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  1. #15641
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    The document »Mecca to outlaw sectarian fighting in Iraq searching today (Voice of Iraq) - 10-19-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend «Document» Mecca to outlaw sectarian fighting in Iraq searching today and expected tomorrow Composed of 10 items include all elements of sedition Jeddah : Majid Kinani Today in Mecca near Makkah Magistrate negotiations between the Shiites of Iraq and enacted and administered by the academy Islamic fiqh and the Organization of the Islamic Conference, where is scheduled to arrive all the men of the religious leaders in Iraq and Shiagh year at the airport in Jeddah today before the move to Mecca. Al «» Middle East that the document drafted by the Mecca a few days ago a group of scientists Shiite and Sunni Iraqis. composed of 10 items inclusive of all the elements of sedition in Iraq and focus on the rejection of violence and prohibits the killing of innocent people and forbidding raided mosques and the killing of the congregation and the call to unity and solidarity and work to end the American occupation of Iraq and advocated that the Iraqi nation and one had lived together Mthabh addition to reject sectarianism and also deprive Walt Harid and an invitation to murder all forms of direct and indirect. The Ambassador Mehdi Fathallah. Director of the Political Department of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, «comprehensive document that all elements of sedition in Iraq. It was prepared by the preparatory committee and a drafting committee of scholars, Sunnis and Shiites under the auspices of Islamic Fiqh Academy of the Organization of the Islamic Conference ». He added that the scientists «participants in the meeting were selected from the religious authorities in Iraq did not participate one of those scientists, in his personal capacity, and all of reference in Iraq have organized and how they represent the choice of the Organization of the Islamic Conference has contacted religious authorities in Iraq». It was learned yesterday from an official source at the Organization of the Islamic Conference that the signing of a document «» Mecca will sign tomorrow, according to the French Press Agency, The source added that it was not a meeting in the form of a seminar or panel discussion, but the presence of references and their presence together in Mecca in particular signing the document. The document provides for «emphasis on the sanctity of Muslim lives, and endangered», «emphasis on the need to maintain the role of worship for Muslims and non-Muslims», «the importance of national unity and Islamic» «calls for the release of abductees as well as the hostage of innocent Muslims and non-Muslims». «Document also urges that the Sunnis and Shiites in one row for the independence of Iraq and its territorial integrity», «calls to renounce release descriptions shameful to the Sunnis and Shiites». A spokesman for the Organization of the Islamic Conference tender Mannan Bakhit «had explained that the initiative is limited to the conflict to quell sectarian Jmerth grounds that this conflict with its religious background is often more kinds of conflicts and bloody violence». He added in a statement published on the organization «on the Internet that it was not an initiative for reconciliation among Iraqis, but it comes to stop sectarian fighting between the Iraqis». The Mannan «initiative is not a conference or symposium in the discussion and debate and Vmdaha substantive negotiations aimed at stopping the fighting sectarian and religious background to the Foundation a unified Islamic». He added, «The issue is not reconciliation conference is a special event different from others, these principles of the Declaration of religious university year senior religious leaders and Muslim scholars ». The initial draft of a document Mecca had participated Dr. Mahmood Sumaida'ie, Sheikh Abdul Sattar Abdul Jabbar from the Sunni side, Sheikh Jalal Al-Din small, Salah Abdel Razaq of the Shiite party, in addition to the Secretary-General of the Islamic Fiqh Academy, Dr. Habib Balkhojeh. Middle East

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #15642
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    maybe some can answer this for me the CBI or central bank of Iraq, how can they have their site down for 2 days and why exactly. I do not understand this , forgive my niavety, but this no news is making me nuts

  3. #15643
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Maliki : Sistani sent a positive message to the Mecca
    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-19-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend After his visit to the religious authority in Najaf and Sadr ... Maliki : Sistani sent a positive message to the Mecca Najaf-Fadel Rashad life-19 / 10 / 06 / / Al-Maliki in Najaf yesterday. (August) Visited Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki supreme Shiite authority, Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, the Shiite leader Muqtada al-Sadr in Najaf (160 km south of Baghdad). Al-Maliki said after meeting with al-Sistani, the Shiite religious «sent a positive message to the Mecca encouraged to establish security and create a state of harmony», He stressed that he was encouraged by the «religious references to the draft national reconciliation». In a press conference, al-Maliki said after meeting with al-Sistani on the causes of his visit : «move and move us all loyal citizens of this country in order to create an atmosphere of national reconciliation, national reconciliation and the imposition of peace rather than violence, murder and terrorism». He added : «move on all the sites that affect the social and political side to muster support and the support and mobilization of classroom space, and create a broad base of all influential positions in order to put pressure on the terrorist forces that want to run amok». In response to the arrests right Sadri trend leaders, the latest arrest of Sheikh Al Saeedy in Baghdad said : «We turn now to find political solutions to all crises, the nature would end all arrests and tensions. This unanimous political forces (...) And God normal conditions will not be detained only real crime committed against innocent ». Regarding statements by some American officials over setting a time ceiling for the Iraqi government to eradicate terrorism and achieve stability, Al-Maliki said : «Iraqi government and the government of national unity did not come on the back of the tank or mediated one, but was the will of the Iraqi people through democratic elections and the constitution. It is therefore the government represents the will of the people, It can only be through institutions of this government says yes to the continuation or yes to pause and change »« indicating welcomed any review of the performance of the process », stressing that« statements regarding the Iraqi government itself ». And on the Mecca-Maliki said : «We attach great step forward for all those interested in the interest of Iraq and denounced the ongoing terrorist acts in this country». He added that «the Mecca attended by two teams of scientists Sunni and Shiite. This is a step supportive of the steps that take place within the country in order to create a climate of dialogue (...) We therefore support of this conference and call him luck and success »pointing out that« Sistani sent a positive message to encourage the establishment of security and create a state of harmony between the Iraqis ». At a press conference held Maliki with the Shiite leader Moqtada Sadr Prime Minister said that he discussed with al-Sadr «security conditions and mechanisms for the protection of citizens and stop the bloodshed and begin the process of reconstruction», «thanked al-Sadr on his responsiveness (...) And feelings toward lives lost and the blood that is shed ». For his part, al-Sadr announced his support for the Mecca and added that it was in Iraq's interest. He said al-Sadr «I am I back all the conferences are in the interests of the Iraqi people and that it was better to be held in Iraq (...) It is supposed Iraq who advocates such conferences ». He added : «God to our brothers the Arabs and Muslims, all neighbors are in the interest of the Iraqi people and, God willing, we and the government is seeking to establish security in this country». He went on to say that «any federalism because it is another to the Iraqi people, If approved by the people on federalism, there is no problem and if it is the legitimate right of refusal him ». He added : «country is a circumstance is very difficult and critical in light of the presence of many clashes and disagreements», «called to reject sectarianism and kidnappings, killings and the renunciation of sectarian division and unite ranks of the Sunni, Shiite, we will work together to build Iraq and taking him out of the sea of blood that occur every day, and we seek to stability and independence». Al-Sadr criticized the intervention in the internal affairs of Iraq and said : «No one, except the Iraqi government, the right to interfere in Iraqi affairs, whether from the Americans or any other country ». He added that «many American interventions in Iraq and abroad has been abused by the situation, either in Lebanon or North Korea or in other countries». In response to a question on developments in the draft national reconciliation Iraqi Prime Minister said that «many of the Iraqi people in the various provinces and sectors Iraqi responded with a draft national reconciliation, But some evil forces and the remnants of Sadamiin and Baathists who do not want this country to stability and continued killings and displacement so restless this country ». He pointed out that «one of the objectives of the draft reconciliation agree that the word the Iraqis to meet Sadamiin and Altkverein and mopped from Iraqi territory». » He added : «found support and support for national reconciliation from the religious authorities, political, We also found a rejection of the killings and bear arms, We found support in the State only protect citizens ». Regarding the trial of deposed Iraqi president Saddam Hussein through Maliki expressed hope that the trial does not drag on and said : «God does not affect the trial. The death sentence will be issued shortly to this criminal tyrant and his aides and criminals who have worked with him. And certainly his execution will fall by betting that the paper wants to return to power under the banner of Saddam and the Baath ».

    franny, were almost there!!

  4. #15644
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    The Cabinet-Iraq produces Formulation gelatin new (and Arfarin)
    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-19-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend The Republic of Iraq Council of Ministers-the governmental communications Media Relations Press Release Press release / Thursday, 10-19-2006 Iraq produces Formulation gelatin new (and Arfarin) for the treatment of coagulation and blood clot The company produced for the pharmaceutical industry and medical supplies in Nineveh meal pilot first Formulation of the new domain (Arfarin and 3 mg), used to treat diseases of blood coagulation and prevent clot. The source at the Ministry of Industry said that this important subject matter and producer for the first time in Iraq by the size of the Iraqi specialized in the company had been examined by the National Center for the Control of Pharmaceutical and Research at the Ministry of Health, and the preliminary results of the tests proved identical medicine product specifications constitutional world. The company will start production in the coming months this Formulation and processing of the Ministry of Health of the whole field.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 19-10-2006 at 11:04 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  5. #15645
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    Council of Ministers-the definitive Baghdad and partitioning operations
    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-19-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend The Republic of Iraq Council of Ministers-the governmental communications Media Relations A press statement / Press Release Thursday, 10-19-2006 Terrorist killed and the arrest of eight others and the arrest of 22 suspects and defuse 6 bombs Within the security plan applied in the firm of Baghdad and the partitioning of other operations, Out of a sense of national responsibility in imposing security and the rule of law, The armed forces of the Ministries of Defense and Interior organized with the military in tracking down the remaining totals abhorrent terrorist, having managed to kill a terrorist, and the arrest of the eight terrorists and the arrest of 22 suspects and neutralization six bombs. This came in a statement issued today by the Information Bureau of Mr. Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces with the text : 1. Mosul leadership boycotted the second and third grades : A. The arrest of one suspect and unequivocally within the responsibility of the second. B. Neutralization detonated two explosive devices in the areas of (the Baghdad) and (appointed Tallawy). 2. Absolutely Baghdad leadership sixth and ninth grades : A. The arrest of two suspects in the responsibility Party boycotted six. B. (5) the arrest of suspects within the Party boycotted the responsibility of the ninth. 3. Gray leadership boycotted the first and seventh grades : A. The arrest of one terrorist, the arrest and (4) of the suspects within absolutely the responsibility of the first. B. The arrest of the terrorists (7), the arrest and (8) of the suspects within boycotted responsibility seventh division. 4. Absolutely Kirkuk, Diyala, Salahuddin leadership grades four and five : A. One terrorist killed an explosion of a car bomb was traveling near the old police academy in Kirkuk. B. The arrest of two suspects within the Party boycotted the responsibility of five. C. Deactivate an explosive one in the district Bldroz. E. Absolutely Furat and the southern command eighth and tenth grades : Deactivate three explosive devices : in school (Omar Bin Abdul-Aziz) in the area of Kas, and inside the garage challenge, and on-line rapid.

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #15646
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    The Ministry of State for Tourism and Antiquities MOBILIZES
    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-19-2006 | This issue was sent to a friend The Republic of Iraq Council of Ministers-the governmental communications Media Relations Press Release Press release / Thursday, 10-19-2006 The Ministry of State for Tourism and Antiquities MOBILIZES Our energies to the advancement of tourism in the country The Ministry of State for Tourism and the declaration of a state of emergency in the tourism sector through the re-activation of plans and different Anchtatha consistent with the extraordinary situation facing Iraq and mitigate the effects of the crises that have ravaged tourism in the past three decades, and the repercussions of the terrorist attacks that affect the purposes tourism and monumental sites. This was announced by an official source in the ministry pointed to the ongoing changes in the structure of this sector to be able to improve the image of tourism and the creation of a new and permanent mechanisms to stop what can be dismissed from the deterioration of the infrastructure of the sector and strengthen the capacity to confront the dangers of terrorism and sabotage, which began affecting all share, especially the legacy of history and civilization of Mesopotamia. In this regard, the ministry announced proceed with the development of contingency plans in this sector and the implementation of a plan to preserve the crises of our tourist and monumental.

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #15647
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    Dang, another busy night, huh? Well, I haven't caught up yet, but I did check my's the response from Warka...

    Dear Tracy,

    The pleasure is mine and I am happy to be of assistance. Unfortunately
    I am
    out of the office in Beirut on Eid Vacation I will provide you with the
    information once I return to the office on the 30th of October 2006.

    Best regards,

    Mohammad K. I.
    International Foreign Relations Dept

    Interesting....he's out of the office on vacation and checking his work vacation starts in 2 DAYS and I will definitely NOT be checking work emails ( but you can bet I'll be checking in with ROLCLUB!!!! )..also, he's out until the 30th? I wonder who else is turning this 3 day holiday into a week long vacation?

  8. #15648
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    Anybody know what time that meeting was supposed to be today in iraq
    It's 12:40 pm over there now,

  9. #15649
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Political Council for National Security to discuss ways to develop government performance in the area of security October 19, 2006 Political Council held a national security meeting, yesterday, Wednesday, 10-18-2006 chairmanship of His Excellency President Jalal Talabani, During the meeting, and discuss issues related to supporting the efforts of the government of national unity in peace-building and leadership of the armed forces. It was during the meeting exchanged views on the adaptation of the commitments and international resolutions to ensure better performance of the government in the area of security. And the Council decided to assign a Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki prepare ideas in this regard and submitted to the political council of national security later. , Noted that the political council had decided to be in the event of the permanent to discuss political and security situation and to come up with appropriate solutions.
    Iraqi Presidency
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 19-10-2006 at 11:05 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  10. #15650
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    Quote Originally Posted by day dreamer View Post
    Anybody know what time that meeting was supposed to be today in iraq
    It's 12:40 pm over there now,
    Wait...let me check my Outlook calendar and let you know...sorry, couldn't resist it! I don't remember seeing a specific time being mentioned for the meeting amidst the news that has been posted so far. We all should have become experts at waiting by now so let's do that!

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