani expressed his desire to visit Ankara months ago - that his Turkish counterpart Ahmed Necdet Sezer did not specify a date for that visit the pretext of non-cooperation in ending the presence of the PKK in northern Iraq taken by the center to launch terrorist attacks inside Altera b Turkish.
    ويتوقع بعض المحللين السياسيين أن الطالباني هو الذي تسبب في إلغاء تلك الزيارة التي كان سيؤديها المالكي لأنقرة من دون موافقة رئيسه الطالباني.And some political analysts expected that the Taliban is causing the cancellation of the visit, which was performed by al-Maliki Ankara without the approval of President Talabani.
    جريدة »الزمان«The newspaper Azzaman »«
    Here's another HUUUUUMMMMMMMMMM
    the pm of turkey is in intensive care, i would think that would be a good reason to cancel.

    franny, were almost there!!

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    Default Voices of Iraq / National stories

    Voices of Iraq / National stories
    Posted by nadioshka on Oct 18, 2006 - 06:30 PM

    Malki says only Iraqis will decide fate of government
    By Haider al-Kaabi
    Najaf, Oct 18, (VOI) – Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Malki, responding to recent reports of a U.S.-set deadline for stemming violence, said on Wednesday only the Iraqi people can decide the fate of his government which he said was democratically elected and did not reach power "on the back of a tank."

    Malki says only Iraqis will decide fate of government
    By Haider al-Kaabi
    Najaf, Oct 18, (VOI) – Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Malki, responding to recent reports of a U.S.-set deadline for stemming violence, said on Wednesday only the Iraqi people can decide the fate of his government which he said was democratically elected and did not reach power "on the back of a tank."
    "The Iraqi government is a national unity government that has not come (to power) on the back of a tank or was installed by anyone," Maliki told a news conference in Najaf after meetings with Shiite religious leaders.
    "The government came by the free will of the Iraqi people through democratic stops, elections and the constitution," he added. "It represents the will of the people which is the only power that can tell the government to go on, stop or change."
    Maliki was responding to recent comments by several U.S. officials about a time limit for the government to end violence.
    Media reports recently quoted U.S. ambassador Zalmai Khalilzad as saying the Iraqi government had until the end of the year to stem terrorism and achieve stability.
    Maliki said there had been a misunderstanding, adding that U.S. officials rejected in formal contacts reported misconceptions.
    "The Iraqi government will itself carry out a review (of its performance) whether every six months or every year," the prime minister said.

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    Default Voices of Iraq: Observatory-Parliament

    Voices of Iraq: Observatory-Parliament
    Posted by: saleem on Wednesday, October 18, 2006 - 01:55 PM

    Parliament’s call to close Sharqiya, al-Zaman rejected-Observatory
    Baghdad, Oct 18, (VOI) -The Journalistic Freedoms Observatory expressed on Wednesday concern over the requests by the Iraqi parliament to close al-Sharqiya TV and al-Zaman newspaper on what the parliament called a news coverage that was not impartial and professional.
    “After the observatory was acquainted itself with the Iraqi valid laws, no single law gives any authority guardianship over Iraqi media and thus the parliament’s warning against Sharqiya TV and al-Zaman newspaper is considered a violation to the Iraqi law,” the Observatory said in a statement received by the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).
    Iraq’s parliament presidency panel called on Monday upon the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to take punitive measures against the Iraqi Sharqiya TV and al-Zaman newspaper on what the parliament called a news coverage that was not impartial and professional.
    The parliament presidency accused Sharqiya TV and al-Zaman of being non-impartial and professional in covering the parliament’s passing of the regions law last week.
    The Journalistic Freedoms Observatory is non-governmental organization formed of Iraqi journalists to monitor the violations and aggressions against media workers.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    the pm of turkey is in intensive care, i would think that would be a good reason to cancel.
    مسمّي.However, the diplomatic community and the Turkish media is still not persuaded by this argument because the storm could postpone the visit day or half a day, not for an indefinite period.
    وعليه فقد بدأت الصحف التركية تتحدث عن جملة من الاحتمالات الكامنة وراء الإلغاء المفاجئ لتلك الزيارة التي كان من المقرّر إجراؤها قبل أمس الإثنين لتنتهي أمس الاول الثلاثاء.The Turkish press has begun talking about a number of possibilities behind the abrupt cancellation of the visit, which was scheduled to take place before the end of yesterday, Monday, Tuesday, the day before yesterday

    You would think that Turkey would know that their pm was in intensive care and not question this then.

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    Default CBI site

    I just tried [url= and the site that came up was [url=]. Puzzling!!

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    Default what will they do when the reval hits?


    Voices of Iraq / Basrah
    Posted by saleem on Oct 18, 2006 - 11:09 AM

    Basra schools reopen as teachers’ strike off
    By Malik Saadon
    Basra, Oct 18, (VOI) –The Basra teachers’ union said it decided to suspend a teachers’ strike that started two days ago till the turn of the current year as necessitated by the national public interest.

    Basra schools reopen as teachers’ strike off
    By Malik Saadon
    Basra, Oct 18, (VOI) –The Basra teachers’ union said it decided to suspend a teachers’ strike that started two days ago till the turn of the current year as necessitated by the national public interest.
    The Basra teachers’ federation and union called for a general strike demanding to improve the teacher’s living conditions and to increase the teachers’ salary scale to be equal to that adopted in Iraq’s Kurdistan region.
    “The Basra teachers’ union decided to suspend the teachers’ strike till the end of the year 2006 as necessitated by the national public interest,” union council member Salem Jaber told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).
    The education ministry responded by increasing the salary of a newly appointed teacher up to 150,000 Iraqi dinars ( $ 101) and will pay transport allowances to all teachers, Jaber added.
    The Basra teachers pay $ 1-2 daily for transportation to and from schools due to the continued shortage of petrol and the increase in fees of public transportations.
    Teachers working in Iraqi northern provinces of Duhuk, Suliymania, and Arbil receive a salary as twice as that received by the teachers working in the other provinces.
    “Iraq’s education minister promised to meet the strikers’ demands as of the beginning of the new year to improve the teachers’ living conditions,” Jaber said.
    The new fiscal year in Iraq will begin on 1st January 2007.
    The Basra teachers’ federation and union have 25,000 members who work for 1300 schools in the Iraqi southern province of Basra

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    Quote Originally Posted by opps50 View Post
    It was a dns problem.

    Psst Please dont tell SGS!!

    Intentional or the question....especially with the ICI meeting today.

  9. #15559
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    Default more pay raises


    Voices of Iraq / Sulaymaniyah
    Posted by nadioshka on Oct 17, 2006 - 10:39 PM

    Kurdistan parliament demands higher salaries for social workers, psychiatrists
    By Amanj Khalil
    Sulaymaniya, Oct 17, (VOI) – Kurdistan parliament sent a memorandum to the local government of the Kurdistan region on Tuesday urging a salary rise for members of Kurdistan society for social workers and psychiatrists, a legislator said.

    Kurdistan parliament demands higher salaries for social workers, psychiatrists
    By Amanj Khalil
    Sulaymaniya, Oct 17, (VOI) – Kurdistan parliament sent a memorandum to the local government of the Kurdistan region on Tuesday urging a salary rise for members of Kurdistan society for social workers and psychiatrists, a legislator said.
    The memorandum was handed over to the government after the parliament “approved the demands last week,” parliamentarian Suzan Shehab told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).
    “Kurdistan parliament demands raising the salaries of social workers and psychiatrists society by 50%,” said the memorandum dated October 9 and received by VOI on Tuesday.
    Last month, the society sent a memorandum to the parliament and region government threatening to stage a sit-in unless its demands for a higher pay were met.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jedi17 View Post
    I hate to say this...over at IIF some are posting that they received e-mail from Warka stating they will be closed from OCT 20-29 for EID holiday....also say that investments in ISX would not be purchased till NOV 1 due to holiday as well.....thoughts anyone?
    Isn't the EID holiday only 3 days?? Not sure but any ways......F the IIF!

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