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  1. #16171
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    Hey, has anyone noticed that the CBI site it down???

    Sorry, I couldn't resist..

    Quote Originally Posted by texaslonghorns View Post
    [F]I was on the Free Dinar call tonight. There were a couple things mentioned that I hadn't read about on here. The one that really surprised me was that they had talked with the cousin of the MOF today on the phone. Through his broken English they heard him saying he had made a couple calls after he found out the CBI website was down. He was saying something about additional denominations of Dinar but that’s all they could understand. I was hoping Dan would go a little deeper on that story. Dan (Apollo) also made some great arguments for a higher reval to keep a balance of Dinar being bought and sold via the world markets. If I missed anything feel free to add to this post. Apollo - If you read this and want to add to that phone call today I would love to hear more.[/FONT]

    We contacted Ali Shabibi yesterday to see if he knew anything about the CBI site being down. He is in Jordan and works for us as our General Manager for a home building factory that we are just about to break ground on. He has been somewhat out of touch with the things in Iraq, and we keep him quite busy in Jordan. When he got back to us, he said that it appears that its off line.. Ah, yeah, we know, but why are they off line? That he didn't know, but he later got back with us and said that he has heard that "other denominations are being moved in to the banks". We specifically asked WHAT denominations and after about 5 minutes of trying to get through the language barrier, he said "LOWER". Whew!

    He is quite smart, and we often chat over the Google interface, but when speaking to him in person, a lot gets lost in translation. So I feel fairly confident that the lower denoms are in Iraq. We have considered having him on the call several times, but it just wouldn't work with the language problems.

    On another note, we currently have a local Arabic student coming into our office twice a week to teach us (mostly Jeremy and Dustin) Arabic. Last week I showed him the paper where the MOF makes the infamous "147" statement. After a short lesson in how the English numbers we currently use were the original Arabic numbers, and the current Arabic numbers were taken from India (I think), he read the article (several times) and he believes that the MOF was saying that 147 or 1.47 is where in his opinion the currency should be valued at. He was also confused because he knew that 1470 is (or was) the current value, so in the end, he was somewhat confused, but still stuck to his original view.

    I was also going to have him watch the video where the 14 denominations were mentioned, but we may know before our next lesson exactly what those are. This video is also in a streaming format, so I can't download it and send it home with him, or at least I haven't been able to find a way.

    One other thing that Bob mentioned to me (and he has also been out of the loop for quite a while), is that the TBI has recently suspended writing LC's for any of their own contracts. They will still write them for the Ministry, but those are usually made in dollars. Nothing done in Dinars. This would fit perfectly if they knew a reval was around the corner and didn't want to get caught writing an LC for several billion dinars...

    Anyway, its way past my bedtime. Keep up the good work and with a little luck, we will all be doing the happy dance before long!!!!



  2. #16172
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by choochie View Post
    Good morning folks!
    I can't believe what I am seeing! My husband makes it home for one day(yesterday) for his birthday. I decided to spend the day with him, instead of checking in here. Well, since the last time I was here (Wednesday night) you guys have started a new thread, and it has 76 pages! Can anyone round things up for me, I am assuming I haven't missed anything too important, will go back a couple of pages, but would be nice if someone can tell me if there was any big news. I know we were waiting on some meeting, did that happen? A lot to catch up on.
    you made the right choice. moments only come around once and when they are past, you cant get them back.
    we are awaiting the money distribution next week, lots of good articles if you get an extra minute or two, tons of bullshiite inbetween tho but they keep it cleaned out pretty good.
    since they are passing the money out next week and considering next week for them starts on sunday i am expecting things to happen this weekend.

    and i laughed at someone else for packin already, sittin here contemplatin it myself...

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #16173
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    Quote Originally Posted by choochie View Post
    Good morning folks!
    I can't believe what I am seeing! My husband makes it home for one day(yesterday) for his birthday. I decided to spend the day with him, instead of checking in here. Well, since the last time I was here (Wednesday night) you guys have started a new thread, and it has 76 pages! Can anyone round things up for me, I am assuming I haven't missed anything too important, will go back a couple of pages, but would be nice if someone can tell me if there was any big news. I know we were waiting on some meeting, did that happen? A lot to catch up on.
    Interesting post by RR on page 68:

  4. #16174
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    Default Iraqi Investments Club

    Iraq Ulema Seek Reconciliation
    Siraj Wahab & Saeed Al-Abyad, Arab News JEDDAH, 20 October 2006 — It is being billed as the first serious and tangible step by the Muslim world to halt the growing bloodshed in Iraq between Shiites and Sunnis.

    Nearly 50 Iraqi scholars from both communities were busy yesterday fine-tuning a document that essentially calls for ending the fratricidal carnage in Iraq. Their names were, however, not revealed to the media.
    General principles about avoiding inter-Muslim violence, which are the subject of agreement among all sects without exception, have been collated in a document known as the Makkah Document.

    The meeting tonight at the royal palace in Makkah that overlooks the Holy Kaaba is being held under the auspices of the 57-member Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). Expectations in the Muslim street are high but analysts doubt if the accord will have any positive impact.

    “The document is aimed at ending bloodshed among Muslims in Iraq and putting an end to the sectarian fighting and the terrorizing of the innocent people there,” said Mahdi Fathallah, the director of OIC’s political affairs, at a press conference yesterday. The conference was attended by a large contingent of journalists from Iraq.

    “The sectarian fighting in Iraq has caused a great deal of concern, not only for the Iraqi people but for all Muslims,” he said. “It, therefore, became incumbent upon the Ummah to try and defuse the situation,” he added, pointing out the Qur’anic injunction that says: “If two parties among the believers fall into a quarrel, make peace between them.”

    According to Fathallah, the meeting has no political agenda. “It is not a conference, a symposium, a debate, a discussion or a form of negotiation. It is simply a meeting of ulema (religious scholars) from both communities,” he said. “They have come together to underline the importance of unity and to help stop the spilling of Muslim blood in the streets of Iraq.”

    Fathallah said everybody agrees on the inviolability of a Muslim’s blood and the prohibition of taking the life of any human being without due justification.
    “The taking of even one single innocent life is viewed in Islam as equivalent to a homicide against all people on earth,” he added. “It is agreed among all the believers that one is duty-bound to avoid disobedience to Allah in whose eyes spilling the blood of an innocent is the most despicable sin.”

    On what impact the meeting will have on the ground, Fathallah said: “For such a document to be issued from the holy city of Makkah and in the blessed month of Ramadan in itself constitutes a wake-up call for Muslims. It would enlighten them on their duties vis-à-vis the sectarian conflict and remind all Muslims and especially Iraqis of Allah’s law in this regard.”
    The document has received full approval and endorsement from Iraq’s key leadership, most notably from Shiite leader Ali Al-Sistani, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki and militant leader Moqtada Sadr.

    “Since the document does not contain any controversial matter whatsoever, we are optimistic that success will be on our side for us to be able to assist our brothers in Iraq to live in peace and security and to help put an end to the sectarian bloodshed there,” Fathallah said.

    He said the Makkah Document would form the core of Friday sermons throughout the Muslim world.

    “We want every Muslim to understand the Qur’anic injunctions to desist from spilling Muslim blood,” he added.

    Fathallah’s optimism was, however, not shared by political analysts who say the problem of sectarianism is a direct result of the American occupation of Iraq.

    “It is the occupation that is leading to all kinds of problems. US commanders are to be blamed for the deteriorating security situation in Iraq. They (the Americans) are playing one community against the other. It is a classic imperial game: pitting one community against the other and then lording over them,” said a leading Arab journalist on his blog.
    However, one newspaper in the region called it a welcome development. “The OIC has at long last become involved in an effort to end the bloodshed in Iraq. The alarming situation in the country requires the urgent attention and constructive engagement of all of the region’s multilateral organizations, which have been slow to respond to the intensifying crisis,” it said.

    Iraq Ulema Seek Reconciliation

  5. #16175
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    Quote Originally Posted by _Apollo_ View Post
    Hey, has anyone noticed that the CBI site it down???

    Sorry, I couldn't resist..

    We contacted Ali Shabibi yesterday to see if he knew anything about the CBI site being down. He is in Jordan and works for us as our General Manager for a home building factory that we are just about to break ground on. He has been somewhat out of touch with the things in Iraq, and we keep him quite busy in Jordan. When he got back to us, he said that it appears that its off line.. Ah, yeah, we know, but why are they off line? That he didn't know, but he later got back with us and said that he has heard that "other denominations are being moved in to the banks". We specifically asked WHAT denominations and after about 5 minutes of trying to get through the language barrier, he said "LOWER". Whew!

    He is quite smart, and we often chat over the Google interface, but when speaking to him in person, a lot gets lost in translation. So I feel fairly confident that the lower denoms are in Iraq. We have considered having him on the call several times, but it just wouldn't work with the language problems.

    On another note, we currently have a local Arabic student coming into our office twice a week to teach us (mostly Jeremy and Dustin) Arabic. Last week I showed him the paper where the MOF makes the infamous "147" statement. After a short lesson in how the English numbers we currently use were the original Arabic numbers, and the current Arabic numbers were taken from India (I think), he read the article (several times) and he believes that the MOF was saying that 147 or 1.47 is where in his opinion the currency should be valued at. He was also confused because he knew that 1470 is (or was) the current value, so in the end, he was somewhat confused, but still stuck to his original view.

    I was also going to have him watch the video where the 14 denominations were mentioned, but we may know before our next lesson exactly what those are. This video is also in a streaming format, so I can't download it and send it home with him, or at least I haven't been able to find a way.

    One other thing that Bob mentioned to me (and he has also been out of the loop for quite a while), is that the TBI has recently suspended writing LC's for any of their own contracts. They will still write them for the Ministry, but those are usually made in dollars. Nothing done in Dinars. This would fit perfectly if they knew a reval was around the corner and didn't want to get caught writing an LC for several billion dinars...

    Anyway, its way past my bedtime. Keep up the good work and with a little luck, we will all be doing the happy dance before long!!!!


    good luck learning arabic even the military takes at least a year to teach it took me a year and a half to learn farsi.... might i make a sugestion.... learn herbrew im told if you learn that the others are REALLLY close to it like spanish and portaguese (sp)

  6. #16176
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    dammit it happened to me AGAIN!!! i was answering a post and the post got moved to the crazy thread 3. there i was postin news and nobody was commenting on it and should have been.

    looks as if the money has started going out.

    Great find Susie. Almost caught up! A lot of good stuff happening for sure.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  7. #16177
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    if dinar was a 'fixed' rate such as is the case by the cbi listing being the only price that is valid for any given day and its not actively traded, wouldnt a pair then reflect movement on the other currencies movement in the market when that currency is then trading?

    so, the movement you are seeing is the usd or eur in the market going up or down on its own market while the price of the dinar stays uniform.
    Exactly right Susie, remember the dinar is pegged with a limited range of movement, so what you're seeing on the charts when paired with the USD or the EUR is that particular currency going up or down......
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  8. #16178
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    Quote Originally Posted by _Apollo_ View Post
    Hey, has anyone noticed that the CBI site it down???

    Sorry, I couldn't resist..

    We contacted Ali Shabibi yesterday to see if he knew anything about the CBI site being down. He is in Jordan and works for us as our General Manager for a home building factory that we are just about to break ground on. He has been somewhat out of touch with the things in Iraq, and we keep him quite busy in Jordan. When he got back to us, he said that it appears that its off line.. Ah, yeah, we know, but why are they off line? That he didn't know, but he later got back with us and said that he has heard that "other denominations are being moved in to the banks". We specifically asked WHAT denominations and after about 5 minutes of trying to get through the language barrier, he said "LOWER". Whew!

    He is quite smart, and we often chat over the Google interface, but when speaking to him in person, a lot gets lost in translation. So I feel fairly confident that the lower denoms are in Iraq. We have considered having him on the call several times, but it just wouldn't work with the language problems.

    On another note, we currently have a local Arabic student coming into our office twice a week to teach us (mostly Jeremy and Dustin) Arabic. Last week I showed him the paper where the MOF makes the infamous "147" statement. After a short lesson in how the English numbers we currently use were the original Arabic numbers, and the current Arabic numbers were taken from India (I think), he read the article (several times) and he believes that the MOF was saying that 147 or 1.47 is where in his opinion the currency should be valued at. He was also confused because he knew that 1470 is (or was) the current value, so in the end, he was somewhat confused, but still stuck to his original view.

    I was also going to have him watch the video where the 14 denominations were mentioned, but we may know before our next lesson exactly what those are. This video is also in a streaming format, so I can't download it and send it home with him, or at least I haven't been able to find a way.

    One other thing that Bob mentioned to me (and he has also been out of the loop for quite a while), is that the TBI has recently suspended writing LC's for any of their own contracts. They will still write them for the Ministry, but those are usually made in dollars. Nothing done in Dinars. This would fit perfectly if they knew a reval was around the corner and didn't want to get caught writing an LC for several billion dinars...

    Anyway, its way past my bedtime. Keep up the good work and with a little luck, we will all be doing the happy dance before long!!!!


    should have mentioned what time it was and i would have called in and given you a hard time, lol.

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #16179
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Exactly right Susie, remember the dinar is pegged with a limited range of movement, so what you're seeing on the charts when paired with the USD or the EUR is that particular currency going up or down......
    this has been repeated so many time i just ignore the rates on those sights now... but ya its because of the movement in doller

  10. #16180
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Exactly right Susie, remember the dinar is pegged with a limited range of movement, so what you're seeing on the charts when paired with the USD or the EUR is that particular currency going up or down......

    didnt i just say that???

    franny, were almost there!!

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