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  1. #16081
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBrain View Post
    That was my impression, did you read something else into it?

    He's gotta be.

    Ahh yes, I really must agree with you!

    The strange thing though was that as I was watching this report I had a really strange desire to "bob for apples"!
    Like to Shop? Like to Save Money? What if you could do both and Make Money Also?? Be sure and check this out!!! "MyWorldPlus"

    I am JustPraying and I am also a Dreamer!

    Do a good deed for someone that you don't know each day!

  2. #16082
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar-Excited View Post
    Well I have to say this is one EXCITED Kitty!!!!!!

    I knew it could happen but to visualize such a life changing event has my breath going.

    I just keep thinking of all the facts that makes this the best time for the New Iraq.

    I finally got my neighbors to look at this and their Dinars came today. Boy I am going to have some life long buddy's from this.

    Now even the Naysayers on some other sites are changing their tune which I find funny. I knew we were right all along. I mean the amount of money to be made in Iraq is obscene. Republicans always make money so we new we were in good company and also lets not forget the 27 other Country's that are vested into this. If you do not know how to make money yourself follow the people that do. I think the Republicans are a great bunch to follow.

    History always repeats itself!!!!!


    but the dems did the same thing basicallly in kuwait with clinton. a government teacher in 6th grade taught me that when there is a war there are always monies to be made. some countries have even instigated confrontations to stimulate economic growth as he pointed out in histories of govts. man am i glad i wasnt starin out the window the whole time he was talkin...

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #16083
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    19 October 2006 (Aljazeera)
    Eight people have died in a attack on an Iraqi bank in Kirkuk, while earlier in Mosul an explosive-laden truck was blown up near a police station killing at least 10 people.

    The bomber in the northern Iraqi oil hub of Kirkuk exploded his car at the entrance to the Bab al-Aswad bank in the south of the city on Thursday.

    Adel Zine al-Abidin, a local police chief, said the blast occurred just as Iraqi soldiers were waiting to collect their salaries.

    A large part of the bank building, two army vehicles and several nearby shops were set on fire by the explosion.

    Second Iraq car bomb hits Kirkuk bank | Iraq Updates

  4. #16084
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    Quote Originally Posted by texaslonghorns View Post
    I was on the Free Dinar call tonight. There were a couple things mentioned that I hadn't read about on here. The one that really surprised me was that they had talked with the cousin of the MoF today on the phone. Through his broken English they heard him saying he had made a couple calls after he found out the CBI website was down. He was saying something about additional denominations of Dinar but thats all they could understand. I was hoping Dan would go a little deeper on that story. Dan (Apollo) also made some great arquements for a higher reval to keep a balance of Dinar being bought and sold via the world markets. If I missed anything feel free to add to this post. Apollo - If you read this and want to add to that phone call today I would love to hear more.
    Post 1451 of thread 6.... Apollo addressed this with me and I think as I mentioned about 6 posts up that they need smaller denoms (new Denoms) ready to go for the r/v.

  5. #16085
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    Default "Stuff!"


    #1 - Indira has not spoken to fam in 24 hrs. / She’s been way to busy being tickled, etc. No way she’ll be a translator / despite my best efforts / she considers it work & looks @ work as Maynord G. Krebs did in Dobie Gillis . . .

    #2 - About 6 hrs. ago I called BOA / in L.A. back with a little *plot* . . .

    This requires a little background . . . during the 80’s I had a small piece of a little private bank in Reading PA., called The Knoblauch Private Bank . . .

    So, I pulled out all my old files & found our old E.I.N’s, swift code / routing #’s, etc., & decided to do a little *covert* wet work . . .

    With the above / & my natural charm & rhythm once connected to the BOA / it only took me a moment to get a currency trader in their Bank / to Bank / commercial dept. . . .

    I told the gal that I had a customer sitting across my desk who wished to purchase 50m NID, in CASH . . . and that he wanted the actual notes, and preferred new uncirc. 25K notes. And that he had informed me that according to information he had . . . all NID currency coming into The USA was handled by them @ BOA . . . So I asked her if we could order 50m from her . . .

    She checked for a moment or two with me listening / I was not on hold . . . Her answer: “Yes, we do handle the NID, but,” . . . [pauses] . . . I am not able to give you a current quote . . .”

    So, I asked, why Not?

    She says / while probably glaring @ her screen . . . “We can’t / Ahh, get a current quote / humm, that’s odd! This is strange.”

    I said, “What is odd?”

    She replies, “Apparently the Bank In Iraq is not showing any . . . humm, they aren’t showing anything . . . their site is not responding . . .”

    I say, “Yes, my customer says it’s been down for three days.” Then I ask, “Have you ever seen anything like this before?”

    She replies, “Three days, Huh, . . . No, . . . well, only once but . . . that was when a major change in value was in the works.” Then she shut up.

    I said, “Ma’am are you still there?”

    “Yes, I’m still here . . .”

    End of useful part of our conversation . . .

    So, here’s my question for everyone . . . “Has anyone had any trouble buying / or getting a quote today?” . . .

    If they’re still quoting / maybe they’re already here & in the distribution pipe-line . . . because with no official CBI pricing / or quotes, no one would be foolish enough to do any quoting . . . The CBI is the name written on the notes . . .

    Also, . . . Mods / Move this if you wish / I don’t know it its news / with a rumor hook @ the end / or a straight rumor / or what it is . . . do as you wish . .

    Best to all . . . RR . . .
    Φ Iligitimi Non Carborundum Φ....

  6. #16086
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    RollsRoyce... at the top of the screen you will see the scrolling use to show the iqd/usd in the it is in black...hope this helps some.

  7. #16087
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    Thanks RR for the covert work..You had a good plan nice!!I wonder what other time\and place it was than..

  8. #16088
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    don't use that won't work sorry

    try this link
    Last edited by jedi17; 20-10-2006 at 05:47 AM.

  9. #16089
    Can read but not post. motomachi's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Dead Lift Dude!

    RR, for a dead lift dude, you could fit into the James Bond or Derek Flint type!

    Thanks for the spy work and getting the groupie all worked up!

    Smaller denominations, CBI closed for a slight change in the "books"! Kurds are almost quiet, except for a few giggles!

    What are we looking at, what else?

    An RV!

    Quote Originally Posted by RollsRoyce View Post

    #1 - Indira has not spoken to fam in 24 hrs. / She’s been way to busy being tickled, etc. No way she’ll be a translator / despite my best efforts / she considers it work & looks @ work as Maynord G. Krebs did in Dobie Gillis . . .

    #2 - About 6 hrs. ago I called BOA / in L.A. back with a little *plot* . . .

    This requires a little background . . . during the 80’s I had a small piece of a little private bank in Reading PA., called The Knoblauch Private Bank . . .

    So, I pulled out all my old files & found our old E.I.N’s, swift code / routing #’s, etc., & decided to do a little *covert* wet work . . .

    With the above / & my natural charm & rhythm once connected to the BOA / it only took me a moment to get a currency trader in their Bank / to Bank / commercial dept. . . .

    I told the gal that I had a customer sitting across my desk who wished to purchase 50m NID, in CASH . . . and that he wanted the actual notes, and preferred new uncirc. 25K notes. And that he had informed me that according to information he had . . . all NID currency coming into The USA was handled by them @ BOA . . . So I asked her if we could order 50m from her . . .

    She checked for a moment or two with me listening / I was not on hold . . . Her answer: “Yes, we do handle the NID, but,” . . . [pauses] . . . I am not able to give you a current quote . . .”

    So, I asked, why Not?

    She says / while probably glaring @ her screen . . . “We can’t / Ahh, get a current quote / humm, that’s odd! This is strange.”

    I said, “What is odd?”

    She replies, “Apparently the Bank In Iraq is not showing any . . . humm, they aren’t showing anything . . . their site is not responding . . .”

    I say, “Yes, my customer says it’s been down for three days.” Then I ask, “Have you ever seen anything like this before?”

    She replies, “Three days, Huh, . . . No, . . . well, only once but . . . that was when a major change in value was in the works.” Then she shut up.

    I said, “Ma’am are you still there?”

    “Yes, I’m still here . . .”

    End of useful part of our conversation . . .

    So, here’s my question for everyone . . . “Has anyone had any trouble buying / or getting a quote today?” . . .

    If they’re still quoting / maybe they’re already here & in the distribution pipe-line . . . because with no official CBI pricing / or quotes, no one would be foolish enough to do any quoting . . . The CBI is the name written on the notes . . .

    Also, . . . Mods / Move this if you wish / I don’t know it its news / with a rumor hook @ the end / or a straight rumor / or what it is . . . do as you wish . .

    Best to all . . . RR . . .

  10. #16090
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    Quote Originally Posted by RollsRoyce View Post

    I say, “Yes, my customer says it’s been down for three days.” Then I ask, “Have you ever seen anything like this before?”

    She replies, “Three days, Huh, . . . No, . . . well, only once but . . . that was when a major change in value was in the works.” Then she shut up.

    I like the sound of that!

    Hey RR VERY sneaky of you.....but it was worth it!

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