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    Political first : Talibani welcomes the involvement of Syria and Iran's efforts to restore security in Iraq
    News about the American proposal on the issuance of a general amnesty Baghdad-Sabah President Jalal Talabani welcomed the idea of the involvement of both Iran and Syria in efforts to stabilize the situation in Iraq, He said that stability will be achieved in a matter of months if so, The statements came after the Taliban reports that a high White House advisers will be issued recommendations calling for the American administration invited those two countries to contribute to security in Iraq. This coincides with a press statement announced by the American Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld that victory requires political solutions. In the meantime, the Financial Times newspaper reported yesterday, Wednesday, that the United States was exerting pressure on the Iraqi government to issue a blanket amnesty for the rebels, The French Press Agency that the newspaper that the information quoted a senior official in the American administration did not talk explicitly about the items on this amnesty sought by Washington, She pointed out saying that the American administration needs to move the Iraqi government amnesty program includes broad, He did not mention the details of the amnesty but he saw that it would be painful but would be a major boost for normalizing the situation in Iraq. These developments seem part of the scene in moving the political process and military cordon around the security situation and rein in the armed groups that try to push the country toward civil war and wide. He described the Taliban that the participation of Iran and Syria in the efforts to stabilize the security is the beginning of the end of terrorism and would impose security and stability in Iraq within months. He said members of the Committee, which is headed by the former Foreign Minister James Baker told the Los Angeles Times that the strategic changes in Washington's policy toward Iraq may contain Alatshab progress for the American troops, at a time in which the source of high-level American support of the White House leaders of the Iraqis, but said that it should be the responsibility of the security functions. Not expected to be the official publication of the recommendations of the Committee consisting of partisan Republicans and Democrats, mandated by Congress to review the effectiveness of American policy in Iraq. several months ago in the meantime, talked a high-ranking American official to Vaninchal Times newspaper that the American administration is pressing the direction of the Iraqi government for payment of a blanket amnesty for the rebels and wide but he did not mention any details about this amnesty, but pointed to the fact that he (painful) despite the strain of a strong impetus to the normalization of the situation in Iraq. The French Press Agency for the newspaper as saying that politicians in the United States and Iraq, oppose any plan that can guarantee an amnesty for rebels who killed American soldiers while calling Iraqi politicians to impose more stringent procedures to deal with the rebels. Meanwhile, the American Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, in comments he made in the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense reported that the American training of the Iraqi forces progressed but a hasty American trainers within Iraqi police forces will support Iraq's ability to reduce the violence his own. Rumsfeld emphasized that the American army force, which will not make it lose the war in Iraq, but victory will ultimately lead to political solutions to what is no more than a military force. It has American officials to accuse Iran and Syria support the gunmen But Rumsfeld declined to comment on the implications efforts of the American administration to get the help of those two countries to reduce violence in Iraq.
    جريدة الصباح - الطالباني يرحب باشراك سوريا وايران بجهود إحلال الامن في العراق

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #15582
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Political first : Agriculture announces investment plan for the coming year 2007

    Allocations of more than 76 billion dinars in 7676 Baghdad-Mustafa Majeed The Ministry of Agriculture announced on its investment for next year, the granting of (76) billion (600) million dinars, an increase of (46) billion dinars on the allocations this year, at a time when in the coming days to declare that Iraq is free of the disease entirely avian flu. The undersecretary of the ministry, Dr. Subhi Jumaili during the press conference which was held yesterday at the ministry, attended by (morning) : The Ministry of Planning approved a few days ago, the investment plan of the Ministry of Agriculture for 2007 and the granting of (76) billion (600) million dinars, an increase of (46) billion dinars on the allocations this year, He pointed out that the allocations were distributed as follows (40)% on agricultural activities in the provinces, with the remaining funds set aside for activities associated with the status of the ministry in Baghdad. stressing that the ministry continued to support the process in Iraq and agricultural subsidies during the approved plan and in accordance with the agreed proportions of both pesticides and of the 80% of the purchase price and (65)% for the mechanization of agricultural machines as well as support large amounts of the three kinds of fertilizers perseverance and urea compound Wa the one noted that the ministry had approached the Ministry of Industry on alternative materials for fertilizers and manure perseverance Alvosvati triple for its high productivity and provide amounts in hard currency for imports. Referring to the completion of the ministry to receive the quantities of rice which Siasukha peasants and farmers in the provinces and capacity exceeding 200 tons, and the new price studded (650) thousand dinars per ton instead of the rate of last year (450) thousand dinars per ton and the quality of amber and Jasmine, revealing that the quantities produced by Iraq, which ranges annually between 250 to 300 thousand tons of rice to Atsd need local resort where the State through the Ministry of Commerce for import crop Alstratiji from outside Iraq in order to cover the requirements of the ration card. And a declaration that Iraq is free of the disease entirely avian influenza confirmed that the ministry is preparing in the next few days to declare that Iraq is free of the disease entirely avian influenza, appraising the efforts of the teams the company for Veterinary Medicine in the governorates of Iraq in the last period through countless areas and preventing injury and with the active cooperation of the citizens. It is noteworthy that the absence of the incidence of avian influenza after 21 days of its appearance and three months of the governorate and six months for the entire country. Draft villages and modern confirmed undersecretary of the ministry of land allocation by the Ministry of Works and municipalities to initiate the beginning of next year in the city of Karbala, which I own funds allocations within the next year, He pointed out that funds have been allocated for the rest of the modern villages of the young people in the rest of the governorates and will be implemented successively after identification of land allocated to them by municipal works. The ministry had announced its intention to (26) construction of a modern village in all governorates of Iraq, except Kurdistan, afternoons now at two villages in each governorate and the ministry had set the amount of seven billion dinars for the establishment of the village in the governorate of Karbala, but the project was not to the allocation of land by the Ministry of Works and municipalities months ago. As for the impact of dam construction by Turkey on the Euphrates and Tigris rivers to retreat agricultural land in Iraq Dr Jumaili : The ministry has joint committees in this regard, especially with the Ministry of Water Resources, noting that he was a full visualization of the orientations of current and future agricultural and until 2015 was lifted recommendations approved in collaboration with the Ministries of Water Resources, Planning and Environment of the Council of Ministers, revealing the Iraqi effort made to reach a satisfactory solution in conformity with the international law of riparian states in order to provide water for agricultural land in Iraq. It is noteworthy that the equivalent of one third of agricultural land would be transferred to the part of Western Sahara in Iraq following the completion of the Ilisu dam on the Tigris River would draft Cape performing by Turkey on the Euphrates and Tigris rivers and through the next thirty years to completely eliminate agriculture in Iraq, or the equivalent of (22) million dunams in the country on agriculture y more than five thousand years, according to a study by an agricultural expert in the Ministry of Agriculture a few weeks ago.
    ÌÑíÏÉ ÇáÕÈÇÍ - ÇáÒÑÇÚÉ ÊÚáä ÎØÊåÇ ÇáÇÓÊËãÇ&# 209;íÉ ááÚÇã ÇáãÞÈá 2007
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 19-10-2006 at 08:41 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #15583
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    Has anybody tried calling cbi today?????
    It's 10:30 am iraq time they should be open, or any other bank in iraq for that matter.

  4. #15584
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    Quote Originally Posted by opps50 View Post
    I listened to the radio and the reports are that the whitehouse is very unsatisfied with iraqs president and that a group of politicans in iraq is negotiating with USA for a coup d'état . James Baker the former minister is involved to change the iraqi strategy

    It will never happen. I suspect that is why the Iraqi government wants their I's dotted and their T's crossed for today's meeting. Money talks as we all know and in this case it is BIG WORLD MONEY AND INVESTMENTS. Iraq will have squeaked in right under the and see. I would guess miraculously the CBI will be up today....reval in place and getting ready for international ISX trading. If this all ends up being pretty much the scenario then it was brilliant that the CBI went down intentionally and prevented any hackers, leaks, or pre-empted electronic attacks....what better way to keep things under wraps by PULLING THE PLUG!!! Just my thought on this.

  5. #15585
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    Default incorrect address

    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar Duchess View Post
    It looks like Portaliraq have bought and pointed it to their site. I had a look at the domains available to see if there were any clues, whether the CBI were changing their domain name. Nothing was obvious to me .
    The address for the central bank of iraq is

    still not working for me either.

  6. #15586
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    Yea, I know. Hope they reval before this

    My personal feeling though is that we are far away from a reval due to the situation in iraq (just my opinion) (and loooove to be wrong)

    Quote Originally Posted by jedi17 View Post
    This would be very,very bad....just think how far back this would put far back a R/V would be put back

  7. #15587
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    جريدة الصباح - الدعوة لاطلاق برنامج توعية شامل عن الاصلاح الاقتصادي
    Economic : the call to launch a comprehensive outreach program for economic reform

    In the Economic Forum of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals Baghdad Yasser incumbent Raised Economic Forum organized by the Central Committee of the economic reform of state-owned enterprises in the Ministry of Industry and Minerals very important subjects on economic reform and shape new insights in the areas of application. Morning participated in the symposium, which is the fourth of its kind and that research-oriented, which is marked (public awareness of the need for the success of the economic reform program), which was prepared by an expert at the Ministry of Industry and Minerals Afif al-member central committee and running as much as possible the work of the most prominent events of the symposium Bamdakhlatha and observations and sockets. In the beginning was the economic advisor Professor Yaqub Shonia ball in the court and the media in the nets Maikhs research on the subject of public awareness. He said in a speech in the seminar : it is clear that the economic reform process of the companies need to take preparatory steps to be taken prior to direct reform process. The construction of these steps institutional framework, the establishment of the legal framework arbitrator containing a package of related laws, a survey of companies and determine the economic feasibility of each and the development of the network of social protection and last but not least, to create a social environment suitable for the implementation of the policy of economic reform through the creation of a national loan and supporter of such a policy, and determining positions of influence and the creation of mechanisms of interaction with them and concerned and urinated to design and build an effective program for this purpose. Here, the crux of the matter as that awareness, education and participation are important elements for the effective and successful implementation of the policy of economic reform and it is a need for the public to know the objectives and justifications and the advantages and disadvantages of working mechanisms and governance goal of this policy is to be announced. Shuna drew attention to the fact that there were different perspectives and different views and even conflicting on the wisdom and feasibility of this policy. He returned and reiterated the need to mobilize efforts for the design of a practical and realistic to speak to all Jews, including community stakeholders and persuade them direct interaction and look objectively and not take the prejudices (success or failure) of this policy before stand on the details of the real picture of the reality of the situation that we seek to change. The symposium included Messrs. Dr. Ahmed periodic director of the symposium, Dr. Juhana Mahmoud of the College of Information in Vienna next week has been absent from attending because of road conditions and the crowd. The expert's research Afif al. The president made a full and clear account of the content and goals of research and focused in his briefing on the role of media in creating a healthy environment to digest these objectives and contents required by the change in the patterns of work indicating that any society accustomed to a certain pattern or system of life and life on the basis of grades and coexistence with that pattern. Now it is the need to change that pattern by pressing economic developments in the world. The researcher, in this respect, that the acceptance and support of the citizens in general and workers in establishments targeted economic reform, in particular, is of the utmost importance and the need of political success of the economic program, The foundation of this vision from the accounts of the mistakes that occurred in some specific reforms in the procedures without the use of transparency with the public goals and the contents and results of these procedures and more evidence of the decision to lift subsidy on oil derivatives, which are still finger refers to not give full opportunities for the public to grasp the objectives of this procedures and not absorb it or misunderstanding citizens and the lack of clarity of objectives part of any reform will face a big challenge to impede the implementation of any policy or procedure. Promised prominent researcher concepts held by people from the process of economic reform is privatization, this economic concept is relatively new political and which involves many of the ironies of political, economic and social linked because of the contents of the various them, He pointed out that the privatization of the essence at the heart of the process of political, economic and social transformation. The researcher in accordance with the foregoing that this shift is because of what people will bring their fears and concerns of reducing employment of privatized enterprises and that the workers would lose their jobs and the perception is the sale of state property to foreigners and the difficult coexistence with them. It also highlights the questions raised by opponents of economic reform must be to create realistic and frank answers to dispel those fears and create new concepts and attributed the reasons for the objection of the economic reform policy ((privatization)) not to engage in the reform processes involved and the failure to take into account their views and fears in advance Oof this analysis had requested the president calls for a public awareness program includes an explanation clear and convincing to this or that policy. The researcher pointed out that the international experiments on the subject of privatization has taken a photo and become those measured or successful model for the implementation of reform policies integrated, making those refineries in the developed countries being adopted policies appropriate action to minimize the negative effects on the volume of use, the involvement of workers in the design of appropriate policy action, States that adopted the theme of extra labor and the development of social protection networks capable of providing a free and decent life for workers. The researcher is necessary to launch a comprehensive outreach program of economic reform and that the content and requires a mechanism to deal with this program, He stressed the need to be making positions in both the executive and legislative supportive and supportive of this program and when that task will be scattered on the totals on all of civil society institutions, departments and employees of enterprises, research centers and study and the media organizations in the economic and financial centers, investment inside and outside Iraq, and when this is done to create the right atmosphere for the success of the program. He concluded Professor Afif Al-Rayes said. That the media has the responsibility of preparing for the preparation and transformation, concepts and perceptions and visions of a new social, political and economic. That requires the growth of the media in economic affairs specialist with the ability to research and analysis, with the possibility of putting high concentration of subjects through articles and views in the press and discussed symposia or any other means of communication. After that called Dr. Ahmed league manager Messrs. symposium participants in the seminar to express their views. He spoke a good number have appeared and the ministries of finance, planning and industry, the Central Bank of Egypt and the House of Wisdom, businessmen and other professionals. Among the speakers was the President of the International Federation of Businessmen Hamid punitive. , Who praised the research, several serious attempt to highlight the mechanisms and ways to make the desired changes in the same context drew punitive consider that these policies are in the area of transition from a totalitarian economy to a market economy, This means the need to highlight the role of the private sector to the top leadership role in this area. The punitive to say : But while leafing procedures change and reform that have occurred since the fall, so far, speaking in radomes closed in the role of the private sector which is on all these changes and striking example, a draft resolution was given to foreign investment, stressing the need to involve civil society organizations related to these programs. The other speaker was a representative of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs Habib Assadi, who spoke about the network's programs and social importance in minimizing the effects of unemployment, emphasizing the necessity of taking into consideration when conducting economic reform policy, pointing to the social Maiaaneh community from many problems. Another speaker is Mr. Yahya Aldjili said he is against privatization and called for the indiscriminate use of the technique of gradual reform. Legal Advocate in the Ministry of Industry and Minerals professor Hamed selected him from the experience of more than 64 years, was born in 1918 and is still in service, emphasized the need to start raising awareness at the duty when employment and if we achieve this goal for the honor to other reforms, according to his opinion. As representative of the Ministry of Finance, Mr. Hassan, representative of the Central Bank Mr. Saad Al-Taee, Dr. Khalil from the University of Baghdad, the prospects for successful reform in the event of combat rampant corruption and then use transparency to the public on the motives and the contents and objectives of the reform and thus provoke discussions and debates and comments mostly pouring in Buggy purchase of research, which several participants good and serious attempt to create economic awareness to the community to accept the new changes and economic reform.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 19-10-2006 at 09:05 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  8. #15588
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    It will never happen. I suspect that is why the Iraqi government wants their I's dotted and their T's crossed for today's meeting. Money talks as we all know and in this case it is BIG WORLD MONEY AND INVESTMENTS. Iraq will have squeaked in right under the and see. I would guess miraculously the CBI will be up today....reval in place and getting ready for international ISX trading. If this all ends up being pretty much the scenario then it was brilliant that the CBI went down intentionally and prevented any hackers, leaks, or pre-empted electronic attacks....what better way to keep things under wraps by PULLING THE PLUG!!! Just my thought on this.
    Don't forget to update the page that lists their currency showing the new smaller denoms....I hope

  9. #15589
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    If the ICI is meeting today then possibly something will pop up late tonight...tomorrow AM for them. Lets all hope for the big one

  10. #15590
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    Economic : towards a comprehensive reform of the functions of the trade sector
    Najm Abdullah Hussein Company for Electrical Industries The trade sector plays important roles and personalities inside and outside Iraq, It is the sector responsible for the link between production and import activities, and so through the provision of intermediate and investment goods imported from abroad for the operation of productive activities and building of new productive capacities. It is also responsible for the link between production and importation activities of the hand and consumer activity It is the most interest and attention and responsibility on the other hand, It represents the first part of the supply of goods and commodities necessary for life and taught, The second part of the demand, then is finally responsible for the development of Iraq's external economic relations of the various countries of the world (surrounding us or away from us.) The tasks assigned to the commercial sector in the current circumstances outstanding. The intricacy and overlap between this sector serious overall national economic activity, as well as the overall economic and social developments and political turmoil, which take place in the international arena, domestic and international. Here is the sector of women which reflects the problems and imbalances activities and national sectors also reflect the problems and imbalances of the international economy. The commercial sector also is the source of many of the solutions that will help other sectors Through the importance of (the Ministry of Commerce) to know the reasons for the stagnation of commodities and consumer materials, and work to increase the level of performance and production. Through the role of trade and follow-up to address the ongoing events in the Iraqi market is in chaos (fever terrible price) borne by the citizens, and its function is to strive to reduce the flow of consumer bad, but then the (Ministry of Trade) to intervene to protect sincere Iraqi economy fluctuating movement sweeping the entire Iraqi markets. In order to obtain citizen on foodstuffs required the reduction of Tsiev enter the ministry and its activities as it is now and the consumer is a victim of greedy traders as it is required to activate the law of trade and consumer protection, and curtail the role of price distortions now prevailing in this sector, it is dangerous to move the productive sectors, a sector for other services, For consumer gets the continuing consumer needs. The review appears evident to us that the structural trade (internal and external) in the new Iraq, based mainly as is the case on the quality of institutions with a number of activities related qualitative jurisdiction, They also have many branches and exhibitions scattered throughout Iraq. In addition to the existence of a special kind is a consumer cooperative societies. This is the Ministry of (trade) should strive to activate this kind of cooperatives within the mixed sector with the focus on the role of the private sector. The increasing reliance on this kind of style socialist societies emerging as the focus of internal distribution of consumer goods and production in the hands of the government, leading to the diversity of goods to large markets (as was the former central market) To enjoy citizen now flowing purchase must be exercised (Ministry of Trade) of the central control persistent commercial activity rules, They thus bear the burden of responsibility to the people of the consequences of the prevailing chaos in the commercial markets and indiscriminate confusion that accompanies the commercial market and the consumer to sign a victim of neglect of official bodies deviation traders on the implementation of laws, which prompts the market to stand openly against the events from the chaos of prices Rah Eph. . Those to analyze and officials statements about (upgrading the living of the Iraqi people) To expedite the return of (the Ministry of Commerce) has imposed on the government so as to leave things to so will only make the situation worse than defying government repatch hernia occurred. The happenings in the (fuel shortages and other derivatives), a phenomenon and the situation together, which Atsthaq mentioned it shameful phenomenon to the world.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 19-10-2006 at 09:24 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

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