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  1. #15681
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by _Apollo_ View Post
    Just to clarify once again, our geek did a little of research and some social engineering, and the changes that were made to the CBI site, and the reason is not coming up was due to a setting that they did within their Godaddy account.

    Was it done to throw everyone off? I mean when you’re normally come up with "The Page cannot be displayed" you'd think that there was just some server outage? However, if they kept their site up while they did some major changes to the site that would cause even more speculation? What if they kept the site up and when we went to the "currencies" page, it said "Under Construction"? Wow... you think there is a lot of speculation now???

    In regards to Warka not knowing that CBI was off line that deserves a HUGE BS flag. Do they really think that we are that stupid? If our treasury's site was down, and they were not answering the phones, do you think that no-one would know, or care? You couldn't get any other TV show on the air, it would all be CNN, FOX, and MSNBC. The fact that Iraq has a hold on all of their news organizations, tells me that there is more going on than we know (although we all have a good idea).

    I have been sitting hours at the computer looking for any other possible site that they could be migrating to, but nothing. I don't really think that this is what is going on because they "should" keep the main site up then just do a quick switch, but I have to research every possible option, just part of my nature (for those of you who know me).

    Its getting too late for me to keep going. We should form a club D.A.A. for when this is all over. I don't know if I could go through the withdrawals alone...

    "Hi, my name is Dan Fadden, and I am Dinaroholic..."

    Take care,


    PS... Maybe SGS would like to say a few things tomorrow night during our conference call??? I am sure that there would be hundreds of people who would like to hear you in person... ;) Just a thought. We are still not selling, so there would be no pitch, just information as to your gut feelings (and we have never charged for the call, that is some other site. Ours has always been free.) Hopefully it will be the LAST call we have to put on, other than the one where we announe that its over!
    Yes Dan it become more clear right now then the last official auction in Baghdad was been held on monday the 16 of october 2006.And right now they settle all the things we all waiting :))

    Usualy this website Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq post always the last auction result by the central bank but guess what since monday nothing!!!Hmmmm!!!!!
    Last edited by pipshurricane; 19-10-2006 at 12:11 PM.

  2. #15682
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    Default Economic : call for restructuring Iraqi banks

    To activate its role in the processes of reconstruction and development
    Baghdad Yasser incumbent
    Economic expert disclosed that the banking system in Iraq is suffering from deficiencies in the performance of its core functions, stressing the need for restructuring government banks. He said Dr Maged fictitious expert at the Central Bank of Iraq in an interview with the (morning)

    On the role of banks in the economic reform : the fundamental task of restructuring the banks are improving their performance in order to provide banking services to the government, institutions and individuals in accordance with the requirements of the development of the economy.
    The picture also emphasized that the banking sector plays an important role in economic relations and international financial, it enjoys considerable international attention, He pointed out that the banking sector needing care and responsibility in the implementation of these transactions.
    He said : Therefore, the main objective of the restructuring is to eliminate the problems of the banks to ensure the functioning of the domestic and international dealings.
    The tasks of restructuring main factors first. The existence of a genuine political will and clear and transparent for this process, There is a need for a restructuring process in a timely manner and the period of relative calm financial and banking activity.
    The second task in financial restructuring, which includes the commitment to the minimum capital for the banks. If the transition to broad international activity, it should increase the capital to contain higher levels of new capital as well as the revision in the credit portfolio and the improvement and development of management commitment and regulations, instructions and procedures.
    Dr. Magid pointed to the need to ease the liabilities of banks and convert what could be converted into a capital increase, The restructuring of the requirements of the banking activity to reconsider the type of services provided and developed and implemented as soon as possible and strengthen internal controls and compliance monitoring and policy-making required in accordance with the Banking Act and the regulations of the Central Bank and the instruction of the Governing Council, as well as reducing operational costs and the use of modern means of providing banking services.
    So counting nominal subject to review and specialized banks merged bank and one specializing in the development of industry and agriculture-related projects together. One of the requirements for restructuring government banks.
    He called for the capital increase until a half billion dollars in order to be able to deal with the new tasks of the current stage of economic development and the exploitation of part of the oil resources allocated to this development, in order to develop the industrial and agricultural activities in small and medium-sized enterprises and to be a center for attracting foreign investments in collaboration with the implementation of these projects, even big ones.
    He concluded by saying that the restructuring of banks requires action by a plan of action and thought seriously by all of them to these banks are in a state represented by the Ministry of Finance, as the sole owner of these banks and the Central Bank of Iraq as the supervisor of the banking activity and the more specialized in assessing these a activity and said :
    Without a combination of these bodies and to support the government it is impossible to complete the task of restructuring government banks drastically. He pointed out that the restructuring will do the role of banks in the process of reconstruction and development.

  3. #15683
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    I could not find a specific time of the meeting only that it was today.

  4. #15684
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    Default Iraq agrees to join the Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment....

    Iraq agrees to join the Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit Source :KUNA-19 / 10 / 2006 Source :KUNA-19 / 10 / 2006, Iraq agreed to join the Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit. Iraq agreed to join the Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit.This came in a statement issued by the Iraqi government received by the Kuwaiti News Agency (KUNA) here a copy of which he stated that "the Cabinet approved at its regular meeting on the 12th of October to Iraq to join the Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit signed in TrabelS. Libya in 1992. " This came in a statement issued by the Iraqi government received by the Kuwaiti News Agency (KUNA) here a copy of which he stated that "the Cabinet approved at its regular meeting on the 12 th of October to Iraq to join the Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export Credit signed in Trabel S.. Libya in 1992. "He also pointed out that the issue of accession to the Convention before the House of Representatives to take an appropriate action. The statement pointed out that the issue of accession to the Convention before the House of Representatives to take an appropriate action.The Council of the Iraqi parliament approved Iraq's accession to a number of international conventions including the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Mines, used the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the Convention of Ramallah marched to the wetlands. The Council of the Iraqi parliament approved reads accession to a number of international conventions. including the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Mines,used the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the Convention of Ramallah marched to the wetlands.

  5. #15685
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hope Full View Post
    To activate its role in the processes of reconstruction and development
    Baghdad Yasser incumbent
    Economic expert disclosed that the banking system in Iraq is suffering from deficiencies in the performance of its core functions, stressing the need for restructuring government banks. He said Dr Maged fictitious expert at the Central Bank of Iraq in an interview with the (morning)

    On the role of banks in the economic reform : the fundamental task of restructuring the banks are improving their performance in order to provide banking services to the government, institutions and individuals in accordance with the requirements of the development of the economy.
    The picture also emphasized that the banking sector plays an important role in economic relations and international financial, it enjoys considerable international attention, He pointed out that the banking sector needing care and responsibility in the implementation of these transactions.
    He said : Therefore, the main objective of the restructuring is to eliminate the problems of the banks to ensure the functioning of the domestic and international dealings.
    The tasks of restructuring main factors first. The existence of a genuine political will and clear and transparent for this process, There is a need for a restructuring process in a timely manner and the period of relative calm financial and banking activity.
    The second task in financial restructuring, which includes the commitment to the minimum capital for the banks. If the transition to broad international activity, it should increase the capital to contain higher levels of new capital as well as the revision in the credit portfolio and the improvement and development of management commitment and regulations, instructions and procedures.
    Dr. Magid pointed to the need to ease the liabilities of banks and convert what could be converted into a capital increase, The restructuring of the requirements of the banking activity to reconsider the type of services provided and developed and implemented as soon as possible and strengthen internal controls and compliance monitoring and policy-making required in accordance with the Banking Act and the regulations of the Central Bank and the instruction of the Governing Council, as well as reducing operational costs and the use of modern means of providing banking services.
    So counting nominal subject to review and specialized banks merged bank and one specializing in the development of industry and agriculture-related projects together. One of the requirements for restructuring government banks.
    He called for the capital increase until a half billion dollars in order to be able to deal with the new tasks of the current stage of economic development and the exploitation of part of the oil resources allocated to this development, in order to develop the industrial and agricultural activities in small and medium-sized enterprises and to be a center for attracting foreign investments in collaboration with the implementation of these projects, even big ones.
    He concluded by saying that the restructuring of banks requires action by a plan of action and thought seriously by all of them to these banks are in a state represented by the Ministry of Finance, as the sole owner of these banks and the Central Bank of Iraq as the supervisor of the banking activity and the more specialized in assessing these a activity and said :
    Without a combination of these bodies and to support the government it is impossible to complete the task of restructuring government banks drastically. He pointed out that the restructuring will do the role of banks in the process of reconstruction and development.
    Centran Bank of Iraq
    Central Bank of Iraq is implementing Montran solution, comprising of Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS), Automated Clearing House (ACH) and Government Securities Registration Settlement (GSRS) systems, utilizing Java™ Enterprise (J2EE).

  6. #15686
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    I could not find a specific time of the meeting only that it was today.
    i would think it would be a first thing in the morning kind of meeting. remember its still ramadan and they are working mornings and ending the day early. (normally)

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #15687
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Default Call for restructuring Iraqi banks

    To activate its role in the processes of reconstruction and development
    المصدر : جريدة الصباح - 19/10/2006Source : Al Sabah-19 / 10 / 2006
    كشف خبير اقتصادي عن ان النظام المصرفي في العراق يعاني من نواقص في تأدية مهامه الاساسية مشددا على ضرورة اعادة هيكلة المصارف الحكومية.Economic expert disclosed that the banking system in Iraq is suffering from deficiencies in the performance of its core functions, stressing the need for restructuring government banks. وقال الدكتور ماجد الصوري الخبير في البنك المركزي العراقي في مقابلة حول دور المصارف في الاصلاح الاقتصادي: ان المهمة الاساسية لاعادة هيكلة المصارف هي تطوير ادائها من اجل تقديم الخدمات المصرفية الى الحكومة والمؤسسات والافراد وفقا لمتطلبات تطور الاقتصاد.He said Dr Maged fictitious expert at the Central Bank of Iraq in an interview on the role of banks in the economic reform : the fundamental task of restructuring the banks are improving their performance in order to provide banking services to the government, institutions and individuals in accordance with the requirements of the development of the economy.

    الصوري اكد ايضا ان القطاع المصرفي يلعب دورا مهما في العلاقات الاقتصادية والمالية الدولية لذلك فانه يحظى باهتمام دولي كبير، مشيرا الى ضروة تمتع القطاع المصرفي بالدقة والمسؤولية في تنفيذ هذه التعاملات.The picture also emphasized that the banking sector plays an important role in economic relations and international financial, it enjoys considerable international attention, He pointed out that the banking sector needing care and responsibility in the implementation of these transactions.
    وقال: لذلك فان الهدف الاساسي من اعادة الهيكلة هو القضاء على المشاكل التي تعاني منها المصارف لضمان سير التعامل المحلي والدولي.He said : Therefore, the main objective of the restructuring is to eliminate the problems of the banks to ensure the functioning of the domestic and international dealings.

    وحدد مهام اعادة الهيكلة بعاملين اساسيين اولهما..The tasks of restructuring main factors first. وجود ارادة سياسية حقيقية واضحة وشفافة للقيام بهذه العملية، ومن الضروري اجراء عملية اعادة الهيكلة في الوقت المناسب وفي فترة هدوء مالي ونسبي للنشاط المصرفي.The existence of a genuine political will and clear and transparent for this process, There is a need for a restructuring process in a timely manner and the period of relative calm financial and banking activity.

    أما المهمة الثانية في اعادة الهيكلة المالية والتي تتضمن الالتزام بالحد الادنى لرأس المال للمصارف، واذا ما اريد الانتقال الى النشاط الدولي الواسع فلابدّ من زيادة رأس المال الى المستويات الاعلى يتضمن رأس مال جديد فضلا عن اعادة النظر في المحفظة الائتمانية وتحسين وتطوير ادارتها والالتزام باللوائح التنظيمية والتعليــمات والاجراءات.The second task in financial restructuring, which includes the commitment to the minimum capital for the banks. If the transition to broad international activity, it should increase the capital to contain higher levels of new capital as well as the revision in the credit portfolio and the improvement and development of management commitment and regulations, instructions and procedures.

    الدكتور ماجد لفت الى ضرورة تخفيف مطلوبات المصارف وتحويل ما يمكن تحويله الى زيادة رأس المال، وان من متطلبات هيكلة النشاط المصرفي اعادة النظر بنوع الخدمات المقدمة وتطويرها وتنفيذها بالسرعة الممكنة وتقوية الرقابة الداخلية ومراقبة الامتثال ووضع السياسات المطلوبة وفقا لقانون المصارف واللوائح التنظيمية للبنك المركزي وتعليمات مجلس الادارة، فضلا عن تقليل التكاليـــــف التشغيلية واستخدام الوسائل الحديثة في تقديم الخدمات المصرفية.Dr. Magid pointed to the need to ease the liabilities of banks and convert what could be converted into a capital increase, The restructuring of the requirements of the banking activity to reconsider the type of services provided and developed and implemented as soon as possible and strengthen internal controls and compliance monitoring and policy-making required in accordance with the Banking Act and the regulations of the Central Bank and the instruction of the Governing Council, as well as reducing operational costs and the use of modern means of providing banking services.

    الى ذلك عد الصوري موضوع اعادة النظر بالمصارف المتخصصة ودمجها بمصرف واحد متخصص في تطوير الصناعة والزراعة والمشاريع المرتبطة بينهما..So counting nominal subject to review and specialized banks merged bank and one specializing in the development of industry and agriculture-related projects together. احد متطلبات هيكلة المصارف الحكومية.One of the requirements for restructuring government banks.

    ودعا الى زيادة رأس المال لغاية نصف مليار دولار حتى يستطيع من التعامل مع المهام الجديدة للمرحلة الراهنة من التطور الاقتصادي وباستغلال جزء من الموارد النفطية المخصصة لهذا التطور، بهدف تطوير النشاطات الصناعية والزراعية الصغيرة والمتوسطة ولتكون مركزا لجذب الاستثمارات الاجنبية بالتعاون معها لتنفيذ هذه المشاريع وحتى الكبيرة منها.He called for the capital increase until a half billion dollars in order to be able to deal with the new tasks of the current stage of economic development and the exploitation of part of the oil resources allocated to this development, in order to develop the industrial and agricultural activities in small and medium-sized enterprises and to be a center for attracting foreign investments in collaboration with the implementation of these projects, even big ones.

    وخلص الى القول بأن اعادة هيكلة المصارف يتطلب العمل فيها وضع خطة مدروسة وعمل جدي من قبل جميع من لهم صلة بهذه المصارف وهم بشكل اساس الدولة متمثلة بوزارة المالية وباعتبارها المالك الوحيد لهذه المصارف والبنك المركزي العراقي باعتباره المشرف على النشاط المصرفي والجهة الاكثر تخصصا في تقيــيم هذ ا النشاط وقال:He concluded by saying that the restructuring of banks requires action by a plan of action and thought seriously by all of them to these banks are in a state represented by the Ministry of Finance, as the sole owner of these banks and the Central Bank of Iraq as the supervisor of the banking activity and the more specialized in assessing these a activity and said :

    من دون تضافر هذه الجهات ومساندة الحكومة لها فان من المستحيل انجاز مهمة اعادة هيكلة المصارف الحكومية بشكل جذري..لافتا الى ان اعادة الهيكلة ستفعل دور المصارف في عملية البناء والتنمية.Without a combination of these bodies and to support the government it is impossible to complete the task of restructuring government banks drastically. He pointed out that the restructuring will do the role of banks in the process of reconstruction and development.

  8. #15688
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    I would think Bush is crapping his pants, so much at stake......

    White House unshaken by spike in US toll in Iraq
    [13:24 , 19 Oct 2006]
    Iraq (AFP)

    PNA- The White House said that a steep spike in US deaths on Iraq, including 10 killed in a single day, would not lead to a reassessment of the US strategy there.

    "The strategy is to win," spokesman Tony Snow said as US President George W. Bush traveled here to push his education policy. "As everybody says, correctly, we've got to win. And that comes at a cost."

    Bush's Republican Party fears that the unpopular war may cost them control of the US Congress in November elections, and some have recently called for reassessing US strategy in Iraq.

    "The president understands not only the difficulty of it, but he grieves for the people who have served and served with valor," said Snow, who told reporters that US forces "do believe in the mission."

    Snow declined to say whether radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, whose forces have at times battled US troops and Iraqi soldiers, was an enemy or an ally, and flatly rejected talk of dividing Iraq into three regions.

    "We have considered partition. Again, you consider every possible option. But we've also determined that it is not, for a series of reasons, a wise option for the stability of Iraq or for the region," he said.

    Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, in a telephone conversation Monday with Bush, "described partition as not only undermining the government, but also providing encouragement to terrorists," said the spokesman.

    Asked whether Sadr was an enemy or a friend of the United States, Snow would only say that the firebrand cleric "is a factor in Iraq" and note "he's clearly a player in Iraq, and we hope he'll play a constructive role."

    "If Moqtada al-Sadr wants to play a constructive role, is to make sure that -- to cooperate with Prime Minister Maliki in dealing with militias," said the spokesman.

    Snow noted that Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, one of the highest Shiite religious authorities in Iraq, and Maliki had each reached out to Sadr, and concluded "I think it's best left to them to figure out how best to deal with each other."

    Sadr's movement has a vast military wing known as the Mahdi Army, which is widely believed to be active in the spate of sectarian murders that leaves corpses scattered around the capital every morning.

    Sadr has 30 seats in parliament and several ministries are controlled by his followers.

    In Washington, a US State Department spokesman reiterated US opposition to an amnesty in Iraq only for insurgents who had killed US soldiers, as Baghdad considers a national reconciliation program.

    Spokesman Tom Casey told reporters that US officials have "been supportive of prime minister Maliki's efforts to build on national reconciliation.

    "We've also made clear, and you've heard us say this before, that as that process moves forward there shouldn't be any distinction made between those people who are responsible for attacks on US or coalition forces and those who've made attacks on Iraqis," he said.

    Casey's response was to a question based on a Financial Times report Monday that said Washington is pressing the Iraqi government to issue a "broad" amnesty for insurgents.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  9. #15689
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Centran Bank of Iraq
    Central Bank of Iraq is implementing Montran solution, comprising of Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS), Automated Clearing House (ACH) and Government Securities Registration Settlement (GSRS) systems, utilizing Java™ Enterprise (J2EE).
    i read some time back that they were starting the rtgs (more for out of country transaction) which caused a small party in our research group. the ach is more for 'in' country transactions.

    franny, were almost there!!

  10. #15690
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Default The Babylon province grants (50000) Eideh dinars each orphan

    Source : Encyclopedia of Mesopotamia-19 / 10 / 2006
    قرر مجلس محافظة بابل صرف مبلغ خمسين الف دينار لكل طفل يتيم في دار رعاية الايتام في الحلة .وكان علي القصير عضو مجلس ا لمحافظة ورئيس اللجنة الاعلامية في المجلس قدم اقتراحا بهذا الصدد في جلسة المجلس وسيجري منح المبلغ بشكل نقدي ليضاف الى دفتر توفير كل يتيم مطاعا الاسبوع القادم.The Council of the governorate of Babil payment of an amount of fifty thousand dinars for each child orphans in the care of orphans in Dar Hillah. It was a short board member of a conservative and president of the media committee of the Council submitted a proposal in this regard at the Council meeting and will be given a cash sum to be added to provide each orphan book Mataeia next week.

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