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  1. #15701
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by MrsCK View Post
    GW has his feelings hurt ahhhhhhhhhhhh WELL the last two days of comment from the PM over there would tick off the White House:

    Oct 18, (VOI) – Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Malki, responding to recent reports of a U.S.-set deadline for stemming violence, said on Wednesday only the Iraqi people can decide the fate of his government which he said was democratically elected and did not reach power "on the back of a tank."
    "The Iraqi government is a national unity government that has not come (to power) on the back of a tank or was installed by anyone," Maliki told a news conference in Najaf after meetings with Shiite religious leaders.

    Al-Sadr criticized the intervention in the internal affairs of Iraq and said : «No one, except the Iraqi government, the right to interfere in Iraqi affairs, whether from the Americans or any other country. He added that «many American interventions in Iraq and abroad has been abused by the situation, either in Lebanon or North Korea or in other countries

    Sound like the PM is getting ticked at GW back seat driving!!

    This all could go horribly wrong, Al-Sadr should have been taken out a long time ago........... He's got a short memory regarding all the countries that have helped Iraq, wanker. You also wonder who really is pulling the strings out there. Maliki needs Sadr to call off his henchmen, so how much grovelling and what will he offer if Sadr does this....

    We need something major to happen by election time.......
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  2. #15702
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Default Jordan looking for carriers of the oil imported from Iraq

    Source : Al Sabah-19 / 10 / 2006
    .The Ministry of Transport Jordanian bidding for the transfer of Iraqi oil sold to Jordan at a preferential price early next year.He said Jordanian Minister of Transport Saud Al-Nusseirat : that a committee headed by the secretary general of the Ministry of Energy will be responsible for this tender. The Jordanian Cabinet approved last August to grant the company the Iraqi-Jordanian Land Transport assigning responsibility for the transfer of Iraqi oil during the next four months to be put out to bid early next year to lay on the company and better able to transfer Allen only in Nusseirat by.

    .And between the Nusseirat that the companies and Iraqi drivers who have been with the company an agreement with the Iraqi-Jordanian oil will be transferred in the coming period in the event that has been providing security and protection on the road to be tendered early next year.
    The company's general manager of the Iraqi-Jordanian Land Transport Ghassan Frkoh had confirmed that "the transfer of crude oil will be in phases and will transfer 165 thousand tons in the first stage and the period of four months, at a daily rate of 1370 tons will be increased in the beginning of next year."

    On the other hand, civil Jordanian company expressed its willingness to transfer Iraqi oil and "bear all the consequences of the provision of security and protection." According to the general manager of the company ", the company is ready to transfer Iraqi crude oil and assume full responsibility in the transfer process." He pointed out that the company had originally been one of the most important and biggest companies in the region carrying Iraqi crude oil to Jordan in the 1990s. He said, "The company, which owns 358 trucks and tanks ready to start work as soon as transport and a pledge to do so while maintaining the carloads and bear any shortages that might happen in the quantities of oil Mobile.He stressed that "relations company in Iraq that would provide for the security and protection of its fleet there in that" they are currently conducting transfer to Iraq without any problems. "

    .He pointed out that it was the first company to be consulted in this matter to be considered one of the largest companies transporting crude oil and stakeholders did not address the company to file for the transport of oil.
    But Transport Minister stressed that "there is no company transferred to Iraq significantly" and that "the problem of providing security and protection is still an obstacle to many of the transport companies."

    A group of transport companies and the Iraqi security has shown readiness to transfer Iraqi oil but that the company of the Iraqi-Jordanian Land Transport responsible for the recruitment and selection of appropriate companies for the transport of oil and insurance on the road to San Director General Ghassan Frkoh, "The company has not yet found any company able to provide the provision, any on the road to the transfer of Iraqi oil in spite of the fact that it had contracted with companies and individual drivers Iraqis.

    Iraq had agreed to provide Jordan with oil at preferential prices during the visit of Prime Minister Dr. known Bakhit to Iraq last month. where Jordan and Iraq signed a memorandum of understanding in the field of crude oil contains supply Jordan with 30% of its daily needs of crude oil, amounting to about 100 thousand barrels a day.
    The process will be transporting oil from the Baiji refinery in the Chinese Jordanian border "Trebil.

  3. #15703
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Bit of luck he can have a word with the guvnor upstairs and get it done! LOL.

    Pope supports Iraqi government efforts -- new ambassador
    BAGHDAD, Oct 19 (KUNA) -- Pope of the Vatican, Benedict XVI, supported efforts of the Iraqi government that sought best interests of its people, said the Vatican's new ambassador to Iraq on Thursday.

    Sfter presenting his credentials to Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zibari, the ambassador said that the Pope always supported the Iraqi government's efforts to bring security and stability to its people.

    He added that the Pope's main objective was to spread peace and establish bridges of love between people, hoping that the Iraqi religious reconciliation conference that would be held in Makkah would be a step toward achieving this goal.

    For his part, Zibari said that Iraq was always interested in boosting its relations with the Vatican.

    Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki had declared a reconciliation initiative late June, and the religious figures were heading to Makkah to participate in a two-day Iraqi Sunni-Shiite national reconciliation conference. (end)

    NewsNow: Loading story...
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  4. #15704
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    Default what happen to nov. 4th?????

    I thought they Changed this to Nov. 4th?? That is what I have in my Recap dates: 4 Nov. Iraq reconciliation conference in Mecca - so was it a smoke screen hmmmmm

    Also - good morning everybody - ya'll were busy last night I am trying to get read up to date, two windows open try LOl

    I did receive an email back last night from someone that lives in Iraq they have not gotten the 10,000 dinar and don't know when they will get the.

  5. #15705
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    "Municipalities and Public Works require" water Mosul import equipment from Western Europe and Japan
    Baghdad Sadiq Alazarki : The Directorate General of the water of the Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works of Iraqi companies wishing to participate in the processing equipment and the implementation of water project Mosul coast bone. This was announced by the Deputy Minister for Technical Affairs, explained that the equipment includes mechanical and electrical equipment for the implementation of all technical civil works of the project, maps, according to the general conditions for the implementation of engineering works also include pipeline pumping equipment. It stipulated call on the companies to bring corroboration of financial efficiency and reputation of good certified by the Ministry of Foreign Trade or in the country of origin and that the company executed obliged to conduct soil tests for all locations on the project, to provide maps for the construction, design and equipment installed in addition to the Khar Ata manufacturing maps and field surveys to all project sites and pipe for the purpose of examination and approval The firm processed on the company to provide an original certificate of origin of the equipment processed or full of the Iraqi embassy there and provide the certificate of inspection of the equipment and material processed by the company closer international officially recognized it incumbent upon companies equipped to provide a list of equipment and pipelines to be one of the origins of Western Europe and Japan.
    جريدة الصباح الجديد - ”البلديات والاشغال“ تشترط استيراد تجهيزات ماء الموصل من اوروبا الغربية واليابان

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #15706
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    Shahrastani visiting a number of European countries to discuss ways and means to promote oil
    BAGHDAD WAS : Went to Australia yesterday and Oil Minister Hussein Shahrastani in the framework of a tour also include both Japan and China. He said Assem Jihad, spokesman of the Ministry of Oil : The minister will discuss with officials of the three countries and means of developing bilateral cooperation with Iraq in the area of oil industry. He added : As in the first stations will tour with Australian officials and the owners of capital and corporate law Alastthmarabraghi new horizons opened by the investors to invest in Iraq, particularly international companies specialized oil industry. Also discussed during his visit to Japan, the issue of privatizing part of the Japanese grant to Iraq for the oil sector and ways of spending the grant. The talks in China will focus on investments of Chinese companies in the development project, Al-Ahdab oil field in the light of the giant contract already signed between a Chinese company and the former Iraqi regime, which was reconsidering earlier by the ministry recently. A spokesman for the ministry : the minister said the talks in China would also confirm Iraqi interest in China as a market function to import Iraqi oil to China possesses the potential economic and industrial addition to encouraging Chinese companies specialized in the field of petroleum investment in Iraq.
    جريدة الصباح الجديد - الشهرستاني يزور عددا من الدول الاوروبية لبحث سبل التعاون النفطي

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #15707
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Municipalities and Public Works require" water Mosul import equipment from Western Europe and Japan
    Baghdad Sadiq Alazarki : The Directorate General of the water of the Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works of Iraqi companies wishing to participate in the processing equipment and the implementation of water project Mosul coast bone. This was announced by the Deputy Minister for Technical Affairs, explained that the equipment includes mechanical and electrical equipment for the implementation of all technical civil works of the project, maps, according to the general conditions for the implementation of engineering works also include pipeline pumping equipment. It stipulated call on the companies to bring corroboration of financial efficiency and reputation of good certified by the Ministry of Foreign Trade or in the country of origin and that the company executed obliged to conduct soil tests for all locations on the project, to provide maps for the construction, design and equipment installed in addition to the Khar Ata manufacturing maps and field surveys to all project sites and pipe for the purpose of examination and approval The firm processed on the company to provide an original certificate of origin of the equipment processed or full of the Iraqi embassy there and provide the certificate of inspection of the equipment and material processed by the company closer international officially recognized it incumbent upon companies equipped to provide a list of equipment and pipelines to be one of the origins of Western Europe and Japan.
    جريدة الصباح الجديد - ”البلديات والاشغال“ تشترط استيراد تجهيزات ماء الموصل من اوروبا الغربية واليابان

    franny, were almost there!!

  8. #15708
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    in an effort to mobilize the human and automation of the Municipal
    Baghdad : Al-Sabah Al-Jadeed The secretariat of Baghdad, a major campaign that has never been witnessed in the capital since the Alert automation and human effort of the Municipal all of the cleaning and garbage collection and the opening of blockages in the sewer systems in the Ghazaliya, April 9. The spokesman stated in the media that the Secretary of the Secretariat of Baghdad, Dr. Ashraf Saber Eissawi field on the campaign in the Ghazaliyah district yesterday, Wednesday, which involved tables municipal districts (the session, and governance, and Mansour, and the Karkh. The Kazimiya and flame), and included the cleaning of the area of waste and lifting and open sewer blockages, which led to great suffering for the people of the area. The spokesman added that the campaign comes in spite of the challenges faced by the secretariat associate Baghdad daily and submitted more than a martyr (500) during the last nine months but it Tasserali face the challenges and carry the campaign to serve the people of the residents of these areas that have suffered a lot. The spokesman explained that the campaign included shops (681, 651, 653, 658, 665, 6671, 649, 671, 673) Work is continuing in these shops, hard evening until completion of the entire region and finally cleaned and re-addressed as it was beautiful. The spokesman pointed out that the municipalities Rasafah the campaign is also significant and steady so far boycotted the municipality in April 9 for the same purpose. The spokesman said that the effort by the municipal ones (first-Sadr al-Sadr and two, , April 9, and the people, and hung the Rasafah) and will continue until the completion of the above-mentioned area clean of waste and sewage flooding in full. On the other hand, seeks municipal districts to redouble their efforts in order to provide the best municipal services for the citizens of the city of Baghdad. In this context, the media spokesman for the secretariat of the Baghdad Municipality Service Center Karkh the last month of a number of activities in the field of providing municipal services covered by the water in the chamber and reform Cksorat Naddouhat deal with the processing and delivery of water outlets cravats and strengthen self-Wa Baljehdin the lessor will be working in all the shops and residential streets and highways with the implementation of the agricultural section of the agricultural sites (Street Damascus, Square Tunnel Allawi Square Harithiya, Arab knight, Albijeh, carrots echelon of Jamal Street, garden Museum, Allawi, Salhia Street, Shawaf Square, Square, or the auctioneer's premium, Haifa Street), where the work involved (watering, perpetuating Jazrat, hoeing, Grassing, raising agricultural residues, settlement drink. The spokesman added that the maintenance of the sewage stations with the general maintenance of the Division subsidences work on handling complaints daily cleaning of the streets Almechbakat (Haifa Street, Jamal Street, Street 6) with the cleaning shops numbered (214, 216, 212, 218).

    in an effort to mobilize the human and automation of the Municipal
    Baghdad : Al-Sabah Al-Jadeed The secretariat of Baghdad, a major campaign that has never been witnessed in the capital since the Alert automation and human effort of the Municipal all of the cleaning and garbage collection and the opening of blockages in the sewer systems in the Ghazaliya, April 9. The spokesman stated in the media that the Secretary of the Secretariat of Baghdad, Dr. Ashraf Saber Eissawi field on the campaign in the Ghazaliyah district yesterday, Wednesday, which involved tables municipal districts (the session, and governance, and Mansour, and the Karkh. The Kazimiya and flame), and included the cleaning of the area of waste and lifting and open sewer blockages, which led to great suffering for the people of the area. The spokesman added that the campaign comes in spite of the challenges faced by the secretariat associate Baghdad daily and submitted more than a martyr (500) during the last nine months but it Tasserali face the challenges and carry the campaign to serve the people of the residents of these areas that have suffered a lot. The spokesman explained that the campaign included shops (681, 651, 653, 658, 665, 6671, 649, 671, 673) Work is continuing in these shops, hard evening until completion of the entire region and finally cleaned and re-addressed as it was beautiful. The spokesman pointed out that the municipalities Rasafah the campaign is also significant and steady so far boycotted the municipality in April 9 for the same purpose. The spokesman said that the effort by the municipal ones (first-Sadr al-Sadr and two, , April 9, and the people, and hung the Rasafah) and will continue until the completion of the above-mentioned area clean of waste and sewage flooding in full. On the other hand, seeks municipal districts to redouble their efforts in order to provide the best municipal services for the citizens of the city of Baghdad. In this context, the media spokesman for the secretariat of the Baghdad Municipality Service Center Karkh the last month of a number of activities in the field of providing municipal services covered by the water in the chamber and reform Cksorat Naddouhat deal with the processing and delivery of water outlets cravats and strengthen self-Wa Baljehdin the lessor will be working in all the shops and residential streets and highways with the implementation of the agricultural section of the agricultural sites (Street Damascus, Square Tunnel Allawi Square Harithiya, Arab knight, Albijeh, carrots echelon of Jamal Street, garden Museum, Allawi, Salhia Street, Shawaf Square, Square, or the auctioneer's premium, Haifa Street), where the work involved (watering, perpetuating Jazrat, hoeing, Grassing, raising agricultural residues, settlement drink. The spokesman added that the maintenance of the sewage stations with the general maintenance of the Division subsidences work on handling complaints daily cleaning of the streets Almechbakat (Haifa Street, Jamal Street, Street 6) with the cleaning shops numbered (214, 216, 212, 218).

    in an effort to mobilize the human and automation of the Municipal
    Baghdad : Al-Sabah Al-Jadeed The secretariat of Baghdad, a major campaign that has never been witnessed in the capital since the Alert automation and human effort of the Municipal all of the cleaning and garbage collection and the opening of blockages in the sewer systems in the Ghazaliya, April 9. The spokesman stated in the media that the Secretary of the Secretariat of Baghdad, Dr. Ashraf Saber Eissawi field on the campaign in the Ghazaliyah district yesterday, Wednesday, which involved tables municipal districts (the session, and governance, and Mansour, and the Karkh. The Kazimiya and flame), and included the cleaning of the area of waste and lifting and open sewer blockages, which led to great suffering for the people of the area. The spokesman added that the campaign comes in spite of the challenges faced by the secretariat associate Baghdad daily and submitted more than a martyr (500) during the last nine months but it Tasserali face the challenges and carry the campaign to serve the people of the residents of these areas that have suffered a lot. The spokesman explained that the campaign included shops (681, 651, 653, 658, 665, 6671, 649, 671, 673) Work is continuing in these shops, hard evening until completion of the entire region and finally cleaned and re-addressed as it was beautiful. The spokesman pointed out that the municipalities Rasafah the campaign is also significant and steady so far boycotted the municipality in April 9 for the same purpose. The spokesman said that the effort by the municipal ones (first-Sadr al-Sadr and two, , April 9, and the people, and hung the Rasafah) and will continue until the completion of the above-mentioned area clean of waste and sewage flooding in full. On the other hand, seeks municipal districts to redouble their efforts in order to provide the best municipal services for the citizens of the city of Baghdad. In this context, the media spokesman for the secretariat of the Baghdad Municipality Service Center Karkh the last month of a number of activities in the field of providing municipal services covered by the water in the chamber and reform Cksorat Naddouhat deal with the processing and delivery of water outlets cravats and strengthen self-Wa Baljehdin the lessor will be working in all the shops and residential streets and highways with the implementation of the agricultural section of the agricultural sites (Street Damascus, Square Tunnel Allawi Square Harithiya, Arab knight, Albijeh, carrots echelon of Jamal Street, garden Museum, Allawi, Salhia Street, Shawaf Square, Square, or the auctioneer's premium, Haifa Street), where the work involved (watering, perpetuating Jazrat, hoeing, Grassing, raising agricultural residues, settlement drink. The spokesman added that the maintenance of the sewage stations with the general maintenance of the Division subsidences work on handling complaints daily cleaning of the streets Almechbakat (Haifa Street, Jamal Street, Street 6) with the cleaning shops numbered (214, 216, 212, 218).

    in an effort to mobilize the human and automation of the Municipal
    Baghdad : Al-Sabah Al-Jadeed The secretariat of Baghdad, a major campaign that has never been witnessed in the capital since the Alert automation and human effort of the Municipal all of the cleaning and garbage collection and the opening of blockages in the sewer systems in the Ghazaliya, April 9. The spokesman stated in the media that the Secretary of the Secretariat of Baghdad, Dr. Ashraf Saber Eissawi field on the campaign in the Ghazaliyah district yesterday, Wednesday, which involved tables municipal districts (the session, and governance, and Mansour, and the Karkh. The Kazimiya and flame), and included the cleaning of the area of waste and lifting and open sewer blockages, which led to great suffering for the people of the area. The spokesman added that the campaign comes in spite of the challenges faced by the secretariat associate Baghdad daily and submitted more than a martyr (500) during the last nine months but it Tasserali face the challenges and carry the campaign to serve the people of the residents of these areas that have suffered a lot. The spokesman explained that the campaign included shops (681, 651, 653, 658, 665, 6671, 649, 671, 673) Work is continuing in these shops, hard evening until completion of the entire region and finally cleaned and re-addressed as it was beautiful. The spokesman pointed out that the municipalities Rasafah the campaign is also significant and steady so far boycotted the municipality in April 9 for the same purpose. The spokesman said that the effort by the municipal ones (first-Sadr al-Sadr and two, , April 9, and the people, and hung the Rasafah) and will continue until the completion of the above-mentioned area clean of waste and sewage flooding in full. On the other hand, seeks municipal districts to redouble their efforts in order to provide the best municipal services for the citizens of the city of Baghdad. In this context, the media spokesman for the secretariat of the Baghdad Municipality Service Center Karkh the last month of a number of activities in the field of providing municipal services covered by the water in the chamber and reform Cksorat Naddouhat deal with the processing and delivery of water outlets cravats and strengthen self-Wa Baljehdin the lessor will be working in all the shops and residential streets and highways with the implementation of the agricultural section of the agricultural sites (Street Damascus, Square Tunnel Allawi Square Harithiya, Arab knight, Albijeh, carrots echelon of Jamal Street, garden Museum, Allawi, Salhia Street, Shawaf Square, Square, or the auctioneer's premium, Haifa Street), where the work involved (watering, perpetuating Jazrat, hoeing, Grassing, raising agricultural residues, settlement drink. The spokesman added that the maintenance of the sewage stations with the general maintenance of the Division subsidences work on handling complaints daily cleaning of the streets Almechbakat (Haifa Street, Jamal Street, Street 6) with the cleaning shops numbered (214, 216, 212, 218).

    جريدة الصباح الجديد - استنفار عام للجهد البشري والآلي للدوائر البلدية

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #15709
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    جريدة الصباح الجديد - انخفاض حجم الاسهم المتداولة في سوق العراق للاوراق المالية
    the decline in the volume of shares traded in the market for securities Iraq
    Baghdad : Ali Jasim Meetings held the fifth month of October for the Iraq market for securities handled shares of the company (30) The number of shares traded by (533) million shares exceeded the value (1.034) billion dinars through the implementation (378) contract closed Almehrabam the market (27.592) points by a low (0.537%) of the previous meeting. In the banking sector, shares of the circulation (12) banking firm rates rose during which the shares of two companies are : Gulf Bank commercial rate (3.57%) and Bank of the North (3.57%). The rates dropped prices of shares (10) companies are Bank Basra rate (9.68%), Commercial Bank (by 9.3%) and the Islamic Bank rate (8.7%) and the Bank of Babel by (7.69%) and the National Bank of Iraq by (7.14%) and the Asian Darussalam rate (6.59%), the investment bank rate (5.13%) and the Bank of Baghdad rate (4.08%), a bank the economy rate (2.44%), and finally by the Bank of the Middle East (1.69%) and banking index closed b (38.388) points by a low (1.026%) of the previous meeting. The share of the banking sector of the number of shares traded exceeded (457) million shares, or amount (85.9%) of the total number of shares traded in the meeting and the value of (875) million dinars, or (84.6%) of the total volume. The bank has the highest proportion of Basra, where the number of shares traded amounted to (19.5%) in terms of the number of shares traded of the banking sector, after the circulation was more than (89) million shares valued exceeded (122) million dinars. The Bank of the Middle East has the highest proportion in terms of volume of transactions reached (20%) of the volume of the banking sector, after the circulation was more than (60) million shares valued exceeded (175) million dinars. The manufacturing sector has been circulating shares (11) is a company which rose rates the shares of two companies is a pharmaceutical company Mansour (17.39%), the highest rate of increase achieved in the light industry and the company rate (3.45%). rates are down prices of shares of companies (8) is a chemical industries (6.67%), the company Fallujah by a construction materials (6.67%) and the metal and motorcycles by (6.67%) and beer company by the East (5.56%), a modern sewing company (5.26%), and Nineveh by the Food Industries (3.45%) wa dates for by the Iraqi (3.03%), and finally the company cartoons by industry (3.03%). With electronic industries, the company has maintained the same rate of the price originally at the previous meeting and the industrial index closed b (11.842) points by a low (0.008%) of the previous meeting. The company achieved its light industries, the highest rate in terms of number of shares traded and the volume of trading in the industrial sector amounted to (34.3%) and (35.8%) of the number of shares and trading volume in the industrial sector, After deliberating more than (23) million shares worth more than (34) million dinars. In general circulation was (30) out of a total of (90) is a joint stock company listed on the market. rates increased prices of shares of companies (6), rates dropped prices of shares of the company (22) with two maintained the same rates of the previous prices, still (20) the company stopped trading because of the its annual general and the implementation of the resolutions of public bodies and (12) the company stopped trading on the decision of the Securities Commission of Iraq.

    the decline in the volume of shares traded in the market for securities Iraq
    Baghdad : Ali Jasim Meetings held the fifth month of October for the Iraq market for securities handled shares of the company (30) The number of shares traded by (533) million shares exceeded the value (1.034) billion dinars through the implementation (378) contract closed Almehrabam the market (27.592) points by a low (0.537%) of the previous meeting. In the banking sector, shares of the circulation (12) banking firm rates rose during which the shares of two companies are : Gulf Bank commercial rate (3.57%) and Bank of the North (3.57%). The rates dropped prices of shares (10) companies are Bank Basra rate (9.68%), Commercial Bank (by 9.3%) and the Islamic Bank rate (8.7%) and the Bank of Babel by (7.69%) and the National Bank of Iraq by (7.14%) and the Asian Darussalam rate (6.59%), the investment bank rate (5.13%) and the Bank of Baghdad rate (4.08%), a bank the economy rate (2.44%), and finally by the Bank of the Middle East (1.69%) and banking index closed b (38.388) points by a low (1.026%) of the previous meeting. The share of the banking sector of the number of shares traded exceeded (457) million shares, or amount (85.9%) of the total number of shares traded in the meeting and the value of (875) million dinars, or (84.6%) of the total volume. The bank has the highest proportion of Basra, where the number of shares traded amounted to (19.5%) in terms of the number of shares traded of the banking sector, after the circulation was more than (89) million shares valued exceeded (122) million dinars. The Bank of the Middle East has the highest proportion in terms of volume of transactions reached (20%) of the volume of the banking sector, after the circulation was more than (60) million shares valued exceeded (175) million dinars. The manufacturing sector has been circulating shares (11) is a company which rose rates the shares of two companies is a pharmaceutical company Mansour (17.39%), the highest rate of increase achieved in the light industry and the company rate (3.45%). rates are down prices of shares of companies (8) is a chemical industries (6.67%), the company Fallujah by a construction materials (6.67%) and the metal and motorcycles by (6.67%) and beer company by the East (5.56%), a modern sewing company (5.26%), and Nineveh by the Food Industries (3.45%) wa dates for by the Iraqi (3.03%), and finally the company cartoons by industry (3.03%). With electronic industries, the company has maintained the same rate of the price originally at the previous meeting and the industrial index closed b (11.842) points by a low (0.008%) of the previous meeting. The company achieved its light industries, the highest rate in terms of number of shares traded and the volume of trading in the industrial sector amounted to (34.3%) and (35.8%) of the number of shares and trading volume in the industrial sector, After deliberating more than (23) million shares worth more than (34) million dinars. In general circulation was (30) out of a total of (90) is a joint stock company listed on the market. rates increased prices of shares of companies (6), rates dropped prices of shares of the company (22) with two maintained the same rates of the previous prices, still (20) the company stopped trading because of the its annual general and the implementation of the resolutions of public bodies and (12) the company stopped trading on the decision of the Securities Commission of Iraq.

    the decline in the volume of shares traded in the market for securities Iraq
    Baghdad : Ali Jasim Meetings held the fifth month of October for the Iraq market for securities handled shares of the company (30) The number of shares traded by (533) million shares exceeded the value (1.034) billion dinars through the implementation (378) contract closed Almehrabam the market (27.592) points by a low (0.537%) of the previous meeting. In the banking sector, shares of the circulation (12) banking firm rates rose during which the shares of two companies are : Gulf Bank commercial rate (3.57%) and Bank of the North (3.57%). The rates dropped prices of shares (10) companies are Bank Basra rate (9.68%), Commercial Bank (by 9.3%) and the Islamic Bank rate (8.7%) and the Bank of Babel by (7.69%) and the National Bank of Iraq by (7.14%) and the Asian Darussalam rate (6.59%), the investment bank rate (5.13%) and the Bank of Baghdad rate (4.08%), a bank the economy rate (2.44%), and finally by the Bank of the Middle East (1.69%) and banking index closed b (38.388) points by a low (1.026%) of the previous meeting. The share of the banking sector of the number of shares traded exceeded (457) million shares, or amount (85.9%) of the total number of shares traded in the meeting and the value of (875) million dinars, or (84.6%) of the total volume. The bank has the highest proportion of Basra, where the number of shares traded amounted to (19.5%) in terms of the number of shares traded of the banking sector, after the circulation was more than (89) million shares valued exceeded (122) million dinars. The Bank of the Middle East has the highest proportion in terms of volume of transactions reached (20%) of the volume of the banking sector, after the circulation was more than (60) million shares valued exceeded (175) million dinars. The manufacturing sector has been circulating shares (11) is a company which rose rates the shares of two companies is a pharmaceutical company Mansour (17.39%), the highest rate of increase achieved in the light industry and the company rate (3.45%). rates are down prices of shares of companies (8) is a chemical industries (6.67%), the company Fallujah by a construction materials (6.67%) and the metal and motorcycles by (6.67%) and beer company by the East (5.56%), a modern sewing company (5.26%), and Nineveh by the Food Industries (3.45%) wa dates for by the Iraqi (3.03%), and finally the company cartoons by industry (3.03%). With electronic industries, the company has maintained the same rate of the price originally at the previous meeting and the industrial index closed b (11.842) points by a low (0.008%) of the previous meeting. The company achieved its light industries, the highest rate in terms of number of shares traded and the volume of trading in the industrial sector amounted to (34.3%) and (35.8%) of the number of shares and trading volume in the industrial sector, After deliberating more than (23) million shares worth more than (34) million dinars. In general circulation was (30) out of a total of (90) is a joint stock company listed on the market. rates increased prices of shares of companies (6), rates dropped prices of shares of the company (22) with two maintained the same rates of the previous prices, still (20) the company stopped trading because of the its annual general and the implementation of the resolutions of public bodies and (12) the company stopped trading on the decision of the Securities Commission of Iraq.

    the decline in the volume of shares traded in the market for securities Iraq
    Baghdad : Ali Jasim Meetings held the fifth month of October for the Iraq market for securities handled shares of the company (30) The number of shares traded by (533) million shares exceeded the value (1.034) billion dinars through the implementation (378) contract closed Almehrabam the market (27.592) points by a low (0.537%) of the previous meeting. In the banking sector, shares of the circulation (12) banking firm rates rose during which the shares of two companies are : Gulf Bank commercial rate (3.57%) and Bank of the North (3.57%). The rates dropped prices of shares (10) companies are Bank Basra rate (9.68%), Commercial Bank (by 9.3%) and the Islamic Bank rate (8.7%) and the Bank of Babel by (7.69%) and the National Bank of Iraq by (7.14%) and the Asian Darussalam rate (6.59%), the investment bank rate (5.13%) and the Bank of Baghdad rate (4.08%), a bank the economy rate (2.44%), and finally by the Bank of the Middle East (1.69%) and banking index closed b (38.388) points by a low (1.026%) of the previous meeting. The share of the banking sector of the number of shares traded exceeded (457) million shares, or amount (85.9%) of the total number of shares traded in the meeting and the value of (875) million dinars, or (84.6%) of the total volume. The bank has the highest proportion of Basra, where the number of shares traded amounted to (19.5%) in terms of the number of shares traded of the banking sector, after the circulation was more than (89) million shares valued exceeded (122) million dinars. The Bank of the Middle East has the highest proportion in terms of volume of transactions reached (20%) of the volume of the banking sector, after the circulation was more than (60) million shares valued exceeded (175) million dinars. The manufacturing sector has been circulating shares (11) is a company which rose rates the shares of two companies is a pharmaceutical company Mansour (17.39%), the highest rate of increase achieved in the light industry and the company rate (3.45%). rates are down prices of shares of companies (8) is a chemical industries (6.67%), the company Fallujah by a construction materials (6.67%) and the metal and motorcycles by (6.67%) and beer company by the East (5.56%), a modern sewing company (5.26%), and Nineveh by the Food Industries (3.45%) wa dates for by the Iraqi (3.03%), and finally the company cartoons by industry (3.03%). With electronic industries, the company has maintained the same rate of the price originally at the previous meeting and the industrial index closed b (11.842) points by a low (0.008%) of the previous meeting. The company achieved its light industries, the highest rate in terms of number of shares traded and the volume of trading in the industrial sector amounted to (34.3%) and (35.8%) of the number of shares and trading volume in the industrial sector, After deliberating more than (23) million shares worth more than (34) million dinars. In general circulation was (30) out of a total of (90) is a joint stock company listed on the market. rates increased prices of shares of companies (6), rates dropped prices of shares of the company (22) with two maintained the same rates of the previous prices, still (20) the company stopped trading because of the its annual general and the implementation of the resolutions of public bodies and (12) the company stopped trading on the decision of the Securities Commission of Iraq.

    franny, were almost there!!

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    looking back i cant see this but on bbc radio 2 terry wogan said that there has been a curfew put in place in iraq has anyone heard this ????

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