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    In the words of Glen Frey, 'the heat is on', November 7th is 19 days away.......Bush needs good news asap....

    Dems seek starting point to end Iraq war
    [13:24 , 19 Oct 2006]
    Iraq (AP)

    PNA- Democrats have long complained about President Bush's Iraq war policies. They will get their chance to do something about it if they capture control of Congress in the Nov. 7 elections — but first, they have to agree on a detailed alternative.

    Democrats concur that a good starting point would be pressing the president to pull out at least some troops right away.

    But with voters going to the polls in less than three weeks, Democrats have yet to declare exactly what that would mean. Unanswered are questions like how many troops they would like to bring home quickly, what their criteria for withdrawal should be, how many troops should be left behind and for how long, and what the mission of the remaining forces should be.

    Also unclear is how far Democrats would be willing to go to force the president's hand in the broadly unpopular war. Republicans are warning voters that a Democratic majority could cut off money for Iraq — a possibility Democrats swiftly dismiss, even though such a tactic was used to end U.S. involvement in Vietnam.

    "The safety and well-being of our troops will always come first," said Sen. Robert Byrd (news, bio, voting record), D-W.Va., in line to take over the Appropriations Committee if Senate Democrats pick up six or more seats in the elections.

    The lack of a specific position on Iraq has let Democrats avoid criticism of their own ideas, and kept the campaign season focus on Bush's war policies. It also has allowed them to postpone what could be the painful task of crafting a unified plan on what is a divisive question: What would they do if they were in charge?

    What is clear is that if Democrats take over Congress or even one of its chambers, they likely would feel emboldened to take on Bush over Iraq. A strong Democratic victory, coupled with mounting U.S. casualties in a war that has no end in sight, could also push more Republicans to abandon the president on the issue, hastening his slide into lame duck status and the lack of influence that goes with it.

    "I believe the election that's coming up is a referendum on a number of administration policies, including Iraq," said Sen. Carl Levin (news, bio, voting record), D-Mich., who would head the Senate Armed Services Committee should his party win control of that chamber. If Democrats win votes, he added, "it would reinforce the feeling of many Republicans that ... the policies of this administration are a significant reason for it."

    Most Republicans, including Sen. John McCain (news, bio, voting record), R-Ariz., a potential 2008 presidential candidate, and Sen. John Warner (news, bio, voting record), R-Va., chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, say they agree with Bush that setting a withdrawal timetable would be disastrous because it could leave a security vacuum that terrorists would fill.

    But even before Election Day, some Republicans have been critical of the war, including Warner, who has said a change in course may be necessary if the security situation does not improve soon.

    Levin said Democrats are not considering a stronger tack yet, such as forcing through legislation demanding the president withdraw troops, because it might not be necessary. A unified voice in Congress would put substantial pressure on the president, he said.

    But Democratic divisions in recent months over Iraq illustrate just how tricky it could be for them to chart a unified position should they lead Congress.

    In the past year, Democrats have floated various proposals on how to change course in Iraq. Last year, Rep. John Murtha (news, bio, voting record), D-Pa., called for an immediate pullout. Rep. Ike Skelton (news, bio, voting record) of Missouri, top Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee, suggested that for every three Iraqi units deemed proficient, one American unit be sent home.

    Sens. John Kerry, D-Mass., and Russ Feingold, D-Wis., a pair of potential Democratic hopefuls, proposed legislation in June demanding all troops leave by July 2007. But even their Democratic colleagues shied away from such a hard deadline and the Senate shot down their proposal 83-13.

    In July, a dozen leading Democrats moved to unify their party position on Iraq, calling on Bush to pull some troops out of Iraq by the end of the year. Providing few specifics, they said they also wanted to switch the U.S. mission in Iraq to a limited support role.

    Also on the Democratic agenda if they win a majority is stepped-up oversight of the war and Bush's anti-terrorism programs, including hearings on the administration's justification to invade Iraq and whether its surveillance and detention programs overstepped legal bounds.

    Skelton said he would spend much of his time trying to ease the strain on troops caused by the war and poor planning by the administration.

    Democratic supporters say fresh oversight would be welcome in a Congress that under GOP control has been less aggressive about scrutinizing administration policy on Iraq.

    But to Republicans, the environment would grow dangerously toxic under a Democratic majority and would work only to inflame public opinion against what they say is a necessary, albeit unpopular war.

    Rich Bond, former chairman of the Republican National Committee, said Democrats would try to drown out the message Bush must deliver to Americans: "When they blow things up over there, in their hearts they are blowing things up over here."
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    i would think it would be a first thing in the morning kind of meeting. remember its still ramadan and they are working mornings and ending the day early. (normally)

    Didn't we see them before hold meetings after sunset i.e., the end of a Ramadan day and late into the night?

  3. #15693
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    Quote Originally Posted by pipshurricane View Post
    Source : Encyclopedia of Mesopotamia-19 / 10 / 2006
    قرر مجلس محافظة بابل صرف مبلغ خمسين الف دينار لكل طفل يتيم في دار رعاية الايتام في الحلة .وكان علي القصير عضو مجلس ا لمحافظة ورئيس اللجنة الاعلامية في المجلس قدم اقتراحا بهذا الصدد في جلسة المجلس وسيجري منح المبلغ بشكل نقدي ليضاف الى دفتر توفير كل يتيم مطاعا الاسبوع القادم.The Council of the governorate of Babil payment of an amount of fifty thousand dinars for each child orphans in the care of orphans in Dar Hillah. It was a short board member of a conservative and president of the media committee of the Council submitted a proposal in this regard at the Council meeting and will be given a cash sum to be added to provide each orphan book Mataeia next week.
    looks like we found out when they are handin out monies. lol

    franny, were almost there!!

  4. #15694
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    Political Council for National Security to discuss ways to develop government performance in the area of security

    Political Council held a national security meeting, yesterday, Wednesday, 10-18-2006 chairmanship of His Excellency President Jalal Talabani, During the meeting, and discuss issues related to supporting the efforts of the government of national unity in peace-building and leadership of the armed forces.
    It was during the meeting exchanged views on the adaptation of the commitments and international resolutions to ensure better performance of the government in the area of security.
    And the Council decided to assign a Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki prepare ideas in this regard and submitted to the political council of national security later.
    , Noted that the political council had decided to be in the event of the permanent to discuss political and security situation and to come up with appropriate solutions.
    الحكومة العراقية

    franny, were almost there!!

  5. #15695
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    The Vice-President will meet with the Jordanian monarch, and a number of officials in Amman

    He met with His Excellency the Vice-President Tarek Hashemi Jordanian monarch, His Majesty King Abdullah II at the royal palace in the Jordanian capital Amman. Yesterday, Wednesday, 10-18-2006.
    And The Vice-President of the Republic during the meeting, the need for the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, an active role to support the Iraqi people and its support in the face of the situation currently facing. Hashemi also expressed his thanks to His Majesty King Abdullah II and Jordanian people for the positive stances on Iraq, the Kingdom's sovereignty and independence.
    For his part welcomed the Jordanian monarch, Vice President Tariq Hashimi, stressing the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan support of a government of national unity in Iraq and its efforts to promote security and stability in the country. And His Majesty King Abdullah II expressed hope that Iraq beyond the difficult circumstances currently facing, and standing shoulder to shoulder in attempts to stoke sectarian sedition.
    In a related context met His Excellency Vice-President Tariq Hashimi, yesterday, Wednesday,, State of the Jordanian Prime Minister, known Bakhit, and Foreign Minister Abdul Illah al-Khatib and a number of ministers and Jordanian officials.
    During the meetings and discuss the latest developments in the political arena and ways to develop relations between the two fraternal countries.
    الحكومة العراقية

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #15696
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    The Republic of Iraq
    Council of Ministers-the governmental communications
    Media Relations
    Press Release Press release /
    Thursday, 10-19-2006

    The arrest of terrorist crimes specialist assassination in Baghdad

    Security forces dropped in the district of Shatrah in Dhi Qar arrested one of the terrorists who specializes assassination crimes against police and army personnel in Baghdad and a resident of the session.

    He admitted all the crimes carried out with a group of who tie themselves to the so-called (Army of Islam), , including the assassination of officers and civilians and planting bombs.

    In relation to a bomb exploded in the area north of Basra at the monastery convoy of trucks carrying medicines and medical supplies heading from Baghdad to Basra governorate, which led to the burning of a truck without causing any injuries.
    New Page 1

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #15697
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    Economic management in Iraq

    19 October 2006 (Al-Sabaah)
    The administration of Iraqi economic is characterized by arbitrary, improvisation and quick decision-making without prior or thorough study, in addition to the individual decisions that were prevalent on the Iraqi economic decision. That is to say, the Iraqi administration was not proper at all for the reasons mentioned above. This was negatively reflected on how to use and allocate the resources, as well as on diversifying the sources of national income, which reached a very disturbing level being a one-sided economy, totally dependent on the production and export of one raw material which is oil. This issue raises matters of a strategic nature concerning the future. For three decades, our society had been militarized and oil resources were exploited to serve the requirements of wars. This inflicted Tyranny and deprivation upon people and led to the creation of a distorted economy, characterized by being one- sided, totally depending on the production and export of crude oil with the fact that crude oil prices are linked to external parties. Thus, the Iraqi economy was simultaneously affected by internal and external variables. It was, also, not based on new and alternative sources of national income; although, Iraq is a country where all resources are available and has the potential to create a balanced economy between all sectors.

    The most prominent indicators of economic mismanagement in Iraq are:

    1) national and per capita income: since 1974 till 1982 Iraq was of a middle-sized economy according to the average standard of the International Bank. The per capita income was estimated by (3600) dollars a year, and Iraq was eligible to become one of the new industrial countries, but because of the unjustified wars waged by the former Iraqi regime, the per-capita income has decreased to ($ 900 a year), and after its fall of the Principles in April 2003 it reached ($ 600 a year), at a decline of (6) times what it was in the past. So, you can imagine the magnitude of the disaster and the extent of decline and deterioration which happened in the standard of living of the Iraqi individual.

    2) Cash reserve: The cash reserve in the Iraqi Central Bank during the early 1980s was (40 billion dollars). After the fall of the ex- regime on April 9, 2003 Iraq did not possess anything called cash reserve, while its debts reached ($ 120 billion).

    3) The volume of production: the rate of growth of the Iraqi national production dropped to (12%) in the early 1980s which is a relatively high rate according to the standards of growth in the developing countries. It declined after the events of April 9, 2003 to 4.5% in 2004 but it rose slightly to 5.5% in 2005 and, in fact, this is a matter of concern and should be thoroughly studied. In addition, there were the effects of the economic embargo imposed on the country for the period (1991 2003), which turned Iraqis into beggars in all countries of the world, especially neighboring countries. Also, the standard of living of the individual has decreased and the middle class in society was shattering that (60%) of the people were living under the poverty line as well as the decline of the levels of education, health and services after there was a middle class in Iraq, advanced education and good health services. Now, there is only deteriorating levels of services like water, electricity and others.
    All these reasons made the Iraqi economy in general a subject to the program of the oil-for-food and medicine in 1996.

    Therefore, economic and financial policies were subjected to this program that the United Nations seizes oil revenues into the Development Fund for Iraq, DFI, which was established under the Security Council's Resolution No. 1483 in 2003 and there was no financial source for the State, while the final decision was in the hand of the international organization. This led to the emergence of a new class called (the program class) where Iraqi contractors inside and outside Iraq have become middlemen to attract suppliers and foreign companies from abroad in return for commissions shared with government agencies which doubled the cost or more and that resulted in a new dimension of administrative and financial corruption called the international dimension i.e. international parties, some were political, were participating in the game, so the contracts were awarded to the States standing with the Iraqi government, by then, in lifting the sanctions. In reviewing the list of this program, which amounted to (80 billion dollars) during the period 1996 2003, we find that there are countries and companies in the forefront, for example, (Russia, France, Egypt, Syria, Jordan and others), which announced a firm position and gave a pledge to Iraq. This would point out that the Iraqi wealth has been squandered in a non-supervised way (States, institutions, popular control). As for the supervision of the United Nations, it was infiltrated and corrupt. According to the recently released report named (Volcker), (Benion) was accused along with others and many Iraqi lists emerged known as oil coupons but in fact they were only commissions. It is a wonder, that an oil State such as Iraq possessing the second biggest oil reserve after Saudi Arabia, that is (11%) of the total reserves of the world, and yet needs middlemen to sell its oil?! So the whole process was used for political purposes, whether the agents were Iraqis, Arabs or foreigners. Thus, the wealth of Iraq was wasted is a horrific way beyond imagination through the program of oil-for-food and medicine, which was the largest program administered by the United Nations since its foundation in 1945.

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  8. #15698
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    Al-Maliki visit to meet with Mr. al-Sistani, Sayyid Muqtada al-Sadr in the city of Najaf
    Baghdad Shamkhi agencies : Mr. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki yesterday with a visit to the city of Najaf, where he met with religious authority Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, while in Baghdad yesterday announced the release of Sadr's office manager in Baghdad, Sheikh Mazen Al Saeedy. Al-Maliki and went immediately on arrival at the residence of Ayatollah Sayyid Ali al-Sistani in central Najaf, where he met with a number of companions with the security forces deployed in the main streets and crossroads in the city of Najaf south of Baghdad yesterday morning. It is noteworthy that Mr. Sistani sent a representative to the Conference of the clergymen held in Mecca soon within Maliki initiative for national reconciliation. On the other hand, government source in the Iraqi Council of Ministers yesterday that the American forces released the director of Sadr's office in Baghdad, Sheikh Mazen Al Saeedy day after his arrest in the suburb of Shula west of Baghdad. The source added that the release Alsaidi following a request from Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. Iraqi sources said in Amman for the "morning seriously by "that he expected the arrival of Mr. Prime Minister to Saudi Arabia to participate in the reconciliation conference, which begins its work today in Mecca with the participation of prominent religious leaders who work to stop the sectarian tension which has intensified, which lasts two days.
    جريدة الصباح الجديد - المالكي يزور السيد السيستاني ويلتقي السيد مقتدى الصدر في مدينة النجف

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  9. #15699
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    Muqtada al-Maliki and stressed reject sectarianism and feuds
    Shamkhi on Najaf : Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki that Ayatollah Sayyid al-Sistani had sent a positive message to the Mecca encourage the establishment of security and create a state of harmony, He added Maliki, in a press conference held after the visit of the highest religious authority yesterday morning, in his office in Najaf We are moving on all the sites that affect the social and political side to create an atmosphere of the strong influence of basic sites to give the message that the real wish the Iraqi people and the Iraqi government that is the message that represents the interests of Iraq, Al-Maliki, said to journalists about the reasons for the visit, "to restore stability and security in order to stabilize the political situation and the government moving towards the true objectives of building a new Iraq and the welfare of the Iraqi people and provide services and move to move us all loyal citizens of this country in order to create an atmosphere of national reconciliation and national reconciliation, the imposition of peace instead of violence and murder and terrorism. The visit of His Eminence al-Sistani Ibid (long shadow) Thus, in our visits to other sites, political and religious and social is to drum up support and mobilize support and classes and find a space and a broad base of all influential positions in order to put pressure on the terrorist forces that want a n run amok. And about the detentions of intellectual trend leaders Sadri, including the long detention of Sheikh Salah Obeidi in Najaf, Sheikh Mazen Al Saeedy released. And what is the opinion of the government of Maliki in these detentions. Al-Maliki said : "When we turn now to find political solutions to all crises are by nature would end all arrests and tensions, and the reactions of this unanimous political forces and God will return normal conditions, detained only real crime committed against Iraq and the Iraqis. With regard to the Mecca and the presence of al-Sistani, al-Maliki said : We attach high on every step taken by a group of people who are interested in the interest of Iraq and condemn what is happening in Iraq, terrorist acts and to the atmosphere in the Mecca of the scientists attending the two-years, the Shiites and this is a step supportive of the steps that take place within the country in order to create a climate of dialogue and therefore we support this conference and call him every success and success and that His Eminence al-Sistani Ibid had sent a positive message encourages Astbbab security and create a state of harmony. Regarding the statements made by some American officials to give time ceiling for the Iraqi government to eradicate terrorism and achieve stability, Al-Maliki said : First Iraqi government and the government of national unity did not come on the back of the tank, but was the one brokered by the Iraqi people through the power of democracy and elections, the constitution, and therefore is a government that represents the will of the people and the Iraqi people through its institutions is the only one who can say yes to this government to continue or yes to a halt and to change this to the rumors of giving notice to the Iraqi government through official contacts with officials in the American administration refused and denounced this understanding negative rumors and which some had understood that the end of government that mistake them for other statements issued by the group rejected the misconception of what was rumored issue of the deadline for two months and had been p Broa clear by the statement, they said, is a recognized force within six months ago, a review of the operations of the same governments and the related Iraqi government, which will be audited for themselves whether every six months or every month or every year. Later he met Prime Minister Mr. Muqtada al-Sadr in the holy city of Najaf She was following the meeting, Al-Sadr welcome the arrival of Mr. Prime Minister, and we hope that his visit is fruitful and Welcome to you by God and that the people and government, which seeks to Iraq's stability and independence as one about the best and good people. And on the points that have been Mbahththa with Sadr Al-Maliki said : As I said earlier we are in a difficult security circumstances in Iraq, for that is always inspired by the Permanent blame when we meet all the political and religious talk on the subject of security conditions to protect citizens and the homeland and the right of Dmaoua building of this country, people waiting impatiently constructive and all that concerns Iraq were the focus of the newborn with Samaha Mr. Sadr, and I thank him for his hospitality and his responsiveness and concern, and expressed his feelings towards the loss of life and blood shed, which, God willing, positive results, and a clear phenomenon in this meeting He said al-Sadr to the new banner in the federal center and the south, "the federal or anything else due to the Iraqi people and if approved by the Iraqi people, there is no problem at the federal and if it is the right of popular rejection of the draft him. And added that Iraq is going through a very difficult circumstance, there are critical differences and frictions many I call for the renunciation of sectarian killings and kidnappings, sectarian and ethnic tolerance band and call for the unity of the Iraqi people for years and the Shiites, we will work together to build Iraq and take it out of the sea of blood that occur every day trying to stability and independence And on the Mecca-Sadr said : I support the conference, which each serves the interest of the Iraqi people, and if it was better presence in Iraq and that Iraq is the gravity of such conferences and God the efforts of the Arab and Muslim brothers and neighbors all are in the interest of the Iraqi people and God and seek government seeks to establish security in Iraq. And what about the rumors of giving notice to the Iraqi government for the elimination of terrorism and al-Sadr Is this kind of interference in the affairs of Iraq. Sadr said : the Iraqi government has the right to act and not to interfere in Iraqi affairs, whether the Americans or any other country, but that many of the interventions in Iraq and outside of the situation has been abused, whether in Lebanon or North Korea or in other countries where the security situation is getting worse. And on national reconciliation and the outcome of it, Al-Maliki said : the draft national reconciliation and peaceful chosen door to find security and stability and stop the bloodshed, has responded with many sons of the Iraqi people in the various governorates and various Iraqi sectors, but you know that some evil forces and the remnants of the Baathists Sadamiin and who do not want stability for this country are the ones who were Imarso n killings and displacement so restless that country. A reconciliation of the programs that the sons of the Iraqi people who agree with them and agree to their voice and face Sadamiin Altkverein and mopped from Iraqi territory. And added, we found support and support for national reconciliation by political and religious leaders, and found a rejection of the killings and bear arms, and found to be in favor of the state is to protect the citizens and this is encouraging for the movement to achieve stability. And over the trial of the deposed Iraqi President, God does not affect the trial and soon to be sentenced to death this criminal tyrant and his aides and criminals who have worked with him and certainly his execution will fall by betting that the paper wants to return to power under the banner of Saddam and the Baath.

    جريدة الصباح الجديد - المالكي ومقتدى الصدر يشددان على نبذ الطائفية والاقتتال

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  10. #15700
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    Default ahhhhh white house ticked???

    Quote Originally Posted by opps50 View Post
    I listened to the radio and the reports are that the whitehouse is very unsatisfied with iraqs president and that a group of politicans in iraq is negotiating with USA for a coup d'état . James Baker the former minister is involved to change the iraqi strategy
    GW has his feelings hurt ahhhhhhhhhhhh WELL the last two days of comment from the PM over there would tick off the White House:

    Oct 18, (VOI) – Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Malki, responding to recent reports of a U.S.-set deadline for stemming violence, said on Wednesday only the Iraqi people can decide the fate of his government which he said was democratically elected and did not reach power "on the back of a tank."
    "The Iraqi government is a national unity government that has not come (to power) on the back of a tank or was installed by anyone," Maliki told a news conference in Najaf after meetings with Shiite religious leaders.

    Al-Sadr criticized the intervention in the internal affairs of Iraq and said : «No one, except the Iraqi government, the right to interfere in Iraqi affairs, whether from the Americans or any other country. He added that «many American interventions in Iraq and abroad has been abused by the situation, either in Lebanon or North Korea or in other countries

    Sound like the PM is getting ticked at GW back seat driving!!

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